Hello all,
I am sure that some of you folks know that feeling of emptiness when you re-login and find yourselves *surprisingly* fleet-less.
What I am looking for:
I am looking for a fleet with Minimum Tier 4Starbase (Preferably Tier 5) Tier 3 Embassy Tier 3 Mine and Tier 3 Spire and that does not kick their players based on activity. Previously, I've been kicked out of the fleet for inactivity (Twice!!). Yes, I am fairly inconsistent when it comes to my activity and might get inactive for a few months out of the sudden (rl-stuff)
About me:
I've been playing this game since Season 2 and am a Lifetimer and am in my opinion a sociable person. Currently I have 8 Characters of which 4 are Federation and 4 are Klingon. I process a vast understanding of in-game mechanics and pve-lore and am also willing to participate in both pvp- and RPing.
Over the last few years I have accumulated over 1 billion ECs and 20k Fleet Marks (not credits) spread on all my Characters.
I used to be one of few who was able to beat wave 10 on no-win scenario half year ago (figure it's not that special anymore) and who has full/maco/honorguard/omega mkxii sets when there was no reputation system yet.
My federation Characters are:
Leto Deville (Engineer) - Galor Cruiser
Janna Winters (Engineer) - Recluse Carrier
Maya Stormwings (Sci) - Recluse Carrier
Tum'Pak (Tac) - Jem'Hadar Attack Ship
Please feel free to PM me ingame
@Eglar aswell if you think that I would fit into your fleet.
Thank you for your time.
I would role-play but it certainly shouldn't be my main focus when playing sto.
To join us or ask us question Contact in game @suzy33
@sportz19721010 @avaeris @stingray74
Only way to get kick from fleet is to be inactive for more than 2 months