Thanks to this ship sale, I finally got the Odyssey pack (which I was already planning on getting at some point... sales are good).
![:) :)](
I chose to go with the Operations variant to get the +5 to all systems... and I also dropped all three consoles in to get the bonus to the turn rate.
Now, I know it's a cruiser, so turning will not be the greatest, but which implies engine should I drop in it to further improve the turn rate? I was thinking either one of the MACO engines, or the Omega engine... any tips???
(Just to note: Borg engine is already going into my TERetro... so, unless I get another, it's off the table.)
That said, I don't actually have a recommendation. I would say it would depend on which set you wanted and what set bonuses.
So, wait... I don't have to manually switch out sets every time I jump to a new ship???
#noob :P
Which is why I was thinking about Adapted MACO set... and I see you've used that.
Been only playing for about 2 1/2 months, but I had no idea that was a thing. :P
One of a few gripes I have about this game... it's not totally intuitive, in some respects.
Now, I know... and knowing is half the battle...
You should rather try to live with the fact it's a slow ship.
The new 8472 engine has the same turn bonus as the AMACO but with better flight speed,
it swaps the extra power and hot restart for +5% defense and +5 inertia
As for sets I would either go with the Assimilated Engine and Deflector with MACO or Elite Fleet Shield or with the full Dyson set. I have not really gotten a good look at the new set though so that may be a good option as well when you can use it.
If you must have more turn rate, boost your power levels and use a RCS console or two, preferrably the ones from the dilthium mine that have resistances to all damage types.
Use EPTx abilities with a warp core engineer DOFF that boosts power levels.
+1 for this post
I would drop the Aquarius console (you still get most of the set bonuses with 2 piece, including the turn boost - the 3-piece just makes the saucer suck slightly less) and stick a Fleet Neutronium XII [Turn] or Fleet RCS XII [+AllRes] in there. I'm pretty sure you'll see better results with either console as opposed to a specific engine, which is probably going to be dictated by whatever set you want as opposed to turn rate. Unless you don't want a set engine, in which case you can just stick something from a Fleet store on there with ridiculous levels of [Turn]. If you do that, go for Combat or Hyper-Impulse, depending on whether or not your engine power is below or above 50, respectively. You may also consider whether or not the engine is Efficient, but I never gave the fleet engines too much attention. You probably want an Elite one if you get one, though.
That said, if you're looking for an entire set, IIRC the Omega set has some boosts for turn rate, but I don't recall for certain on that one. I also THINK (again, am not sure) the Solonae engine gives turn boosts when you're under fire.
To boost your turn rate, get Fleet Armor (pref Neutronium) consoles +Turn. I slot two of them on my Oddy for great resistance and slightly less bovine turn rate.
When it comes right down to it, turn rate doesn't effect an Oddy that much, you'll do much, much more DPS broadsiding with beams than you will with front-facing DBBs, Cannons or Torps. When broadsiding turn rate isn't nearly as important.
+ If you're going with a Beam Boat build, use the new 8472 Impulse Engine and Deflector. It grants damage, shields, hull, +Acc and +Def as well as resistance to Fluidic Space "drag"... plus the Engine is a Hyper variant so it works better at Engine power of 75 or over - and you'll be running at this anyway for [Amp] bonuses.
+ If you're going with at least one Torpedo, use the Adapted MACO Impulse Engine and Deflector. This grants extra Hull and energy drains, plus a large bonus to Aux and a sizeable boost to Torpedo Damage; as well as the Hot Engine Restart effect.
+ Try to always use an [AMP] Fleet Warp Core unless you're running Antiprotons (Obelisk set).
+ Try to always use an [Adapt] Fleet Resilient Shield when tanking. Covariant is another option if you're planning to Shield Tank rather than Hull Tank. Personally, I'd always go for Resilient on an Odyssey.
Technically you could go Adapted MACO Engine/Shield and 8472 Deflector; plus [Amp] Warp Core for maximum DPS... and indeed this is the option I'm aiming for now on most Non-Tank ships.
The 3-piece Odyssey Set is only useful if you really love and rely on the Chevron pet; otherwise just dump the Aquarius or the Chevron console (usually the Aquarius because popping the Chevron gives you a big turn rate buff and the Aquarius AI sucks) and take the 2-set Recharge/Armor/Turn bonus.