Hi I just completed the Undine BZ with only two PK crushed. Reward was 95 marks + I believe 1440 rd.
For 3 of these you are awarded - 0,5,35 or 60 marks and 720 rd.
In local zone chat somebody stated that killing one PK grants 120 marks, but I have had no chance to test it because popular belief drives people to kill all 3 PK's.
Whoa. Is that what's going on? I've noticed some weird things going on with the rewards but I couldn't pin it down. That would make sense of what I was seeing then. That needs to be fixed ASAP.
Are you kidding me! Well looks like I will hinder progress to make sure I get full marks. Hope this is fixed asap, damn it all that hard work for the lowest rewards.
This is a case of you folks not being able to see the whole picture. I can't go into details, but the number of Planet Killers defeated is not the only factor in what reward you get. It's that variant in reward scaling that is producing the discrepancies you are seeing.
This is a case of you folks not being able to see the whole picture. I can't go into details, but the number of Planet Killers defeated is not the only factor in what reward you get. It's that variant in reward scaling that is producing the discrepancies you are seeing.
regardless of all other variables, you kill 2 you get 90, you kill 3 you get 60, and got to waist time fighting voth to get 15 more. takes longer and pays less. it doesn't mater how long it took to cap the whole zone, if you lost and had to recapture zones, there is never any variation in the mark reward, the ONLY variable is the number of PKs downed. so what are you talking about?
Just got 1680 dil and 60 marks for 3 PKs destroyed, personally hitting 3 of them and assisting in 5 area captures. I've never seen more than 1680, and certainly not for fewer PKs destroyed. I believe the only time I've ever seen an instance fail to clear all three, it was around 720 dil and 35 marks.
I only got 35 marks the last two times but I was late to the party, doing only 1 or two area captures before going against the Planet Killers. In both occasions we got all 3 PKs.
As I've never been able to get more than 60+15 from downing all 3 PKs (with varying participation in both points taken and PKs I damaged), I'd love to know what variable you are talking about, Crypticfrost.
So clearly there is something wrong if by achieving less you get rewarded more (not that it'd be unique in STO: CC was, or maybe still is, rewarding less for first place than for second and third).
TOIVA, Toi Vaxx, Toia Vix, Toveg, T'vritha, To Vrax: Bring in the Allegiance class. Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider. Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
I have done multiple runs on various toons, various professions. As far I got it if you participate in zone takeover and be able to take couple of them on average 4-5, usually because of two teams being active in the zone, you will be awarded random number of marks for taking the 3 PK's.
I have tried to deduct what might be influencing the rewards but I still dont get it.
Did anyone get the chance to confirm the 1 PK = 120 marks ?
I tried yesterday, killing 2 planet killers, without participation in any zone takeover, and I got 60 marks.
I will try again today and try to kill only one planet killer to see how it goes.
You mean you took part in downing 2 PKs or that only 2/3 were taken down overall in your instance?
TOIVA, Toi Vaxx, Toia Vix, Toveg, T'vritha, To Vrax: Bring in the Allegiance class. Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider. Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
This is a case of you folks not being able to see the whole picture. I can't go into details, but the number of Planet Killers defeated is not the only factor in what reward you get. It's that variant in reward scaling that is producing the discrepancies you are seeing.
For 3 killed you get 60 marks,90 for 2 and if you kill only 1 you get 120 marks.If thats not a bug then what is
I only got 35 marks the last two times but I was late to the party, doing only 1 or two area captures before going against the Planet Killers. In both occasions we got all 3 PKs.
Make that 3 times, also with 3 planet killers dead... I would love to know why I am getting so little.
There's definitely more to it than that. How many points do you capture or prevent recapture on? How many points do you fly through without interacting?
Just for experimenting purposes, I just went to a new instance, sat in the spawn area while other people captured all of the points, then I flew out to assist in defeating a single planet killer, then flew back and sat at the spawn again while the other two PKs were defeated. I got 15 marks, 250 dilithium, and 3 injections out of it. I got nothing for not participating in the following voth melee.
I repeated this process, this time assisting in 1 point capture at the start of the next round, then idling in the spawn area until the PK wave, and once again assisted with 1 PK before returning to the spawn to idle through the rest and the voth wave. 15 marks, 240 ore, 3 injections.
Repeating again during the third round, this time I assisted with 2 point captures, except instead of doing the 2 captures at the start of the round and idling until the PK wave arrived**, I waited until the zone was about half under our control, then captured 1 of the looooong Fed points. By the time that point was capped, there was only 1 other uncaptured point left, so I made a beeline over to that one and assisted capturing as well. Then the PK wave was triggered and once again I assisted with 1 PK only before returning to my spawn den and lurking there through the killing of the other two PKs and the voth wave. 35 marks, 720 ore, 3 injections.
*thus altering 2 variables instead of just 1, somewhat invalidating this trial
Fourth round: Stayed active for entire round, captured 5 points solo, assisted with 1 PK then went back to the lurkspawn. 60 marks, 1680 ore, 3 injections. Idled through the voth wave.
Round five: Almost the same as round four, except increase the number of captured points to 6, and increase the number of PK assists to 2 this time. 60 marks 1680 ore, 3 injections.
I might try more variations to get additional data points later if I get bored.
Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
Ok this one is definitely broken. Just now, warped in, they were in the process of killing the planet killers, i helped in just killing one, he was already on 50% and i got 60 marks 1740 and 3 injections.
This morning, same thing i warped in, helped in killing 1 planet killer, got 15 marks, 3 injections and cant remembet the dilithium.
Yesterday, i helped in capturing 4 zones and helped in killing 3 planet killers, and i got 60 marks 1740 and 3 injections.
A couple of days ago i helped in capturing 2 zones and in killing 2 planet killers, we didnt manged to get the third one, and i got 104 marks!:eek:
Where is the loginc in that, its clear that something is wrong here!
Maybe your intent was to track dps, or how many zone or planet killers we captured and killed, but from this it proves othervise. Please find the way to fix it!
Last time I was there ... the amount of undine spam and bubbles was so damn high that my pc got trapped in a bubble too, which debuffed its performance, not to mention the time spent to complete all of the tasks.
Since then, I've always played only the Undine infiltration for my daily undine marks : I found the marks/time ratio better.
Ok, dilithium is another story ...
This is a case of you folks not being able to see the whole picture. I can't go into details, but the number of Planet Killers defeated is not the only factor in what reward you get. It's that variant in reward scaling that is producing the discrepancies you are seeing.
Here's the thing. I started in a fresh instance and fought my way the entire time across the map. After downing 3 PKs, I got 35 marks. I then started a half finished instance and fought in a handful of capture points and downed 2 PKs. I got 60 marks from that. You sure that's how it's supposed to be?
Ok this morning i logged into STO, warped into a zone were they were already killed 2 planet killers, i joined in attempet to kill the third one, we failed and i got 95 marks 2 injections and around 1200 dilithium!
So i really havent done anything!
Can you tell me that this is normal?
It makes me think that Cryptic has some sort of 'target marks' goal per "round" in mind based on participation and some other variables.
I'm gonna make up some numbers for the sake of simplicity.
Say their goal is ~150 marks for a round. If a participating player captures 5 points and gets 10 marks per point, they've earned 50 during the lead up to the PK wave. If the player assists with 1 PK, that's an additional 10 marks immediately, plus whatever is awarded at the end of the round when either all 3 are dead, or the zone fails to kill the others.
The math then gives out PK rewards based on a sliding scale that takes into account the # of points the player captured, # of PKs they assisted in killing, # of PKs failed, amount of DPS player did, # of points player prevented enemy recapture on, and probably some other variables like how long the round took (they don't want megafarming every few minutes), all with their own weighting*.
So based on all of that, say it gives out 60 marks at the end of the round, which gives the player a total of 120 marks. Fairly closeish to the desired 150, with some variability.
*Weighting is important and I suspect it's distributed on some sort of curve, bell curve maybe, with a tipping point. If you idle on your butt for the whole round like I did during my testing, it weights that against you and you get punished in the rewards phase (I only got 10+15 for assisting with a PK). This idea could be supported by the evidence that if you zone in during the PK wave and help kill a PK your reward is sometimes much higher despite the fact that you only did the same amount of work that I did with my idle test; because you've only been in the zone for a short period of time it can't measure any "idling" or low DPS from you based on, say, a percentage of the number of seconds you've been in the zone, or something like that. But there's a conflicting report of rewards from hrci2907 about zoning in twice during the PK wave and killing 1 but getting different rewards. So there's still more to it than that.
BUT if you're TOO active, it would also get weighted against you because they don't want you to wipe the floor with the zone and make beau coup marks too fast. Because if you got the 90-100+ marks reward for killing all 3 PKs on top of you assisting with the capture of every single point in the zone, you would exceed the 'target marks' per round: (9 points * 10 marks) + (3 PKs * 10 marks) + 90 or 100 marks reward for the PK wave would = 300 or more marks for one round, not including the voth brawl.
So it's pretty obvious that they're artificially gating rewards based on a weighted multi-variable sliding scale, but it seems that one or more of those variables or weights are conflicting with each other which gives weird results. This gating formula probably also serves a secondary purpose in giving weaker players a chance at keeping up with the stronger players by boosting their rewards (higher weighting for failed PKs so you can feel good about trying)(while nerfing the strongest players, and also of course the afk leechers).
Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
I just entered a zone and fought a planet killer, which did NOT get killed, the other 2 died. Received a total of 95 marks, and 1140 dilithium and 2 injections.
I know I did not have any credit built up because the last time I was in the bz I helped with planet killers.
Same zone, next round, I helped capture 5 areas, and killed all 3 planet killers, got 60 marks and 1740 dilithium, plus an extra 15 marks for the voth part and a total of 4 injections (3 for pks and 1 for voth). I with all the mark packages I got a total of 175 marks (but the packages should be independent of the final bonus)
So 0 captures before pks, 1 pk fought but not killed, 2/3 killed in zone = 95 marks, 1140 dil and 2 injections
5 captures before pks, 3 pks fought and killed, and voth fought = 75 marks and 1740 dil 4 injections
I think entering the battle during the pk round and all 3 dying gives 15 marks, I don't remember for sure though
I would guess the injection rewards are about what is intended, the dil might be as well, but the marks seem to be way off.
Oddly when it was just 2/3 pks dead the reward came in 2 parts, one was 300dil and 50 marks, the other was 840 dil and 45 marks (don't remember which the injections were attached to). However when we killed 3/3 it came in 1 part.
Could an admin let us know what is happening with this please? So far the only response is "it is working as intended" which given what i just saw seems very unlikely.
I have noticed a few interesting points that contribute to the variant behaviors people are seeing:
1. Full reward for participation is achieved ONLY if you take, apparently, at least 3 points prior to the PK shootdowns. You will receive your reward regardless of if you partake in ANY PK shootdowns, at the conclusion of the timer or when all 3 are shot down, except possibly in the case where you participate in no shootdowns or points.
2. It doesn't appear to matter whether the point-takings occur in the same run as the PK fights. I am regularly in the habit of capping 1 point to collect my daily and then leaving, and once I warped in to collect my daily right as a 3 PK shootdown concluded, and got 60 for doing nothing at all, but I had been camping the area for at least 3 days collecting the daily without sticking around for the zone to finish. Your count is reset once you have collected aforementioned reward (it will be less if you didn't get at least 3? points).
HOWEVER, these things are confirmed to be constants:
1. Shooting down 3 PKs, with full participation score, regardless of whether you participate in all 3 shootdowns or not, awards 60, and sends the zone to a Voth Battle.
2. shooting down only 2, with full participation score, rewards 95.
I haven't ever confirmed the 120 from only one, but it seems clear that the rewards are reversed, probably because only shooting one or two down is actually HARDER than getting all 3.
This is a case of you folks not being able to see the whole picture. I can't go into details, but the number of Planet Killers defeated is not the only factor in what reward you get. It's that variant in reward scaling that is producing the discrepancies you are seeing.
No, this is a case of game mechanics not being documented (again..), AND apparently not working properly.
You can't possibly imply that all the players reporting 'interesting' or outright broken (see examples in this thread) rewards are simply too stupid to figure out how the system works, even if only roughly.
Why don't you guys make things a bit more transparent?
A well designed reward system can't be exploited. The current badly or non documented systems apparently can. So what's the point in being so secretive about it? The only reason I could come up with is keeping those players entertained who like to find all the loopholes in a game. Now seriously, I hope this isn't the case..
I went to the BZ today. The BZ was completed but in the PK stage. Killed or rather helped to kill one of them (joined when the bubble was already covering the PK) got 60 Marks, 3 injections.
If that is right ... well couple days ago killed 3 PK's got 15 marks and no injections.
Today, I joined the BZ with a friend already there.
He captured one point and the PK phase started, I joined during the PK phase.
Killed 3 PK's earned 30 marks and 3 injections he got 35 marks and 3 injections.
Joined the battlezone in the PK phase with 2 PK's live, team killed 1 of those before I even reached it. Turned back and helped in busting the 3rd one... Didn't make it in time.
Mission failed, received 50 marks as a fail reward (LOL) and 45 for completing the BZ. On top of that 820 RD and 2 injections.
Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
Mine Trap Supporter
regardless of all other variables, you kill 2 you get 90, you kill 3 you get 60, and got to waist time fighting voth to get 15 more. takes longer and pays less. it doesn't mater how long it took to cap the whole zone, if you lost and had to recapture zones, there is never any variation in the mark reward, the ONLY variable is the number of PKs downed. so what are you talking about?
So clearly there is something wrong if by achieving less you get rewarded more (not that it'd be unique in STO: CC was, or maybe still is, rewarding less for first place than for second and third).
Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!
I have tried to deduct what might be influencing the rewards but I still dont get it.
Did anyone get the chance to confirm the 1 PK = 120 marks ?
I will try again today and try to kill only one planet killer to see how it goes.
You mean you took part in downing 2 PKs or that only 2/3 were taken down overall in your instance?
Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!
Make that 3 times, also with 3 planet killers dead... I would love to know why I am getting so little.
Just for experimenting purposes, I just went to a new instance, sat in the spawn area while other people captured all of the points, then I flew out to assist in defeating a single planet killer, then flew back and sat at the spawn again while the other two PKs were defeated. I got 15 marks, 250 dilithium, and 3 injections out of it. I got nothing for not participating in the following voth melee.
I repeated this process, this time assisting in 1 point capture at the start of the next round, then idling in the spawn area until the PK wave, and once again assisted with 1 PK before returning to the spawn to idle through the rest and the voth wave. 15 marks, 240 ore, 3 injections.
Repeating again during the third round, this time I assisted with 2 point captures, except instead of doing the 2 captures at the start of the round and idling until the PK wave arrived**, I waited until the zone was about half under our control, then captured 1 of the looooong Fed points. By the time that point was capped, there was only 1 other uncaptured point left, so I made a beeline over to that one and assisted capturing as well. Then the PK wave was triggered and once again I assisted with 1 PK only before returning to my spawn den and lurking there through the killing of the other two PKs and the voth wave. 35 marks, 720 ore, 3 injections.
*thus altering 2 variables instead of just 1, somewhat invalidating this trial
Fourth round: Stayed active for entire round, captured 5 points solo, assisted with 1 PK then went back to the lurkspawn. 60 marks, 1680 ore, 3 injections. Idled through the voth wave.
Round five: Almost the same as round four, except increase the number of captured points to 6, and increase the number of PK assists to 2 this time. 60 marks 1680 ore, 3 injections.
I might try more variations to get additional data points later if I get bored.
Joined January 2009
This morning, same thing i warped in, helped in killing 1 planet killer, got 15 marks, 3 injections and cant remembet the dilithium.
Yesterday, i helped in capturing 4 zones and helped in killing 3 planet killers, and i got 60 marks 1740 and 3 injections.
A couple of days ago i helped in capturing 2 zones and in killing 2 planet killers, we didnt manged to get the third one, and i got 104 marks!:eek:
Where is the loginc in that, its clear that something is wrong here!
Maybe your intent was to track dps, or how many zone or planet killers we captured and killed, but from this it proves othervise. Please find the way to fix it!
Since then, I've always played only the Undine infiltration for my daily undine marks : I found the marks/time ratio better.
Ok, dilithium is another story ...
Here's the thing. I started in a fresh instance and fought my way the entire time across the map. After downing 3 PKs, I got 35 marks. I then started a half finished instance and fought in a handful of capture points and downed 2 PKs. I got 60 marks from that. You sure that's how it's supposed to be?
Mine Trap Supporter
So i really havent done anything!
Can you tell me that this is normal?
Because i really dont see any loginc in that.
I'm gonna make up some numbers for the sake of simplicity.
Say their goal is ~150 marks for a round. If a participating player captures 5 points and gets 10 marks per point, they've earned 50 during the lead up to the PK wave. If the player assists with 1 PK, that's an additional 10 marks immediately, plus whatever is awarded at the end of the round when either all 3 are dead, or the zone fails to kill the others.
The math then gives out PK rewards based on a sliding scale that takes into account the # of points the player captured, # of PKs they assisted in killing, # of PKs failed, amount of DPS player did, # of points player prevented enemy recapture on, and probably some other variables like how long the round took (they don't want megafarming every few minutes), all with their own weighting*.
So based on all of that, say it gives out 60 marks at the end of the round, which gives the player a total of 120 marks. Fairly closeish to the desired 150, with some variability.
*Weighting is important and I suspect it's distributed on some sort of curve, bell curve maybe, with a tipping point. If you idle on your butt for the whole round like I did during my testing, it weights that against you and you get punished in the rewards phase (I only got 10+15 for assisting with a PK). This idea could be supported by the evidence that if you zone in during the PK wave and help kill a PK your reward is sometimes much higher despite the fact that you only did the same amount of work that I did with my idle test; because you've only been in the zone for a short period of time it can't measure any "idling" or low DPS from you based on, say, a percentage of the number of seconds you've been in the zone, or something like that. But there's a conflicting report of rewards from hrci2907 about zoning in twice during the PK wave and killing 1 but getting different rewards. So there's still more to it than that.
BUT if you're TOO active, it would also get weighted against you because they don't want you to wipe the floor with the zone and make beau coup marks too fast. Because if you got the 90-100+ marks reward for killing all 3 PKs on top of you assisting with the capture of every single point in the zone, you would exceed the 'target marks' per round: (9 points * 10 marks) + (3 PKs * 10 marks) + 90 or 100 marks reward for the PK wave would = 300 or more marks for one round, not including the voth brawl.
So it's pretty obvious that they're artificially gating rewards based on a weighted multi-variable sliding scale, but it seems that one or more of those variables or weights are conflicting with each other which gives weird results. This gating formula probably also serves a secondary purpose in giving weaker players a chance at keeping up with the stronger players by boosting their rewards (higher weighting for failed PKs so you can feel good about trying)(while nerfing the strongest players, and also of course the afk leechers).
Joined January 2009
I know I did not have any credit built up because the last time I was in the bz I helped with planet killers.
Same zone, next round, I helped capture 5 areas, and killed all 3 planet killers, got 60 marks and 1740 dilithium, plus an extra 15 marks for the voth part and a total of 4 injections (3 for pks and 1 for voth). I with all the mark packages I got a total of 175 marks (but the packages should be independent of the final bonus)
0 captures before pks, 1 pk fought but not killed, 2/3 killed in zone = 95 marks, 1140 dil and 2 injections
5 captures before pks, 3 pks fought and killed, and voth fought = 75 marks and 1740 dil 4 injections
I think entering the battle during the pk round and all 3 dying gives 15 marks, I don't remember for sure though
I would guess the injection rewards are about what is intended, the dil might be as well, but the marks seem to be way off.
Oddly when it was just 2/3 pks dead the reward came in 2 parts, one was 300dil and 50 marks, the other was 840 dil and 45 marks (don't remember which the injections were attached to). However when we killed 3/3 it came in 1 part.
Could an admin let us know what is happening with this please? So far the only response is "it is working as intended" which given what i just saw seems very unlikely.
1. Full reward for participation is achieved ONLY if you take, apparently, at least 3 points prior to the PK shootdowns. You will receive your reward regardless of if you partake in ANY PK shootdowns, at the conclusion of the timer or when all 3 are shot down, except possibly in the case where you participate in no shootdowns or points.
2. It doesn't appear to matter whether the point-takings occur in the same run as the PK fights. I am regularly in the habit of capping 1 point to collect my daily and then leaving, and once I warped in to collect my daily right as a 3 PK shootdown concluded, and got 60 for doing nothing at all, but I had been camping the area for at least 3 days collecting the daily without sticking around for the zone to finish. Your count is reset once you have collected aforementioned reward (it will be less if you didn't get at least 3? points).
HOWEVER, these things are confirmed to be constants:
1. Shooting down 3 PKs, with full participation score, regardless of whether you participate in all 3 shootdowns or not, awards 60, and sends the zone to a Voth Battle.
2. shooting down only 2, with full participation score, rewards 95.
I haven't ever confirmed the 120 from only one, but it seems clear that the rewards are reversed, probably because only shooting one or two down is actually HARDER than getting all 3.
No, this is a case of game mechanics not being documented (again..), AND apparently not working properly.
You can't possibly imply that all the players reporting 'interesting' or outright broken (see examples in this thread) rewards are simply too stupid to figure out how the system works, even if only roughly.
Why don't you guys make things a bit more transparent?
A well designed reward system can't be exploited. The current badly or non documented systems apparently can. So what's the point in being so secretive about it? The only reason I could come up with is keeping those players entertained who like to find all the loopholes in a game. Now seriously, I hope this isn't the case..
If that is right ... well couple days ago killed 3 PK's got 15 marks and no injections.
Are you guys still "investigating" ???
He captured one point and the PK phase started, I joined during the PK phase.
Killed 3 PK's earned 30 marks and 3 injections he got 35 marks and 3 injections.
Joined the battlezone in the PK phase with 2 PK's live, team killed 1 of those before I even reached it. Turned back and helped in busting the 3rd one... Didn't make it in time.
Mission failed, received 50 marks as a fail reward (LOL) and 45 for completing the BZ. On top of that 820 RD and 2 injections.
Did not capture a single area.
Where is the logic in that ???
Joined January 2009
I love it. Gave me loads more marks then wining so... I love it. /sarcasm implied