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DSD Torp Boat?

jimmyradiationjimmyradiation Member Posts: 14 Arc User
edited May 2014 in Romulan Discussion
Quick questions before i spend time and money into my new project.

1) Torp boat viability now-a-days? The idea of a constant barrage of concentrated evil excites me...

2) Can the DSD be utilized in such a fashion? Caprimul class. Romulan Science Officer. Fresh Character.

I've read up on torp boats in general, but still kinda garbage at building the damned thing. Any of you magnificent ship builders able to give me some direction on how to outfit it? What reps to build to first?

Basically, if you were a new science officer getting the itch to spam fire torpedoes like it's going out of style...how would you start?

Post edited by jimmyradiation on


  • gofasternowgofasternow Member Posts: 1,390 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    1) Not sure how Torp Boats fare nowadays, but I'm certain there's still a role for these suckers somewhere. I'm itching to build one myself.

    2) The DSD is actually pretty good with it if you don't switch it to its Tactical Mode. It's Lt. Comm. Tac BOFF makes it perfect to wield Torpedo Spread III

    Best reps to build is the New Romulus and the Dyson Reps (not sure about 8472 yet). New Romulus gives you the Hyper-Plasma Torpedo Launcher, which shoots three torps at your opponents. Dyson gives you a Photon Torpedo that creates a special rift that can add extra damage to it.

    You'd also want the Omega Rep NOT because of its Torpedo, but because of one of its space sets. Since you're Romulan, are you Fed or KDF-aligned? If you're KDF-aligned, go with Honor Guard, as it grants you 25% Torpedo damage with a Two-Piece. You'd have to wait to get the Adapted M.A.C.O. if you're a Fed-aligned as you need to build M.A.C.O. before you get Adapted M.A.C.O. (which is just Honor Guard Feddied up.

    A few other things you might need: DOFFs that reduce Torpedo Cooldown. The Omega line has two DOFFs that do just that (might cost you a pretty Dil - I think like 25K Dil for both of them) and they all grant 20% chance to cut cooldown by 4 seconds. Since you can only place in 3 at a time, that means you got a 60% chance of a LOT of torpedoes going.

    One more thing - go through "Sphere of Influence" twice. Get the Omni-Directional AP Beam Array and the Ancient Obelisk Warp Core. You'll need an energy weapon and that's the best you can get.
  • dareaudareau Member Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    If you've got the zen, the T5 T'Varo is a decent torp boat - due to the enhanced battle cloak - allows you to spam torps and some science skills while remaining cloaked...

    As far as loadout, I'm hearing that a Plasma loadout centered around the hyper rommie plasma is generally considered one of the best packages to carry (lots of DoT), though I hear transphasics are another solid option, especially if you get the rapid fire transphasic and whatever other special transphasics you can grab...

    As far as BOffs & powers, Cmdr Tac means TS III, THY II, AP-B/O, TT, and in the uni LtCmdr you can drop a Sci with (most likely) GW I from under cloak to mess with targets.

    Once you get the hang of it, you can have lots of fun HY-ing your opening shot, dropping AP-B, and while the target's under the beta, smacking it with one of those big red destabilized torps for lots and lots of pain...
    Detecting big-time "anti-old-school" bias here. NX? Lobi. TOS/TMP Connie? Super-promotion-box. (aka the two hardest ways to get ships) Excelsior & all 3 TNG "big hero" ships? C-Store. Please Equalize...

    To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
  • jimmyradiationjimmyradiation Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Should've made note of my allegiance in the original post.

    I am a Fedulan, as such, I'll have to grind to Advanced MACO - which I'm OK with. This boat will be used for PVE ONLY. (Not a giant fan of PvP...period)

    I realize I may not be cranking out the "HOT DEEPS" but, in reality, you only need to achieve so much in STFs before it becomes overkill. As such, this entire project is more a sort of, "play it your way" RPish, pew pew boat.

    I was led to believe the warp core from SoI was unusable in Warbirds. (Unless a Singularity Core has been added since last I completed it)

    What would folks suggest I use, or make do with, in place of the AMACO/Warp Core until I can grind up/aquire said pieces.

    I appreciate the help thus far.
  • jimmyradiationjimmyradiation Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    dareau wrote: »
    If you've got the zen, the T5 T'Varo is a decent torp boat - due to the enhanced battle cloak - allows you to spam torps and some science skills while remaining cloaked...

    I looked at the T'Varo - and while the EBC IS appealing - I think I'll save that route for my klingon if this torp boat experiment goes well.

    Plus, call me strange, the Romulan DSD just appeals to me. I love the look of the thing @_@
  • wjeremy16wjeremy16 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I use a t'varo Torp boat.

    It's decently effective, but I am waiting for more rep gear to swap it over to a Photon boat of some fashion.

    Currently, I use a Bio neural, the Temporal disruption device, the rom Hyper torp, and Chroniton fore, with Tractor beam mines, another chroniton, and a Tric torp.

    I can be quite lethal on my own, but I prefer to assist my allies, and stop/hold/clump them together to make them easier to kill.

    I reinforce the destructible torps at critical times with the three piece adapted Maco mask
    energy field, and the Team fortress console, which seems to work, but I have never bothered to look.

    works well, and is quite fun to run. also hard to die in as I have low power in weapons, and my alt is an engineer.
  • calintane753calintane753 Member Posts: 289 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Currently I use a Romulan Dyson Science Destroyer as torpedo boat, with torpedo spread and cannon scatter volley.

    Front: 2x photon torpedo, experimental proton weapon
    Rear: 3x protonic polaron turrets
    DOFF: 3x projectile
    Shields, Engine and Deflector: Adapted M.A.C.O.
    Consoles: proton particle stabilizer

    I no longer use the gravimetric torpedo due to its exceedingly long cooldown.

    The build is successful, i.m.h.o: enough dps to be fun, enough survival capability.

    Bye / Qapl
  • jimmyradiationjimmyradiation Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Thanks for all the info folks - I am glad to see Torp boats are still alive and well.
    I think one of the bigger appeals to me about it, was the ability to drop weapon power/increase my aux power and use my science abilities with torps to compliment it. It just seems much more - involved then the "lolcruiserbeamboatspammyspacebar" playstyle i've been doing for the past few months.

    I spose a Plasma/Romulan Plasma torp setup would be my ideal build - as I'll NOT be PvPing, I imagine the debuffs won't be cleanses all too often (if at all)

    All in all, I guess I can breathe a sigh of relief that my project is possible and will continue to level my Romulan.

    If anyone has more advice/builds/tips/information about torp boats, I'd still love to hear it.

    Thanks again!
  • carl103carl103 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Not played it since the rep system was intorudced but i have a fed Sci that runs an Orb Weaver torp boat. Very effective. There are a few keys to an effective Torp Build.

    Doff's to get maximum RoF going.

    Generally experimentation says Plasma Torps are best. In this vein Focus on getting the two highest level High Yield skills you can.

    Get at least Grav Well 1, and maybe some aftershock's Doff's.

    The Key is to use Grav well to group them up then bomb them with High Yields while it lasts. Aftershocks help by increasing this time period. Any Kinetic granting consoles are awesome too and if you can find the Tac or Eng slots. EWP or a high level DPB with Plasma Mines works excellently. The result is that you can put mass Burn damage 6+ Grav well damage on a large group of enemies at once, with painfully effective results.

    Transphasics in my experience weren't awesome, but i didn't re-try them post buff.
  • ryakidrysryakidrys Member Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Torpedo boats are an unusual thing since torpedoes just don't seem to have the DPS potential that beam weapons have. They can have some incredible spike damage, though, so they aren't totally useless.
    The best DPS I've been able to obtain in STFs (Infected space) has been 8k, 10k in crystal elite using quantum torps and mines, though I have beam boats getting around 20K. So if DPS is your thing, projectile weapons haven't been as good. With the new season just kicking off and new bonuses to projectiles available, that could change considerably.
    So, keep and eye on the klingon forums too for torpedo stuff since the B'Rel is uniquely geared to being a projectile weapon platform that many player will run it as a torp boat.
  • questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,463 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Currently I use a Romulan Dyson Science Destroyer as torpedo boat, with torpedo spread and cannon scatter volley.

    Front: 2x photon torpedo, experimental proton weapon
    Rear: 3x protonic polaron turrets
    DOFF: 3x projectile
    Shields, Engine and Deflector: Adapted M.A.C.O.
    Consoles: proton particle stabilizer

    I no longer use the gravimetric torpedo due to its exceedingly long cooldown.

    The build is successful, i.m.h.o: enough dps to be fun, enough survival capability.

    Bye / Qapl
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
  • coldicephoenixcoldicephoenix Member Posts: 344 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    wjeremy16 wrote: »
    I use a t'varo Torp boat.

    It's decently effective, but I am waiting for more rep gear to swap it over to a Photon boat of some fashion.

    Currently, I use a Bio neural, the Temporal disruption device, the rom Hyper torp, and Chroniton fore, with Tractor beam mines, another chroniton, and a Tric torp.

    I can be quite lethal on my own, but I prefer to assist my allies, and stop/hold/clump them together to make them easier to kill.

    I reinforce the destructible torps at critical times with the three piece adapted Maco mask
    energy field, and the Team fortress console, which seems to work, but I have never bothered to look.

    works well, and is quite fun to run. also hard to die in as I have low power in weapons, and my alt is an engineer.

    Have you considered transphasic? With the new shields (esp voth ships), they seem very effective.

    I use 1 Harpeng, 1 Breen Cluster, 1 Rapid Transphasic and 1 Grav Torp. + the Destabilized torp and Missile console. At the back I have transpahisc mines and 1 tractor mine.

    The destabilized torp hits real hard... just make sure you stay out of the way tho.. I've at times killed myself and an ally or two along with the enemy :p

    The capn is a Sci so I can keep 100+ aux for her and stay cloaked.. A GW or SS makes short work of clusters of enemies.. You can beat the dps charts when aoe'ing when compared to Beam/cannon builds when used right.

    We still live!!!!! Hahahahahahahahaa! We live and we will conquer!!!!! Hahahahahaaha!

    -Roach, when asked about Klingon extinction!
  • carl103carl103 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Torpedo boats are an unusual thing since torpedoes just don't seem to have the DPS potential that beam weapons have. They can have some incredible spike damage, though, so they aren't totally useless.
    The best DPS I've been able to obtain in STFs (Infected space) has been 8k, 10k in crystal elite using quantum torps and mines, though I have beam boats getting around 20K. So if DPS is your thing, projectile weapons haven't been as good. With the new season just kicking off and new bonuses to projectiles available, that could change considerably.
    So, keep and eye on the klingon forums too for torpedo stuff since the B'Rel is uniquely geared to being a projectile weapon platform that many player will run it as a torp boat.

    This is why i run a High Yield based Plasma burn, the burn magnitude is the same across all targets and benefits from all affects that increase it against the primary target that aren't resistance debuffs. A double HY crit (Not uncommon), can result in well north of 1K burn DPS per target, add in bleedthrough and rep powers, (Omega Kinetic Shearing is huge here), and the actual through shield damage is likely even higher now. That means your probably dealing bursts in multi-target situations of over 15K DPS that bypasses shield quite regularly, and with a HY every 15 seconds. Grav well damage thrown in, and frequent crits the average probably exceeds half a K DPS per target. Plus likely around another couple of K burn DPS to the main target. And that's with a fairly un-optomised build, (MKXI [acc]x2 torps with standard Mako MKXII, and only MKXI blue consoles + Tachyonetic converter/Assimilated console buffing it), on a sci rather than a tac. Not to mention of course that many NPC that aren't ESTF single boss ships, (i.e. Donatra), do't have the shield to survive the sheer burst potential leading to them taking some of that non-shield penetrating damage to their bare hulls.
  • ovinspaceovinspace Member Posts: 310
    edited April 2014
    Today I did a pug ISE run in my Flt T'Varo setup as a torp boat and hit 8.9k without spire tac consoles or keybinds, a generalist skilled sci capt and without a full group of sup op boffs. With those wrinkles sorted out and some practice it should hit 10K on a regular basis, and more with a good beta stacking team.

    The big weapon was the photon mines and APB3.

    Setup was
    Front Grav torp, Quantum torp rare, breen cluster, dyson proton beam
    Rear Tric torp, photon mine, omega torp

    Assimilated def, KHG engine and shields
    Flt singularity - this is not as significant as it would be with beams and shields
    Flt neut, borg and zero point consoles
    Tvaro set consoles - destabilized torp and singularity thingy
    Dyson console for 3 piece bonus
    3 x exchange photon tac consoles 26%ers and a 28% that dropped - decent but cheap consoles

    And boff skills that were a mess but included grav well from the universal, they still had a TT and shield heal, might keep the TT but not EPTS.

    2 X projective boffs, B4I damage resistance, ET cool down and grav well. 3 purples and 2 blue.
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Quick questions before i spend time and money into my new project.

    1) Torp boat viability now-a-days? The idea of a constant barrage of concentrated evil excites me...

    2) Can the DSD be utilized in such a fashion? Caprimul class. Romulan Science Officer. Fresh Character.

    I've read up on torp boats in general, but still kinda garbage at building the damned thing. Any of you magnificent ship builders able to give me some direction on how to outfit it? What reps to build to first?

    Basically, if you were a new science officer getting the itch to spam fire torpedoes like it's going out of style...how would you start?


    Torp Boat is doable but may not be as fast & efficient in play as regular Energy Weapons-focused play. Torp Boat players need to have patience. Also, the level of ease depends on your build, style of play, and what you're facing. Quantums will shred anything with a shield opening and those big unshielded structures in Borg STFs, but with shields still up, almost all Torps are useless since Shields resist 75% of kinetic dmg. Transphasics though have a 40% shield bleedthrough (80% for mines / Breen Cluster), but they have the smallest total dmg, and against big, high HP, unshielded structures like in Borg STFs, your firepower is miniscule.

    The Dyson Grav Torp (counts as a Photon) though breaks the rules to a good degree, namely due to the rifts that it sometimes causes. The rifts go straight through shields and is utterly devastating in PVE (much less useful in PVP because players move and counter). Rift dmg depends on your Particle Generators Skill level, a mid-tiered Science skill that is somewhat pricey to level up.

    With this in mind, yes, the DSD, along with certain Science Vessels, are good candidates for Torp Boats. The version you chose is suitable, though I prefer the 4/4 tac/sci consoled version better, but the mechanics will be the same. You have the luxury of a Battle Cloak, a source of additional dmg boosts for decloak dmg bonus (make sure you take advantage of that, as not even the KDF version has Battle Cloak).

    As a Science captain, you will not have the use of Attack Pattern Alpha. You will need other means of boosting your dmg. Sensor Scan is wonderful. Aux Power plus Starship Sensors Skill make this more effective and lands a HUGE resist debuff. BOFF skills like Attack Pattern Beta and Omega will be useful and badly needed to bring additional resist debuffs (APB) / attack strength (APO) to make up for the shortfall of not having Attack Pattern Alpha.

    Also, to boost your effectiveness in Torpedo use, there are 2 general routes Science can help you.

    1. CC - The most oftenly used, easy to get into style of SCI play to be more effective in combat. Whether you do Tractor Beams, Grav Well, etc. The idea is to fix, pin, group targets together to make them easier to hit and kill. Right now, Grav Well + Torp Sprd 3 of the Dyson Grav Torp can literally wipe out a wave of NPCs in one attack run if you're lucky. Torp Spread *never* misses. High Yield Torp does. Torp Sprd however does less overall damage. High Yield if it connects, is devastating. To help your chances of HYT landing, slowing or stopping targets is critical (esp. if PVP'ing).

    2. Drain Build - The idea of stripping power from targets to such a high degree that ship systems start getting weak or shut down. In PVE, it can be utterly devasting. Good Drain Build players (esp. KDF) can go to a TAC Cube and shut her down that even the shields collapse and the weapons strength is pathetic. But setting up a proper Drain Build takes a massive amount of specialization in skills (Flow Capacitors, Flow Capacitors, FLOW CAPACITORS), BOFF Skills (Tachyon Beam, Energy Siphon, Tractor Beam + Shield Drain DOFF, etc), equipment (Polaron Weapons, KDF Aceton Assimilator Console, KDF Siphon Drones... hangar units, etc). The idea of Drain Builds is that you are NOT shutting someone down with 1 or 2 abilities. It's the coordinated, concentrated use of what you have in short order to collapse the target power levels. Do a search around the boards for Drain Builds. You will find them in the Fed & KDF, and PVP subforums. There's alot of learning and patience with Drain Builds. In all likeliness, your first attempts will be failures. But you must keep at it because Drain Builds are not your standard fare of play like CRF/FAW spamming.

    So... if you like the idea of slamming target subsystem power to low levels and watching shields collapse, then you launching HYT3 Quantum Torps into bare hulls, then give this a try.

    Remember, there's no one right way of Torpedo Boat play. All will be effective in certain scenarios and less effective in others. Again, Warbirds are great platforms for Torp Boats because they have Battle Cloaks (enhanced not necessary), and the decloak dmg bonus brings alot of strength to the attacks.

    Lastly: The general home of Torp Boat info has traditionally been in the KDF subforums. They have been the first to really try them out, and having the first ship with Enhanced Battle Cloak (B'Rel BOP), it kind of made the players there the pioneers for the style of play. You will find alot of Torp Boat threads around, but traditionally, KDF is the first place you should look.
  • annemarie30annemarie30 Member Posts: 2,675 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    dareau wrote: »
    If you've got the zen, the T5 T'Varo is a decent torp boat - due to the enhanced battle cloak - allows you to spam torps and some science skills while remaining cloaked...

    As far as loadout, I'm hearing that a Plasma loadout centered around the hyper rommie plasma is generally considered one of the best packages to carry (lots of DoT), though I hear transphasics are another solid option, especially if you get the rapid fire transphasic and whatever other special transphasics you can grab...

    As far as BOffs & powers, Cmdr Tac means TS III, THY II, AP-B/O, TT, and in the uni LtCmdr you can drop a Sci with (most likely) GW I from under cloak to mess with targets.

    Once you get the hang of it, you can have lots of fun HY-ing your opening shot, dropping AP-B, and while the target's under the beta, smacking it with one of those big red destabilized torps for lots and lots of pain...

    I think you can get some good info on the thread I started in the Klingon gameplay.. school me on a b'rel. very similar. I am using mostly transphasics with the breen cluster. going to add a harg'peng aft and replace the plasma with the hyper as soon as I can
    We Want Vic Fontaine
  • doffingcomradedoffingcomrade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    ryakidrys wrote: »
    The best DPS I've been able to obtain in STFs (Infected space) has been 8k
    I've gotten 12K pugged out of an Armitage Torpboat, and the loadout is far from stellar: Can't afford KHG yet, have only white MK XI photorps +Gravitronic, and pre Omega Kinetic Shredding.. Having pets to strip enemy shields for you helps a lot, but certainly stripping shields with SCIENCE is another viable option, for running the DSD as a torpboat.

    For the OP: If you wish to run a DSD Torpboat, I would recommend a strong emphasis on energy and shield draining. Bleed your victims white and shieldless, suck them together with a nice gravwell, then spray them with torpedoes.
    Right now, Grav Well + Torp Sprd 3 of the Dyson Grav Torp can literally wipe out a wave of NPCs in one attack run if you're lucky.
    Yes, this was hilarious to watch in Mirror, firing TS3 Gravitronic into a giant blob of angry Typhoons and watching them all evaporate in a hail of big yellow numbers and shredded ship.
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