O MY GOD !!!They gonna reset the servers, that means restart STO 4 times after that a lot off server is not responding then you kicked out 16 times and after that you come down here to read about BACON and cheese sandwich :P
"Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."
O MY GOD !!!They gonna reset the servers, that means restart STO 4 times after that a lot off server is not responding then you kicked out 16 times and after that you come down here to read about BACON and cheese sandwich :P
I insist that my bacon and cheese sandwiches have tomato.
O MY GOD !!!They gonna reset the servers, that means restart STO 4 times after that a lot off server is not responding then you kicked out 16 times and after that you come down here to read about BACON and cheese sandwich :P
As the creator of this thread i DEMAND my BACON SANDWICH. NOW! (Throws wooden spoons) :P
Monkey see, Monkey do. Monkey flings Feathered Monkey poo...
Seem to be missing for today unless I'm going mad. :P
After a long debate at Cryptic HQ the Devs came out with a statement yesterday in which they dismissed all claims of bugs in STO and declared that everything is working as intended. Furthermore the CEO of PWE also expressed his sincerest gratitute to STOs playerbase for their continued support in funding the People's Liberation Army of China.
Seem to be missing for today unless I'm going mad. :P
No patch, no notes. Just maintenance.
This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
After a long debate at Cryptic HQ the Devs came out with a statement yesterday in which they dismissed all claims of bugs in STO and declared that everything is working as intended. Furthermore the CEO of PWE also expressed his sincerest gratitute to STOs playerbase for their continued support in funding the People's Liberation Army of China.
Before the patch I swear my torps went .05% slower then average.
I didn't measure it because I was so enraged at this change and so sure of myself that I logged out to complain right away.
It must be this maintenance that hasn't happened yet. They are out to nerf every last one of us until we quit in frustration I tell you! They won't be happy until they have driven every last one of us paying customers away!
I once again match my character. Behold the power of PINK!
Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
Before the patch I swear my torps went .05% slower then average.
I didn't measure it because I was so enraged at this change and so sure of myself that I logged out to complain right away.
It must be this maintenance that hasn't happened yet. They are out to nerf every last one of us until we quit in frustration I tell you! They won't be happy until they have driven every last one of us paying customers away!
/pass paper bag, breath slowly
/hands drink of relatively decent strength.:D
O MY GOD !!!They gonna reset the servers, that means restart STO 4 times after that a lot off server is not responding then you kicked out 16 times and after that you come down here to read about BACON and cheese sandwich :P
Animal. Contaminating a perfectly good bacon sandwich with cheese? Abomination! :P
Animal. Contaminating a perfectly good bacon sandwich with cheese? Abomination! :P
Try it with a decent mature cheddar not those "cheeses" slices. I won't even insult the name of cheeses with those things so they get the "" treatment.;)
Now I am off to try this bacon bowl maker I got from the pound shop.
Try it with a decent mature cheddar not those "cheeses" slices. I won't even insult the name of cheeses with those things so they get the "" treatment.;)
Now I am off to try this bacon bowl maker I got from the pound shop.
Real men eat Pepper Jack.
I just wish I could buy a version of pepper jack in grocery stores made with Habanero.
O MY GOD !!!They gonna reset the servers, that means restart STO 4 times after that a lot off server is not responding then you kicked out 16 times and after that you come down here to read about BACON and cheese sandwich :P
Patch noes for April 10, 2014:
- Bacon and Cheese sandwich has been removed from the forums and replaced with a recipe for Ham and Pineapple pizza.
I just wish I could buy a version of pepper jack in grocery stores made with Habanero.
Pepper Jack with Habanero? I had Sriracha sauce on my Subway yesterday and my testicles have still not descended from retracting to under my kidneys.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
Pepper Jack with Habanero? I had Sriracha sauce on my Subway yesterday and my testicles have still not descended from retracting to under my kidneys.
Americans could not make proper cheese if their lives depended on it. The idea of peppers for flavor is interesting though.
This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
No patch notes since no patch is being applied.
However, brace yourself: "Server Stability Updates". And since you are around at least since 2012, you should know how those patches end.
Join the Deltas today!
Smacks myself with wooden spoon. ;P
Ooo! Me next!
*wiggle-wiggle, wiggle-wiggle*
"Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."
I insist that my bacon and cheese sandwiches have tomato.
Heresy!! Say no to TOMATO!!
or just nerf cherries to become vegetables, i'd be fine with that :rolleyes:
<grabs popcorn>
As the creator of this thread i DEMAND my BACON SANDWICH. NOW! (Throws wooden spoons) :P
After a long debate at Cryptic HQ the Devs came out with a statement yesterday in which they dismissed all claims of bugs in STO and declared that everything is working as intended. Furthermore the CEO of PWE also expressed his sincerest gratitute to STOs playerbase for their continued support in funding the People's Liberation Army of China.
No patch, no notes. Just maintenance.
Actually, in my experience, The Less Cryptic does every week, the better the game seems to be afterwards LOL
I thought WoW's forums had angry elitist snobs, but I never could have imagined the level STO forums has.
yea.....this was taken yesterday.....
"Working as intended"
I thought WoW's forums had angry elitist snobs, but I never could have imagined the level STO forums has.
I thought WoW's forums had angry elitist snobs, but I never could have imagined the level STO forums has.
I thought it was cryptic speak for crashes, server down and rubber banding.
Before the patch I swear my torps went .05% slower then average.
I didn't measure it because I was so enraged at this change and so sure of myself that I logged out to complain right away.
It must be this maintenance that hasn't happened yet. They are out to nerf every last one of us until we quit in frustration I tell you! They won't be happy until they have driven every last one of us paying customers away!
Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
/pass paper bag, breath slowly
/hands drink of relatively decent strength.:D
Animal. Contaminating a perfectly good bacon sandwich with cheese? Abomination! :P
Try it with a decent mature cheddar not those "cheeses" slices. I won't even insult the name of cheeses with those things so they get the "" treatment.;)
Now I am off to try this bacon bowl maker I got from the pound shop.
I just wish I could buy a version of pepper jack in grocery stores made with Habanero.
My character Tsin'xing
Patch noes for April 10, 2014:
- Bacon and Cheese sandwich has been removed from the forums and replaced with a recipe for Ham and Pineapple pizza.
Americans could not make proper cheese if their lives depended on it. The idea of peppers for flavor is interesting though.
Well.......erm........I'm.....what......sorry...... Nope lost for words just going to have to use emoticon: :eek:
Patch notes are OP, plz nerf.
No, no no ... Cryptic speak for those is "We're unable to reproduce the issue consistently"
My character Tsin'xing