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Fleet marks burn Projects in special slot like 50K FMs 1 project

margus3margus3 Member Posts: 19 Arc User
edited April 2014 in Fleet System and Holdings
Im one of leaders in my fleet. Most ppl want drop lot fleet marks every day, but these Projects count are pretty low.

I ask if many fleets are intersted of fleet marks projects on special slot like 50K marks and no reward. What now we can do is special on SB the ppl can drop 500 marks and some doffs every 30min. I que these projects like 24/7 its no life i mean because marks getting filled every time.

Even all other projects marks gets filled in first place. Members scream to drop marks.

We managed to make tier 5 fleet from nothing but that hard work going down because members want drop more marks. Our r
Post edited by margus3 on


  • saegiosaegio Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    yea totally agree m8, we need those"50k FM specials" cause FMs are always the first to be filled. We allow our members to leave fleet temporarily to sell their marks, that works but its a bad solution imho.

    any project we queue up gets its FMs filled within minutes. As a fleet we easily generate thousands of FMs every hour!!

    Please give us some flexibility here cryptic.
  • ergazisheolergazisheol Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I think it would be nice to have large fleet mark projects even after reaching T5. Some of the newer recruits as well as the vets need them for gear and what ever. All the work to get to T5 and T3 just to hit a wall should be fixed imho.
  • avengersevenfouravengersevenfour Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I agree wholeheartedly.
    "If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you oughtta go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross; but it's not for the timid." -- Q
  • john98837john98837 Member Posts: 761 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    While 50k might be a bit excessive I agree with the concept, but as usual cryptic will just ignore this request and pretend there isn't a problem. We have been asking them to address this issue for close to a year and they never even bother to respond, let alone fix it.
  • cbrjwrrcbrjwrr Member Posts: 2,782 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Great idea, Fleet I'm in is large enough that apart from Dil all requirements fill up within a day or so. Would be nice to have a way of using up the 4k Fleet marks I've got so that I can get an Oddy, at this rate it would be quicker to grind for the C-store pack...
  • treeyees8472treeyees8472 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    margus3 wrote: »
    Im one of leaders in my fleet. Most ppl want drop lot fleet marks every day, but these Projects count are pretty low.

    I ask if many fleets are intersted of fleet marks projects on special slot like 50K marks and no reward. What now we can do is special on SB the ppl can drop 500 marks and some doffs every 30min. I que these projects like 24/7 its no life i mean because marks getting filled every time.

    Even all other projects marks gets filled in first place. Members scream to drop marks.

    We managed to make tier 5 fleet from nothing but that hard work going down because members want drop more marks. Our r
  • bl00dykillabl00dykilla Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I vote + for this idea.
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I suggest provision projects that just cost 5,000 Fleet Marks, has a 30 minute cooldown, and gives 10 provisions. 50,000 Fleet Marks seems a tad much for a Fleet Project.
  • marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Something needs to be done to use up more fleet marks for fleets with all holdings done, any project that uses more marks will be great.
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
  • subzeero365subzeero365 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Completely agree on this one!
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    And while they are at it increase the ratio for dilithium, I mean really FM's have a 50:1 ratio while the most valuable commodity in the game dilithium has a 1:1, it's no wonder most fleet member's don't wish to come off and contribute dilithium, it's bad enough it's capped each day for refining, but throw in that almost everything requires spending it and to contribute it is worse than doff's and commodities.

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • saegiosaegio Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    actually this is so obvious I wonder why it has not been done yet.
  • darkwhite0darkwhite0 Member Posts: 158 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    i support this idea, but only if this project do not change the amount in overall contribution

    make this only give fleet credit and nothing more
  • lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter
    edited March 2014
    And while they are at it increase the ratio for dilithium, I mean really FM's have a 50:1 ratio while the most valuable commodity in the game dilithium has a 1:1, it's no wonder most fleet member's don't wish to come off and contribute dilithium, it's bad enough it's capped each day for refining, but throw in that almost everything requires spending it and to contribute it is worse than doff's and commodities.

    When they started star bases, it was a way to flush out all the excess dilithium in the game. I think they have achieved it. It's about time they increased the reward.

    Same thing goes for the personnel officer in SFA. They increased 10x the amount of dil to turn 5 blue doffs into 1 purple doff because they saw too many purples in the system but they didn't know it was due to out of control doff stacking (Which was patched in June 2013). Bring back down the personnel officer's dil cost to the old amount!
  • hootenitehootenite Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    margus3 wrote: »
    Most ppl want drop lot fleet marks every day, but these Projects count are pretty low...

    ...Even all other projects marks gets filled in first place. Members scream to drop marks.

    We managed to make tier 5 fleet from nothing but that hard work going down because members want drop more marks. Our r
  • cptwilliam2cptwilliam2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Instead of missions for burning marks into credits, how about creating a donation or alliance mission?

    Essentially offer a mission that for X Marks will create a X Mark Donation Box.

    Each box can be given to any other fleet.

    1) Donate to a random fleet will earn a X% increase in the credits earned.

    2) Donating to another fleet you are "allied" with would net you a bigger bonus

    Allowing smaller fleets to ally with bigger ones and get the help they need while giving back to the larger fleet. Win-Win
    Join Legends Memorial, a chat channel to share stories about the legends of Trek who are no longer with us.
  • john98837john98837 Member Posts: 761 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Instead of missions for burning marks into credits, how about creating a donation or alliance mission?

    Essentially offer a mission that for X Marks will create a X Mark Donation Box.

    Each box can be given to any other fleet.

    1) Donate to a random fleet will earn a X% increase in the credits earned.

    2) Donating to another fleet you are "allied" with would net you a bigger bonus

    Allowing smaller fleets to ally with bigger ones and get the help they need while giving back to the larger fleet. Win-Win

    While I agree this would be a better way it does not seem likely to happen. Adding a project to just take up a bunch of marks is a far simpler thing for them to code than a donate to allied fleet system would be. Maybe someday they will do the alliance system, but until then they could atleast take 15 minutes and add one bloody project for us, seriously if it takes much more than 15 minutes to add a project to the fleet system someone is coding things wrong.
  • cptwilliam2cptwilliam2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    john98837 wrote: »
    While I agree this would be a better way it does not seem likely to happen. Adding a project to just take up a bunch of marks is a far simpler thing for them to code than a donate to allied fleet system would be. Maybe someday they will do the alliance system, but until then they could atleast take 15 minutes and add one bloody project for us, seriously if it takes much more than 15 minutes to add a project to the fleet system someone is coding things wrong.

    The allied system for sure would take longer but I don't think the donation box should be too complex given how quickly they churn out lockboxes, which contain new boxes, item boxes, etc
    Join Legends Memorial, a chat channel to share stories about the legends of Trek who are no longer with us.
  • defiant8472defiant8472 Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    +1 Strongly Agree!

    This is very needed and important thing. I see people in zone chats that offer fleet marks sometimes and once i asked why he does this. He said his fleet has maxed everything and they have no where to spend fleet marks... Good fleet marks utilization mechanics is really needed!

    Full support!
  • landshark666landshark666 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    In the meantime, if anybody needs to convert fed fleet marks to credit, please look me up in game as we have lots of room.
  • dkratascodkratasco Member Posts: 585 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    There could mission for provisions similar to one which require only dilithium, but for vast amount FM (but with similar to dilithium exchange rate 1:1). The real problem is how easy is to obtain large numbers of FM and it's exchange ratio 1:50 with FC. That's why people would rather contribute large amounts of FM rather than any thing else especially dilithium. Right now the easiest thing to obtain (I'd say you get them for free from almost every endgame mission) gives the biggest number of FC.
  • genadagenada Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    They should have a project that takes just fleet marks and any type of doff.

    I agree it's kinda of a bummer that people do not donate dil more often but that's because your capped on how much you can get and it's terrible return rate for donating.
  • dkratascodkratasco Member Posts: 585 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Day dil refine idea itself is good, there is small gap between casuals and nolifes who can spend whole days in game. But with more and more thing demands dilithium daily cap should be rise to at least 11k.
  • cyckathcyckath Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    dkratasco wrote: »
    Day dil refine idea itself is good, there is small gap between casuals and nolifes who can spend whole days in game. But with more and more thing demands dilithium daily cap should be rise to at least 11k.

    I seriously doubt that would be boost dil contribution to fleet projects, many just use the cap as an excuse.
  • ankokunekoankokuneko Member Posts: 318 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    dkratasco wrote: »
    Day dil refine idea itself is good, there is small gap between casuals and nolifes who can spend whole days in game. But with more and more thing demands dilithium daily cap should be rise to at least 11k.

    Rising the refine cap is a horrible idea, it means you hav to work more to get the same amout of zen. Just look at neverwinter, you need to work 3x as much to get the same amount of zen because of their refine limit
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