Returning player so not 100% sure he hasn't voiced something in STO already...but here goes
Mr. Shatner isn't getting any younger. I expect he's expensive but with the right pitch perhaps something can be worked out.
A Khan time travel crossover? If only Ricardo Montalban was still with us!
Maybe mentioning that Mr. Nimoy has already been immortalized in STO (because STO will last forever

) will entice Mr. Shatner to add his immense talent and presence to the game (notice the flattery).
Anyway I just think it would be a really great addition and help cap his Star Trek legacy. I know this isn't a new idea by any means and that this has almost certainly been attempted before. Just thought I'd revisit and offer a friendly reminder/push.
William Shatner is a bit of an overblown, arrogant fool, but he's OUR fool, and he's a generally decent fool, and he's hilarious and uses his pots of money for decent things.
Plus, he's got a fricking awesome voice. And he's the KING of hamminess (I have a soft spot the size of Jupiter for hamminess).
"Space...the final frontier....these are...your voyages..."
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
-Thomas Marrone
there was a twitter incident involving shatner and branflakes i believe...
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Honestly, I wouldn't mind some old Romulan actors coming on and doing some more. I know there's Sela, but she is inherently a villain so far in the story.
I don't think Cryptic could afford what William Shatner's asking price would be. They'd have to way the cost vs and probable uptick in revenue by having Mr.Shatner do some voice work; and I seriously doubt they could make it work on the balance sheet.
Honestly, if Mr. Shatner and Mr. Nimoy are still alive around the time of the Star Trek 50th anniversary (and not trying to be morbid, just realistic as both men are in their early 80ies) ; it would be cool if maybe CBS would jump in and arrange something where the Dev do a time travel FE involving the Kirk and Spock of old - and they got them to agree to do some work, and could cross market/promote it as part of whatever will be done in various media for the Star Trek 50th anniversary media blitz I'm sure both Paramount and CBS will do in 2016; but again, barring something like taht, I don't think Cryptic would see the cost (if they did it alone) worth the possible returns.
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
I love all these ideas.
"It's a FAAAAKE!"
I know Vreenak is dead but no reason you couldn't use the same actor for another Romulan character. Maybe a relative?
Doesn't mean a thing. I got two words:
Time travel.
That can justify anything.
Cryptic/PWE's finances aren't that dire, but I agree.
Would you rather Cryptic shell out cash for the Shat to phone in a cameo, or hire another coder to hunt bugs?
...Oh, baby, you know, I've really got to leave you / Oh, I can hear it callin 'me / I said don't you hear it callin' me the way it used to do?...
- Anne Bredon
Played Star Trek Legacy? Nuff Said.
This whole game is one gigantic gimmick! I definitely support Shatner doing some voice work for STO.
> <
> <
I know the chances of it happening are possibly not very good however, IMHO the talents of Mr. Shatner would be a wonderful addition to Star Trek Online. If it did my some miracle happen:
According to Memory Alpha:
"The entrance to the Nexus was a violent temporal energy ribbon which crossed through the galaxy every 39.1 years."
2371 (Star Trek: Generations) + 39.1 = 2410.1 (The current year in Star Trek Online).
How about an amazing mission involving the Nexus, and it's up to YOU and YOUR CREW to aid in the return of Captain James T. Kirk?
Just some food for thought.
These Are The Voyages...
i Like This Idea Now This Would Be A Great Great Mission !!!!!
I have not heard of this incident.
Shatner doesn't take any work through direct channels, won't even discuss it most of the time, and everything has to go through his Agent. As I recall, Bran tried to talk to him directly about VO work over Twitter, Shatner was non-commital, and Bran was insistent/pesky enough that Shatner blocked him. He blocks a lot of people, to be honest, and typically unblocks them after a day or so.