Over a year ago, I watched some of Thissler's videos and they inspired me to make my fleet Defiant a vaper. So here I am now, starting up my own youtube channel with adventures in vaping for your entertainment. Enjoy!
I wouldn't call it dead if I can do it all the time in Cap'N'Hold. And I'm not even using cheese clickies. Maybe in arena matches it doesn't work (cuz I've tried), but that's why it's Cap'N'Hold Adventures.
Goodness that thing is awesome!!! Element of surprise is everything here though. Which is awesome. and annoying for enemies. I wouldn't use the defiant (anymore), the Andorian Kumari looks so much better in that. 5-2 weapons, more tac skills so you can keep going. but I don't think it has a cloak, so maybe a chimera heavy destroyer? anyway, defiant does fine
Goodness that thing is awesome!!! Element of surprise is everything here though. Which is awesome. and annoying for enemies. I wouldn't use the defiant (anymore), the Andorian Kumari looks so much better in that. 5-2 weapons, more tac skills so you can keep going. but I don't think it has a cloak, so maybe a chimera heavy destroyer? anyway, defiant does fine
Chimera doesn't cloak.
Defiant is ol' reliable, and it gets the job done. I'm going to use episode 5 to talk about my ship's history since the videos are a bit dry (in my opinion).
Did you by any chance catch the ram kill you did on me yesterday? I lol'd pretty hard.
Unfortunately that one didn't make it into a video. I was pretty sad that it didn't. Sometime I'm going to make a special video about ramming speed using my JHAS.
Here it is:
Oh, I already have the material for 3 more episodes. I'm planning to release episodes as I film matches, but no more than once per day.
I wouldn't call it dead if I can do it all the time in Cap'N'Hold. And I'm not even using cheese clickies. Maybe in arena matches it doesn't work (cuz I've tried), but that's why it's Cap'N'Hold Adventures.
~The Eleventh Order~
11thOrder Youtube
Chimera doesn't cloak.
Defiant is ol' reliable, and it gets the job done. I'm going to use episode 5 to talk about my ship's history since the videos are a bit dry (in my opinion).
Unfortunately that one didn't make it into a video. I was pretty sad that it didn't. Sometime I'm going to make a special video about ramming speed using my JHAS.