This mission is one bugged up piece of trype. I go in to play it and get to the final boss. I have to respawn and go back into the room to find the Boss is now either outside the playable map area or fell through map. The mission itself is just a spawnfest intended to frustrate your ability to complete the required action of keeping stations alive. The irritating part is that you have to complete this mission so you can close out the Romulan Reputation. If it was just another mission that could be ignored then it would not be an issue, but linking it to the rep system is just lame. This mission either needs to be reworked or replaced with something more functional and less frustrating.
P.S. I did go back in and complete this mission so I could get my Rom Rep final reward.
Can't say I played it recently, so can't testify with the Tholian Captain falling out of bounds. But the battle for me was pretty easy. Park your BOFFs on the platform, have Engineers drop Mines, and watch the Tholians explode as they spawn.
Ran it 9 times over the last dil weekend event, never had any gameplay bugs. Mining the spawn point really is the difference maker though (metagaming, but it works). Tholians beam in and explode, then you melee the captain so he can't TPK you, wipe the group and still have time to save the consoles. And I'm pretty bad at ground.
i wasn't even aware there is a second part to that mission? ... What consoles do you need to save?
My BoFF's all died, because I couldn't be bothered buying EV suits for them for just one mission (unless their is a freebie for them somewhere?)
So I solo'd the "Boss", though I did need to respawn a couple of times (darn sticky lava jiz they throw on the ground) Admittedly I was using the Lobi Solonae EV suit, which is one of (the?) strongest EV suits in game, and a Sonic Rifle I'd picked up from one of the Nukara Rep XP "gift" boxes.
But I didn't do anything except scan some lava vents, look at some Dewa'n wall art, kill the Boss, then talk to D'Tan and watch the little movie ... And got a carp tonne of Rom marks and Dil ...
Romulan Rep missions are just so awful. The game doesn't exactly have amazing mission design in general, but all of the missions on the planet are just so boring and repetitive. I haven't tried the space bunny farming doff missions, but it sounds like that might be my only source of Romulan Marks from now on (the Romulan ship freeing mission is needed for Nakura Marks, which are really hard to get given dead queues).
Romulan Rep missions are just so awful. The game doesn't exactly have amazing mission design in general, but all of the missions on the planet are just so boring and repetitive. I haven't tried the space bunny farming doff missions, but it sounds like that might be my only source of Romulan Marks from now on (the Romulan ship freeing mission is needed for Nakura Marks, which are really hard to get given dead queues).
Nah, what you also want to do is grab the Tau Dewa Patrol Daily and the Tholian Red Alert ...
The Tholian Red Alert gives you a choice of either Fleet Marks or Nukara Rep Marks (Nukara gives you 10~15 + 55 Daily Bonus) and it counts as 25% of the Rom Rep Patrol daily and no queues required for either = win/win/win ...
Enough to do 1 daily and 1 hourly Rep XP project ...
Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
Live Long And Suck It. - Wil Weaton
My BoFF's all died, because I couldn't be bothered buying EV suits for them for just one mission (unless their is a freebie for them somewhere?)
So I solo'd the "Boss", though I did need to respawn a couple of times (darn sticky lava jiz they throw on the ground) Admittedly I was using the Lobi Solonae EV suit, which is one of (the?) strongest EV suits in game, and a Sonic Rifle I'd picked up from one of the Nukara Rep XP "gift" boxes.
But I didn't do anything except scan some lava vents, look at some Dewa'n wall art, kill the Boss, then talk to D'Tan and watch the little movie ... And got a carp tonne of Rom marks and Dil ...
Did I miss something???
Nah, what you also want to do is grab the Tau Dewa Patrol Daily and the Tholian Red Alert ...
Patrol gives you 60 + 55 (Daily Bonus) Romulan Rep Marks.
The Tholian Red Alert gives you a choice of either Fleet Marks or Nukara Rep Marks (Nukara gives you 10~15 + 55 Daily Bonus) and it counts as 25% of the Rom Rep Patrol daily and no queues required for either = win/win/win ...
Enough to do 1 daily and 1 hourly Rep XP project ...
Joined January 2009