Ok, I'm willing to admit to being in the possible minority here.. but i enjoy all the aspects of STO.. the doff system, ground explore missions.. recover the lost probe explore missions.. space combat.. all of it..
one thing i really enjoy is my bridge.. sitting in the command chair between episodes while i sip my coffee.. is fun for me.
my favorite place though is the Delta Bridge.. however .. in order to enjoy my favorite bridge in game i have to fly a science vessel.
for my engineers and tacs.. that is what some might call a disadvantage.
why are the bridges so limited.. i can use the TOS bridge on ANY fed ship if i buy it.. i can use the other CSTORE bridges on ANY ship of that faction.. why are the other bridges limited..
if your going to sell a bridge.. then get something extra with it.. special weekly doff mission or something.. but all the normal bridges.. open them up for us please.
if someone wants to put the Kahless bridge on there scimitar.. let them if there KDF aligned..
if a Rom wants to use the Belfast bridge on there fed aligned warbird.. why not
Canon went out the window when we started flying Galor ships so why is this still limited.
freighters are good for banking and such i agree they need there special bridges to be special there.. why , in 2409 am i stuck with such limited design.. its a modular shipyard.. ships are built in parts.. there enginners .. they can wire it they have the power.. they have the skill.
let my people have the nice bridge they want..
let me use the Delta bridge on a galaxy class..
sell bridge layouts go ahead.. just make them a bit more useful.. special doff contact like the Belfast bridge.. which the Belfast was seen in the cardy series.. give them a DS9 doff contact.
the Galaxy bridges might have a special weekly diplomatic mission..
if the bridges had special uses.. like intrepid bridges got better science doff missions.. then they would be selling.. as captains would collect bridges to do DOFFS !!!
to continue this thought..
take the intrepid bridge for example.
walk onto the bridge and there is a new console active
DOFF contacts for that console only on that pack of bridges..
Vulcan Science Academy
Memory Alpha
Republic Science Academy ( for RRW captains, as the bridge would be useable by RRW )
Galaxy bridges - same idea.. one new active console
Starfleet Core of Engineers
Memory Alpha
Republic Engineering
Belfast Bridge -- same again
Andorian Guard
Memory Alpha
Republic Security
go with the same Flavors for the KDF
( insert klinky stuff here )
you get the idea.
if there were special doff assignments on these C Store bridge packs.. they would be more desireable and
make a special RRW pack thats more borgy and give it Tal Shiar doff contacts..
infiltration and espionage
this would not interfere with the current DOFF system as i know it as these contacts would be restricted to use on that bridge only .. Id say even let invites to your bridge use them like on the freighters like the Suliban contact.
We've been asking for customizable interiors for a very long time.
its not just custom interiors.. im asking for the bridge packs to have a purpose. this way they COULD unlock the bridges for all options as it would be part of your cstore purchase
id buy the galaxy bridges if it would finish diplomacy faster
We use to have to walk around our bridge to do Doff, but people whined, and now we have a console. '
Yeah, I sighed deeply when that happened. I enjoyed going down to the Engineering deck to do meet the crew to get DOff stuff done but now there's a console on my desk in my ready room that puts it all in one place.
Member since November 2009... I think. (UFP) Ragnar
Yeah, I sighed deeply when that happened. I enjoyed going down to the Engineering deck to do meet the crew to get DOff stuff done but now there's a console on my desk in my ready room that puts it all in one place.
You can still do that.
Why do you complain ? People that don't want to run around their ship for a DOFF mission can use the console, and people that like wandering around can still do it.
I love my Odyssey's Aquarious bridge. I myself like spending sometime in there as well. It's sleek, modern looking, and functional; albiet not as homey as say the Origin or Order bridges but awesome nonetheless. I still think that it's the coolest bridge in the game. I just wish they would revamp the interiors to the interiors we saw in the Academy Introduction episode where the hallways are rounded and with smaller ceilings.
I still would think that flying around sector space from your bridge would be epic. Come on Cryptic, I know you can do it...
Unfortunately, I think I read a Dev blog somewhere once that they are putting bridges and interiors to the side because according to them not many players spend a lot of time in there...and revamping them would cost a lot of time and money.
Fleet Admiral Thomas Winston James a.k.a. The Grayfox Fleet Leader of:
Liberty Task Force/Liberty Honor Guard
Pride of the Federation/Pride of the Empire
Liberty Guardians U.S.S. Liberty, NX-42813-L, T-6 Legendary Odyssey Class
Wait there's a console for doffs on my bridge? Oh I think I remember seeing that, I just ignore it so I can talk to my officers in person.
As to the op I was thinking this same thing the other day. It would be great if the different bridges added something more than looks. maybe a passive boost, or a special active power. that you get when the bridge itself is active on the ship.
its not just custom interiors.. im asking for the bridge packs to have a purpose. this way they COULD unlock the bridges for all options as it would be part of your cstore purchase
id buy the galaxy bridges if it would finish diplomacy faster
as it is.. i dont need them
As far as I'm concerned, bridges just need to be pretty. And come in a variety (like Feds have, in C-Store). At some point, however, Tacofangs decided that briges are an over and done with deal. Very sad.
I think the devs tend to underestimate how important things like bridges, and ship skins, are to ppl. Most of the bridges they sold, though, were kinda crappy, with your boffs having their feet buried into the floor, and overall cheap design. And when you sell 'meh' bridges, the reaction to them is going to be 'meh' too. And thus you get caught up in circular logic: you're not making new bridges, because you're not selling bridges... because the bridges you made are subpar.
Cryptic (Tacofangs?) is obviously able to make *very* beautiful bridges. Odyssey one, and bridge of S'Golth Escort or Temporal ship leap to mind. Imagine Tacofangs doing a 'new ESD' style bridge! Or a sleek Dauntless bridge. I'd buy em all; and I'm sure I wouldn't be the only one.
Canon went out the window when we started flying Galor ships so why is this still limited.
Meh... It's decently believable for a Starfleet officer to be flying a Galor, Jem'Hadar Escort, or D'kora Marauder (Or a captured Voth shuttle), even if not the other stuff... And even if canon went out the window, some ships shouldn't be able to get some bridges because even without canon, immersion can still break...
...However, having a small daily or weekly mission(s) that comes with each C-Store bridge pack or interior would be really nice.
I think the devs tend to underestimate how important things like bridges, and ship skins, are to ppl. Most of the bridges they sold, though, were kinda crappy, with your boffs having their feet buried into the floor, and overall cheap design. And when you sell 'meh' bridges, the reaction to them is going to be 'meh' too. And thus you get caught up in circular logic: you're not making new bridges, because you're not selling bridges... because the bridges you made are subpar.
EXACTLY. The same with interiors. The solution to something not selling isn't to just give up on it and work on another lockbox, it's to put some time into fixing or improving it so people will buy it. (Heck, you could even raise the price a bit.)
Would be nice if you could stay on interior and fly the ship but I guess you won't be able to do a full 360 degree. I can see the limits to being inside. I was invited to board someone ship. It was interesting to see another VA on board with the Captain. Hangout travel around the ship.
Yeah, I sighed deeply when that happened. I enjoyed going down to the Engineering deck to do meet the crew to get DOff stuff done but now there's a console on my desk in my ready room that puts it all in one place.
Reminds me of the ones fussing about the ship swap out in sector space. Or buying stuff from the dil store without having to go to the station. Saying it takes away from going to the station or game.
They are all still there, and as an option to do so.
Sounds like me you didn't really enjoy it from the start. Or you will still be doing it. Instead of saying how you used to do it.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
I chose different Bridges for each of my ship. So they all have their own looks. To match their type or styling. So it really depends on which ship I'm on.
However I would love to see an accurate ship from the Trek 1-6 movies. I love those Bridge layouts. If they offered that, I would consider putting that on each of my Fed ships. To me those was the best Bridges ever made in Star Trek.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
take the intrepid bridge for example.
walk onto the bridge and there is a new console active
DOFF contacts for that console only on that pack of bridges..
Vulcan Science Academy
Memory Alpha
Republic Science Academy ( for RRW captains, as the bridge would be useable by RRW )
Galaxy bridges - same idea.. one new active console
Starfleet Core of Engineers
Memory Alpha
Republic Engineering
Belfast Bridge -- same again
Andorian Guard
Memory Alpha
Republic Security
go with the same Flavors for the KDF
( insert klinky stuff here )
you get the idea.
if there were special doff assignments on these C Store bridge packs.. they would be more desireable and
make a special RRW pack thats more borgy and give it Tal Shiar doff contacts..
infiltration and espionage
this would not interfere with the current DOFF system as i know it as these contacts would be restricted to use on that bridge only .. Id say even let invites to your bridge use them like on the freighters like the Suliban contact.
lets get this done please
its not just custom interiors.. im asking for the bridge packs to have a purpose. this way they COULD unlock the bridges for all options as it would be part of your cstore purchase
id buy the galaxy bridges if it would finish diplomacy faster
as it is.. i dont need them
Yeah, I sighed deeply when that happened. I enjoyed going down to the Engineering deck to do meet the crew to get DOff stuff done but now there's a console on my desk in my ready room that puts it all in one place.
(UFP) Ragnar
This should be fixed.
Why do you complain ? People that don't want to run around their ship for a DOFF mission can use the console, and people that like wandering around can still do it.
I still would think that flying around sector space from your bridge would be epic.
Unfortunately, I think I read a Dev blog somewhere once that they are putting bridges and interiors to the side because according to them not many players spend a lot of time in there...and revamping them would cost a lot of time and money.
Fleet Leader of:
Liberty Task Force/Liberty Honor Guard
Pride of the Federation/Pride of the Empire
Liberty Guardians
U.S.S. Liberty, NX-42813-L, T-6 Legendary Odyssey Class
Game Handle: Grayfox@GrayfoxJames
Website: https://www.libertytaskforce.com
Armada (STOFA Member Fleet): https://www.libertytaskforce.com/stofa
Discord: https://discord.gg/bGp9N7z
Twitter: STOFA@LTFGrayfox
Email: CSDynamix@Hotmail.com
*Puts on sunglasses* :cool:
*Flame-retardant, Troll repellent jumper is applied*
Bridge Commander Online.
*runs away*
I hope STO get's better ...
JHDC: "This is my box. There are many like it, but this is mine".
"If this will be our end, then I will have them make SUCH an end as to be worthy of rememberance! Out of torpedos you say?! Find me the ferengi!".
As to the op I was thinking this same thing the other day. It would be great if the different bridges added something more than looks. maybe a passive boost, or a special active power. that you get when the bridge itself is active on the ship.
Fleet leader Nova Elite
Fleet Leader House of Nova elite
As far as I'm concerned, bridges just need to be pretty.
I think the devs tend to underestimate how important things like bridges, and ship skins, are to ppl. Most of the bridges they sold, though, were kinda crappy, with your boffs having their feet buried into the floor, and overall cheap design. And when you sell 'meh' bridges, the reaction to them is going to be 'meh' too. And thus you get caught up in circular logic: you're not making new bridges, because you're not selling bridges... because the bridges you made are subpar.
Cryptic (Tacofangs?) is obviously able to make *very* beautiful bridges. Odyssey one, and bridge of S'Golth Escort or Temporal ship leap to mind. Imagine Tacofangs doing a 'new ESD' style bridge! Or a sleek Dauntless bridge. I'd buy em all; and I'm sure I wouldn't be the only one.
Meh... It's decently believable for a Starfleet officer to be flying a Galor, Jem'Hadar Escort, or D'kora Marauder (Or a captured Voth shuttle), even if not the other stuff... And even if canon went out the window, some ships shouldn't be able to get some bridges because even without canon, immersion can still break...
...However, having a small daily or weekly mission(s) that comes with each C-Store bridge pack or interior would be really nice.
EXACTLY. The same with interiors. The solution to something not selling isn't to just give up on it and work on another lockbox, it's to put some time into fixing or improving it so people will buy it. (Heck, you could even raise the price a bit.)
I feel this would be an excellent idea.
They shouldn't be too powerful, perhaps a bonus to specific cxp tracks.
Basically, if cryptic make bridge choice a more meaningful decision then more people will spend time there.
Also, if bridge choice carries more tangible advantages then we are more likely to spend money on them.
I rather like the idea that a bridge could have its own daily mission attached as well.
These would be specific to a given bridge.
That would be interesting. Hard to make it not P2W.
Time will only tell!
Reminds me of the ones fussing about the ship swap out in sector space. Or buying stuff from the dil store without having to go to the station. Saying it takes away from going to the station or game.
They are all still there, and as an option to do so.
Sounds like me you didn't really enjoy it from the start. Or you will still be doing it. Instead of saying how you used to do it.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
However I would love to see an accurate ship from the Trek 1-6 movies. I love those Bridge layouts. If they offered that, I would consider putting that on each of my Fed ships. To me those was the best Bridges ever made in Star Trek.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.