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Is there any auto-shoot option for ground missions?

realisticaltyrealisticalty Member Posts: 851 Arc User
edited April 2014 in The Academy
I'm worried about my fingers starting to hurt from pressing 1 1 1 1 1 all the time. Is there any game-supported way to auto-shoot enemies?
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    rahmkota19rahmkota19 Member Posts: 1,929 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Tired from pressing 1?

    Option A: Use the mouse while in RPG Mode
    Option B: Press B and use shooter mode
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    ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Options -> Controls -> Ground -> RPG/Shooter (both) -> Auto-Attack (at bottom)
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    hevachhevach Member Posts: 2,777 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    There is, but by default it's usually off on new characters. In Options, go to Controls, make sure the selector at the top is set to ground missions, then scroll to the bottom to find the autofire setting. "Toggle, change cancels" is the default for space, and works the same on the ground - you'll autofire on a target until it dies or you change targets and then you'll need to press the fire button again.

    After that, right click the powers in your tray to enable autofire. You can set it on your primary and secondary fire if you want, though with many weapons you probably don't want your secondary fire going off on its own every cooldown.
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    realisticaltyrealisticalty Member Posts: 851 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Thanks - that's exactly what I was looking for. Interesting that it's available in the space options too.

    I clearly need to look through all those controls in some depth, there's a lot there.
    hevach wrote: »
    There is, but by default it's usually off on new characters. In Options, go to Controls, make sure the selector at the top is set to ground missions, then scroll to the bottom to find the autofire setting. "Toggle, change cancels" is the default for space, and works the same on the ground - you'll autofire on a target until it dies or you change targets and then you'll need to press the fire button again.

    After that, right click the powers in your tray to enable autofire. You can set it on your primary and secondary fire if you want, though with many weapons you probably don't want your secondary fire going off on its own every cooldown.
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    lexintonlexinton Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    is this still in the game because I cant seem to find the option. really tired of pressing 1. cant even just hold it down either gotta smash my 1 key all the time I feel like imma break the damn thing.
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    remianenremianen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    lexinton wrote: »
    is this still in the game because I cant seem to find the option. really tired of pressing 1. cant even just hold it down either gotta smash my 1 key all the time I feel like imma break the damn thing.

    Yes it's still in the game. Read the previous posts in the thread which tell you exactly where to find the option. I should note, if you're trying to change ground settings while in space, you have to change the 'Region' setting.
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    admrenlarreckadmrenlarreck Member Posts: 2,041 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    You can also right click on the weapon to use the autofire as well just like in space.

    Fleet leader Nova Elite

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    johankreigjohankreig Member Posts: 449 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    You can also right click on the weapon to use the autofire as well just like in space.

    ok that i did not know, thanks.
    Jorhana Kreig: KDF, Tal'is: Romulan Fed, Shona'a: Romulan KDF, Johan Paul Kreig: Fed
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    fovrelfovrel Member Posts: 1,448 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    It seems to me that autofire on the ground is bugged. I have it on with change cancels. So when my target dies I should stop firing. However the other day I was on Defera and my character kept shooting at targets in range. I aggroed the whole area in no time.

    What is going on here? Is it the borg, you are shooting at a collective, or can it be the fact that the Omega weapon has an area of effect feature, so with a group of targets you keep firing?
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    gurugeorgegurugeorge Member Posts: 421 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I always find it amazing that people don't find these things themselves. What happened to curiosity? :) First thing I do with any MMO is look through options to see how much I can tailor the controls to suit my liking.

    Cryptic have always been very generous with customizability. They even have mouse options that few other games have, which enable you to turn your mouse into a sort of mini-game-controller.

    There are many possible ways to play both Ground and Space in this game. For example, having played Neverwinter for a while, I recently switched to the similar possibilities in STO, whereas before I'd played STO in standard RMB Drag mode, using Mouse4 and Middle Wheel up/down to fire off some most-used abilities. The really cool thing that Cryptic offer in standard MMO mode, that literally no other MMO can give you, is that you can assign LEFT+RIGHT CLICK to your most-used non-autofiring ability, so that in effect, you can mouse-steer and fire with your left mouse button more or less like an fps, except you're holding down RMB MMO style. But free mouselook on a toggle (I use z) is much easier on the middle finger, once you get over the hump of getting used to toggling mouselook on and off at need. Then of course there's the shooter style, but you can't assign an autofire in shooter style, and I like autofire.
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    edgecrysgeredgecrysger Member Posts: 2,740 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Depends on your playstyle.

    I use the middle click of my mouse to switch weapons. I use the 4th button of my mouse to use some skills, same with the 5th button. But only skills like bufs and something like that. I dont use right button and left mouse buttons to fight, the right mouse button is used to look around (as a lot of people probably will) and the left mouse just to select a target in rare circunstances or to de-select the actual one.

    I NEVER use autofire on ground, because in a game like STO, is not recommended. You will want to just shot in some circunstances, and use some skills in others. You will not want to engage your enemy at the same moment you are in range. In some circunstantes, specially agains specific enemies you will wnat to approach and get closer before you use your weapons, and of course you want to control when you shot, if you use autofire you will find that sometimes you shot more than you want. This is bad, for example because if you are in a fight, and a grenade is thworn at you, if you using auto fire its probably that the timing will be wrong and you will not be able to avoid the grenade using double tap (in my case). I mean, autofire is not really something that people uses (i think), at least they should not. Its similar to using shooter mode, it is useless and it has more bad things that good ones, but its not designed for this game. Using auto fire its almost similar, its really not fited to this game.
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    fovrelfovrel Member Posts: 1,448 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    As a poster above has mentioned the combat system Neverwinter Online uses, which I like and is very dynamic, I set up my keybinds in a similar way. You end up by something that is between shooter mode and standard RPG.

    Mouselook is activated, you move with wasd, but you also steer with the mouse. Left mouse button is standard shoot, right mouse is your special attack, middle mouse is riffle butt.

    I really like it how the ground combat handles now. A wonderful upgrade. Normally I had autofire on on my first attack, but as another poster above mentioned, this is not always an advantage. So I turned it off. With mouse shooting, I do not miss the auto fire.
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    edgecrysgeredgecrysger Member Posts: 2,740 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    fovrel wrote: »
    As a poster above has mentioned the combat system Neverwinter Online uses, which I like and is very dynamic, I set up my keybinds in a similar way. You end up by something that is between shooter mode and standard RPG.

    Mouselook is activated, you move with wasd, but you also steer with the mouse. Left mouse button is standard shoot, right mouse is your special attack, middle mouse is riffle butt.

    Using the mouse to shot is one of the worst things you will do in STO... and use mouse to steer.. bad idea (actually, is there people that uses the steer?). And i dont think too much people uses mouse to shot.. (i guess). How do yo move the camera if you use the mouse buttons to shot? or you dont move the camera at all? :eek:

    Neverwinter has nothing to do with STO, and if you using that configuration you posted, its one of the worst ive ever seen in my life for playing STO lol. Seriously.

    And i thought nobody used wasd to move anymore lol... i guess yo come from a video console??

    Of course, everybody get used to the combination they want... :o
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    fovrelfovrel Member Posts: 1,448 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Gurugeorge explained it already. You assign a key to toggle mouselook on and of. During combat mouslook is on. It means my character turns with the camera. The wasd keys are only used to dodge roll.

    For interaction with npc's and bank, exchange, I turn mouselook off, so I can click things.

    There is no need to say what is good or bad. It all comes down how one likes to play and there is a lot of room for customization. To set things up as one likes.
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    gurugeorgegurugeorge Member Posts: 421 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Using the mouse to shot is one of the worst things you will do in STO... and use mouse to steer.. bad idea (actually, is there people that uses the steer?). And i dont think too much people uses mouse to shot.. (i guess). How do yo move the camera if you use the mouse buttons to shot? or you dont move the camera at all? :eek:

    Neverwinter has nothing to do with STO, and if you using that configuration you posted, its one of the worst ive ever seen in my life for playing STO lol. Seriously.

    And i thought nobody used wasd to move anymore lol... i guess yo come from a video console??

    Of course, everybody get used to the combination they want... :o

    But there's a "middle way" between the Neverwinter mode that's available in STO, and the standard point-and-click MMO mode. You can set mouselook toggle to a key (I use N) and then you still have the advantage of autofire (which you can't use in Neverwinter mode), and you also have Tab targeting and you also have free right hand mouselook (so less RSI :) ) and WASD. Plus also you don't have the zoom restrictions that you have in Neverwinter mode.

    All you have to get used to is using N to switch between movement and selecting things (more or less like Neverwinter too, so I'm pretty used to it, but it can be a bit confusing till you get used to it - it's the reverse of what's normal in MMOs where you steer with your middle finger pressed on RMB and release it to select things).
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