This is the comments thread for
Literary Challenge #61.
We also have an Index of previous challenges
Feel free to link directly to the entry you are commenting on. And please remember: we're not here to tear each other up. Do not troll your fellow Captains, give feedback! Let the others know what you liked and disliked. Maybe they can even go back then and tweak their entries!
Let's get those creative juices flowing! :cool:
Decent challenge, though.
Don't forget the Elachi! :P
EDIT: And what are the Undine doing on the list? Last I checked they were being manipulated like everybody else.
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
-Thomas Marrone
OK, one more Three story, then I go to "Do'eth"/D'trel for a while.
*Pauses Laughter*
*Looks at worffan's entry again*
*Resumes Laughter*
Any more thoughts?
I'm not exactly sure what happened. I do think that mustachios would make Iconians more interesting though. Now to try to get the devs to add mustachio-like objects to Iconians.
Literary Challenges Entries- Star Trek Online: Lord English
Dramatis Personae of Star Trek Online: Lord English
You should continue the Nemesis/Original line of this, but props to the classical villian mustachio effect!!
Was their a planet killer tossed in their for fun?
Smirk, you picked the one topic I had a story already written for: how STO should end. Since season 7, I've known how STO should end. On two points: a quote from Daniels in Enterprise: "Earth is still there... in a manner of speaking." and the main motto of Star Trek "To seek out new life and new civilizations - To boldly go where no one has gone before."
In many ways, I see it being a phoenix of sorts. Much like the titular bird and the identically named and themed warp ship Cochrane created, the Federation and the other powers of the quadrant have started to wane and this is a rebirth through fire.
Earth is lost, but repairable via terraforming, but much history has been burned away. The UFP, Romulan Star Empire, and the klingon Empire all are ended (the RSE collapsing with Sela's disappearance, the other two collapsing here). But the new federation born from it is based on much the same principle as what Picard learned from Captain Dathon of the Children of Tama. "A Trial Shared Creates Understanding." And they have all lost a home. The Romulans, once closed minded, open their homes to these two races after theirs are taken from them. And for once there is a common goal amongst them: to create a future together.
The last image of this game should be a pan across New Romulus... the classic trek motto playing over as this strange new world (New Romulus) is explored and built on by Romulans, humans and Klingons, as a new civilization and way of life is born. Boldly going into the future, together.
TRIBBLE Hydra! Hail Janeway!
All I can say, is that gave me chills man....purely amazing!
@worffan: Loved it! I know I say I really don't like Three's uberness, but here, she comes across as completely unbalanced. And that makes her uberness something I enjoy. Because she's not palying the badass, she's playing the absolute crazy person. I liked the after report as well, though I'm sure I've read that exchange between Quinn and the other guy somewhere before.
@lorelei5: A beautiful log. You really put across the emotions of your captain well, and I could sense his dispair. And welcome to the LC's.
@sirboulevard: Wow. Now that is a magnificent ending to the STO storyline. I love the twist at the end with that character's reappearance. I always felt they were done a bit too one dimensional in STO (being vague for spoiler reasons).
As for me..... well...... I have so many ideas that need to be crammed into this story, I just hope I can find the time to fit them all in. But hot diggidy dang, this is going to be an end battle worthy of an end battle. Oh yeeeesssss......
A Romulan Strike Team, Missing Farmers and an ancient base on a Klingon Border world. But what connects them? Find out in my First Foundary mission: 'The Jeroan Farmer Escapade'
Yes, my apprentice, that is good.
Heh, thanks!
The after report is adapted from an idea that moonshadowdark had on the choose-the-next-LC thread.
Thanks so much for the feedback and the welcome, I really appreciate it!
I actually saw the captain as a female and it's interesting you picked them as a male. Fascinating.
A Romulan Strike Team, Missing Farmers and an ancient base on a Klingon Border world. But what connects them? Find out in my First Foundary mission: 'The Jeroan Farmer Escapade'
Oooooh, the appearance of Nemesis herself... Nice :cool:
Possibly a similar approach for myself, although I have another idea in mind...
Trials of Blood and Fire
Moving On Parts 1-3 - Part 4
In Cold Blood
Humorous/silly enough that you don't mind the blatant genre savvy?
Thanks! I'm working on a more serious one with "Do'eth"/D'trel now. Should be up in a few minutes.
I'm glad it can work either way. I'm female so that's the voice in my head of the nameless captain. I guess the captain's age and gender is entirely up to the reader to discover and decide. And I shall let them do so!
...and I just remembered that you're only supposed to post 1 for the non-redux LCs. I'll go back and fix that.
How to quantify my reaction... It was posted as a humorous piece, so I didn't even attemot to take it seriously... I enjoyed it once it got to Quinn's office, the first half was just 'Three being wierd again'
So you enjoyed it and laughed at it? Because that was my goal.
Edit to add: I've cleaned up, refined, and moved the version I did featuring "Do'eth"/D'trel and company. Thoughts?
Flash-forward is the same idea I had. I'll have to tread carefully.
Literary Challenges Entries- Star Trek Online: Lord English
Dramatis Personae of Star Trek Online: Lord English
All I ask is that if you use one of my ships/captains in your story, and he/she doesn't survive - make it a good death.
Really enjoyed this, and looking forward to how things work out for D'trel. Omek was as awesome as always :cool: