The title of this post refers to two missions we have in this game, Sphere of Influence and A Step between the Stars. At some point you have to command, fly another ship. Is it fun? The first time definetly after that, when you replay, I have my doubts.
Let me explain. I see my ships as other forms of my character or even as characters on their own. As with moment, this is my character, there are many of those, but this one is mine. At that point I do not have a big hurray when that character is replaced, by no matter what, and I have to play the game with it.
Now about the missions. Let me make it clear. Those missions are one of the best we have in this game. So it is always a let down when I come to the part where I have to command the alien ship. Because first I have to prepare it, arrange my action bars etc. Give me on replay an option to have my own ship or a skip/ Iwin button.
The number one button on my action bar for the Dyson ship is always the call freighter then we get quantum slip stream next blow your own ship up. I do think seriously that it is a joke from the devs her.
I like the *idea* of playing in a borrowed ship now and then, so long as it is infrequent it works.
That said ...
Sphere is pretty well done. The ship has a sensible weapon layout and a min to set up the bars, turn on autofire, summon pets and you can get right into the fight and have a pretty cool experience. The ship is tough, a bit slow but broadsiding is pretty easy, pets are potent, you have little danger of being blown up and for the most part you are the most powerful ship in that fight by a wide margin.
Step is terrible. The ship weapons are totally wrong for it (it should have DHC mounted, but it does not) and it does almost no dps. They pit you against death by plasma torp boats and the only saving grace is that GW can remove those. Its dps is so low each kill takes a significant effort. This mission is not fun (for many reasons) and the only part that was remotely interesting was the space-walk part. I say all that and I kind of like the dyson ship at least as a romulan. I doubt you could pay me to ride in it for the other factions.
For BOTH of these missions, I have not tried them since the layouts were created but if you could save a layout for the ships (?) it would be awesome. The most annoying thing is having to set up a ship over and over if replaying them. It would be awesome if cryptic could do 1 simple thing for all ships... make the weapons on autofire by default and map the 1 key start shooting. Everything else I can live with. (Which key fires is not important, making it always the same is the important part of the suggestion). It would be even better if we can save loadouts for mission ships, and better still if that loadout were available to all our characters...
There's also the Temporal Ambassador where you fly an Ambassador class and you also fly the Enterprise-F in the first contact event mission.
All the ships in these instances were not set up how I would play them but they are adequate for the missions they are in.
Yes it is anoying not being able to use skills you are used to having but that's the whole point of that part of the missions.
You're fighting enemy ships that are not going to overpower you if you know some basic combat moves.
Still they were my favourite parts of all those missions.
Let me try to wrap my head around this. You are complaining about having to test drive a ship? Seriously? Please find another game to play before devs actally listen to your "feedback".
I've an Fleet Ar'kif, but I never went so far as to get the Scimitar bundle because, well, the Odyssey had not aged well and I felt a bit burned by spending this much in the Z-Store... despite the stories of how absolutely devastating a well set up Scimitar could be.
Now, having flown one around a little, I know the Scimitar is a fairly nice ship. It's good PR for it, and now, I'm mildly tempted to buy it. Only mildly, though: I'm still quite happy with my Ar'kif.
Now, having flown one around a little, I know the Scimitar is a fairly nice ship. It's good PR for it, and now, I'm mildly tempted to buy it. Only mildly, though: I'm still quite happy with my Ar'kif.
Same here, I was mildly interested in the scimitar before, but not enough to actually buy it, now I am seriously considering getting the bundle.
I think this event is a really good ad for all three of those ship bundles without feeling like they are trying to sell anything. (if that makes sense)
It's not myfault ifyoufeel trolledbymyDisco ball...Sorry'boutit.
I like this as I get to fly (and see inside) the Scimiter. Honestly, not a fan of it. I nearly exploded, but I am happy I got to try ou the Thalaron pulse. Tried it on the 2 static targets of group two, and as soon as I opened my wings, both ships leapt to full health and flew out of the zone so I missed everything But at least I now know what it's like.
I will, however, say how much I liked the Oddy. I'm actually tempted now to get one with the saucer sep. Never been on the bridge of that before either. I like the odd instance of flying other ships, provided it's integrated into the story properly. But I do think a fair few of the recent missions have done this, it would be nice to get to fly our own ships for the next few episodes.
A Romulan Strike Team, Missing Farmers and an ancient base on a Klingon Border world. But what connects them? Find out in my First Foundary mission: 'The Jeroan Farmer Escapade'
I've an Fleet Ar'kif, but I never went so far as to get the Scimitar bundle because, well, the Odyssey had not aged well and I felt a bit burned by spending this much in the Z-Store... despite the stories of how absolutely devastating a well set up Scimitar could be.
Now, having flown one around a little, I know the Scimitar is a fairly nice ship. It's good PR for it, and now, I'm mildly tempted to buy it. Only mildly, though: I'm still quite happy with my Ar'kif.
I've been doubting between an Ar'kif and a Scimitar myself. Loved flying the Scimitar but it hasn't got me sold yet. Luckily Republic Day lasts a little longer than the name implies and I get to try the Scimitar a few more times.
The title of this post refers to two missions we have in this game, Sphere of Influence and A Step between the Stars. At some point you have to command, fly another ship. Is it fun? The first time definetly after that, when you replay, I have my doubts.
Let me explain. I see my ships as other forms of my character or even as characters on their own. As with moment, this is my character, there are many of those, but this one is mine. At that point I do not have a big hurray when that character is replaced, by no matter what, and I have to play the game with it.
Now about the missions. Let me make it clear. Those missions are one of the best we have in this game. So it is always a let down when I come to the part where I have to command the alien ship. Because first I have to prepare it, arrange my action bars etc. Give me on replay an option to have my own ship or a skip/ Iwin button.
The number one button on my action bar for the Dyson ship is always the call freighter then we get quantum slip stream next blow your own ship up. I do think seriously that it is a joke from the devs her.
While I agree that its a little annoying to not have your setup when they force you into a different ship, it's hardly a game stopper. The mission, even on max difficulty, is hardly difficult enough to require you to use your own familiar setup, or even to have to set anything at all. All of the BOFF abilities are available in the tray, just mouse click them. And your own abilities are right there as well. This sounds to me more of an "I want it my way" thread than something that needs to be taken seriously.
First. Mouse clickers indeed don't have a problem. I steer with the mouse and use the keyboard to play the action bar. That is not a fancy style of playing. The mission could help on this point by presenting you a workable action bar. Something like tactics on the first bar, science on the second, enginering on the third, and leave all supporting stuff, call merchant, quantum slipstream away, etc. I don't use the Boff layout, but those who prefer that setup should also have a workable system.
For a first run I see it as a minor convenience. Still it is the same as seeing a good move and it gets interupted by a commercial break. It is the reason I don't like to watch movies on a commercial network. They spoil, what I see as a work of art.
It is for me annoying on replays and I replay some missions a lot. I have alts and the mission rewards are nice.
Finally, I am not asking for an easy way. It may look soo, but that is not the case. I am only asking for something that shines to make it more shine. To take something bad out of something good, so it gets better.
Let me mention the borrowed Bird of Prey in the Doomsday mission, as well as the stolen runabout in one of the Klingon missions and the Elachi ship for the Romulans to complete this list.
Those missions are in essence billboards to advertise the purchasable ships or in the case of the BoP for the Klingon faction's different game play options with a cloakable raider.
Expect to see more of these in the future. It's not enough to have a new ship sit in spacedock's premium parking slot. Giving the players a taste of those ships is the way to sell them.
There is a positive for the player, too. Use the missions to determine if you like to own the ship or not. How it feels and and seeign first hand what abilities it comes with is the closest we will ever come to a "power house" testing facility before committing to a build.
That said ...
Sphere is pretty well done. The ship has a sensible weapon layout and a min to set up the bars, turn on autofire, summon pets and you can get right into the fight and have a pretty cool experience. The ship is tough, a bit slow but broadsiding is pretty easy, pets are potent, you have little danger of being blown up and for the most part you are the most powerful ship in that fight by a wide margin.
Step is terrible. The ship weapons are totally wrong for it (it should have DHC mounted, but it does not) and it does almost no dps. They pit you against death by plasma torp boats and the only saving grace is that GW can remove those. Its dps is so low each kill takes a significant effort. This mission is not fun (for many reasons) and the only part that was remotely interesting was the space-walk part. I say all that and I kind of like the dyson ship at least as a romulan. I doubt you could pay me to ride in it for the other factions.
For BOTH of these missions, I have not tried them since the layouts were created but if you could save a layout for the ships (?) it would be awesome. The most annoying thing is having to set up a ship over and over if replaying them. It would be awesome if cryptic could do 1 simple thing for all ships... make the weapons on autofire by default and map the 1 key start shooting. Everything else I can live with. (Which key fires is not important, making it always the same is the important part of the suggestion). It would be even better if we can save loadouts for mission ships, and better still if that loadout were available to all our characters...
All the ships in these instances were not set up how I would play them but they are adequate for the missions they are in.
Yes it is anoying not being able to use skills you are used to having but that's the whole point of that part of the missions.
You're fighting enemy ships that are not going to overpower you if you know some basic combat moves.
Still they were my favourite parts of all those missions.
I've an Fleet Ar'kif, but I never went so far as to get the Scimitar bundle because, well, the Odyssey had not aged well and I felt a bit burned by spending this much in the Z-Store... despite the stories of how absolutely devastating a well set up Scimitar could be.
Now, having flown one around a little, I know the Scimitar is a fairly nice ship. It's good PR for it, and now, I'm mildly tempted to buy it. Only mildly, though: I'm still quite happy with my Ar'kif.
Same here, I was mildly interested in the scimitar before, but not enough to actually buy it, now I am seriously considering getting the bundle.
I think this event is a really good ad for all three of those ship bundles without feeling like they are trying to sell anything. (if that makes sense)
R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy
I will, however, say how much I liked the Oddy. I'm actually tempted now to get one with the saucer sep. Never been on the bridge of that before either. I like the odd instance of flying other ships, provided it's integrated into the story properly. But I do think a fair few of the recent missions have done this, it would be nice to get to fly our own ships for the next few episodes.
A Romulan Strike Team, Missing Farmers and an ancient base on a Klingon Border world. But what connects them? Find out in my First Foundary mission: 'The Jeroan Farmer Escapade'
I've been doubting between an Ar'kif and a Scimitar myself. Loved flying the Scimitar but it hasn't got me sold yet. Luckily Republic Day lasts a little longer than the name implies and I get to try the Scimitar a few more times.
While I agree that its a little annoying to not have your setup when they force you into a different ship, it's hardly a game stopper. The mission, even on max difficulty, is hardly difficult enough to require you to use your own familiar setup, or even to have to set anything at all. All of the BOFF abilities are available in the tray, just mouse click them. And your own abilities are right there as well. This sounds to me more of an "I want it my way" thread than something that needs to be taken seriously.
First. Mouse clickers indeed don't have a problem. I steer with the mouse and use the keyboard to play the action bar. That is not a fancy style of playing. The mission could help on this point by presenting you a workable action bar. Something like tactics on the first bar, science on the second, enginering on the third, and leave all supporting stuff, call merchant, quantum slipstream away, etc. I don't use the Boff layout, but those who prefer that setup should also have a workable system.
For a first run I see it as a minor convenience. Still it is the same as seeing a good move and it gets interupted by a commercial break. It is the reason I don't like to watch movies on a commercial network. They spoil, what I see as a work of art.
It is for me annoying on replays and I replay some missions a lot. I have alts and the mission rewards are nice.
Finally, I am not asking for an easy way. It may look soo, but that is not the case. I am only asking for something that shines to make it more shine. To take something bad out of something good, so it gets better.
Those missions are in essence billboards to advertise the purchasable ships or in the case of the BoP for the Klingon faction's different game play options with a cloakable raider.
Expect to see more of these in the future. It's not enough to have a new ship sit in spacedock's premium parking slot. Giving the players a taste of those ships is the way to sell them.
There is a positive for the player, too. Use the missions to determine if you like to own the ship or not. How it feels and and seeign first hand what abilities it comes with is the closest we will ever come to a "power house" testing facility before committing to a build.