Old ESD shutdown 1400 British Summer Time.
OK as of this posting we have about an hour left before we say cya and thanks to the old ESD.
Everyone not fighting the Borg, sleep, work whatever, lets hit ESD and crash the servers!
One last huge hurrah in Club 47 all welcome,
Devs if you are not prepping for S9 come on over too If u can.
Instances 1/2 if poss.
Watch zone chat or PartyTime channel.
This is last minute, race down the bar before closing time.
Hit it people!

PS: huge party just kicked off instance 2, thats TWO ESD.
Monkey see, Monkey do. Monkey flings Feathered Monkey poo...

Can it be you're accidentally on SB 39 or something?
In Instances 1 and 2 the club is Empty :P ... just sayin'
Why there IDK but there u go. :P
ESD Closing Party
ESD Closing Party
ESD Closing Party
Incredible photos!
Here's mine
Hehe thanks! This kind of thing needs to happen more!
Live Long And Suck It. - Wil Weaton
Seems legit