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Tal Shiar Adapted Battle Cruiser build for Fed Engineer

flynn444flynn444 Member Posts: 36 Arc User
Not long ago I bought a Tal Shiar Adapted Battlecruiser because I really like the look of the ship, but have been struggling since to come up with a build that would largely adopt my Fed engineer's existing equipment and skill investments. Her current ship is a tactical Odyssey built for tanking. My objective was to keep some of the tank, but add more spank. After much deliberation and research, this is a build I've come up with:


Gear, abilities, skill tree, and DOFFs are all specified. PvE only.

Unless the build is a total disaster, in which case I'll go back to the drawing board, I would appreciate feedback on how I may tweak it for a better balance between offense and defense. The ship build is designed to grab the attention of multiple targets, burn them down, and survive the backlash. It's certainly not (primarily) a vape or alpha strike build, but one more oriented to damage over time.

You'll notice that I've removed the ship's native warp core and console in favor of others I think create better synergy (mistake?). Having much experience with the Gravity Well+Gravimetric Torp+TS combo, I know how deadly they are against groups of targets, so I've tried hard to work that in.

Let me know what you think. Thanks!
Post edited by flynn444 on


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    coffeemikecoffeemike Member Posts: 942 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I kinda run my tac Vesta like your build: AP beams. How are your power levels? You need to keep AUX high... like no other.

    I would say though that you should:

    1) Swap out EPtW1 with ET 1 and replace ET2 with Aux2SIF1
    2) You need more skills in Particle Generators, Graviton Generators. My rule is to put 6 points max for each skill except in Particle Generators, Graviton Generators. Maybe Flow Capacitors for you too
    3) Get a Warp Core Engineer DOFF... hitting an emergency power ability will add more power to all your systems
    4) Get ROM tac BOFFs... to get your critical hit chance numbers up
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    flynn444flynn444 Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Thanks for the input! Very solid suggestions. A few questions:

    1) Why the importance of keeping aux power high? For the Gravity Well?

    2) Does this ship need 3 hull heals?

    3) If aux should stay high, perhaps the best thing would be to replace ET1 with Emergency Power to Aux? I'd hit that before I hit GW or Aux2SIF.

    Thanks again!
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    tk79tk79 Member Posts: 1,020 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I fly that ship with a similar build (but with plasma instead), and I'd say your build is good. I wouldn't change it much.

    You don't need aux with ET. It will affect HE and TSS a small amount though. But running with low aux won't hurt you that much in PvE.

    As for skills, I'd remove all points from Particle Generators. It won't make your Gravity Well good enough (damage wise) to be worth it. I'd slot them in Graviton Generators if you want the pull effect in GW to be somewhat better, or elsewhere if the pull doesn't matter for you. Flow Capacitors is good as it is.
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    thewolfsterthewolfster Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    The ship shines if you can complete the console set. The additional armor-ignoring science damage on science abilities is significant - you boost both your standard science damage and the multispectral dot with exotic particle consoles. If I could get in the game I could post my build >_>
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    baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    fly that ship with pretty much the same setup on my KDF engi...no torp though and aux2damp with doff.
    due to the added survivability that comes with an engi captain i also have a TBR instead of TSS for additional kinetic dmg, since i have no torp for kinetic dmg.
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    coffeemikecoffeemike Member Posts: 942 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Good thing I went to STO Wiki before I got the Adapted Destroyer cuz the 3 pcs set only works on these ships. It would have been crazy fun to see it on a Vesta Class...
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    rondraelrondrael Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Just another idea for this ship:


    A drain-build :-)

    Good for PvP, also nice for PvE (nice to see a cube without energy for shields, weapons etc.)

    Tac consoles are fleet, also the 3x FlowCap-consoles.

    Shields are elite-fleet, warpcore also.

    You only have to think about the right Doff´s which supply this drain-build.

    Have a nice day!
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    tigerariestigeraries Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    you heave leech and your fed... why waste the points on subsystem performance or repair subsystems? Human BOs and put plow points into Starship Flow Capacitors.
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