Once there was a talk in a dev blog about some secondary deflectors for science vessels. Is that project abandoned or are you guys working on it? I'm just curious. Keep up the good work!
Was wondering about this as well. Science is important for everyone. It is hard to invent more advanced ways to brush your teeth, without the proper equipment!
Season 9.5 is the timetable for the release of the secondary deflectors. So that would be the earliest we would be able to get them. The dev blogs that came out said they wouldn't be apart of the initial Season 9 release but after that. So 9.5 or 10 is what we are looking at.
Season 9.5 is the timetable for the release of the secondary deflectors. So that would be the earliest we would be able to get them. The dev blogs that came out said they wouldn't be apart of the initial Season 9 release but after that. So 9.5 or 10 is what we are looking at.
See Solanae deflector as a special one. Excellent for heavy drain builds. They seem to be just to give small science skill boosts and add something extra in special cases.
because Dev's said it was going to be released sometimes during season 9? and game mechanics usually are released on a "major" release, like a Season update, not a normal patch?
and thus the next major release is season 9.5? or else we'd have to wait until Expansion 2 since it'll happen before Season 10.
Secondary Deflectors are going to be a let-down, so not a lot of need to pine for them constantly. Unless you're waiting to rage over their patheticness? In that case, carry on...
Okay that it's it. Everyone put your sticks on the ground and step back from the dead horse..... This crime scene is now under Internet Law Enforcement Control O.o;
Fleet leader Nova Elite
Fleet Leader House of Nova elite
Who says there's going to be a Season 9.5?
See Solanae deflector as a special one. Excellent for heavy drain builds. They seem to be just to give small science skill boosts and add something extra in special cases.
because Dev's said it was going to be released sometimes during season 9? and game mechanics usually are released on a "major" release, like a Season update, not a normal patch?
and thus the next major release is season 9.5? or else we'd have to wait until Expansion 2 since it'll happen before Season 10.
Live Long And Suck It. - Wil Weaton