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i refuse to a2b

wast33wast33 Member Posts: 1,855 Arc User
edited July 2014 in PvP Gameplay
edited ragepost :D:

now that it's there, discuss if you like:

bringing everything to global cd with latest additions of a2b capable ships is.... well, let's see what comes next?
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • snoge00fsnoge00f Member Posts: 1,812 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Yeah, I don't run a2b anymore. I have it on an old Tac, but thing is pretty much on mothballs.
  • cbrjwrrcbrjwrr Member Posts: 2,782 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Takes skill to manage all the clicking and fly your ship competently, its one reason I don't use A2B.
  • z3ndor99z3ndor99 Member Posts: 1,391 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I wont use it either, my scimitar is extremely op with out a2b, dont see a point in using it really.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Auxiliary Power to Emergency Battery Fire At Will Fluidic Antiproton

    AtB FAW lets you FAP faster!
  • z3ndor99z3ndor99 Member Posts: 1,391 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Well im all up for fapping faster..... sorry wrong forum's.
  • dahminusdahminus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    To those that can fly and time their abilities without a gaming mouse I salute you
    Chive on and prosper, eh?

    My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
  • baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Go pro or go home
  • wast33wast33 Member Posts: 1,855 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    baudl wrote: »

    :D... u know: actually i got there by myself, so sry for this thread ;)
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 2,624 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Its a niche build -- only a few decent ships make really good use of it, and the majority of those are rom or lockbox. Its hard to argue against it in some ships, like the scimitar. If your argument is that it makes things too easy, ... its a scimitar so that line of thinking is already out the window. Then there are the fed tanks running it with dps on par with a level 30 player, it seems to be a federation right of passage to build 0 dps ships with 360 aoe -- whoever takes the longest to kill the enemy wins a medal or something.
  • gooddaytodie39gooddaytodie39 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Who needs aux2bat anymore? Just keep flying your OP Scimi beam FaW valdore console packin' p.o.s. Talk about no skill...
  • riccardo171riccardo171 Member Posts: 1,802 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I used to double AtB my Avenger and Excelsior. Until I decided to go for hybrid AtD/AtB build. Result on the Avenger is an extremely powerful battle cruiser, that keeps its front dual heavies on the targets much more than double AtB did and, survives way more with doff. AtB helps me cut the cooldowns a bit over tac abilities that are quite limited and have engineering ones handy. I freaking love Avenger, and decide when to shunt auxiliary power in a certain moment still takes good timing.

    AtB isn't stupid by itself. bind-to-spacebar thing is. Double AtB always on global and running 99% of the times is stupid. I've discovered another world when started using AtD alongside it. Do I need more turn, resilience an immunity to pulls, or I'm better off shunting aux power to have tactical abilities ready? That's one of the many things I think about while fighting, and I'm much happier with a more dynamic build. I dare someone to say my 30 secs cd AtB is broken now.

    My Scimitar doesn't even run AtB, I don't feel comfortable with destroying aux power on a cloaker, and be forced to a single playstyle. Have just EPtW1, EPTE1, DEM1 for Marion, rest is all classic tac layout Comm/LtComm. And it works great!

    Double atb fawtard scimis should be really erased from the game. Other than the fact they're useless in PvP (they just die all the times), they won't stand a chance if you meet someone with better knowledge than you,
    dahminus wrote: »
    To those that can fly and time their abilities without a gaming mouse I salute you

    here's one o7
  • ratonhaggedonratonhaggedon Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    all you poor babies who cry about a2b need toShutup and play the game. Its an OPTION out of many different configs you can build a ship around. if you dont like it, dont use it. but do not discourage other ppl from using what they like. and if you have a problem, my a2b scimi would like to have a word with you...
  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    all you poor babies who cry about a2b need toShutup and play the game. Its an OPTION out of many different configs you can build a ship around. if you dont like it, dont use it. but do not discourage other ppl from using what they like. and if you have a problem, my a2b scimi would like to have a word with you...

    Its a crutch and a detriment to the game.

    It was balanced when the doffs where first released. Some moron at Craptic decided that A2B should change globals... and now its beyond broken.

    Don't be upset when people call it out... of course use whatever you like. Just don't dilute yourself. A2B belongs on the EPTx global where it was for almost 4 years. The idiot who changed that and didn't change the tech doffs at the same time to reflect that is one of the most short sighted terrible game developers to ever be employed. ;) lol
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Its a crutch and a detriment to the game.

    It's a crutch, but is it a detriment to the game? Which game? There are many games within STO. Different folks want different things. Cryptic has spent the last couple of years catering to a certain group. They've tried to step away from that in the past six months or so, but they always get dragged back to it. Cryptic knows it might be good for that "game" in the short run, but they're trying to look at the long run. They've catered to a different crowd though. That's their battle now, and I don't envy Cryptic's chances of winning it. Which in turn...doesn't bode well for any game within STO to last as long as it might have...
  • riccardo171riccardo171 Member Posts: 1,802 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    How come these discussions always end up with someone explaining STO is about to die? Leave these disruptive topics, and even more false as fk, home. Don't like something, don't play it. Game's doomed for you? Why are you still here then? What? You're playing; really?!

    STO's everything but about to fail. Millions enjoy it, it may have its bugs, but any game has them, and the ones we have are of little impediment to game play. The only really bad one I can think about is S8 textures, but it has been fixed.
    We get massive updates (too focused on PvE imho), regular maintenance, and that's fine. Hell, think it's easy to code and keep running something as big as STO? Of course not, otherwise you'd be spending some encouraging words to those who work for it instead of doing the whiny kid for everything it doesn't suit you.
    This gotta end sometime! Show me proof of such statements because I yet have to see something beyond circumstantial ideas!
  • jellico1jellico1 Member Posts: 2,719
    edited June 2014
    Everyone doesnt have a romulan character with 5 SROs and battlecloak which that by its self is more powerful than aux to batt is

    some people pilot over engineered fed cruisers and need aux to batt as a choice
    Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
    Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
    Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng

    JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    How come these discussions always end up with someone explaining STO is about to die? Leave these disruptive topics, and even more false as fk, home. Don't like something, don't play it. Game's doomed for you? Why are you still here then? What? You're playing; really?!

    There's a difference between about to die and not having the longevity it may have enjoyed otherwise...
    STO's everything but about to fail. Millions enjoy it, it may have its bugs, but any game has them, and the ones we have are of little impediment to game play. The only really bad one I can think about is S8 textures, but it has been fixed.
    We get massive updates (too focused on PvE imho), regular maintenance, and that's fine. Hell, think it's easy to code and keep running something as big as STO? Of course not, otherwise you'd be spending some encouraging words to those who work for it instead of doing the whiny kid for everything it doesn't suit you.
    This gotta end sometime! Show me proof of such statements because I yet have to see something beyond circumstantial ideas!

    Who's kid at Cryptic/PWE were you again?
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    deokkent wrote: »
    You probably don't remember this. You're stark right, a scimitar? Lol the other day we were playing together and you warped out. You saw an imbalance and you warped out. 3 healers and you couldn't get any kills in your scimitar. Is it so hard to imagine that players would actually quit over other imbalances they've spotted? You know 3 healers isn't that big of a deal compared to other BS you can find in this game.

    A lot of folks have quit because of the direction the game has gone. A lot of folks have started playing because of the direction the game has gone. Could one say there are more folks logging in to STO than before? Sure...but could one say there are more folks playing STO than before? CBS should license the game out to eHarmony...Cryptic could probably continue the development for eHarmony...but uh yeah...

    ...it's been a long time since the majority of discussions were about the actual game, rather than all the stuff in Ten Forward or fashion discussions elsewhere in the forums.
  • schnirselschnirsel Member Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    dahminus wrote: »
    To those that can fly and time their abilities without a gaming mouse I salute you

    Thanks! I've been micromanaging my A2Bvaro since I made it. Pretty damn annoying at times but worth it. I also rarely have problems with cloaking, thanks to using power presets, dropping aux batteries or my warp core's capacitor. And of course minding the leech. My only enemy is the tray and having to hit abilities often to activate them.


    I really see no reason to give up this inexpensive tool, when the only other option is to pay 100s of millions for overpriced doffs (that have even become more expensive since the supply of them gets lower or market players inflate their prices even more). Heck, on the KDF side even blue DCE's cost over a million EC now.

    There are some facts that some people should note:
    - Not everyone has been playing for years and amassed huge amounts of EC
    - Not everyone has the time or motivation to grind EC for weeks or even months just to get a few doffs
    - Not everyone is willing and/or able to drop money for that stuff

    My hope is that Cryptic at some point introduces new doff chains for lockbox doffs like Zemok or Damage Control Engineers, etc. But I'm not holding my breath and until then I'll keep aux2batting my T'varo, my Excelsior, my Avenger and sometimes even my D'deridex. Thank you very much.

    @PPL who quit or talk about STO being dead
    It's a give and take. I've seen many (better known or just more vocal?) players leaving but also new players getting into pvp and the game at large. I've also seen some ppl who came back after one year of pause. So what? I also don't like some of the changes, but still like the game itself. It may also be cognitive bias, just because the people in your "hood" leave, doesn't mean noone new is coming into the game. But meh... whatever.. I need to go sleep.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    The problem with pointing out how much the alternatives are and how they are not as good...

    ...is that it is pointing out the problem with AtB. :D
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    you can hate AtB all you want, but it can make near anything 'pretty good' or competitive. without it there would be a big fat gap between great and bad useless ships.

    buff the other doffs, marginalize tech doffs. they tables have turned now, before you needed AtB to make most ships competitive with the few good ones, now the new good ones can use it too, and pressure DPS in the meta has gone way up at the same time, leaving the old good ships that cant AtB behind. its all thanks to how underpowered the doffs commonly used by non AtB ships are.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    HY1, CRF1, APO1

    ET1, AtB1, EPtS3, DEM3

    PH1, HE2

    I've been really debating giving up the PH1, HE2 for either ST1, HE2 or HE1, ST2. Between all the SNBs and Scrambles out there...it's a definite weakness in the build. Should probably also drop the EPtW1 for an EPtE1 to help out with the loss of the PH1.

    Course, that might help me with the decision I've been trying to make about whether to go with 3x RomPlas DHCs or 3x RomPlas Cannons. I'm a TRIBBLE pilot...so that doesn't help. Course, the 37 flight speed and 19.9 turn probably doesn't help...and kind of lends itself to going with the Cannons.

    Course, I don't really pay much attention while flying this particular ship...could be that too.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    deokkent wrote: »
    Earlier I was playing in the voth ground battlezone. For a moment I was thinking about those dinosaurs and lazers on their heads and it occurred to me that maybe I should just alt+f4 and uninstall. So yeah, the lingering impression is that this game is no longer Star Trek. My only consolation is that I won't be there for long, I'm just leveling up a cat which I will use to explore what ground has to offer.

    Star Trek did all sorts of goofy things. The shows/movies never took themselves anywhere near as seriously as some of the fans do.

    I'd say the dinos with freakin' lasers on their heads is far more Star Trek than the vast majority of the game which is basically a spammy arcade shooter. We're spamming stuff every 15-45s that might have only been used once a season or once a series. We commit genocide every time we login. The game oozes things that make it not Star Trek...I can live with the goofy dinos. That we're running around in leisure suits tossing grenades like confetti and firing bazookas on the other hand...
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    deokkent wrote: »
    Yes! I do have mixed feelings about a2b too. On a scimitar, it can get to near TRIBBLE levels of ridiculousness. But on a ship like my fleet ambassador, it's sort of enjoyable to fly with a2b. I don't think I'll be able to spike as high as a scimitar, and I don't try to but I just normal pressure dps and some heals. Does that make me a bad captain? I don't know. But for some reason, a2b seems more balanced on fed cruiser lines (and maybe some kdf cruiser lines too).

    Thing is...at the end of the day...with all the complaints about a ship not being able to DPS as well - is not one left with the simple question of, "Well, was it meant to?"

    I goof around with Willard in a T'varo with the following BOFF layout...

    TT1, TS2, TS3, APO3

    ET1, AtS1
    PH1, TSS2, HE3
    ST1, ST2

    Could probably drop a TS for an APD...drop the PH for either another TSS or HE.

    Then it kind of hits you...uh...wait, that looks like a healing T'varo.

    While I think it's great that STO offers all sorts of options...it still nags at my subconscious with more than the occasional WTF moment.

    You're also going to get into some fans just hating that their ship was made into something other than what they believe it should be...

    ...course, while I disagree with many of the Galaxy folks about what the ship should be - it's hard not to agree with them that what Cryptic did is little more than a cruel joke.
  • p2wsucksp2wsucks Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    ... snip ... I dare someone to say my 30 secs cd AtB is broken now ... snip ...

    Your 30 sec cd AtB is broken, err OP anyway. Btw, it's under 30 seconds if you've got 3 purples. EpTA and/or AuxBatteries more than correct the 5 Aux since it's not a hard cap. Going to a low aux preset before using it is another option.

    A single Aux2batt w/3 purple tech doffs allows reduction to 70%. 70% of 45 seconds is 31.5 seconds. This allows for 1.5 seconds gap in 2x EptX abilities. More than enough to use EPtA w/another EPtX ability and Aux2damp as you mentioned.

    Energy Siphon can make up for the power gap on ships that can fit it. There are other means such as certain singularity powers, red matter cap etc. Basically, claiming aux drain is an issue w/a single aux2batt build is admitting you still haven't played w/it enough.

    Quite frankly a single aux2batt w/aux2damp is a more resilient build than 2 auxbatts b/c is has more resists and more immunity to debuffs. Depending on the boff choices there won't be much of a drawback.

    I bring this up as I run GW3, VM1, TB3, TR1, SS1, HE1, TSS1, APB1, TT1, Aux2batt, EPtE1, EPtA1 on a Mirror Hanom. I have enough that if I bothered to get the 6th doff slot I could run Grav Doffs for more Gravity Wells, VM Doff for more VM procs, and Scramble Doffs. On a ship w/a Battle Cloak. I run it squishy b/c I prefer hit and run playstyle, but I could easily swap in PH and if needed ST and still spam quite a bit of Sci Debuffs at or near their global cooldown.
    [Zone] Dack@****: cowards can't take a fed 1 on 1 crinckley cowards Hahahaha you smell like flowers
    Random Quote from Kerrat
    "Sumlobus@****: your mums eat Iced Targ Poo"
    C&H Fed banter
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    deokkent wrote: »
    I dare you to give up that epts3. I dare you to switch it to eptw3 (epte1) or epte3 (eptw1). Say hello to nanoprobe field generator.

    Never! Besides, I'm going to be running NFG too. No Fleet Shields...
  • p2wsucksp2wsucks Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    deokkent wrote: »
    I really didn't need you to remind me. It makes me wanna pull my hair out. It's for this specific reason that I hate grinding. The genocide is a little too much for my taste.

    I dare you to give up that epts3. I dare you to switch it to eptw3 (epte1) or epte3 (eptw1). Say hello to nanoprobe field generator.

    Or Dem or RSP or ET3 or EWP. Dyson Shields have nice DR proc too.
    [Zone] Dack@****: cowards can't take a fed 1 on 1 crinckley cowards Hahahaha you smell like flowers
    Random Quote from Kerrat
    "Sumlobus@****: your mums eat Iced Targ Poo"
    C&H Fed banter
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    p2wsucks wrote: »
    Or Dem or RSP or ET3 or EWP. Dyson Shields have nice DR proc too.

    ET3 could be an interesting choice there...hrmm.

    Going from...

    ET1, AtB1, EPtS3, DEM3
    EPtW1, AtB1

    PH1, HE2


    EPtS1, AtB1, ET3, DEM3
    EPtE1, AtB1

    HE1, ST2

    ...instead, once I pick NFG on him.
  • hasukurobihasukurobi Member Posts: 1,421 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    noroblad wrote: »
    Its a niche build -- only a few decent ships make really good use of it, and the majority of those are rom or lockbox. Its hard to argue against it in some ships, like the scimitar. If your argument is that it makes things too easy, ... its a scimitar so that line of thinking is already out the window. Then there are the fed tanks running it with dps on par with a level 30 player, it seems to be a federation right of passage to build 0 dps ships with 360 aoe -- whoever takes the longest to kill the enemy wins a medal or something.

    My argument against it in a Scimitar is that I can vape most anything player or NPC without it in one decloak and it sort of makes me have to sit around like a Siege Engine when the Scimitar is clearly a hit and run super BoP on some hefty Steroids.

    I do not bother with A2B builds either. I can handle the timing fine I just do not care for the expense nor do I need them in any way. For PvE I can breeze through that with BAD setups and the great ones I use make it so easy it can be boring. For PvP I prefer to be a lot more wicked and sneaky than A2B really allows. Even my Cruisers surprise people by never being your stereotypical sit and spam garbage scows.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    EPtS1, AtB1, ET3, DEM3
    EPtE1, AtB1

    HE1, ST2

    ...instead, once I pick NFG on him.

    that's what i would do, especially after i got the bio patch trait for everyone. most broken trait ever. only REALLY need EPtS3 on warbirds, they cant even cap out their shield power without it, and thats only not a problem when they got all their guns fireing

    if you run it as a beam boat, you can go back to running EPtW, and even drop it down to 1 AtB and run ether an AtD or RSP1. if you aren't trying to cycle cannon skills as often as possible the downtime of 1 AtB is not a big deal. your better off not cycling FAW anyway if your actually trying to kill something, unless your alone with it or there's just 2 targets in range.
This discussion has been closed.