So what would you do differently with the crafting system than they have now?
To me it needs:
1) Crafting Tree: Starts off with the basics, which could be connected to the crafting Tutorial. Then it starts branching out into Weapon Systems, Defensive Systems, and Support Systems (like consoles).
2) Schematics: Like the old system, schematics are available anywhere and sold at vendors. Single Use can b
e cheap, or permanent unlocks from stores at great expense. More advanced schematics can be mission rewards, very rare drops, or sold in lockboxes.
3) Assembly: The schematic provides a basic map of components / parts to assemble an item. Higher skills provides greater ability to enhance systems by adding or changing modifiers.
4) Upgrading: Can take an existing item and add modifiers. Like turning a Rare into a Very Rare. Higher the skill, the better at upgrading.
5) Reverse Engineering: Able to take apart items and learn their systems. Can create schematics from them or find unique components that can be used in crafting.
6) Researching: Able to research items without producing them. (Which we seen on occasion on Star Trek). So players can level up their crafting without needing to create vendor trash, but the experience gain is slower.
Researching also has the benefit of unlocking different systems.
7) Modifications: Since Kits now use the gem system, surely gems could be used in crafting in letting us choose our modifications. The more modifications, the more skill required. But difficulty increases exponentially if you are attempting to assemble with similar modifiers.
For an example. Crafting a Very Rare MkXII with ACC, CritH, CritD, is far easier than a MKXII with ACCx2. But assembly of ACCx3 is among the most difficult to craft. Even Master Crafters would find it very difficult.
DOFFs: They are the primary workers who assemble the crafted items (which goes with the current version here on Tribble). And the DOFFs can be used for researching as well, but they take much longer than if the player does it themselves.
Dilithum: Only needed for the actual assembly of components (energy cost). Since players could gain experience through researching, it provides them a Dilthum-less alternative. It might take longer but it's free.
Well since scrapping the system on Tribble is probably not going to happen, and to be honest there are actually parts of it that I either do like or at least don't mind, I'd make the following changes to it:
1) Player experience level in a particular crafting school dictates how much randomness they're subjected to. I'm pretty sure the randomness factor was intended to represent discovery. For example you're researching beam array technology but you're not quite sure about every possible variable yet when you're just starting out, but by the time you're considered an expert in that field you should be confident of the results of what you're manufacturing every time. So a new crafter coming into the system should expect white quality gear, but they might get lucky, while someone who has maxed out their experience in a school should be getting purple quality results every time they start a project (provided they don't chose to leave something to chance, more on this later).
2) Modify how components work. First of all I actually like the concept of components. They also represent a potential niche for dedicated crafters to carve out for themselves in the marketplace. Instead change componets to represent the modifiers. So if I'm crafting a weapon and I want an [acc] mod on it I'll slot, lets say, a Targeting Interface component. And adjust the UI so the listed component specifies what modifier it provides.
3) Let school exp level determine how much control you have over your crafted item's mods. Exp levels 0 - 4 in the school puts the player at white quality outcomes with the occasional crit granting a random mod and upping the rarity value of the crafted item. Level five in a school unlocks the players ability to slot one component and they can now reliably craft green quality gear. Level 10 unlocks the ability to slot a second component. Level 15 unlocks the ability to slot a third. Level 20 (the level cap) removes the random factor if a player fills all three available component slots. An unlocked component slot that is not filled always defaults to random (with a possibility of no mod, because if the player has the ability to slot a component but does not then it becomes their choice to gamble).
4) The number of components slotted determines the dilithium cost of mark 11 & 12 items (MK10 and below still cost no Dil as per the current system on Tribble). If the player has the ability to slot three components, but choses not to, instead leaving themselves at the mercy of the RNG they pay nothing. If they slot all three components on a Mk 12 project then they pay the current price of 20,000 dil. Slotting one or two puts them in the middle in terms of dilithium cost.
5) The system rolls for a critical result when crafting equipment. A critical results in an increase in rarity, up to Ultra Rare, with a bonus "crafting system only" modifier. These special modifiers are the ones the devs have hinted at but not yet given details on, and are only available in the crafting system.
6) Catalysts can still be used to improve critical chance.
-Craft white item. Common Materials
-Upgrade white up to green quality. Uncommon Materials, 500 dilithium.
-Upgrade to blue quality. Rare Materials, 2000 dilithium. (2500 total dilithium cost)
-Upgrade to purple quality, Very Rare Materials, 5000 dilithium. (7500 total dilithium cost)
-?Upgrade to prismatic/orange quality, Ultra Rare Materials, 10k diltihium. (17500 total dilithium cost)?
Modifiers can be influenced by components slotted to the 'Catalyst' slots. Basic Modifiers can be crafted with uncommon/rare materials, exotic modifiers can be obtained via reputations/fleet holdings/lockbox components.
Edit: Expanding on the idea, rather than having doffs impact the quality of the outcome, perhaps they can reduce the cost?
Say, a baseline success would cost 2-3 times the amount(which is on par with the current costs of other dilithium-based gear). Each tier of success above that would be closer, with purple success being the above-listed costs.
This would reward upgrading your Doffs and crafting skill, while not punishing players with the random gambling factor. A master crafter can do more, with less.
If you absolutely must have some sort of mandated nickle'n'dime reagent that you must push with this revamp, use it as an alternative to dilithium to speed along projects. Just keep in mind lengthening projects too much without it will also kill the entire system(it should be a convenience, not a requirement).
and lastly, NO DILITHIUM, PERIOD! It was stupid when they put it in the game in the first place, it killed crafting pretty much over night, what makes them think it would change anything now.
seriously, Cryptic's crack pipe must be hot to the touch with this one.
and lastly, NO DILITHIUM, PERIOD! It was stupid when they put it in the game in the first place, it killed crafting pretty much over night, what makes them think it would change anything now.
seriously, Cryptic's crack pipe must be hot to the touch with this one.
Crafting should be all about the time and gathering of materials, no Dilithium in it at all!
Dilithium must exist in the system somewhere, or else it would completely invalidate all the rest of the endgame gear which requires it. Furthermore, the Dilithium Exchange fuels this game, it keeps it running and paying the bills - that's a good thing. Crafting isn't going to come without a dilithium sink of some sort, it's just not going to happen. The Genie/Djinn is out of the bottle.
The above system I proposed seems like the fairest compromise, obviously in my opinion. It allows people to get invested in their items and upgrade that equipment over time as they can afford it. The pricing takes into account the investment to gather the materials and time spent(relative to end game alternatives), and lets you make a pretty nice item with a single day's worth of refinement - or get started with a bunch of items on that same budget. It's kind of like Voyager upgrading its existing weapons or whatever when they got ahold of various exotic technology(consider how often systems were modified/upgraded rather than replaced/built from scratch in the various series).
So what would you do differently with the crafting system than they have now?
To me it needs:
1) Crafting Tree: Starts off with the basics, which could be connected to the crafting Tutorial. Then it starts branching out into Weapon Systems, Defensive Systems, and Support Systems (like consoles).
Couldn't agree more here. Make the tutorial include such things as being "given" your first schematics (batteries maybe) and have you learn how to craft a few of each to get you started. Maybe have Feds create a Common MkII Phaser rifle to replace their standard Common MkI Phaser Pistol (Klingons get Disruptors for free and Romulans get Plasma). And get crafting introduced early on so new players/low level alts might use it more.
2) Schematics: Like the old system, schematics are available anywhere and sold at vendors. Single Use can be cheap, or permanent unlocks from stores at great expense. More advanced schematics can be mission rewards, very rare drops, or sold in lockboxes.
Again, love this idea. A Fed destroys a Klingon ship and finds a Disruptor schematic so they can take it to a crating station and try to make a Disruptor. Each schematic is single use but making X number of Disruptors unlocks the ability to make disruptors without a disruptor schematic in future. This ability can be unlocked for zen to speed up the process. Always liked the idea that I could get a schematic by "reverse-engineering" but this is covered later.
3) Assembly: The schematic provides a basic map of components / parts to assemble an item. Higher skills provides greater ability to enhance systems by adding or changing modifiers.
4) Upgrading: Can take an existing item and add modifiers. Like turning a Rare into a Very Rare. Higher the skill, the better at upgrading.
Yup, again.
5) Reverse Engineering: Able to take apart items and learn their systems. Can create schematics from them or find unique components that can be used in crafting.
I agreed with this in the section on schematics but I'll expand upon it here. DDO:Eberron has you gain experience by breaking down existing game items using special items that are used up (purchased with ingame currency) or that are permanent (cash store unlock). Breaking down an undead killing mace can give you materials and the "undead" killing mod. Get a new weapon (which is made craftable by another process (requiring reagents)) and put it into the mixer with your new mod (so a fire-sword, for example) and try to make it. Fail and some of your reagents are used but no new item. Try again when XP is higher. Succeed and you now own a fiery, undead-killing sword. EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANTED, no more no less.
6) Researching: Able to research items without producing them. (Which we seen on occasion on Star Trek). So players can level up their crafting without needing to create vendor trash, but the experience gain is slower.
Researching also has the benefit of unlocking different systems.
I think you should gain XP by breaking down items to learn how they work. I gained experience of repairing computers by taking apart my old ones and then rebuilding them. Now I can build a computer from parts. The game should work this way. I cannot build a disruptor until I take X number apart, learning all the while, until I can take a bunch of components and build one with my eyes closed.
7) Modifications: Since Kits now use the gem system, surely gems could be used in crafting in letting us choose our modifications. The more modifications, the more skill required. But difficulty increases exponentially if you are attempting to assemble with similar modifiers.
For an example. Crafting a Very Rare MkXII with ACC, CritH, CritD, is far easier than a MKXII with ACCx2. But assembly of ACCx3 is among the most difficult to craft. Even Master Crafters would find it very difficult.
Just as it should be. Make reaching the level of Master mean something. Again, in DDO:Eberron, we had a guild-member who had mastered all crafting and would take our items/components and craft them for us. He also made a killing making stuff and selling it on the Auction House because his stuff was in demand.
DOFFs: They are the primary workers who assemble the crafted items (which goes with the current version here on Tribble). And the DOFFs can be used for researching as well, but they take much longer than if the player does it themselves.
If the DOFFs are used up and lost (as many have said happens, but I'm not sure on so will check it myself first) then I don't want DOFFs used as ingredients at all! If the DOFFs are used as a Catalyst (higher quality improves end result or reduces time needed) WITHOUT being used up then I'm all for some way of using them. Otherwise, crafting can get along without me. I'm NOT risking a MILLION EC DOFF for a CHANCE at getting what I want.
Dilithum: Only needed for the actual assembly of components (energy cost). Since players could gain experience through researching, it provides them a Dilthum-less alternative. It might take longer but it's free.
That's my take at least.
In addition to everything I put in RED above...I'd say put a bundle of components (and maybe rare schematic) into Zen-store as a purchase option for those that want to craft but have little time to grind the components. Brings money into the system one way without the direct need for Dil in the crafting process.
Do not put up Dil prices on REP and FLEET stores to bring it "in line" with crafting. Bring crafting online with Dil in-line with Rep and Fleet stores (ie, much lower that the 5k and 20k it currently is).
Add new schematics for those weapon types we only have in certain varieties (Dominion Polaron Turrets, DBBs, etc., Plasma-Disruptor Hybrid Turrets, DBBs, etc., Caustic-Plasma, Polarized Tetryon, Quad cannons, etc.). Allow people who have purchased bundles to have schematics from those bundles (DS9 bundle allows buyers to make Bajoran Phasers, TOS bundle allows buyers to craft TOS Blue Phasers). Allow lockbox ship owners/zen-store ship owners the ability to craft weapons for those ships (Cardassian Galor owners = Spiral Wave Disruptors, Andorian Escort owners = Andorian Phasers). Each of these last encourages purchases from zen-store/keys to open a lockbox and puts money in Cryptics pockets from more than one source instead of forcing people to grind/pay just for the CHANCE of getting what you want as the current tribble version does right now.
If dilithium MUST be used in crafting it should be used to reduce the timer on a crafting project for those who are cash rich but time poor. It should not be a REAGENT. I mean, imagine the following scenario...
Scientist : What are you making?
Engineer : Phaser.
Scientist : You're using dilithium to make a phaser?
Engineer : Yep, it's the only way.
Scientist : You're using too much... it's going to be TRIBBLE.
Engineer : Might be, you don't know that.
Scientist : Actually, I kinda do.
Engineer : Hah! Finished! An uncommon MkXI Phaser Rifle [Dmg]
Scientist : I have one of those already, I got it as a loot drop and it didn't cost me 5000 dilithium.
Engineer : F*** off you know all b*****d!
"...we are far more united and have far more in common with each other than the things that divide us.”
Jo Cox 22.6.1974 - 16.6.2016
I would have built the system around 3 basic principles or factors, gathering, process, and product.
Any player would have the ability to go out into the enironment and gather resources in the natural environment in the game through the use of exploration zones or the Foundry.
A simple method for taking the raw resources and through one of three methods refine the gathered resource. The three process would be mechanical, chemical, or experimental.
The findished product would be marketable to the exchange for profit.
How it would work.
After gathering resources, the player would use the ships laboratory, or starbase laboratory to refine the raw resource into a useable ingredient. These ingredients can be sold on the exchange if the refiner wants to.
The player would then turn the product over to a duty officer who would then use it to build a product.
I like the schematic idea, but in the way that Star Trek Online is structured, it doesn't make any sense for a starship Captain to to be manufacturing things in the game. It is not like Star Wars where, your character studies some specific field to gather components and then makes something. In Star Wars manufacturing is done by droids.
Star Trek doesn't have any droids other than Mr Data.
I think to make it work in Star Trek, they would have to add a reputation field such as "New Technologies." Then as you gain levels in that you can acquire technologies for your ship or even your fleet.
I say "reputation" because that is the only mechanism Star Trek Online has that is not tied to a fleet.
In my system, the player has to obtain a schematic to build the product. Schematics can be obtained from the reputation system, you can find them in the environment, or trade for them on the exchange.
I would even suggest adding a new class of character called merchant and developers. Who specialize in building things or trading things.
How refinement works is, the ship would have some device in the laboratory that you load up with the raw material and using a duty offcer, they will refine the material for you.
If you select a heat process you wil get one type of refine product. If you use mechanical, you will get another type of material from the refinement. If you use a experimental method, you will get some other result.
When players finally get the final product, it should always be the common version of the product. Players then can add to the product buy making it a better quality. As you add to the products that unlocks the [+mod] to the product.
Then when you want to add another mod tier to the device, you simply add a new mod to it. The mods should be a seperate thing that can be changed. Devices should only have three levels of modification which results in the Product [+mod 1][+mod 2][+mod 3].
Also, as you add one, or two, or three mods to a device that is what scales the device up to a green, a blue, or a purple item. What determiens the MK value is the white common device the person builds.
If there is any dilithium cost, it should be at the refinement step which is done through duty officers.
Since, the product and mods (mods are products). But adding mods to products already with mod, should not cost any dilithium. The player will pay the dilihium in the refinement and the reputation part of the system.
This way they didn't have to completely redesign the Duty Officer system or invent new gear.
I would have built the system around 3 basic principles or factors, gathering, process, and product.
Any player would have the ability to go out into the enironment and gather resources in the natural environment in the game through the use of exploration zones or the Foundry.
A simple method for taking the raw resources and through one of three methods refine the gathered resource. The three process would be mechanical, chemical, or experimental.
The findished product would be marketable to the exchange for profit.
How it would work.
After gathering resources, the player would use the ships laboratory, or starbase laboratory to refine the raw resource into a useable ingredient. These ingredients can be sold on the exchange if the refiner wants to.
I like the first part, reminds me of SWG. But the idea of using the ships laboratory to refine - pure brilliant! Would give a great reason to use ship interiors.
I like the schematic idea, but in the way that Star Trek Online is structured, it doesn't make any sense for a starship Captain to to be manufacturing things in the game. It is not like Star Wars where, your character studies some specific field to gather components and then makes something. In Star Wars manufacturing is done by droids.
True, it doesn't make sense. Then again, us crafting stuff to sell on the exchange doesn't as well. :P
I would even suggest adding a new class of character called merchant and developers. Who specialize in building things or trading things.
How refinement works is, the ship would have some device in the laboratory that you load up with the raw material and using a duty offcer, they will refine the material for you.
If you select a heat process you wil get one type of refine product. If you use mechanical, you will get another type of material from the refinement. If you use a experimental method, you will get some other result.
When players finally get the final product, it should always be the common version of the product. Players then can add to the product buy making it a better quality. As you add to the products that unlocks the [+mod] to the product.
Then when you want to add another mod tier to the device, you simply add a new mod to it. The mods should be a seperate thing that can be changed. Devices should only have three levels of modification which results in the Product [+mod 1][+mod 2][+mod 3].
So what would you do differently with the crafting system than they have now?
To me it needs:
1) Crafting Tree: Starts off with the basics, which could be connected to the crafting Tutorial. Then it starts branching out into Weapon Systems, Defensive Systems, and Support Systems (like consoles).
2) Schematics: Like the old system, schematics are available anywhere and sold at vendors. Single Use can b
e cheap, or permanent unlocks from stores at great expense. More advanced schematics can be mission rewards, very rare drops, or sold in lockboxes.
3) Assembly: The schematic provides a basic map of components / parts to assemble an item. Higher skills provides greater ability to enhance systems by adding or changing modifiers.
4) Upgrading: Can take an existing item and add modifiers. Like turning a Rare into a Very Rare. Higher the skill, the better at upgrading.
5) Reverse Engineering: Able to take apart items and learn their systems. Can create schematics from them or find unique components that can be used in crafting.
6) Researching: Able to research items without producing them. (Which we seen on occasion on Star Trek). So players can level up their crafting without needing to create vendor trash, but the experience gain is slower.
Researching also has the benefit of unlocking different systems.
7) Modifications: Since Kits now use the gem system, surely gems could be used in crafting in letting us choose our modifications. The more modifications, the more skill required. But difficulty increases exponentially if you are attempting to assemble with similar modifiers.
For an example. Crafting a Very Rare MkXII with ACC, CritH, CritD, is far easier than a MKXII with ACCx2. But assembly of ACCx3 is among the most difficult to craft. Even Master Crafters would find it very difficult.
DOFFs: They are the primary workers who assemble the crafted items (which goes with the current version here on Tribble). And the DOFFs can be used for researching as well, but they take much longer than if the player does it themselves.
Dilithum: Only needed for the actual assembly of components (energy cost). Since players could gain experience through researching, it provides them a Dilthum-less alternative. It might take longer but it's free.
That's my take at least.
1.) A tree would be more interesting than 7 linear paths.
2.) Schematics in my mind wouldn't be a single use thing. They would require projects to unlock, perhaps. Would work like a drop-down selection of what you can create (or, more likely 2, category and item).
3.) This sounds reasonable to me. Select the schematic from your UI and it displays slots you need to fill, whether with raw materials for base components or components for the end product. Also would have slots to choose your modifers (the number of modifier slots based on your skill level)
4.) Upgrading, I think, would be problematic, though an intriguing idea.
5.) Disassembly projects where you can de-construct an item to get the components back (but not raw materials). Quality of item determines quantity of parts and mods (if any). Here is where the "Random" factor should play a part. Would be possible to find a trapped item that destroys itself if you tamper with it.
6.) Research would be what unlocks schematics in my design. Allows for the crafting system to get periodic additions, say a research project unlocks at a certain reputation level that lets you get some interesting new modifiers.
7.) That raises a good point. In theory, though, no one mod is more powerful than another (within reason, of course.), so the increased chance of failure shouldn't be too big. Or if we can just dis-assemble the item and try again, that wouldn't be too bad other than time wasted (assuming we don't destroy it in the process...). What would the outcome of a failure be? Inferior gear? Lower mark or fewer mods? Parts?
Doffs: Used to mass produce the components, possibly to reduce end product crafting time, but the captain is still the one engaging in final assembly and not just handing it off to a Jr Officer. Or have a choice. The captain can choose whether to participate in assembly or passing it to a Doff with pros/cons to make both choices viable without one trumping the other.
Dilithium: I'm not sure how I feel about dilithium. I go back and forth in my mind between saying it would be fine on the items and thinking that it could also work by having a single upfront cost when you research a pattern/schematic (IE it would pay for itself after crafting so many items). The further drain of Dilithium would of course be when new schematic research projects are added.
With the odd tweak here and there ofc. (one step at a time tho right? )
1) Player experience level in a particular crafting school dictates how much randomness they're subjected to. I'm pretty sure the randomness factor was intended to represent discovery. For example you're researching beam array technology but you're not quite sure about every possible variable yet when you're just starting out, but by the time you're considered an expert in that field you should be confident of the results of what you're manufacturing every time. So a new crafter coming into the system should expect white quality gear, but they might get lucky, while someone who has maxed out their experience in a school should be getting purple quality results every time they start a project (provided they don't chose to leave something to chance, more on this later).
2) Modify how components work. First of all I actually like the concept of components. They also represent a potential niche for dedicated crafters to carve out for themselves in the marketplace. Instead change componets to represent the modifiers. So if I'm crafting a weapon and I want an [acc] mod on it I'll slot, lets say, a Targeting Interface component. And adjust the UI so the listed component specifies what modifier it provides.
3) Let school exp level determine how much control you have over your crafted item's mods. Exp levels 0 - 4 in the school puts the player at white quality outcomes with the occasional crit granting a random mod and upping the rarity value of the crafted item. Level five in a school unlocks the players ability to slot one component and they can now reliably craft green quality gear. Level 10 unlocks the ability to slot a second component. Level 15 unlocks the ability to slot a third. Level 20 (the level cap) removes the random factor if a player fills all three available component slots. An unlocked component slot that is not filled always defaults to random (with a possibility of no mod, because if the player has the ability to slot a component but does not then it becomes their choice to gamble).
4) The number of components slotted determines the dilithium cost of mark 11 & 12 items (MK10 and below still cost no Dil as per the current system on Tribble). If the player has the ability to slot three components, but choses not to, instead leaving themselves at the mercy of the RNG they pay nothing. If they slot all three components on a Mk 12 project then they pay the current price of 20,000 dil. Slotting one or two puts them in the middle in terms of dilithium cost.
5) The system rolls for a critical result when crafting equipment. A critical results in an increase in rarity, up to Ultra Rare, with a bonus "crafting system only" modifier. These special modifiers are the ones the devs have hinted at but not yet given details on, and are only available in the crafting system.
6) Catalysts can still be used to improve critical chance.
-Upgrade white up to green quality. Uncommon Materials, 500 dilithium.
-Upgrade to blue quality. Rare Materials, 2000 dilithium. (2500 total dilithium cost)
-Upgrade to purple quality, Very Rare Materials, 5000 dilithium. (7500 total dilithium cost)
-?Upgrade to prismatic/orange quality, Ultra Rare Materials, 10k diltihium. (17500 total dilithium cost)?
Modifiers can be influenced by components slotted to the 'Catalyst' slots. Basic Modifiers can be crafted with uncommon/rare materials, exotic modifiers can be obtained via reputations/fleet holdings/lockbox components.
Edit: Expanding on the idea, rather than having doffs impact the quality of the outcome, perhaps they can reduce the cost?
Say, a baseline success would cost 2-3 times the amount(which is on par with the current costs of other dilithium-based gear). Each tier of success above that would be closer, with purple success being the above-listed costs.
This would reward upgrading your Doffs and crafting skill, while not punishing players with the random gambling factor. A master crafter can do more, with less.
If you absolutely must have some sort of mandated nickle'n'dime reagent that you must push with this revamp, use it as an alternative to dilithium to speed along projects. Just keep in mind lengthening projects too much without it will also kill the entire system(it should be a convenience, not a requirement).
get materials
get recipes
craft items
item rarity determined by recipe and materials
anything else is just distracting fluff.
and lastly, NO DILITHIUM, PERIOD! It was stupid when they put it in the game in the first place, it killed crafting pretty much over night, what makes them think it would change anything now.
seriously, Cryptic's crack pipe must be hot to the touch with this one.
Crafting should be all about the time and gathering of materials, no Dilithium in it at all!
They could have just added Mark XII purples to craft, but that would have been too sensible.
The above system I proposed seems like the fairest compromise, obviously in my opinion. It allows people to get invested in their items and upgrade that equipment over time as they can afford it. The pricing takes into account the investment to gather the materials and time spent(relative to end game alternatives), and lets you make a pretty nice item with a single day's worth of refinement - or get started with a bunch of items on that same budget. It's kind of like Voyager upgrading its existing weapons or whatever when they got ahold of various exotic technology(consider how often systems were modified/upgraded rather than replaced/built from scratch in the various series).
In addition to everything I put in RED above...I'd say put a bundle of components (and maybe rare schematic) into Zen-store as a purchase option for those that want to craft but have little time to grind the components. Brings money into the system one way without the direct need for Dil in the crafting process.
Do not put up Dil prices on REP and FLEET stores to bring it "in line" with crafting. Bring crafting online with Dil in-line with Rep and Fleet stores (ie, much lower that the 5k and 20k it currently is).
Add new schematics for those weapon types we only have in certain varieties (Dominion Polaron Turrets, DBBs, etc., Plasma-Disruptor Hybrid Turrets, DBBs, etc., Caustic-Plasma, Polarized Tetryon, Quad cannons, etc.). Allow people who have purchased bundles to have schematics from those bundles (DS9 bundle allows buyers to make Bajoran Phasers, TOS bundle allows buyers to craft TOS Blue Phasers). Allow lockbox ship owners/zen-store ship owners the ability to craft weapons for those ships (Cardassian Galor owners = Spiral Wave Disruptors, Andorian Escort owners = Andorian Phasers). Each of these last encourages purchases from zen-store/keys to open a lockbox and puts money in Cryptics pockets from more than one source instead of forcing people to grind/pay just for the CHANCE of getting what you want as the current tribble version does right now.
If dilithium MUST be used in crafting it should be used to reduce the timer on a crafting project for those who are cash rich but time poor. It should not be a REAGENT. I mean, imagine the following scenario...
Scientist : What are you making?
Engineer : Phaser.
Scientist : You're using dilithium to make a phaser?
Engineer : Yep, it's the only way.
Scientist : You're using too much... it's going to be TRIBBLE.
Engineer : Might be, you don't know that.
Scientist : Actually, I kinda do.
Engineer : Hah! Finished! An uncommon MkXI Phaser Rifle [Dmg]
Scientist : I have one of those already, I got it as a loot drop and it didn't cost me 5000 dilithium.
Engineer : F*** off you know all b*****d!
Jo Cox 22.6.1974 - 16.6.2016
Any player would have the ability to go out into the enironment and gather resources in the natural environment in the game through the use of exploration zones or the Foundry.
A simple method for taking the raw resources and through one of three methods refine the gathered resource. The three process would be mechanical, chemical, or experimental.
The findished product would be marketable to the exchange for profit.
How it would work.
After gathering resources, the player would use the ships laboratory, or starbase laboratory to refine the raw resource into a useable ingredient. These ingredients can be sold on the exchange if the refiner wants to.
The player would then turn the product over to a duty officer who would then use it to build a product.
I like the schematic idea, but in the way that Star Trek Online is structured, it doesn't make any sense for a starship Captain to to be manufacturing things in the game. It is not like Star Wars where, your character studies some specific field to gather components and then makes something. In Star Wars manufacturing is done by droids.
Star Trek doesn't have any droids other than Mr Data.
I think to make it work in Star Trek, they would have to add a reputation field such as "New Technologies." Then as you gain levels in that you can acquire technologies for your ship or even your fleet.
I say "reputation" because that is the only mechanism Star Trek Online has that is not tied to a fleet.
In my system, the player has to obtain a schematic to build the product. Schematics can be obtained from the reputation system, you can find them in the environment, or trade for them on the exchange.
I would even suggest adding a new class of character called merchant and developers. Who specialize in building things or trading things.
How refinement works is, the ship would have some device in the laboratory that you load up with the raw material and using a duty offcer, they will refine the material for you.
If you select a heat process you wil get one type of refine product. If you use mechanical, you will get another type of material from the refinement. If you use a experimental method, you will get some other result.
When players finally get the final product, it should always be the common version of the product. Players then can add to the product buy making it a better quality. As you add to the products that unlocks the [+mod] to the product.
Then when you want to add another mod tier to the device, you simply add a new mod to it. The mods should be a seperate thing that can be changed. Devices should only have three levels of modification which results in the Product [+mod 1][+mod 2][+mod 3].
Also, as you add one, or two, or three mods to a device that is what scales the device up to a green, a blue, or a purple item. What determiens the MK value is the white common device the person builds.
If there is any dilithium cost, it should be at the refinement step which is done through duty officers.
Since, the product and mods (mods are products). But adding mods to products already with mod, should not cost any dilithium. The player will pay the dilihium in the refinement and the reputation part of the system.
This way they didn't have to completely redesign the Duty Officer system or invent new gear.
Thank you.
better than cryptic did
I like the first part, reminds me of SWG. But the idea of using the ships laboratory to refine - pure brilliant! Would give a great reason to use ship interiors.
True, it doesn't make sense. Then again, us crafting stuff to sell on the exchange doesn't as well. :P
I like this idea.
1.) A tree would be more interesting than 7 linear paths.
2.) Schematics in my mind wouldn't be a single use thing. They would require projects to unlock, perhaps. Would work like a drop-down selection of what you can create (or, more likely 2, category and item).
3.) This sounds reasonable to me. Select the schematic from your UI and it displays slots you need to fill, whether with raw materials for base components or components for the end product. Also would have slots to choose your modifers (the number of modifier slots based on your skill level)
4.) Upgrading, I think, would be problematic, though an intriguing idea.
5.) Disassembly projects where you can de-construct an item to get the components back (but not raw materials). Quality of item determines quantity of parts and mods (if any). Here is where the "Random" factor should play a part. Would be possible to find a trapped item that destroys itself if you tamper with it.
6.) Research would be what unlocks schematics in my design. Allows for the crafting system to get periodic additions, say a research project unlocks at a certain reputation level that lets you get some interesting new modifiers.
7.) That raises a good point. In theory, though, no one mod is more powerful than another (within reason, of course.), so the increased chance of failure shouldn't be too big. Or if we can just dis-assemble the item and try again, that wouldn't be too bad other than time wasted (assuming we don't destroy it in the process...). What would the outcome of a failure be? Inferior gear? Lower mark or fewer mods? Parts?
Doffs: Used to mass produce the components, possibly to reduce end product crafting time, but the captain is still the one engaging in final assembly and not just handing it off to a Jr Officer. Or have a choice. The captain can choose whether to participate in assembly or passing it to a Doff with pros/cons to make both choices viable without one trumping the other.
Dilithium: I'm not sure how I feel about dilithium. I go back and forth in my mind between saying it would be fine on the items and thinking that it could also work by having a single upfront cost when you research a pattern/schematic (IE it would pay for itself after crafting so many items). The further drain of Dilithium would of course be when new schematic research projects are added.