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Idea for Season 10 (Xindi)

maxprangemaxprange Member Posts: 65 Arc User
EDIT: For every time I said Insectoids, replace it with Reptilions due to the fact that I just realized that I had them mixed up :L

This is actually sort of what I was hoping for for Season 9 but I knew it wouldn't happen. I think season 10 should feature the Xindi! A few ideas are:

Big win - Xindi Aquatic Carrier
800 lobi - Reptilian Battle Cruiser

  • Ensin Tactical
  • Lt Commander Sci
  • Commander Eng
  • Lt Universal
  • Lt Universal

  • 5 Eng
  • 3 Sci
  • 2 Tac

  • 46,500 Hitpoints
  • 1.15 Shield Mod
  • 4 Weapons fore 3 Weapons Aft
  • +10 shield power +10 aux power
  • Subsystem Targeting
  • 2 Hangar Bays
  • *Think of this somewhat like a deffensive JHDC

Console - Universal: Xindi Advanced Repair Siphon
  • 3 Min Recharge
  • 10 Seconds Active
  • To Self: +4,000 hull regen and 500 shield regen per second and +40 damage resistance rating.
  • To Allies: +2,000 hit points and 250 shields per second, +20 damage resistance rating (7.5km max range)
  • To Foes: -1,000 Hull and 100 Shields per second, (7.5km max range)

  • Commander Tactical
  • Lt Tactical
  • Ensign Sci
  • Lt Commander Universal
  • Lt Universal

  • 3 Eng
  • 2 Sci
  • 5 Tac

  • 35,500 Hitpoints
  • 1.05 Shield Mod
  • 4 Weapons fore 3 Weapons Aft
  • +15 weapons power
    [*]Console - Universal: Xindi Sphere Assault
    [*]3 Min Recharge
    [*]5 Seconds Activate
    [*]Calls in one Reptilian Sphere to attack selected target. Sphere does 30k Damage with a 25% chance to dissable one subsystem

    • Aquatic Fighters
    • Frigate
    • 2 Xindi Phaser Beams Fore
    • 1 Photon Torpedo Aft
    • Fire at will 1
    • Emergency power to shields 1
    • Eject Warp Plasma
    • Xindi Advanced Phasers
    • Phaser Color with antiproton "veigns" around
    • 2.5% chance, -75 weapons power in one subsystem for 10 seconds and placate for 1 second
    Console - Universal: Subspace Vortex

    To keep things simple but still fun, the story should be much like that of the Enterprise TV series: Due to the temporal cold war and suliban influence, the reptilians have frozen some of their best agents in time. Now they come back with a sphere just like that from the Enterprise Era and are attacking planets of the Federation and Klingon Empire. Each faction sends some of its best to eliminate the threat.

    To do a PvE mission it would be quite simple. For space: you are in orbit of a random federation planet, They have attacked and captured many of your allied star ships and deployed a virus in your planets defense grid to keep you out. While repelling attacking Xindi battle ships, you have to provide aid to the captured ships, beam over security teams, and reprogram the defense grid. This could be done like in Khitomer Vortex or use lanes like in the new Undine mission. After accomplishing these goals, you come across a xindi sphere. This has a hull intergrity of 750k or 3m (elite). It has the ability to launch Xindi fighters and has a deadly lance weapon that deals 30k or 70k (elite) damage to an attacker every 20 seconds. The goal is to defeat this, beam down aid to the planet then the mission is complete.

    For ground, the United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire have sent their best to take out an aquatic Xindi facility producing one of these spheres.


    Your team must battle through waves of Xindi, and rescue captured hostages and spies while at the same time, uploading a virus to the command center to cripple all other Xindi stations. At the end, you destroy the facility overall crippling the whole Reptilion attack. This mission would be a lot like Manus, where you fight through waves while watching out for firing lines, you pass them the Xindi slowly begin to kill the hostages. You then get to a room, much like the middle room where you defeat one of the borg bosses then have to use 3 consoles to unlock the door, but it would be uploading a virus instead as well as killing a Xindi commander.

    Again, I think it would be really cool to see these in-game.
    Post edited by maxprange on


    • darthdoulldarthdoull Member Posts: 0 Arc User
      edited April 2014
      I rather like this idea. The Xindi were the few things I felt fascination with in Enterprise. But Cryptic seems to like molding it's various storylines into one huge one. Your ideas for the plot wouldn't be typical of cryptic... Maybe the Iconians are the reason the Xindi were hidden for so long. And yet again, the Iconians are using a species to their advantage. As old as that storyline seems to be getting, that's the best I can come up with...

      Those ideas for the ships are neat. I'd buy them!

    • flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
      edited April 2014
      I can't see any other factions being created before we get Cardassians (and yes people, even though we already have the Galor, there is ample reason we can still have the Cardassian faction).

      That said, I'm not sure an Xindi Faction would truly work. What I would however go for is an Xindi FE Series, along with an Xindi Lock Box (or a series of them). The FE Series could tell a story, and the Lock Box(es) could release each of their ships, and maybe a unique Bridge Officer per (though likely excluding Aquatic for obvious reasons).
    • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
      edited April 2014
      Considering the Xindi are part of the Federation, then we won't get a Xindi Lockbox or Xindi faction.
    • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
      edited April 2014
      wouldnt discount a lockbox if the devs have ran out of ideas, however adding the xindi playable with their various current races except the insectoids, in a expansion later in the year, but not the primary focus. i can see it working like that.
      T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
      Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
    • flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
      edited April 2014
      starkaos wrote: »
      Considering the Xindi are part of the Federation, then we won't get a Xindi Lockbox or Xindi faction.
      I wouldn't rule out an Xindi Lock Box. If the Cardassians (who are practically Federation members) have offered their ships to all sides, there's nowt to say the Xindi wouldn't also.

      That, and Cryptic is hardly known for consistency in this regard. ;)
      wouldnt discount a lockbox if the devs have ran out of ideas, however adding the xindi playable with their various current races except the aquatics, in a expansion later in the year, but not the primary focus. i can see it working like that.
      Fixed for you. :)
    • sunfranckssunfrancks Member Posts: 3,925 Arc User
      edited April 2014
      Xindi are UFP members, so should be cstore ships like the Vulcan and Andorian..
      Fed: Eng Lib Borg (Five) Tac Andorian (Shen) Sci Alien/Klingon (Maelrock) KDF:Tac Romulan KDF (Sasha) Tac Klingon (K'dopis)
      Founder, member and former leader to Pride Of The Federation Fleet.
      What I feel after I hear about every decision made since Andre "Mobile Games Generalisimo" Emerson arrived...

    • flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
      edited April 2014
      sunfrancks wrote: »
      Xindi are UFP members, so should be cstore ships like the Vulcan and Andorian..
      Cryptic would make a LOT more money putting these ships in lock boxes though. Besides the fact, if they were thrown in the C-Store everyone and their sibling would have them. At least (via a lock box route) they're a little more limited.

      C-Store ships should be faction specific only; if Federation (not Andorian/Vulcan) and Klingon/Orion/Gorn/Nausciaan for KDF (because of how that faction is set up). The Andorian and Vulcan ships should have been lock box ships set up similar to how the Tal Shiar Ships are; lock box specific to a single faction.
    • alexmakepeacealexmakepeace Member Posts: 10,633 Arc User
      edited April 2014
      I could see a Xindi FE, what with there being a Xindi in a mission for the first time, and them being big proponents of peace between the factions (and you can guess how well the Iconians will take that).
    • sunfranckssunfrancks Member Posts: 3,925 Arc User
      edited April 2014
      flash525 wrote: »
      Cryptic would make a LOT more money putting these ships in lock boxes though. Besides the fact, if they were thrown in the C-Store everyone and their sibling would have them. At least (via a lock box route) they're a little more limited.

      C-Store ships should be faction specific only; if Federation (not Andorian/Vulcan) and Klingon/Orion/Gorn/Nausciaan for KDF (because of how that faction is set up). The Andorian and Vulcan ships should have been lock box ships set up similar to how the Tal Shiar Ships are; lock box specific to a single faction.

      Nah, should still be in the cstore. They don't need to be rare, as they are faction specific ships.

      The only way around that would be for the Xindi to leave the UFP, which is entirely possible in Cryptic's world.
      Fed: Eng Lib Borg (Five) Tac Andorian (Shen) Sci Alien/Klingon (Maelrock) KDF:Tac Romulan KDF (Sasha) Tac Klingon (K'dopis)
      Founder, member and former leader to Pride Of The Federation Fleet.
      What I feel after I hear about every decision made since Andre "Mobile Games Generalisimo" Emerson arrived...

    • flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
      edited April 2014
      sunfrancks wrote: »
      The only way around that would be for the Xindi to leave the UFP, which is entirely possible in Cryptic's world.
      A temporary leave of absence? :P

      To be fair though, in Cryptic's World there's no reason why they can't release UFP member world ships in lock boxes. They've the creative license (somewhat) to do as they please. If CBS gave the green light (likely here) then it's good to go, and I'd support it. Why not?
    • maxprangemaxprange Member Posts: 65 Arc User
      edited April 2014
      sunfrancks wrote: »
      Xindi are UFP members, so should be cstore ships like the Vulcan and Andorian..

      Right, so this is why I said the temporal cold war or the suliban or now even the iconians froze some of those reptilionsin time. Would make it reasonable for then fighting to start. Sort of like the deep space 9 episodes where some Dominiom who were frozen in time came back to take DS9. Now i cant remember this perfectly but it still didnt seem at the end of the show that the Reptilions were exactly the federations friends so you know they could also say that they alone defected and thats whats coming back to attack.
    • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
      edited April 2014
      I soooo want to see a Xindi Sphere in the game. those things were mean looking! And they seem like an effective tactic against the Undine.
      My character Tsin'xing
    • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
      edited April 2014
      flash525 wrote: »
      I wouldn't rule out an Xindi Lock Box. If the Cardassians (who are practically Federation members) have offered their ships to all sides, there's nowt to say the Xindi wouldn't also.

      That, and Cryptic is hardly known for consistency in this regard. ;)

      Fixed for you. :)

      insectoids are ugly, who would want to be one? i created a qularr bug on CO a while back and all i got was the character was ugly from others, i would imagine the same here. in any event though the aquatics could end up like a retconned protoss walker, an aquatic floating in a small bubble hanging from underneath.
      T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
      Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
    • maxprangemaxprange Member Posts: 65 Arc User
      edited April 2014
      It would be nice, if they did this, if there was a T5 NX starship. I mean it would be a nice escort probably if not maybe a very small battle cruiser. Always wanted to fly one but by the time I even noticed the T1 ship... I was an admiral lol though I do level up rather fast. :L
    • tmassxtmassx Member Posts: 834 Arc User
      edited April 2014
      I realy like you idea with Xindi but I am worried, that Cryptic build new season on a species who were only in one episode (elachi, voth) not on those who were in two series.
      Everything unfortunately decided to vote about a year ago , which did not participate in so many players , but which Cryptic grab , so STO flooded delta quadrant and the alien-of-the-week and dinosaurs with lasers on their heads.
      But when they run out of ideas , maybe that some we will see the Xindi with great aquatic and reptilian ships.

      Here is one older idea:
      aaronh42 wrote: »
      I can get behind a Xindi Lockbox.

      Big Reward: Xindi Aquatic Carrier
      Other Rewards:
      Xindi Doff Pack
      Xindi Superweapon Console (creates small targateable sphere that slowly powers up and then fires a devestating energy blast)
      Xindi Arsenal: Random Item: Xindi Armor (Negates damage from one attack every 15s) Xindi Biorifle (I don't know, does something special) and a Seeker (device that flies around randomly once deployed, drawing enemy fire) this of course would be an item set. Then some other non set items, maybe a consumable based of the bio mines they had, some other Xindi Themed ground items.
      Sphere Builder Artifacts: Items that can be used in Doff missions to do someting, I don't know....

      Lobi Store:
      Insectoid Shuttlecraft
      Reptillian Warship
      Reptillian Outfit
      Insectoid Bridge Officer (I know, not likely, would require an entirely new model)
    • moonshadowdarkmoonshadowdark Member Posts: 1,899 Arc User
      edited April 2014
      I'm pretty sure that entire season idea was just a rehash of the Dominion saga already in game.
      Depending on how long Season 10 lasts, we might end up coinciding with the 50th Anniversary of the Star Trek franchise, we could just use Season 10 and/or 11 as vehicles to lead us to the return of the Nexus and whatever big plan they have for the 50th Anniversary.

      Hopefully that plan involves getting Patrick Stewart and William Shatner to voice Picard and Kirk.
      "A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP"

      -Leonard Nimoy, RIP
    • alan171717alan171717 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
      edited April 2014
      maxprange wrote: »
      Right, so this is why I said the temporal cold war or the suliban or now even the iconians froze some of those insectoids in time. Would make it reasonable for then fighting to start. Sort of like the deep space 9 episodes where some Dominiom who were frozen in time came back to take DS9. Now i cant remember this perfectly but it still didnt seem at the end of the show that the Insectoids were exactly the federations friends so you know they could also say that they alone defected and thats whats coming back to attack.

      Reptilians were the really angry ones, at the end the Insectiods realized the Sphere Builders had betrayed them, and were destroyed by the Reptilians.
      "I am a travelor of both time and space to be where I have been"
    • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
      edited April 2014
      I just want Xindi ships, the Xindi-Aquatic cruiser, Xindi-Insectoid, and Xindi-Reptilian warship :)
    • tucana66tucana66 Member Posts: 710 Arc User
      edited April 2014
      (...) Depending on how long Season 10 lasts, we might end up coinciding with the 50th Anniversary of the Star Trek franchise, we could just use Season 10 and/or 11 as vehicles to lead us to the return of the Nexus and whatever big plan they have for the 50th Anniversary.

      Hopefully that plan involves getting Patrick Stewart and William Shatner to voice Picard and Kirk.
      I'm envisioning a Kickstarter or IndieGoGo effort to crowdsource the funding required for such a venture... (Not that PWE would even consider it, imho.). But it would be an MMO "first". And a newsworthy effort that could draw more players to the game...

      Kirk. Picard. In the Nexus. :) Count me in.

      Just for fun, imagine a popular (and proven) Trek author to build more momentum around the storyline. (No offense intended towards the current STO writer(s).)

      Back to the original OP's thread post:
      The idea of using the Xindi, such as you've suggested, is a grand idea. I'm personally tired of the Iconian influence angle. I do think it'll be used as the eventual end game/lights out mission for STO.

      Having the Temporal War factor into a new Xindi plot line could be interesting (with Temporal Investigations participating in a new cross-time/altered timeline adventure). Or using one of the interesting ideas from others within this thread.

      Xindi aside...
      What I'd really like to see is a Cardassian faction that wants to ally with the Federation and Klingons, but is torn with renewed Dominion ties, trade pacts with the Romulans, and internal struggles with the True Way (and potentially a Romulan Tal Sh'iar alliance sub plot).

      So, either Season 10 = Xindi.

      Or Season 10 = Cardassians.

      My vote, anyways... :)
    • maxprangemaxprange Member Posts: 65 Arc User
      edited April 2014
      alan171717 wrote: »
      Reptilians were the really angry ones, at the end the Insectiods realized the Sphere Builders had betrayed them, and were destroyed by the Reptilians.

      Yah im now realizing that ive been saying this all wrong... Instead of insectoids think Reptilians... I would get them confused during the show and I still do now lol. ;)
    • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
      edited April 2014
      Artwork for the ships here:

      I know how much fun it is to make up statistics for ships, but in the end, I suppose the developers will make up their own mind.

      By the looks, I'd say:
      Insectoid: Escort
      Reptilian: Battlecruiser
      Aquatic: Escort or Science (it looks "fast", but it has components that may make good "secondary" deflectors.
      Primate: Cruiser
      Aboral: Cruiser or Carrier
      Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
    • flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
      edited April 2014
      insectoids are ugly, who would want to be one? i created a qularr bug on CO a while back and all i got was the character was ugly from others, i would imagine the same here. in any event though the aquatics could end up like a retconned protoss walker, an aquatic floating in a small bubble hanging from underneath.
      I think Pakleds, Ferengi and Tellarite are equally ugly, but I see enough of them running around. ;)
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