After hearing mostly negative feedback on my efforts to build the ultimate "beam-scort" (thanks, Antonio), I've decided to experiment with an AP-based DHC/DBB/Turret + KCB configuration to see if I can become more proficient in that play style. I figure that, before I declare cannon-play to be boring/rote, I should first try to master the play style and also to prove said mastery in-game. That way my comments on the subject will carry more weight within the PvP community, etc.
Of course, I'm once again using my excellent Hirogen Hunter Heavy Escort as the base platform. And given my previous life as a PvE DHC escort-jockey, I already have most of the pieces in place - specifically, a full set of Advanced Fleet Antiproton DHCs and turrets, plus a DBB (all Acc x2/Dmg x2). Now it's a matter of tuning my build and deciding whether any costly upgrades (more Acc, different energy type) are worth grinding for.
Anyway, here's the build page:
Note: I've had some success already with this build in Ker'rat. The ability to run an A2B/A2D hybrid configuration on a cannon escort build really helps with tanking and general survivability. I know for a fact I couldn't achieve this same level of effectiveness using my Fleet Patrol due to that ship's lack of engineering space.
Now if only I knew how to time my buffs and pilot like Bauk or Steve "pvpbot/pvpreptile."

Comments, suggestions and feedback appreciated.
edit: oh ya, and drop nukara console for tachyo lobi console.
Well I have the AMS doff for A2D, so perhaps I'll try that. I noticed that I don't trigger RSP as often when strafing, as opposed to FAWing it up, so I could probably get away with dropping it. And, of course, I could then also drop the RSP doff in favor of Marion or even a BO doff.
Hmmm... great suggestions!
Cool! Thanks, Greg!
Also, I now prefer Sci Team 1 instead of TSS
May i ask what active Space Doffs you are running?
It works well for BA/BFAW builds because they don't have a single specific instance of spike drain and have a constant drain on weapons power, which works well with a random proc that helps cushion the amount that drain will affect your output overtime.
For BO it's a single spike drain, that you are using on demand. You can't really count on a random proc to cushion that with any regularity (it's nice when it happens, but I usually just slot a turret).
That's why BO builds generally flock to DEM and Marion.
Also, I've always put my DBB in the left most slot.
That's where your firing cycle starts (and weapons power should be full - it's less of an issue with DEM+Marion).
I'd love to see you have a tractor beam for your BOs because the improvement on landing your BOs will be humongous, but as you are a visible escort in kerrat it might be unrealistic to drop TSS, HE or ST for one.
DHCs are less RNG-esce than BFAW, so kudos to you for giving them a chance, stick with DHCs and you will improve eventually.
Pretty close build to what you where running... about the only thing I might consoider myself... would be to either drop the beam completely for another DHC or upgrade the overload version. (I know costs a pattern though).
I don't know I always found Overload 1 to be a waste of time... however I haven't honestly used it in a real long time and perhaps with all the creep it might hit hard enough to be useful now. Guess your playing around with it will tell you.
Myself I would just run a second tac team... and have no issues with timing roles ect. In fact I have a Hirogen ship myself setup very much like yours is. Just running 4 DHC on mine. One thing I hate about the hybrid escorts in general is there lack of Tac slots.
Its to bad cannon doffs didn't suck so hard... the lack of tac slots on that thing really hurts it I find.
OK I havn't tested this theory... but perhaps you could do something crazy and dump the tech doffs.
Run 2 dmg contorl ... 2 torp doffs and a couple conn... or one conn one anti matter. Just a thought... might test it myself thinking about it. lol Of course you could just load another tac team and 4 dhc... and then have lots of free doff space to play with
The lack of Tac slots is generally dealt with by going A2B.
Which the devs clearly understand and recognize the popularity of, and have consistently added ships that cater to this option well after A2B was well known as an optimal build choice. (JHHEC, JHDread, Avenger, Mogh, Scimitar, Mogai, T'Varo, Hirogen Hunter).
They know A2B is exceptionally good, very popular and they are not afraid to use that as a way to sell ships.
and dont forget dyson c store too. the COM tac, LTC sci, and 2 LT eng is proboly the strongest station setup a ship can have. in pve, this cannot be debated when you combine GW control, CSV and spread quantums or grav torp.
they really should do a pass on all these chance roll doffs, and set tech doffs as a bench mark so the non AtB ships arent so left behind. the tac ship hybrids just totally blow the classic escorts out of the water, but are still needed on 80% of cruisers if they want to be a high tier threat.
It's commendable that you want to test it out yourself in order to have your own informed opinion and I applaud you for doing that. That said, those Escort heros were giving you biased and somewhat misleading opinions on the other thread - I think you are going to learn very quickly it's a big waste of time but I am not going to stop you from trying though. DHC / CRF as broken as they may be from a burst damage standpoint, they do not pose a major threat to veteran Science Captains in Sci ships. In fact, they rank fairly low compared to BFAW + DEM + A2B. If you ask antoniosalieri, he will be the first to admit assuming both captains have comparable skill level, a Sci will always beat an Escort/Tact. There is a reason for that but difficult to explain in just a few words. But if you recall I told you many times I have no fear for Escorts, well, I specifically mean Escorts with DHC. They all use the same cookie-cutter builds without any creativity so after you have seen that for a while, you can pretty much predict their moves in your sleep. When an Escort becomes predictable, he pretty much signed his own death certificate.
The BO 1 is a bad idea. It drains up to 50 in weapons power yet gave little damage and you are not using Marion to compensate due to lack of DEM. The BO will really hurt the dmg of your CRF and instead of using it for a Uni Sci slot, say adding a PH instead of BO, you are hurting your survivability.
Subspace field modulator? Are you inviting Mini to ram you from behind or what? Whenever Mini sees you in Kerrat, it's like a bee going after a pot of honey - he just can't resist the handsome & attractive RCK, must be your nacelles
You don't need Nukara Particle Converter with this build especially after you remove the DBB and BO.
It's been a while, maybe Bauklotz has changed a lot, I don't know - he is a good friend and a very cool guy. I don't recall Bauk being particularly threatening however as a vaper though. Then again, K'Vork love cloaked Kroumluans and BoP so that may have colored my recollection.
I can sort of live with people doing it on cruisers. They are not designed to really do cannons, they where designed to use beams so choosing to NOT use faw is a painful choice. There is no other good Cruiser dps option.
Escorts however... loading the most broken junk that cryptic refuses to fix. Lets all face it one of the main reasons most of our friends (you have some to you must) have LEFT is the idiotic faw builds that run around the game. FAW soaks up all dmg buffs like a sponge. Omega + faw sure it likely is the highest dmg option in the game. Doesn't make it balanced at all.
Cannons kill just fine tnaks... I have zero issues ending science ships cruisers or other escorts with nothing but cannons. The fact that I choose to have to play the game in stead of just circle and faw is also for my own sanity. As it is I get bored and log out after 20-30min of STO these days as it is... if all I did was faw I'm not sure I could stand 5 min.
Either way glad to see him at least trying it out. You won't catch most older escort pilots faw scorting no. Another reason though is really cruisers are still better at it. A galor will do a better job fawing then the hirogen ship will.