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Absolute Zero VS Solanae set

rondorarondora Member Posts: 23 Arc User
edited May 2014 in The Academy
i have the absolute zero set from the breen and am at the point in the missions where i can pick up the solanae set and wanted to know if i should switch to it once i get it all or just stick with the zero set.
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  • baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    depends on the weapon type you use...solanae buffs Antiproton, and it is overall a better set in my opinion.
    but if you use a lot of transphasic weapons the breen set would be better.
    Go pro or go home
  • damix4damix4 Member Posts: 609 Arc User
    edited May 2014


    You can compare them here and make your decision.

    Solanae is probably the best free space set and its set bonuses are much better than Breen set. Solanae will give you more survivability. But I guess it depends on your build, do you use Transphasic projectiles which are one of the Breen set bonuses?
    baudl wrote: »
    depends on the weapon type you use...solanae buffs Antiproton.

    I think you had Obelisk warp core in mind?
  • rondorarondora Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    i have the obelisk set already so i went antiproton beam weapons.

    i have been comparing the 2 sets a few days now and cant really tell which was better between the two sets. based on what your saying i will probably go solanae
  • jivedutchjivedutch Member Posts: 357 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Breen set is meant for transphasic with polaron drainers .... and can be obtained in 1 playthru of the missions.

    For anything else .. the Solanea is better.

    Deflector : Solanea beats the breen due to accuracy & SIF
    Engine : Solanea beats breen by adding bonus power to systems
    Shield : Solanea has 10% resist all, breen has 20% polaron resist, solanea has chance to reflect dmg

    So on the individual pieces, sola already beats the breen set

    Setwise , the 2piece breen beats the sola if u have transphasic projectiles, otherwise the bonus power from the sola is superior
    3 piece, the breen siphon beats the sola for disabling enemies, the sola has sif-leech , that if it works proper, keeps u alive if u have good shots on target.

    Overall ... Solanea is the superior set.

    Sidenote ... Breen has transphasic boost ... Solanea has power lvl boost, not Antiproton boost, that comes from the Obelisk set.
  • edgecrysgeredgecrysger Member Posts: 2,740 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    The Breen Set is only intended if you going to use transphasics. If not, the Solanae is far superior. Not to mention, the max level of the breen set you will get is mkXI, and the solanae is already mkXII. This is another handicap to consider, if someday cryptic decides to give us a mkXII breen set, we will see.

    For free sets, the solanae is the best right now. But depends on what weapons you going to use. It will be stupid to go for the solanae if you going to build a transphasic boat, for example. The Breen set have visuals as well, and a lot of people use it because of that (one of the reasons a lot of people uses some set or others and i agree). The solanae is plain and you will not get any visuals.
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