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Fleet tactical defiant PVP build help.

jimboden82jimboden82 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
edited March 2014 in PvP Gameplay

I don't know if someone can help me with this but im trying to improve my DPS on the above ship. Did PVP earlier and I was hitting 5k damage while the rest of my team was hitting 10-14k.

Not sure where I'm going wrong. Any advice please.

Post edited by jimboden82 on


  • corbinwolf#9797 corbinwolf Member Posts: 565 Arc User
    edited March 2014

    Your link shows up as blank: i.e. no ship or skills selected.

    "The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward." - Rocky Balboa (2006)
  • jimboden82jimboden82 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited March 2014
  • corbinwolf#9797 corbinwolf Member Posts: 565 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    This game is frustrating in that though there shouldn't technically be anything wrong with your build per say, inevitably the mechanics force us to pigeon hole ourselves into similar if not exactly the same builds as our competitors.

    That being said, based on how you have equipped your ship I would make the following suggestions:

    1) Replace your deflector and impulse engines for the two piece Borg Set XII preferably but the XI is fine too.

    2) Ship Engines - As you wish

    3) Ship Shields: The Maco XII shields are good but will conflict with the leech console if you ever decide to get it. Alternatively, keep using the one that you have or even try the Elite Resilient Adaptive Shields CapX2 and Res B. If your only interested in PVE, the Borg Shields are pretty nifty as well.

    4a) Consoles: Good to have the Borg console. Would benefit too from the aforementioned two piece set. Zero Point Energy Conduit (Romulan Rep), and if you can afford it the Plasmonic Leech (exchange or lock box) and the Tach Console from the temporal warfare set (lobi store). Not sure if the Nukara Particle Converter (rep system) would benefit cannons, but either way using the fleet neutronimum is a good idea given the Defiant's fragility under extreme fire.

    4b) The Cloaking Device. Given the new vape hit and run tactics this may be worth keeping if you don't mind changing your game tactics. Otherwise, dispose of it for something more survivable like the neut console you already have in place.

    5) Tactical skills: Replace at least one of your TT for EPTWI. (i.e. Ensign tactical). Science Skills: Replace Tractor Beam Repulsors with Science Team II.

    6) People will tell you to get the Spire Tactical Consoles for AP specifically. They are hard to come by though if your not in a fleet at that level. Once you do though, get the Tactical Vulnerability Locator Mk XII for AP with 1.6 critical chance. Some folks say mix and match between this and the other. Up to you. I run five of these on my fleet defiant and I believe (based on what I have read and experienced) that they have higher dps as a result.

    7) Bridge officers are also part of the mix. There is a blue quality tactical boff that you can purchase from your fleet embassy which in turn turns purple when you add him to your crew. This is because of his superior stats, as well, he (and his female counterpart) is the only one that has superior romulan operative trait. They increase your crit hits.

    8) What is your skill tree like?

    I write all of this with PVP in mind. This shouldn't deter you though as PVP builds are generally just as good in PVE. Check the Hilbert Guide too and PVP boot camp is a good way to go too regardless if you like PVP or not. There is a wealth of information to be had and people are extremely eager and happy to help you with your builds, skill tree, etc...

    The above is a basic build, nothing fancy but like I said, it maximizes your potential. Undoubtedly more experienced players will chime in.

    Hope this helps.
    "The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward." - Rocky Balboa (2006)
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    FYI, Nukara Particle Converter accuracy bonus benefits only Beams. Now, if there was an antiproton DBB with BO3...
  • corbinwolf#9797 corbinwolf Member Posts: 565 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    FYI, Nukara Particle Converter accuracy bonus benefits only Beams. Now, if there was an antiproton DBB with BO3...

    That's right! I couldn't recall, thanks for clarification.
    "The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward." - Rocky Balboa (2006)
  • jimboden82jimboden82 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Forgive my possible noob question but why would i need beam overload with no beams?
  • ocp001ocp001 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    In PvP spike damage is more important than sustained DPS. It used to be that an escort could simply wear down a ship with pure cannon fire.

    You need BO to either vape or finish your target. You could use 4 DHC and the omni directional AP beam array in the aft slot if you want to keep the 4 front DHC.

    Second bit of advice: optimize your crtH and crtD. I personally strive for a base of 20% crtH and around 110% crtD. Before Buffs and weapon modifiers.

    Third suggestion: speed tank. Two Dilithium mine RCS consoles with resist all. You should be running those in conjunction with EptE and EptS. EptW is great, but without the speed and turn bonuses you will be a prime target for other escorts that you will not be able to catch.

    What DOFFs are you using? If you have the fleet credits, superior romulan BOFFs are just about a mandatory thing. At the bare minimum get one with Subterfuge for the decloak ambush. What space traits? Bare minimum, Accurate and Elusive. And as mentioned earlier ACCx2 AP. Or [ACC]x2 [CrtD] anything else IMHO.
  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Here are the issues I see.

    1) RSP is pointless. Yes it will save you for a few seconds but really won't help you get kills or really save you anyway.

    Replace it with

    EPT Engines 1 - EPT Shields 2
    Run 2-3 Damage control doffs so you can have both at cool down. This will increase your survival as EPTS will be up every 30s instead of 45s (better then RSP every 2 min) ... and make you MUCH faster and harder to kill by having EPTE up all the time

    2) No ACC on your weapons at all... I would try to run at least one acc mod... Currently I run AccX2 CRTh/D on all my cannon ships... some people swear by ACCx3... bottom line DMG is a terrible mod.

    3) TBR 1 isn't really helping you... you would be far better off upping your Hazards to level 2 and running a TSS 1 or Sci team 1... or if you really want to go offensive run a Tractor Beam 1 instead of the TBR.

    4) Deflector / Engine... tempting to run the Omega set for the shield dmg and getting the Hyper Impulse level engine... however the drain does nothing for you really on that ship, you can't really boost flow enough to make it painful. Switch to either a Borg 2 piece... OR I prefer Aegis 2 piece myself. Borg gives you a free heal... Aegis gives you +10% defense, the faster engine and a deflector that only boosts shield and hull stats. (no need to be boosting sci anything on a pure dmg escort).

    5) Warp Core... if you choose the right one on the builder... you are running the wrong warp core. 2 options right now as I see it. Get AMP mod of course. Fleet mine ones with [W-> ] Weapons should be the only system you run at 125+ all the time so you will get the largets boost out of that. There are good reasons to run W- any of the other systems. I would suggest Aux though as you likely should be running both EPTS and EPTE so by going W-A you will get a 4 system AMP dmg boost more often...
    The other good option right now for a full cannon dmg build is the Spire E [amp] cores. You loose some of the power boost... but gain passive weapon power drain resistance as well as a doubling of power swap.. so if you are the type of player that switches to a full aux setting before using your heals... combine the extra dmg from drain and the power swap time could be very nice.

    6) Shield... Covariant shields in PvP are terrible. The allow full bleed... and regen so slow you will be low on shields almost all the time. Fleet Resilient shields are the way to go... RESB is the most popular but RESA is good as well... many people keep a RESA in inventory and swap if they see lots of phasers / AP instead of Disruptors.

    7) Biofunciton monitor is pointless dump it... crew is silly and doesn't do anything for you.

    8) 3 Turrets... are ok but if you are going to run the Borg Conosle you are crazy to not run the Kinetic Cutting beam with it for the 2 piece Omega Amp Proc which will boost your DPS 10-30% depending on your target and some RNG.

    9) When you can afford to grind it out get the Spire MK XII Dmg consoles with +1.8 crtH.

    10)... you will hear a lot of people say drop a cannon somewhere for a beam and runn an overload or something... as you have a wasted Ensign slot. I will go one further... consider dumping the ship... and look at a Fleet Patrol escort... or Fleet Escort refit. Both dump the useless third ensign slot for a useful Ensign Engi slot... then you can do the same thing and run EPTE 1 + EPTS 1 + Aux to Damp or RSP or Aux to SIF or Engi Team

    EDIT forgot about one thing... Plasmotic Leech console. everyone else runs it so you pretty much have to now days... and if you where not spec 9 in flow (because its CHEEP 900 skill points is nothing)... and put at least 6 in Power insulators so you can properly resist other peoples leech consoles.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    ocp001 wrote: »
    In PvP spike damage is more important than sustained DPS. It used to be that an escort could simply wear down a ship with pure cannon fire.

    This WAS true... however. The last patch increased spike healing. To be honest I think all cannons is sort of the way to go again.

    Forget about trying to spike someone down... just turn on the rapid fire all day long and wait for them to do something stupid like blow 3 Team heals all at once. :)
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • mewmaster101mewmaster101 Member Posts: 1,239 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    am i the only one who sees three tac teams O.o
  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    deokkent wrote: »
    Is this happening in a bad pug or? Since last patch people seem to have no shortage of team abilities.

    Yep people can now run spike healing builds with multiple team skills... but they tradae more resistant type heals to slot them. I have not had hours to play this weekend but from the little bit I did play it seemed to me that pressure style dmg (4 DHC with rapid fire) was doing well again. The spike healing is countering the spike vaper builds everyone has been running... but it is weaker vs our old 4 DHC high pressure builds.

    I think when people adjust to that they will find this game change isn't really a bit deal. Makes it easier to counter the spike type builds, at the cost of having less resistance in general vs the high pressure builds.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • wolverine595959wolverine595959 Member Posts: 726
    edited March 2014
    TO the OP, here is my fleet raptor build

    it should be workable in a defiant being the only difference is the tac consoles.


    I run with 3 SRO operatives and 2 pirate BOffs for the damage boost. I haven't played a fed in a while so I have no idea if the Fed have an equivalent. If not I would go with two efficient Boffs. It really sucks that the defiant has use a console slot to cloak.
    Hey I Used to be Captain Data, well I guess I still am in game but the account link really screwed everything up :rolleyes:
  • wolverine595959wolverine595959 Member Posts: 726
    edited March 2014
    I have noticed Rommies are feinting Vape runs. In others words they buff up with lower level buffs uncloak sucker someone to throw their heals and another unloads on another unsuspecting player which is a little SOL because they passed their triple team. Given these are pugs but...
    Hey I Used to be Captain Data, well I guess I still am in game but the account link really screwed everything up :rolleyes:
  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    deokkent wrote: »
    Does that work against premades?

    In theory yes. Haven't had a chance to do any good premade matches since the patch myself. Ran one pug that ended up being 2 high skilled teams both with dmg and healing... the other team had a couple vaper style ships and a few healers our team had a few healers a vaper and my canon bug. We won 15 14... I would say it was working yes. I noticed when they where low on healing after throwing out a bunch of teams and would alpha up. I know my little canon bug went 13 and 2 or something (with lots of heal support) wasn't a premade but felt very much like one.

    Premade and pug healing should be alot closer after this patch I think. Now that the average pug heal player doesn't have to call specific clears from other players. (tac teams and even sci teams ect)

    The same logic should hold true... if you get a team to pop to many heals at once after the team change they should have a harder time getting lots of resistance up on the main target and a lot harder time getting resistance up on a switch target.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    patrickngo wrote: »
    5. I'm not sure if I'm totally right on this, but minus the influence of Duty officers, your gaps between CRF2's aren't going to be friendly, and you could probably do as well or better swapping the LTC one for APO1, then swap the CSV for CRF-1. Let someone ELSE do the crowd-control attempts, PvP is a TEAM game, even with Pugging.

    The CRFs would have a flow of 10s up, 5s down...give or take 0.5s activations (and input lag).
  • dabaddabadabaddaba Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited March 2014

    I took your build and changed a few things here and there. I've also thrown some points in the skill tree in what I believe are the most important areas. Since a lot has already been said I'll try to make this short:

    Tac boffs

    I've put 2 copies of APO since it is going to help you stay in the fight and alive longer. Two copies of CRF in order to have it running most of the time and no CSV because it would interfere with the CRF cooldowns. Instead of CSV I'd use APD. If timed right APD can be used between the APOs giving you a nice damage resistance buff and it can also be used on your team mates.
    I put a BO in the ensign tac and changed a turret for the 360 antiproton beam so you don't have to sacrifice one of your DHCs.

    Sci boff

    HE1 + ST2 : ST has a large instant heal a 30 sec cooldown and can clear sci debuffs

    HE1 + TTS2 : TTS has the advantage of giving some shield resistance but has a longer cooldown and depends on aux power

    Eng boff

    EPTE1 + EPTS2 using damage control doffs to keep a 100% uptime is probably a safe bet


    EPTS1 + Aux to Dampeners using both damage control doffs and the matter-antimatter doff that boosts your AtD.


    I'd get ACCx2 DMGx2 fleet weapons since more accuracy never hurts. You can also try trading one of the turrets for the kinetic cutting beam to get the two piece bonus from omega the set.

    Engine and deflector could either be assimilated borg, omega or even aegis. All of them can work well but its also a matter of taste. My personal favourite is the borg for the extra hull heal (HE1 often isn't enough).

    Fleet resilient shield is probably the best choice be it a ResA or a ResB (ResB also tends to be more usefull for a lot of PvE content). Also get an elite core with AMP and maybe while grinding for it the one from the obelisk set for the 10% antiproton bonus.

    Hope this can help. Have fun
  • boomboom8boomboom8 Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    if i can add my 2 cents i ussualy run with the Maco Mrk XII shields with a dule borg set in Engines and Deflector and it acutally works pretty nice but the wepons i use for the ship are a little different i use phased poloron instead cause of the Nerf to AP. but hey what ever floats your boat. I also think you should do the entire omega offensive set and get the torpedo for the extra damage and the plasma dot so they have one less heal since they gotta save the hazard emitters for the plasma fire proc
  • lomax6996lomax6996 Member Posts: 512 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I have a Fed Tac with a Fleet Defiant. Like you I run an AP build. I have 4 DHC's fore. Aft I have the KCB, an AP turret and the 360 AP beam. I run the Rom engine for the Attack Pattern boost (as a Tac Capt. I live and die by my attack patterns :P) and the Omega deflector and shields which boosts targeting and gives you the Tetryon Glider (a small but noteworthy added shield drain). My warp core is the one that goes with the AP 360 beam array for the AP boost. I have maxed out Flow Caps skill and run the Plasmonic Leach. I also have one Rom Boff with Superior for the increased crits. All in all it's a fairly effective build. I don't compete so well in DPS numbers but that's more down to piloting and combat tactics than build. But spike damage, especially on an Alpha, is very impressive (pull the trigger and watch even capital ships melt like a Popsicle in Texas in July :D). The 360 beam array lets me slot either FAW or BO in that, otherwise, useless Tac ensign slot. I do, sometimes, mount the cloak but not usually. It's really only useful on the initial Alpha, or so I've found, unless you wanna play "hit-n-hide". I do that on KDF with my BOP but it has a battle cloak. Usually I find that slot is better used for something that will keep me alive ;).
    *STO* It’s mission: To destroy strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations... and then kill them, to boldly annihilate what no one has annihilated before!
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