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Why do some premates use so much cheese?



  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Can anyone point out all the successful PvP games where players self-regulated and no one used known imbalanced or broken abilities?

    People use cheese because they can*. Don't want it to happen, don't make cheesy stuff in your game. It's not your game? That sucks, because now you can only hope the devs realize the problems and have the chance to fix them.

    *) And if they don't, they'll end up losing to those that use it, and that's no fun either.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • mancommancom Member Posts: 784 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    The problem got significantly worse when the game acquired more grinding and p2w and thus it turned from "give me 5 minutes at the boff trainer" to "give me several months to get all the lockbox, c-store, lobi, rep and fleet stuff" when it comes to countering some builds.

    Back in the day, certain things were stupid, but within 5 minutes one could copy the build and beat the evil premades with their own tactics. That was not a great way of "balance", but it was much better than what we have now.
  • wolverine595959wolverine595959 Member Posts: 726
    edited March 2014
    This is dead horse. Before the abilities today there were others. The only issue I have is with deployables. The targetting in this game is a joke, either you click or tab, clicking is impossible with mines, pets, torps, ship parts etc, tab targetting can be just as bad because it always seems the target I want is always the fifth tab press.
    Hey I Used to be Captain Data, well I guess I still am in game but the account link really screwed everything up :rolleyes:
  • marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    grandpadxx wrote: »
    I'm not sure..

    I forgot the Name of this Fleet..
    I think the Name was like
    " Vice Scrambles " ....
    oh nono.. thats wrong.. i got it..
    " Vice Spamers " ..
    oh **** thats also wrong.... maybe
    Vice Blackholes "
    Dammit, i can't remember.
    Please help me out. ;)

    lol fleets that need that to pugstomp are easy to forget, I don't blame you. Its really funny some of them think this thread is crying about them when its more about how much we pity them and lookdown on them. I just hope people new to pvp realize that most of the community isn't like this just a few bad apples.
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
  • therealmttherealmt Member Posts: 428 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Its the game? why classify this as spam? This is what we all wanted.
  • freenos85freenos85 Member Posts: 443 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Can't VS just setup a private match to show everybody if they are actually more than decent? I'm getting tired of both sides tbh. VS claiming they are actually good players (while usually using massive amounts of [subjective] cheese) and the other side claiming they are skillless idiots who have to solely rely on cheese to win anything.

    Do a match with and without cheese and then let's see who wins.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited March 2014
  • tksmittytksmitty Member Posts: 173 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Why do they do it?

    Because it's an easy win for them. For them it's not about skill. It's not about playing a build you find fun. It's not about the adoration of new pvp'ers.

    It's about winning. They will use whatever is necessary for their team to win. Whatever is currently broken, OP, or just plain FOTM, they will use it.
    Current ship/builds:
    KDF Tac: Bortasqu' Tactical
    Fed Tac: Fleet Gal-X

    Keep those big guns a-thunderin'
  • cerritourugcerritourug Member Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    mancom wrote: »
    The problem got significantly worse when the game acquired more grinding and p2w and thus it turned from "give me 5 minutes at the boff trainer" to "give me several months to get all the lockbox, c-store, lobi, rep and fleet stuff" when it comes to countering some builds.

    Back in the day, certain things were stupid, but within 5 minutes one could copy the build and beat the evil premades with their own tactics. That was not a great way of "balance", but it was much better than what we have now.

    The problem also got significantly worse when the PVP community stopped to condemn this behavior of a full pramade stomping pugs with cheese. Now the community applauds this, and the proof is on the OPVP

    Division Hispana
  • rylanadionysisrylanadionysis Member Posts: 3,359 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Cry about broken stuff

    Use broken stuff

    Hypocrites in action.

    Your rights end where my feelings begin. Only I can use the broken stuff. If I lose vs someone using it, then they are the bad ones, not me, never.

    Go into match on my sci dhelan, clean build, spend 90 percent of the match scrambled or AMSed.

    Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
    Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
    Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
  • rylanadionysisrylanadionysis Member Posts: 3,359 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    freenos85 wrote: »
    Can't VS just setup a private match to show everybody if they are actually more than decent? I'm getting tired of both sides tbh. VS claiming they are actually good players (while usually using massive amounts of [subjective] cheese) and the other side claiming they are skillless idiots who have to solely rely on cheese to win anything.

    Do a match with and without cheese and then let's see who wins.

    Another fleet wanted to challenge us to a 5v5 under the condition that taylor couldnt use his detection build. Meanwhile they planned to use 3 sci tanks + 2 vapers.

    Tell me again how thats fair? Take away the only counter, ensure own victory.

    People just cry when they lose, no matter how they do.
    Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
    Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
    Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
  • freenos85freenos85 Member Posts: 443 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Another fleet wanted to challenge us to a 5v5 under the condition that taylor couldnt use his detection build. Meanwhile they planned to use 3 sci tanks + 2 vapers.

    Tell me again how thats fair? Take away the only counter, ensure own victory.

    People just cry when they lose, no matter how they do.

    Yeah, that's BS.

    Look i personally don't have that much of a problem with cheese in small doses, but it's just too disruptive. I'd rather have a clean match where everything flows, but instead i get a spam fest where i'm either constantly placated, scrambled, my weapons are turned off, my turnrate is severely debuffed (grav pulse), i run into invisible warp plasma etc. It's not that others aren't using this BS, but you never fail to disappoint. Someone is always bringing the cheese if i encounter a group of VS members. And you're too vocal about it. Fine troll however much you like, but don't expect anybody to take you seriously after you've cried wolf too many times.
  • mindsharpmindsharp Member Posts: 183 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    [InsertInsultingRemarksHere] :P
    Karrock/Karreck/Darth Karrock/Unspoken
    House of Beautiful Orions
  • ilhanskilhansk Member Posts: 620 Arc User
    edited March 2014


    Visit the Inner Circle YouTube Channel to watch some STO pew pew PVP action!

  • ilhanskilhansk Member Posts: 620 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Well everyone has its own definition of spam and cheese. So arguing about it tends to not really lead to productive outcomes...

    I couldn't care less if someone uses cheese. If a pug cheeses me, I pitty them. If a team cheeses me, I'll assemble a crew and pwn them. Then again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again....

    I don't have a problem with cheese really...
    Visit the Inner Circle YouTube Channel to watch some STO pew pew PVP action!

  • entrax11entrax11 Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Another fleet wanted to challenge us to a 5v5 under the condition that taylor couldnt use his detection build. Meanwhile they planned to use 3 sci tanks + 2 vapers.

    Tell me again how thats fair? Take away the only counter, ensure own victory.

    People just cry when they lose, no matter how they do.

    That's not the truth.

    We wanted a match under No-BS conditions. So Taylor would have been able to use his snooper built as much as he wanted. But we would have taken away most of the cheese.

    You guys didn't want to fight under these conditions, therefore i called you cowards...and i still do.

    Our offer for a fair No Bs match still exists, it's up to you. We even offered you to fight without any cloaked ships...you still declined. Even this offer still exists.

    I'm sick of all these Spam Squad threads lately, but somehow the community seems to react. Btw., your spam is not the main problem here, the main problem is your bad behaviour and the rude insults you guys throw at people.

    So once again, Raumpatrouille Elysion always is up for a fight under No Bs rules. AND....detection builts are allowed in No Bs of course...but you knew this already at the time of our first offer to fight you, didn't you?
  • rylanadionysisrylanadionysis Member Posts: 3,359 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    entrax11 wrote: »
    , the main problem is your bad behaviour and the rude insults you guys throw at people.

    You gotta be joking. Im gonna call this out right here.

    I never say anything until someone says something to me. I have never started it. I get tells, zone chatted, OPvP attacked, we all do.

    We basically react to what we are given. Dont try to paint us as some kind of instigators when the vast vast vast majority of any negativity coming from us is reactive.

    It always starts the same way.

    *enter match*
    *start fighting*
    *someone throws a fit in zone*
    *match continues after they ragequit*
    *fight spills over into OPvP*

    Its never us that start the third one. Last time it happened it was actually you. You sent a nasty tell to someone as I recall, and it spilled over into OPvP because you left the match as usual.
    Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
    Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
    Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
  • entrax11entrax11 Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    You gotta be joking. Im gonna call this out right here.

    I never say anything until someone says something to me. I have never started it. I get tells, zone chatted, OPvP attacked, we all do.

    We basically react to what we are given. Dont try to paint us as some kind of instigators when the vast vast vast majority of any negativity coming from us is reactive.

    It always starts the same way.

    *enter match*
    *start fighting*
    *someone throws a fit in zone*
    *match continues after they ragequit*
    *fight spills over into OPvP*

    Its never us that start the third one. Last time it happened it was actually you. You sent a nasty tell to someone as I recall, and it spilled over into OPvP because you left the match as usual.

    I don't care about all the insults, i just said that A FEW of your members do it frequently by no reason. But again, not my personal problem. I just replied because you didn't tell the truth.

    We wanted a No-Bs match and we still want it, that's all, you can insult or not insult as much as you want, it wont change the fact you guys declined a match under No Bs conditions.
  • lonelder1983lonelder1983 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I dont usually post to the forums, but i thought id put my 2 cents in here.

    Vice Squad has members that use cheese, we also have members who don't. Really were not trying to intentionally TRIBBLE anyone off, but it does happen. What we dont generally do is regulate what our members fly or how they play in general. We may put together a team of five tacs or 3 engineers simply because thats what people wanted to fly at that time.

    As for what people consider cheese.... well theres new broken **** every week. FAW is either OP or nerfed to hell, they change CDs and Lockouts, and they gave the game Romulans.... so take your pick, but honestly I cant tell you the last time I cama across any team not using something that could be considered cheesy. Ive spent whole matches scrambled tractored AMSed, you name it, but I keep coming back, trying to learn how to deal with all that stuff and still get a kill. I guess relating your frustration with the game mechanics is one way of dealing with it, but really unless they completely revamp the pvp engine youre never going to get rid of it.

    And Entrax.... youre a good player you guys put together a solid team usually, as for whatever you told Rylana about a no BS match well, We'll have to figure out which five people you wanted to fight, and define what no BS means really, because the only way I can see fighting a STO match with no BS at all is to jump in our Mirandas with white weapons.... but theres no reason it cant happen.

    But honestly win or lose, We're playing the game to have fun, I truly am sorry if anyone gets frustrated by our pursuit of enjoyment.
  • teuteburgteuteburg Member Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited April 2014

    It is not about a single console or ability!
    It is about the sheer ammount of BS they used!

    And it's like they did not make friends with this
    "playstyle" (as this threat profes)!

    Going into the q's with a lotta bs is not good
    for the reputation of a fleet!

    We in our fleet do have rules for things like that!

    My intention was to see how the other PvP'ers look
    at that topic, and now I know!

    Thanks everyone :cool:

    Greetz Siegfried

    PS: @lonelder1983:

    01. Have fun - Most important.
    02. Max of four hanger bays per team, Yellowstones, Elite Interceptors & Romulan Drone Ships banned.
    03. No more than 3 of the same captains and no more then 2 of the same ship types.
    04. No Boarding Parties. (Broken).
    05. No Dkora EMP burst. (Broken)
    06. No scramble sensors with the DOFFs (Without DOFFs no issue).
    07. No Grav Pulse (AOE 50 second hold not fun)

    08. Once you are in 1 team an have played, you cannot move to another.
    09. Temporal Inversion not allowed.
    10. All fleets and random players/groups are welcome to play, individuals/groups who have personal issues stopping them from having a great time need not take part.
    11. We as the host have the right to remove/add things that may be fixed or broken by Cryptic between now and the end of the tournament, that would of course come with the majority vote of all groups taking part.
    11b. Universal Console - Subspace Integration Circuit - Banned.
  • doffingcomradedoffingcomrade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Behold, the power of cheese.
  • seansamurai1seansamurai1 Member Posts: 634 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    entrax11 wrote: »
    That's not the truth.

    We wanted a match under No-BS conditions. So Taylor would have been able to use his snooper built as much as he wanted. But we would have taken away most of the cheese.

    You guys didn't want to fight under these conditions, therefore i called you cowards...and i still do.

    Our offer for a fair No Bs match still exists, it's up to you. We even offered you to fight without any cloaked ships...you still declined. Even this offer still exists.

    I'm sick of all these Spam Squad threads lately, but somehow the community seems to react. Btw., your spam is not the main problem here, the main problem is your bad behaviour and the rude insults you guys throw at people.

    So once again, Raumpatrouille Elysion always is up for a fight under No Bs rules. AND....detection builts are allowed in No Bs of course...but you knew this already at the time of our first offer to fight you, didn't you?

    So you took time out of repeatedly stomping pugs in the queues then?
    Got so boring being spammed to death by your lot in the queues (5-6 matches on the bounce).
    Yet the second a TD group started vaping your team, they all warped out.
    Groups like yours is one of the main but not the only reasons I've all but canned this game.
    Although, stonewall are pretty bad for it too.
  • keyboalpha2keyboalpha2 Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    "I use cheese because everybody does it or has done in the past". What kind of argument is this? Someone can do X because everybody does it or has done it in the past? Really?

    So... I can drive 100 mph although just 50 are allowed? If a policeman catches me I just say: oh, of course I was too fast because everybody drives too fast or at least has done so in the past. Pls officer, don't be hypocritical!

    You might say: but this is just a game, only a tiny video game! However, why does someone get kicked out of a chat by a mod if he is offensive or even get banned from the game if cryptic figured out he used an exploit? Is it possible that some rules existing in real life matter to some extend in a MMO as well? Is it possible that rules of sportsmenship and good behaviour even exist or should exist if "I am on" and play STO?

    Maybe many members (I claim it is the majority) of the PvP community prefer to have fun and not being spammed without any limit. Not because they might lose but because being spammed to death in a match usually means you barely can do anything = forced to be almost inactive = no fun. I don't speak about usual CC in PvP or about the use of some (!) cheesy stuff here and there. But it is obvious that if you meet some "special" fleet premades in PvP the likelihood of being spammed to death is 100 %. It is sad that some players of these special fleets also tend to troll and/or to be offensive - but I forgot... who does not sometimes show such a behaviour or has shown it in the past? :rolleyes:
    Umbra Venator
  • rylanadionysisrylanadionysis Member Posts: 3,359 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    marc8219 wrote: »
    save my cheese for kerrat.


    Look at all of that negative style.

    Confirmed for hypocritical liar.

    Also, you play a romulan cloaker. Your entire opinion is invalid on that alone.

    Now for fun


    Shut the hell up about who runs "clean" and who doesnt.

    PROTIP - negative style is usually cheese useage, zero style is generally a clean build, positive style usually means you rammed someone.
    Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
    Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
    Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
  • entrax11entrax11 Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    So you took time out of repeatedly stomping pugs in the queues then?
    Got so boring being spammed to death by your lot in the queues (5-6 matches on the bounce).
    Yet the second a TD group started vaping your team, they all warped out.
    Groups like yours is one of the main but not the only reasons I've all but canned this game.
    Although, stonewall are pretty bad for it too.

    Pugstomping is inevitable and a problem (or no problem) to every fleet in this game. We don't do it because it's fun to shoot guys without TacTeam. But with the PVP-System revamp things will change. It wont stop pugstomping, because it's possible that 5 good player get queued up against 5 without TacTeam. But one thing has to be claryfied here: We did never spam a team to death, and vaping is no spam. (I know some people have a different opinion about it).

    Btw.: the reason why always the same fleets/premades are part of the discussion in the forums is simply that there are not many left. So if you meet us 6 times in a row, either means we already fought a match against IC or someone else or that there is no other team in the Queues, and that's how it is in most cases. These days for example the only decent premade left (that frequently hits the Queue) we can fight is IC...that's a bad development.


    I knew some of your member wanted to have a nice fight without spam and even supported the idea, the problem was that one or two guys (the ones that talk the most normally) completely ignored our offer and even made fun about it. We handle things the same way HanK and Hannibal mentioned already: if you have some guys who are willing to set up a match, just pm us. We wont decline as long as we have enough member online.
  • stoutesstoutes Member Posts: 4,219 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I remember a thread about "the good old PVP" a while back.

    Funny thing about it when I was at Ker'rat, I unknowingly shot him couple of times (with my fairly new char, phased pol DHC's, drain build @ retrofit defiant, 2x spread + 2x AB), he went totally berserk and threw every piece of cheese possible at me.

    Hippocrit at it's finest.
    maxvitor wrote: »
    Nerf is OP, plz nerf
    That's quite the paradox, how could you nerf nerf when the nerf is nerfed. But how would the nerf be nerfed when the nerf is nerfed? This allows the nerf not to be nerfed since the nerf is nerfed? But if the nerf isn't nerfed, it could still nerf nerfs. But as soon as the nerf is nerfed, the nerf power is lost. So paradoxally it the nerf nerf lost its nerf, while it's still nerfed, which cannot be because the nerf was unable to nerf.

    I call it, the Stoutes paradox.
  • lonelder1983lonelder1983 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014

    You might say: but this is just a game, only a tiny video game! However, why does someone get kicked out of a chat by a mod if he is offensive or even get banned from the game if cryptic figured out he used an exploit? Is it possible that some rules existing in real life matter to some extend in a MMO as well? Is it possible that rules of sportsmenship and good behaviour even exist or should exist if "I am on" and play STO?


    Ok heres the main problem with this argument. Every universal console, OP broken DOFF and Elite pet in the game was put there by the people who make the "rules" for the game. Its very hard to argue that someone is not following the rules because they're using the tools that the developers put in the game to be utilized in exactly the manner they are. As sad as it is, Black hole consoles, Elite Yellowstones, Biologist doffs and all the others are "working exactly as intended."

    If you want to talk about why the whole system is broken, thats another story entirely. If you want to set up a private match where you are only allowed to use certain abilities, you can certainly do that, but the queue system, as it now stands allows people to use all those things you're complaining about... without breaking any rules.

    As for sportsmanship, and good behavior, every single person Ive talked to in this game has their own idea of what is acceptable, what is OP, what is Cheese, and what needs to be buffed/nerfed. Neither you or I or anyone here is qualified to make that determination for every person who walks into an arena match. All it ever does is turn into the same old " If im doing it its ok, but what youre doing is cheating" argument, and its kinda pointless.

    Actually the only thing that I can say with complete certainty is totally bulls**t is people who kill their game client in the middle of a match so they get logged out before getting vaped..... know anyone who does that?
  • marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014

    Look at all of that negative style.

    PROTIP - negative style is usually cheese useage, zero style is generally a clean build, positive style usually means you rammed someone.

    That cant tell if you are using stuff like AMS, grav pulse, subspace circuit or many other cheese consoles from combat logs, that rating doesn't make sense and many people are in the negatives I see there. that doesn't even show most of my games just stuff other people parsed as I haven't used that program in a long time and hardly anyone does in KDF matches.
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
  • grandpadxxgrandpadxx Member Posts: 342
    edited April 2014

    01. Have fun - Most important.
    02. Max of four hanger bays per team, Yellowstones, Elite Interceptors & Romulan Drone Ships banned.
    03. No more than 3 of the same captains and no more then 2 of the same ship types.
    04. No Boarding Parties. (Broken).
    05. No Dkora EMP burst. (Broken)
    06. No scramble sensors with the DOFFs (Without DOFFs no issue).
    07. No Grav Pulse (AOE 50 second hold not fun)

    08. Once you are in 1 team an have played, you cannot move to another.
    09. Temporal Inversion not allowed.
    10. All fleets and random players/groups are welcome to play, individuals/groups who have personal issues stopping them from having a great time need not take part.
    11. We as the host have the right to remove/add things that may be fixed or broken by Cryptic between now and the end of the tournament, that would of course come with the majority vote of all groups taking part.
    11b. Universal Console - Subspace Integration Circuit - Banned.



    this is nice.. if everybody play with this " rules ", that will be fine for the gameplay.

    T'lilu SCI. / Dxxdavid TAK. / STO Inner Circle
    *** R.I.P. ***
  • nagrom7nagrom7 Member Posts: 995 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Everyone here just needs to cool off and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moSFlvxnbgk
    Harden up Princess
    Looking for an Oceanic fleet? Check out our website:
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