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Fleet Galaxy X Vs Galor

rebel230rebel230 Member Posts: 90 Arc User
edited March 2014 in Federation Discussion
Hi I was just looking for some insight with this topic. I am currently flying the Fleet galaxy X as a fed tac VA but have always had an interest in the Galor. I was wondering what the community thoughts were as is it the same, better, worse or just totally different.

Thank you for any help making up my mind.
Post edited by rebel230 on


  • stomperx99stomperx99 Member Posts: 863 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    rebel230 wrote: »
    Hi I was just looking for some insight with this topic. I am currently flying the Fleet galaxy X as a fed tac VA but have always had an interest in the Galor. I was wondering what the community thoughts were as is it the same, better, worse or just totally different.

    Thank you for any help making up my mind.

    Being an owner of the Galor I can say I'm very pleased with it. If you equip the Jem'Hadar space set and some porlaron weapons it can be one most powerful ships. My only complaint with it is that it can't equip dual cannons. Also it comes standard with Spiral Wave Disruptor(s) [ACC]x2 [DMG]x2.

    I don't know much about the GAL-X but it can equip dual cannons unlike the Galor.
    Hope this helps. :)

    I'm sorry to people who I, in the past, insulted, annoyed, etc.
  • doomiciledoomicile Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    rebel230 wrote: »
    Hi I was just looking for some insight with this topic. I am currently flying the Fleet galaxy X as a fed tac VA but have always had an interest in the Galor. I was wondering what the community thoughts were as is it the same, better, worse or just totally different.

    Thank you for any help making up my mind.

    A similar comparison might be Heavy Escort Carrier Vs Jem'Hadar Attack Ship.

    The former is certainly capable but the latter is superior in every way.
  • rebel230rebel230 Member Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    doomicile wrote: »
    A similar comparison might be Heavy Escort Carrier Vs Jem'Hadar Attack Ship.

    The former is certainly capable but the latter is superior in every way.

    So do you feel the Galor is superior in every way?
  • seriousxenoseriousxeno Member Posts: 473 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I would say this also depends on your captain class. The Galor is, in my humble opinion, better suited to tactical captains than the Gal X because of the BOFF seating and turn rate. However, these differences exist regardless of your captain:


    + better shield modifier
    + better turn rate
    + 1 more science console
    + better BOFF layout (also more customizable)
    + better impulse modifier
    + all 4 cruiser commands
    + comes with 4 very powerful beam arrays and unlocks the store option for additional ones

    - very expensive because its extremely rare
    - less hull
    - 1 less tactical console
    - no hangar
    - no dual cannons option
    - less crew

    Galaxy Dreadnought:

    + more hull
    + 1 hangar
    + more crew
    + costs 2500/3000 (depending on whether or not you buy the C-Store version for your account) Zen, likely less than what you spend to get a Galor cruiser
    + can equip a cloaking device
    + can equip saucer seperation with antimatter spread for set bonus
    + inbuilt phaser lance
    + 1 more tactical console
    + can use dual cannons (although its not really suited for it)

    - 1 less science console
    - only 2 cruiser commands
    - lower turn rate
    - lower impulse modifier
    - lower shield modifier
    - worse BOFF layout
    - forces you to use phasers (unless you want the lance to do less damage)

    I would hardly call either of these superior to the other. They are just very different ships.
    "Let them eat static!"
  • doomiciledoomicile Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Sorry, let me reitterate.

    every way that matters.

    Like I said, the G-X is a very capable ship but aside from the above poster's stat comparisons, the Lance misses 85% of the time, Saucer Sep forces you to give up a console slot, since it only has a Lt. Tac Boff, an A2B FAWboat is your only build option.

    To be fair, most lockbox ships are superior to their C-store, even Fleet counterparts.

    I'm glad Cryptic gave the G-X a little attention but they didn't give it what it needed, a LtC Tac Boff. They just threw a bunch of marginally useful gimmicks on it. The shotgun Lance is actually pretty good, sadly outperforms the Spinal Lance, thus forcing you to use Saucer Separation mode.
  • marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    doomicile wrote: »

    Like I said, the G-X is a very capable ship but aside from the above poster's stat comparisons, the Lance misses 85% .

    Its been a few months since I tried the Gal-X but the lance never missed that much for me, it probably missed 25% of the time or less. I never fired it without first being at a stop, subspace jumping and tractoring first though. I can see it missing 85% if you are just decloaking and shooting right away though and not watching buffs on the target. Been seeing others do decent lance hits also since the fleet gal came out.
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    doomicile wrote: »
    Sorry, let me reitterate.

    every way that matters.

    Like I said, the G-X is a very capable ship but aside from the above poster's stat comparisons, the Lance misses 85% of the time, Saucer Sep forces you to give up a console slot, since it only has a Lt. Tac Boff, an A2B FAWboat is your only build option.

    To be fair, most lockbox ships are superior to their C-store, even Fleet counterparts.

    I'm glad Cryptic gave the G-X a little attention but they didn't give it what it needed, a LtC Tac Boff. They just threw a bunch of marginally useful gimmicks on it. The shotgun Lance is actually pretty good, sadly outperforms the Spinal Lance, thus forcing you to use Saucer Separation mode.

    This. Very much this. Cryptic knew the many longstanding complaints about the Gal-X (and Galaxy) but did nothing to alleviate its main problem (lack of TAC; Phaser Lance missing) and half measure "fix" for another issue (putting the much needed turn rate into a set bonus, consoles with questionable use, instead of putting the turn rate with the ship itself).

    The Galor?

    Very effective, TAC oriented Cruiser. Has what it needs to be sturdy as well as dishing out good firepower. The Spiral Wave weapons are pretty good also. And it handles quite well. And you don't need stupid gimmick consoles to let it do its job effectively. The only catch is that the Galor is pretty dang expensive as a lockbox ship.

    But the Feds do have similar ship alternatives: Fleet Sovereign, Excelsior. TAC oriented Cruisers that have good ENG for survivability or boosting one's own firepower, as well as the favorable console arrangements. They both turn pretty well.
  • suzy32suzy32 Member Posts: 383 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    The Galor and the fleet Avenger best cruisers in the game.

  • mrgrocer56mrgrocer56 Member Posts: 370 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    As the saying goes, The Galor- every day and twice on Sunday.
  • badname834854badname834854 Member Posts: 1,186 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I have aTac in the Feet Excelsior. Borg 2pc =Omega Shield. A2B with Phasers. It kicks some booty...a fair equivalent to the Galor IMHO.
  • mrgrocer56mrgrocer56 Member Posts: 370 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I have aTac in the Feet Excelsior. Borg 2pc =Omega Shield. A2B with Phasers. It kicks some booty...a fair equivalent to the Galor IMHO.

    I also have a Fed toon in this ship, its as close as you can get to the galor and the price tag isn't even near as steep.
  • twofatnutstwofatnuts Member Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Old version of galX was better than galor but newer version is even stronger but galX is slow if u dont like slow turn ships dont take it.

    Hangar pets gives also lots of fun yellowstones pets gives u annoyance in pvp scorpions more dps in pve shield repeir drones for more tankiness and jem hadar attack pets for nasty stealthers.

    Well actualy i as tac capitan can tank half of ships at the same time in elite mirror event but i have almost 70khp and over 50% hull damage resistance to all damage also im running with 130 shield power and with my low engine power i still have 70% dodge chance so speed and turning dosent matter actualy.

    My most common cruiser command is weapon efficiency but for fun im using attract fire coz i cant boost more my shield resistance 75% damage reduction is max :/
  • duxbellorum1duxbellorum1 Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I would go with the galor, the boff layout is alot better and the spiral wave disruptors are awesome :)
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