I am talking about the third tactical bridge officer, the ensign. It is a little let down for this beautiful and fine ship. What can we do with this officer?
If you use cannons a third tactical team is overcomplete. I presume you already have tactical team on the other tactical officers. So we are left with torpedo spread I or torpedo high yield 1. Well, If I use a torpedo weapon, even if it is only one, I would like the rank 2 or 3 for these skills.
This tac ensign drives this ship into a beamscort build. With beams and a beam weapons or engines rank 1 you get the most bang for your bucks. However it means a limitation on versality when it comes to builds for this ship. And that is only because of one tactical ensign.
I propose to change this boff slot to a universal, or at least a science or engineer slot. With the separated cooldown on tac, science and enginering team, it would give the ship an nice upgrade, without making it overpowered.
While it's true that the ensign tac kinda goes to waste unless you use a torpedo or a beam, it does let you use a 3rd embassy Romulan with superior rom operative.
Try the omni directional antiproton beam array in place of a turret, and beam fire at will 1. It will have more dps then your regular turrets and you can turn it into another point defense system every 30ish seconds. Great for taking out pets or getting a lot of aggro in Mirror Universe event.
Try the omni directional antiproton beam array in place of a turret, and beam fire at will 1. It will have more dps then your regular turrets and you can turn it into another point defense system every 30ish seconds. Great for taking out pets or getting a lot of aggro in Mirror Universe event.
mmm never thought of that...i always use it for SST lol
That's what actually prevents me from buying. I've been looking for a ship a bit quicker and more Tac in focus as my usual choices (mostly cruisers ) - and i love the design.
Problem is that 3rd tac ensign. I would much preferably use it to boost survivability.
Cannon-only-layout ... Ruined
Beam-only-layout ... Ruined also (i only need 6 Tac stations for such a Layout)
3 TAC BOFF slotted ships are pretty much geared for ships with the whole spectrum of weapons. Cannons, Beams, Torps/Mines. Most other things in such ships won't be as efficient. But realize, the Akira Retro/Fleet Akira is the only Fed Escort with LtCdr ENG to go with it.
I have a FHEC and loved it, until I started to PvP here and there. I eventually got a Mobius but if the ensign tac became a uni or an eng I'd be flying the FHEC for everything. I run an aux to dampers build on my Mobius and need those 4 eng seats to do it well. Both ships have the same turn rate and I'd gain Yellowstones.
Really, every fleet ship should have at least one universal slot...
Ever thought of fitting a torp? Something you might find interesting: 1 romulan torp with 2x torp spread and 0 tac consoles far outdps 2 dhcs with 2x csv and 5 tac consoles, on shielded targets, without counting in each green ball's aoe.;)
There is something I had in mind because of this Ensign Boff no Cannon ability.
We have this Hot Pursuit trait/skill from the Hirogen box.
Why not make a Cannon trait/skill? Wider arc for DCs, DHCS or something.
That will have all kinds of balance issues. To take the highest focus damage weapons and make them easy to use in close proximity with wider arcs is asking for many bad things to happen.
I have a FHEC and loved it, until I started to PvP here and there. I eventually got a Mobius but if the ensign tac became a uni or an eng I'd be flying the FHEC for everything. I run an aux to dampers build on my Mobius and need those 4 eng seats to do it well. Both ships have the same turn rate and I'd gain Yellowstones.
Really, every fleet ship should have at least one universal slot...
What YOU want to fly is a Fleet Patrol Escort, Fleet Saber, or one of those balanced out ships. It has a friggin LtCdr ENG BOFF station already with a very well balanced 4/3/3 console layout. What the hell more do you want? 2 hangars? Lt ENG? 4 ENG Consoles???
yep i got the c-store one. the fighter's the massive torp spread abilty. the ship was made to TRIBBLE you over when your shield facing is down. but yea that extra slot is for a torp like the Borg quick firing plasma ones. or a beam array as some said the 360 one is really good to replace a turret with.
What YOU want to fly is a Fleet Patrol Escort, Fleet Saber, or one of those balanced out ships. It has a friggin LtCdr ENG BOFF station already with a very well balanced 4/3/3 console layout. What the hell more do you want? 2 hangars? Lt ENG? 4 ENG Consoles???
The Akira is fine.
It's just you.
Lol what?
All I said I wanted was an ensign universal so I could run an Aux2Damp build. I didn't realize it would cause such rage...
The ship is just bad for PvP is all I'm saying (and so are the other ships you listed, but then, everything looks bad when you're not a Romulan these days).
Agreed, if you're doing PvE content, that third seat is definitely best utilized with a torpedo spread. I still use the FHEC with a grav torp and torp spread 1 on one of my alts.
All I said I wanted was an ensign universal so I could run an Aux2Damp build. I didn't realize it would cause such rage...
The ship is just bad for PvP is all I'm saying (and so are the other ships you listed, but then, everything looks bad when you're not a Romulan these days).
Agreed, if you're doing PvE content, that third seat is definitely best utilized with a torpedo spread. I still use the FHEC with a grav torp and torp spread 1 on one of my alts.
Right, which is why I need 4 seats. Both ensigns for EPtX abilities, Lt and Lt Cmdr are Aux2Damp (for the constant buff). I need all that to occasionally survive vapes and dogfight better ships.
Right, which is why I need 4 seats. Both ensigns for EPtX abilities, Lt and Lt Cmdr are Aux2Damp (for the constant buff). I need all that to occasionally survive vapes and dogfight better ships.
Ah, OK. Fair do's.
You could just (a few million EC's "just") whack a matter antimatter doff on and use one a2damp. Its only a seven second gap. If you use the Maco engines and deflector its 5.5, which is near enough the gap on one copy of aux2sif.
Basically, i dobt think they going to make that ensign a universal.
Sometimes I put a torpedo in the rear, with either spread 1 or high-yield 1. It lets me shoot things as I go past, or I can drop a surprise in somebody's face if they get on my tail, and its usually more effective than another turret or mines. I dont like putting torps on the front unless I am building around torpedo damage primarily, so this solves the problem. The 360 AP beam is another good suggestion if you are already using AP.
If you don't want to give up 4 front DHC on a 3 tac boff ship, put a torp on the back or use the 360 AP beam.
I've found, tho, sticking one DBB up front and using Target Engines in the ensign slot, and BO3, is a nice setup. You get the strong BO3, and can use the Target Engines on its downtime. The Target Engines doesn't bring that horrid weapons drain that the weak BO1 forces you to endure.
It's inconvenient at first, but the hangar bay and ability to load a lt com eng ability (Ooooh, EP2W3 or EP2E3? Yes please!) can more than make up for the minor loss of the fourth DHC.
Edit: Probly can't fit the BO3 on an Armatage without losing too much, I was thinking of my Defiant at that moment... Still, the Target Sub Systems is an option. DBB's do ok DPS just set to fire. It's no DHC, but its really not that far behind.
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Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
thats the reason cryptic made 'em, to give a bigger variety to escorts instead "I need all cannons/turrets or I suck"
mmm never thought of that...i always use it for SST lol
Problem is that 3rd tac ensign. I would much preferably use it to boost survivability.
Cannon-only-layout ... Ruined
Beam-only-layout ... Ruined also (i only need 6 Tac stations for such a Layout)
Daizen - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
Selia - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
Really, every fleet ship should have at least one universal slot...
We have this Hot Pursuit trait/skill from the Hirogen box.
Why not make a Cannon trait/skill? Wider arc for DCs, DHCS or something.
It packs decent DPS but can still take a beating.
If it were a pure DPS ship, then you'd lose some survivability.
It's a fair tradeoff.
There's a lot of ships out there with a seemingly useless Ensign Tac Boff. It hurts the Defiant way more than the HEC.
That will have all kinds of balance issues. To take the highest focus damage weapons and make them easy to use in close proximity with wider arcs is asking for many bad things to happen.
What YOU want to fly is a Fleet Patrol Escort, Fleet Saber, or one of those balanced out ships. It has a friggin LtCdr ENG BOFF station already with a very well balanced 4/3/3 console layout. What the hell more do you want? 2 hangars? Lt ENG? 4 ENG Consoles???
The Akira is fine.
It's just you.
USS WARRIOR NCC 1720 Commanding Officer
Star Trek Gamers
I fly a FHEC, it makes an amazing torpedo boat, just saying.
Harden up Princess
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Lol what?
All I said I wanted was an ensign universal so I could run an Aux2Damp build. I didn't realize it would cause such rage...
The ship is just bad for PvP is all I'm saying (and so are the other ships you listed, but then, everything looks bad when you're not a Romulan these days).
Agreed, if you're doing PvE content, that third seat is definitely best utilized with a torpedo spread. I still use the FHEC with a grav torp and torp spread 1 on one of my alts.
Aux2damp starts at lt, not ensign.
Right, which is why I need 4 seats. Both ensigns for EPtX abilities, Lt and Lt Cmdr are Aux2Damp (for the constant buff). I need all that to occasionally survive vapes and dogfight better ships.
USS WARRIOR NCC 1720 Commanding Officer
Star Trek Gamers
Personally, I use a wide-angle Quantum with torp spread.
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Ah, OK. Fair do's.
You could just (a few million EC's "just") whack a matter antimatter doff on and use one a2damp. Its only a seven second gap. If you use the Maco engines and deflector its 5.5, which is near enough the gap on one copy of aux2sif.
Basically, i dobt think they going to make that ensign a universal.
If you don't want to give up 4 front DHC on a 3 tac boff ship, put a torp on the back or use the 360 AP beam.
I've found, tho, sticking one DBB up front and using Target Engines in the ensign slot, and BO3, is a nice setup. You get the strong BO3, and can use the Target Engines on its downtime. The Target Engines doesn't bring that horrid weapons drain that the weak BO1 forces you to endure.
It's inconvenient at first, but the hangar bay and ability to load a lt com eng ability (Ooooh, EP2W3 or EP2E3? Yes please!) can more than make up for the minor loss of the fourth DHC.
Edit: Probly can't fit the BO3 on an Armatage without losing too much, I was thinking of my Defiant at that moment... Still, the Target Sub Systems is an option. DBB's do ok DPS just set to fire. It's no DHC, but its really not that far behind.
Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard