So my alt Fed Tac has an Avenger, and it's time to start firming up the build (when I can tear myself away from my main).
I assume most choose beams over torps, but banks or arrays? I saw a couple of nice looking phaser array builds but I'm confused why the person chose array over bank, just for firing arc?
Not looking for perfection here, just something sound and serviceable to get this alt into the PVE fray with some decent punch.
EDIT: Sorry for title misspelling - he's not a tax collector!
Arrays have virtually 360°-Fire radius (or, to be more clear, you can fire anytime a enemy is in 10km radius from you. Also you are free to move, enhancing your defence and so easily and cheaply make you more tanky. Also you only need to turn a bit to have all your beams fire together on one target, whereas you need to turn pretty seriously for banks.
And lastly, you can use full-synergy with arrays, but not with banks. If you take a classic cruiser layout with 4/4 weapons, then what do you use on aft to fire everytime? KCB is 360°, if you use Antiproton, the omnidirectional is also 360°, but the other two slots are either dead, or turrets, which in turn wont trigger on beam-ability. So to sum it up, DBB have very little synergyeffects, while arrays have very good ones (as the experimental proton weapons triggers on faw with 2pc, and gives with 2pc-set also +3crth global).
Arrays have virtually 360°-Fire radius (or, to be more clear, you can fire anytime a enemy is in 10km radius from you. Also you are free to move, enhancing your defence and so easily and cheaply make you more tanky. Also you only need to turn a bit to have all your beams fire together on one target, whereas you need to turn pretty seriously for banks.
And lastly, you can use full-synergy with arrays, but not with banks. If you take a classic cruiser layout with 4/4 weapons, then what do you use on aft to fire everytime? KCB is 360°, if you use Antiproton, the omnidirectional is also 360°, but the other two slots are either dead, or turrets, which in turn wont trigger on beam-ability. So to sum it up, DBB have very little synergyeffects, while arrays have very good ones (as the experimental proton weapons triggers on faw with 2pc, and gives with 2pc-set also +3crth global).
If you cannot turn to get something in the arc of Dual Beam Banks in an Avenger, especially as a Tactical Captain, then you are in need of some serious flight training. It is NOT difficult to keep something in that wide arc. Really large targets can even be hit by rear arrays and forward DBB's at the same time amazingly.
Trying to broadside with beam arrays is also a tricky bit of business... You NEED to have massive Weapon Power reserves in order to do this otherwise after around 4 arrays you will actually start LOSING damage rather than gaining due to your weapons power being in the ground. Engineers can handle this more easily and Aux 2 Batteries setups can generally mitigate this well but a standard easy going setup will suffer.
Meanwhile Beam Arrays are also weak in the amount of punch they deliver while they are sucking down all this energy.
A much better bet is to have full Dual Beam Banks up from, preferably Antiproton or Romulan Plasma at some point. Combine that with the KCB and Omnidirectional Antiproton in the back and or Turrets. While it is true that you will not get as many shots firing out of Beam: Fire at Will this way you would get more powerful shots and Beam Overload is were it is really at. You do not want Beam Overload coming from an Array you want the full 80,000+ Damage Critical from an Antiproton Dual Beam Bank.
If you cannot turn to get something in the arc of Dual Beam Banks in an Avenger, especially as a Tactical Captain, then you are in need of some serious flight training. It is NOT difficult to keep something in that wide arc. Really large targets can even be hit by rear arrays and forward DBB's at the same time amazingly.
Trying to broadside with beam arrays is also a tricky bit of business... You NEED to have massive Weapon Power reserves in order to do this otherwise after around 4 arrays you will actually start LOSING damage rather than gaining due to your weapons power being in the ground. Engineers can handle this more easily and Aux 2 Batteries setups can generally mitigate this well but a standard easy going setup will suffer.
While the first part is true (though some players might find it difficult and the synergy still is a problem), the second one is rather obsolete. That was a problem pre S6, but nowadays even the good old DamageControlEngineer-Builds dont have any problems with Weaponenergie-loss (if you have problems with that, you are in need of some serious powermanagement training ).
As for the last part, its true for pvp, but BO in pve is (in most situations) rather a handicap.
I don't have the Avenger, but I do have the Mogh. I have been told by others that have both, that the only big difference is that the Mogh has a slight better tanking ability.
Personally, I have used both the parser programs, and timed missions using beam arrays, and dual beam banks. With beam arrays, using Beam Fire at Will, I get much higher DPS numbers from the parser, because it is rapid firing my beams at multiple targets around me. However, with dual beam banks using the same skills, I can kill targets sucker.
Personally, I prefer to go with killing quicker, because I already agro enough enemies around me. For that reason, I use dual beam banks on the front, with a combination of one dual cannon, and at least one dual heavy cannon.
I also use the following skills:
Lt. Commander Tac,- Tac Team 1; Cannon Rapid Fire 1; Beam Fire at Will 3.
Ensign Tac- Beam Overload 1
Commander Engineering- Engineering Team 1; Aux 2 Batt 1; Reverse Shield Polarity 2; Directed Modulation 3
Lt. Universal (Engineering)- Emergency Power to Weapons 1; Aux 2 Batt 1
Lt. Science- Hazard Emitters 1; Science Team 2.
I am running an Aux2Batt build since it is pretty easy to do, and get high damage. If I want, I can adjust a few skills, and switch my universal to another tac. However, I like this setup for now.
The dual beam banks put out fast, rapid fire for long term, and the dual cannons do the same with a good bit more punch. Then, the dual heavy cannons add the burst damage to hit the hull better, and do more damage quicker. Plus, with the turn rate the ship has, I can keep up with about anything in PVE. I did throw a fleet RCS console on that has +20 Kinetic, and all energy damage resist, and +20% turn rate. The turn rate wasn't needed, but is good to have.
On the back, I run the KCB, and two turrets. I don't like the Omni AP beam since it can waste my Beam Overload. And I know that a lot of people might say that BO is a waste, but if you know how to use it, it can replace a torp. Also, when it is combined with the dual heavy cannons, BO and cannon rapid fire can tear through almost any enemy quickly.
I do recommend that you keep a lot of weapons batteries on hand. After the BO, it is good to have the extra power to fill it quickly. Though, with a good build, BO will only keep weapons power down for a short time, and it will build back up really quick. If you do have problems with it, the Plasmonic leech can help, but personally I find the price on the exchange to be outrageous. I don't use one on most of my characters myself. Only a few have it from when it was better priced.
I hope this helps some. I do recommend experimenting with the different weapons though. You might find that you prefer to run with another type altogether. For some, it isn't about having the highest DPS, or faster time to kill enemies. Some people just like to use a weapon, or energy type because they simply like the looks, sound, etc. So, don't forget to play around, and find what you like the best.
Leader of Elite Guardian Academy.Would you like to learn how to run a fleet? Would you like to know how to do ship builds (true budget as well as high end)?The join the Academy today!
I'm a big fan of DBB, and suspect that even if you would use DB front and BA aft, you'd be better off for most types of missions. Always use RCS for turn rate.
However, you have the 2 360 beams available and there are many interesting mines that you can look into for your aft slots. Maybe even 1 torp, but that will be tricky to aim.
I think the broadsiding style is a myth and only works against 1 single big and slow enemy, which isn't the case in most missions. In reality, you can rarely broadside everybody you fight against.
On the other hand, for certain missions, where you find yourself often surrounded by many small and quick enemies, BA work better.
So I think aswell that you should give DBB a try and have some cheap beams in your inventory to switch loadouts if you need to.
I agree with the previous poster about the aggro factor. If you're just starting to build your toon, the aggro factor alone can be an argument against firing 360 degrees around you. You might find out the hard way that your ship isn't able to tank the aggro you buy yourself this way.
If you can make it work broadsiding is a decent tactic and I have no problem doing broadsides, I have problems remembering to activate my BOFF abilities
For beam arrays I use 5 maximum because of my afore mentioned inability to remember my BOFF abilities I also use 2 DBB for when I am closing on the target (I would most likely get my butt handed to me on a dilithium platter in PVP:)). I believe someone else mentioned this, experiment and find out what works for you. The 5 arrays / 2 DBB works for me and I have the Avenger and the Mogh (I like them both). I just wish that Cryptic would give the Romulans a version (I can hope can I not)
On my Avenger I run with 4 AP DBB and the grav torp up front. and with AP omni, KCB and EPW rear, it works for me. I can put down enough damage to melt probes in CSE for example. And because of the smaller arc, I don't get that much aggro. It runs fine for me
I run my Avenger with 4 antiproton DBB up front and the last slot is for a torp, variable depending on the enemy.
Rear I run a single beam array and the KCB and Omi-array from the dyson mission.
Gives a face-melting forward attack and enough 360 degree firepower that you are not wasting much in your rear arc. Plus with the cruiser commands you don't need to worry about weapon drain on you energy levels.
Also when using BFAW you have a smaller arc so you won't agro the whole map hopefully.
The ship is manoeuvrable enough to keep all your fwd guns on target easily. You won't really need to dogfight fast npcs anyway, just hit them with the initial attack and they should be nearly dead.
Remember it's not an escort but it's also not a cruiser either so you do have quite a bit of flexibility in what fights you can get into. You can move pretty fast and can tank well enough to survive more beatings than an escort.
If you can make it work broadsiding is a decent tactic and I have no problem doing broadsides, I have problems remembering to activate my BOFF abilities
Not saying it's bad, just pointing out that if you have more moving enemies, possibly you won't catch much more than half of those in the full 8 beam arc.
Saying this, because many people talk about broadsiding, like they would have 360 degree beams all around.
For BOFF abilities, you should use keybinds to automate them.
Not saying it's bad, just pointing out that if you have more moving enemies, possibly you won't catch much more than half of those in the full 8 beam arc.
Saying this, because many people talk about broadsiding, like they would have 360 degree beams all around.
For BOFF abilities, you should use keybinds to automate them.
Well, for all-beams your flightadjustments are pretty low to get all to most enemies in the arc. After all. you have 70° overlapp on each side.
You really need A2B to make a DPS cruiser shine. You'll gain spike dps using DBBs or Cannons but you lose out on sustained damage. Beside why focus on staying pointed at the mob when you can fly into the middle of it and melt everything at once.:D
This is my Avenger on my Tac Officer. My DoFFs are 3x Purple Technicians 1x WCE, Marion, and 1x Systems Engineer.
Just wanted to say, my Avenger is fitted with dual heavies, have a constant turn rate of 43 degrees. How? Well my secret, but enough to say they completely outclass any form of beam setup. Any. It's plain superior, but only for captains who know the ship like their pockets and have excellent control with throttle.
You really need A2B to make a DPS cruiser shine. You'll gain spike dps using DBBs or Cannons but you lose out on sustained damage. Beside why focus on staying pointed at the mob when you can fly into the middle of it and melt everything at once.:D
This is my Avenger on my Tac Officer. My DoFFs are 3x Purple Technicians 1x WCE, Marion, and 1x Systems Engineer.
Where/how do you get a Red Matter Capacitor device?
It was from the preorders of the game. There are some on the internet that you can buy, but are not worth the price. Besides, you can make a build that will be just as killer without it.
I have the Mogh, which is pretty much the same ship. I have a combination of burst, and sustained damage. This is my build:
Forward weapons
2 Dual Disruptor Beam Banks MK XII (purple)
2 Disruptor Dual Heavy Cannons MK XII (purple)
1 Disruptor Dual Cannon MK XII (purple)
3 Piece Solanae space set.
Efficient Warp Core MK XI (green)
Engineering consoles
Plasmonic Leech
Induction Coil
Fleet console that gives high defense, and low turn rate.
Science console
Science console that increases shields by 2.5
Special console that came with the ship.
Tactical console
All Disruptor consoles MK X (green)
Sorry that I don't have all of the names of the consoles, but I cannot get online now to get them. However, with this build I can keep up in STFs and any PVEs without anyone needing to help, or carry me. I have some empty spots on my console slots, and will find something to put in there soon. I just haven't really needed to worry about it yet.
With the DBB on the front, I use FAW, and that gives me sustained fire. The DCs help with sustained damage also. Just not as constant as the beams. And the DHC are great for spike damage. Plus, I have Cannon Rapid Fire as well.
The thing about sustained damage is that with FAW, if you are not only hitting a single target, or you are not hitting multiple small ships all around you, it really doesn't halo do much more than draw agro. However, with the cannons/DBB combo, it helps me put out both, sustained damage, and spike damage on a single target. My DPS numbers may not be as high as someone that has all beams, but I can kill a single target faster. (This can easily be checked by timing how long it takes to solo that same enemy with the same ship, character, and experimenting with different BOFF skills).
I can get outrageous amounts of DPS in the Vortex, and only kill 2 enemies. DPS numbers are not what it is all about. The amount of DPS you can get doesn't always matter. What matters is how fast you can kill something. High DPS, but taking twice as long to kill something is not really something to brag about.
Same with sustained damage. You can have the longest sustained damage. However, if you can just kill it in half the time, what is the point in sustained damage. That is why I went with both. Sustained to keep shields down, and spike damage to kill the enemy. And, even then, the spike damage comes at regular intervals. Therefore, it is in a way, regular spike damage, though not sustained. Whereas torps only have spike damage, and if the shield facing starts coming up before they hit, they lost most, if not all, of their punch.
Leader of Elite Guardian Academy.Would you like to learn how to run a fleet? Would you like to know how to do ship builds (true budget as well as high end)?The join the Academy today!
I'm a big fan of DBB, and suspect that even if you would use DB front and BA aft, you'd be better off for most types of missions. Always use RCS for turn rate.
However, you have the 2 360 beams available and there are many interesting mines that you can look into for your aft slots. Maybe even 1 torp, but that will be tricky to aim.
I think the broadsiding style is a myth and only works against 1 single big and slow enemy, which isn't the case in most missions. In reality, you can rarely broadside everybody you fight against.
On the other hand, for certain missions, where you find yourself often surrounded by many small and quick enemies, BA work better.
So I think aswell that you should give DBB a try and have some cheap beams in your inventory to switch loadouts if you need to.
I agree with the previous poster about the aggro factor. If you're just starting to build your toon, the aggro factor alone can be an argument against firing 360 degrees around you. You might find out the hard way that your ship isn't able to tank the aggro you buy yourself this way.
Leader of Elite Guardian Academy.Would you like to learn how to run a fleet? Would you like to know how to do ship builds (true budget as well as high end)?The join the Academy today!
And lastly, you can use full-synergy with arrays, but not with banks. If you take a classic cruiser layout with 4/4 weapons, then what do you use on aft to fire everytime? KCB is 360°, if you use Antiproton, the omnidirectional is also 360°, but the other two slots are either dead, or turrets, which in turn wont trigger on beam-ability. So to sum it up, DBB have very little synergyeffects, while arrays have very good ones (as the experimental proton weapons triggers on faw with 2pc, and gives with 2pc-set also +3crth global).
If you cannot turn to get something in the arc of Dual Beam Banks in an Avenger, especially as a Tactical Captain, then you are in need of some serious flight training. It is NOT difficult to keep something in that wide arc. Really large targets can even be hit by rear arrays and forward DBB's at the same time amazingly.
Trying to broadside with beam arrays is also a tricky bit of business... You NEED to have massive Weapon Power reserves in order to do this otherwise after around 4 arrays you will actually start LOSING damage rather than gaining due to your weapons power being in the ground. Engineers can handle this more easily and Aux 2 Batteries setups can generally mitigate this well but a standard easy going setup will suffer.
Meanwhile Beam Arrays are also weak in the amount of punch they deliver while they are sucking down all this energy.
A much better bet is to have full Dual Beam Banks up from, preferably Antiproton or Romulan Plasma at some point. Combine that with the KCB and Omnidirectional Antiproton in the back and or Turrets. While it is true that you will not get as many shots firing out of Beam: Fire at Will this way you would get more powerful shots and Beam Overload is were it is really at. You do not want Beam Overload coming from an Array you want the full 80,000+ Damage Critical from an Antiproton Dual Beam Bank.
While the first part is true (though some players might find it difficult and the synergy still is a problem), the second one is rather obsolete. That was a problem pre S6, but nowadays even the good old DamageControlEngineer-Builds dont have any problems with Weaponenergie-loss (if you have problems with that, you are in need of some serious powermanagement training ).
As for the last part, its true for pvp, but BO in pve is (in most situations) rather a handicap.
Personally, I have used both the parser programs, and timed missions using beam arrays, and dual beam banks. With beam arrays, using Beam Fire at Will, I get much higher DPS numbers from the parser, because it is rapid firing my beams at multiple targets around me. However, with dual beam banks using the same skills, I can kill targets sucker.
Personally, I prefer to go with killing quicker, because I already agro enough enemies around me. For that reason, I use dual beam banks on the front, with a combination of one dual cannon, and at least one dual heavy cannon.
I also use the following skills:
Lt. Commander Tac,- Tac Team 1; Cannon Rapid Fire 1; Beam Fire at Will 3.
Ensign Tac- Beam Overload 1
Commander Engineering- Engineering Team 1; Aux 2 Batt 1; Reverse Shield Polarity 2; Directed Modulation 3
Lt. Universal (Engineering)- Emergency Power to Weapons 1; Aux 2 Batt 1
Lt. Science- Hazard Emitters 1; Science Team 2.
I am running an Aux2Batt build since it is pretty easy to do, and get high damage. If I want, I can adjust a few skills, and switch my universal to another tac. However, I like this setup for now.
The dual beam banks put out fast, rapid fire for long term, and the dual cannons do the same with a good bit more punch. Then, the dual heavy cannons add the burst damage to hit the hull better, and do more damage quicker. Plus, with the turn rate the ship has, I can keep up with about anything in PVE. I did throw a fleet RCS console on that has +20 Kinetic, and all energy damage resist, and +20% turn rate. The turn rate wasn't needed, but is good to have.
On the back, I run the KCB, and two turrets. I don't like the Omni AP beam since it can waste my Beam Overload. And I know that a lot of people might say that BO is a waste, but if you know how to use it, it can replace a torp. Also, when it is combined with the dual heavy cannons, BO and cannon rapid fire can tear through almost any enemy quickly.
I do recommend that you keep a lot of weapons batteries on hand. After the BO, it is good to have the extra power to fill it quickly. Though, with a good build, BO will only keep weapons power down for a short time, and it will build back up really quick. If you do have problems with it, the Plasmonic leech can help, but personally I find the price on the exchange to be outrageous. I don't use one on most of my characters myself. Only a few have it from when it was better priced.
I hope this helps some. I do recommend experimenting with the different weapons though. You might find that you prefer to run with another type altogether. For some, it isn't about having the highest DPS, or faster time to kill enemies. Some people just like to use a weapon, or energy type because they simply like the looks, sound, etc. So, don't forget to play around, and find what you like the best.
However, you have the 2 360 beams available and there are many interesting mines that you can look into for your aft slots. Maybe even 1 torp, but that will be tricky to aim.
I think the broadsiding style is a myth and only works against 1 single big and slow enemy, which isn't the case in most missions. In reality, you can rarely broadside everybody you fight against.
On the other hand, for certain missions, where you find yourself often surrounded by many small and quick enemies, BA work better.
So I think aswell that you should give DBB a try and have some cheap beams in your inventory to switch loadouts if you need to.
I agree with the previous poster about the aggro factor. If you're just starting to build your toon, the aggro factor alone can be an argument against firing 360 degrees around you. You might find out the hard way that your ship isn't able to tank the aggro you buy yourself this way.
If you can make it work broadsiding is a decent tactic and I have no problem doing broadsides, I have problems remembering to activate my BOFF abilities
For beam arrays I use 5 maximum because of my afore mentioned inability to remember my BOFF abilities I also use 2 DBB for when I am closing on the target (I would most likely get my butt handed to me on a dilithium platter in PVP:)). I believe someone else mentioned this, experiment and find out what works for you. The 5 arrays / 2 DBB works for me and I have the Avenger and the Mogh (I like them both). I just wish that Cryptic would give the Romulans a version (I can hope can I not)
Rear I run a single beam array and the KCB and Omi-array from the dyson mission.
Gives a face-melting forward attack and enough 360 degree firepower that you are not wasting much in your rear arc. Plus with the cruiser commands you don't need to worry about weapon drain on you energy levels.
Also when using BFAW you have a smaller arc so you won't agro the whole map hopefully.
The ship is manoeuvrable enough to keep all your fwd guns on target easily. You won't really need to dogfight fast npcs anyway, just hit them with the initial attack and they should be nearly dead.
Remember it's not an escort but it's also not a cruiser either so you do have quite a bit of flexibility in what fights you can get into. You can move pretty fast and can tank well enough to survive more beatings than an escort.
Not saying it's bad, just pointing out that if you have more moving enemies, possibly you won't catch much more than half of those in the full 8 beam arc.
Saying this, because many people talk about broadsiding, like they would have 360 degree beams all around.
For BOFF abilities, you should use keybinds to automate them.
Well, for all-beams your flightadjustments are pretty low to get all to most enemies in the arc. After all. you have 70° overlapp on each side.
This is my Avenger on my Tac Officer. My DoFFs are 3x Purple Technicians 1x WCE, Marion, and 1x Systems Engineer.
Where/how do you get a Red Matter Capacitor device?
I run my Fleet Avenger with Fwd:
2 DHC - Voth AP mk12 / Elachi crescent wave
Dyson experimental Proton (acts as cannon & beam w/180 deg arc)
Gravimetric Photon & Omega Plasma Torp's
AP Omni array / KCB array (360 deg)
Protonic Turret (from a Dyson rep drop box - sometimes you get lucky & get what you want in a random drop box )
4 pc Dyson rep set: Deflector, Engine, Warp core & Shield
Eng: 3 Fleet RCS Allres / (Dyson 3 pc) Proton stabilizer
Sci: (Omega 3 pc) Assimilated module / Fleet Emitter [ShH] [-TH]
Tac: VATA / PD / Tachiokinetic Converter / Plasmonic Leech
It was from the preorders of the game. There are some on the internet that you can buy, but are not worth the price. Besides, you can make a build that will be just as killer without it.
I have the Mogh, which is pretty much the same ship. I have a combination of burst, and sustained damage. This is my build:
Forward weapons
2 Dual Disruptor Beam Banks MK XII (purple)
2 Disruptor Dual Heavy Cannons MK XII (purple)
1 Disruptor Dual Cannon MK XII (purple)
Aft weapons
2 Disruptor Turrets MK XI (green)
1 Kinetic Cutting Beam
3 Piece Solanae space set.
Efficient Warp Core MK XI (green)
Engineering consoles
Plasmonic Leech
Induction Coil
Fleet console that gives high defense, and low turn rate.
Science console
Science console that increases shields by 2.5
Special console that came with the ship.
Tactical console
All Disruptor consoles MK X (green)
Sorry that I don't have all of the names of the consoles, but I cannot get online now to get them. However, with this build I can keep up in STFs and any PVEs without anyone needing to help, or carry me. I have some empty spots on my console slots, and will find something to put in there soon. I just haven't really needed to worry about it yet.
With the DBB on the front, I use FAW, and that gives me sustained fire. The DCs help with sustained damage also. Just not as constant as the beams. And the DHC are great for spike damage. Plus, I have Cannon Rapid Fire as well.
The thing about sustained damage is that with FAW, if you are not only hitting a single target, or you are not hitting multiple small ships all around you, it really doesn't halo do much more than draw agro. However, with the cannons/DBB combo, it helps me put out both, sustained damage, and spike damage on a single target. My DPS numbers may not be as high as someone that has all beams, but I can kill a single target faster. (This can easily be checked by timing how long it takes to solo that same enemy with the same ship, character, and experimenting with different BOFF skills).
I can get outrageous amounts of DPS in the Vortex, and only kill 2 enemies. DPS numbers are not what it is all about. The amount of DPS you can get doesn't always matter. What matters is how fast you can kill something. High DPS, but taking twice as long to kill something is not really something to brag about.
Same with sustained damage. You can have the longest sustained damage. However, if you can just kill it in half the time, what is the point in sustained damage. That is why I went with both. Sustained to keep shields down, and spike damage to kill the enemy. And, even then, the spike damage comes at regular intervals. Therefore, it is in a way, regular spike damage, though not sustained. Whereas torps only have spike damage, and if the shield facing starts coming up before they hit, they lost most, if not all, of their punch.
180 quantum for the win
I forgot, where do you get that one from?
C-Store Regeant...