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Tac Reman in Fleet Ar'kif

grejvxgrejvx Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited May 2014 in Romulan Discussion
Jolan Tru!

Fellow Romulans, brethren Remans, I need help with building this first pride of Romulan Republic shipyard!

I'll start with what I have already achieved.
I'm flying Ar'Kif Tactical Carrier Warbird ever since we got her, but that was on my Science Reman, and I have no problems with soloing one gates in mission Khitomer Accord Space Elite (guarding Probes and destroying at least one complete side of Gates in same time).
That build is displayed here. I can't remember which Singularity Core I have on it, but it's one from Fleet Dilithium Mine.

When I've tried similar build on my Tactical Reman, I haven't got much of success.

My goal is simple, to get it fully ready and slightly OP for PvE content, as I already have Fleet T'varo that has shown enough strength in PvP (small inner-Fleet league).

For the gear, my "to buy" list is
  • Full set MACO,
  • Romulan Plasma DHC's and Turrets
  • All 5 Fleet Tactical consoles (the ones with Crit Chance, right now it's at 14.9%)
  • ZPM Console ( ;) )

But until then, are there any suggestions for Bridge Officer/Captain Skill changes that I could try and be useful in ESTF's?

Jolan Tru!
Post edited by grejvx on


  • dahminusdahminus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Issue is that your using a pvp mentality for pve content.

    Start doubling up on skills. 2 csv, 2 apb or apo, 2 tact teams. I'd drop the quad cannon and torp for another 2 dhc.

    If you don't have marion, pass on dem and get an aux2sif in there. Or do double dem and double eptX...skip the et

    Plasmonic leech and valdore console of badassery are missing...

    Epts is a higher rank then eptw...do a swap

    Honour guard set for only 1 torp that has a boff skill every 30 secs? Get that out of here and get yourself something with more BAM...fleet res shield, perhaps the new undine deflector and engines? why not I suppose

    No zero point conduit

    That's where I would start anyway
    Chive on and prosper, eh?

    My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
  • undyingzeroundyingzero Member Posts: 313 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    That is almost the exact same build I have on my DSD, and when it comes to blowing multiple ships in PvE content, it's really effective.

    I'd say remove DEM and slap Eject Warp Plasma there for good measure. Slow enemy ships down then CSV & Torp Spread the heck out of 'em.

    I'd also swap TSS for Sci Team and maybe equip a cooldown DOff on it, and you can pretty much bring Sci Team down to global or almost Global, for a fairly substantial amount of shield healing.
  • grejvxgrejvx Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I hope that you were looking at 2nd build :)

    So, that first line actually helped a lot, "Issue is that your using a pvp mentality for pve content." :D

    My decision is to go with Undine Deflector + Engines, they look interesting, probably will get Fleet shields later.
    Swapped few skills: CSV1x2, APO1, APO3 and TT1x2... guarding Kang and side in KASE is easy, everything melts!
    Got few (3/5) Fleet CritC consoles and Valdore one (idiot, don't know why I didn't got it sooner, it helps in PvP build as well!).
    And I've replaced guns with Romulan ones (3 DHC's and Bio-molecular photon in front, 2 turrets and KCB in back)

    Thank you both for feedback, it helped :)
  • ovinspaceovinspace Member Posts: 310
    edited May 2014
    The Arkif is pretty fragile and you need power for those guns so adding the energy weapon doff that gives free shield power works well. Its expensive, doubled in price in a couple of months. If you have torps up front you could use the projectile alternative or maybe both.
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