Transwarp is an ability you can use every 30 minutes to drop you straight back into Sol space.
It isn't added by default to your toolbar so you might want to put it in there (right click drag). To find it, next to your toolbar in space you'll see a 3 leaf icon and a wee iPad-esque one below it, you want the i-Pad one which gives you a full list of all your abilities (including transwarp).
While Transwarp is great, and I use it very frequently, it is a good idea to learn the Galaxy Map enough to be able to travel to the key sectors, systems and starbases. Earth is located in the Sol system (Sol is the name of our sun), which is located in the Vulcan Sector, which is in the Sirius Sector Block. When you call up the map, one of the tabs is labeled something like "System List". In that list you will often find the key Sector Blocks and Systems to which you want to travel. When you are in Sector Space, simply click (or it may be double-click) the Sector Block or System in the "System List" and your ship will begin automatically warping to that location.
So, given that information, there are three primary ways to get to Earth Spacedock from just about anywhere in Sector Space:
1) Transwarp - the fastest and simplest, but has a 30-min cooldown
2) Use the Galaxy Map from Sector Space, view the "System List", then depending on what is listed, choose "Sol System", "Sirius Sector Block" or another neighboring Sector Block - sometimes you won't see Sirius Sector Block if you are too far from it, so you will have to "leap-frog" from one to the next until you are near enough for it to appear in the list.
3) Determine which compass direction Sol is from your current location (your location is shown on the Galaxy Map as an icon), then point your ship in that direction and engage full-warp. A note of caution on this method: warping across Sector Block boundaries does not always put you where you would expect. It seems either random or it places you in the same common location in the new Sector Block regardless of which direction you came from. So just remember to check your location and heading after warping across the boundaries between Sector Blocks.
Transwarp is an ability you can use every 30 minutes to drop you straight back into Sol space.
It isn't added by default to your toolbar so you might want to put it in there (right click drag). To find it, next to your toolbar in space you'll see a 3 leaf icon and a wee iPad-esque one below it, you want the i-Pad one which gives you a full list of all your abilities (including transwarp).
actually its defulted to a position on the 3rd(the alt) tool bar
Please don't necro 3 year old threads, especially just to add 2 emoticons.
Part of the reason the rules state not to post to non-sticky threads over 30 days old is that the information is often out of date. As a case in point, the information in this thread is inaccurate, as Transwarp powers are no longer found in your Powers list and be put on your hotbar. Instead, you can press T to bring up your transwarp list and choose a location from there.
in general, it is ill-advised to post in any thread containing "Archived Posts" Those are posts carried over from the old forums and therefore are always at least a year old
All the responses just say how to get to SOL, none of them address how to get to earth space dock.
I'm floating around in SOL system, where my ship is bigger than all the planets, and I can ram and move though planets but still can not interact or doc anywhere.
Once you enter Sol System on the right hand side of your screen will appear the option to beam down to Starfleet Academy, if you do that then you can immediately beam back up directly to Spacedock again.
Alternatively once you enter Sol system you can simply fly your ship directly at Spacedock itself and just before you crash into it you will be given the option to dock instead
Seriously folks, if a thread hasn't been responded to in 30 days please don't bring it back up If you feel you need to continue the thread by all means make a new one!
/Closed ~Askray
Yes, I'm that Askray@Batbayer in game. Yes, I still play. No, I don't care. Former Community Moderator, Former SSR DJ, Now Full time father to two kids, Husband, Retail Worker. Tiktok: @Askray Facebook: Askray113
or use Transwarp
Dont feel bad I did the can also hit P and use the transwarp button but it is also in the top left corner of SOL
It isn't added by default to your toolbar so you might want to put it in there (right click drag). To find it, next to your toolbar in space you'll see a 3 leaf icon and a wee iPad-esque one below it, you want the i-Pad one which gives you a full list of all your abilities (including transwarp).
So, given that information, there are three primary ways to get to Earth Spacedock from just about anywhere in Sector Space:
1) Transwarp - the fastest and simplest, but has a 30-min cooldown
2) Use the Galaxy Map from Sector Space, view the "System List", then depending on what is listed, choose "Sol System", "Sirius Sector Block" or another neighboring Sector Block - sometimes you won't see Sirius Sector Block if you are too far from it, so you will have to "leap-frog" from one to the next until you are near enough for it to appear in the list.
3) Determine which compass direction Sol is from your current location (your location is shown on the Galaxy Map as an icon), then point your ship in that direction and engage full-warp. A note of caution on this method: warping across Sector Block boundaries does not always put you where you would expect. It seems either random or it places you in the same common location in the new Sector Block regardless of which direction you came from. So just remember to check your location and heading after warping across the boundaries between Sector Blocks.
actually its defulted to a position on the 3rd(the alt) tool bar
Please don't necro 3 year old threads, especially just to add 2 emoticons.
Part of the reason the rules state not to post to non-sticky threads over 30 days old is that the information is often out of date. As a case in point, the information in this thread is inaccurate, as Transwarp powers are no longer found in your Powers list and be put on your hotbar. Instead, you can press T to bring up your transwarp list and choose a location from there.
This necro is worthy of a mod warning.
I'm floating around in SOL system, where my ship is bigger than all the planets, and I can ram and move though planets but still can not interact or doc anywhere.
Alternatively once you enter Sol system you can simply fly your ship directly at Spacedock itself and just before you crash into it you will be given the option to dock instead
Seriously folks, if a thread hasn't been responded to in 30 days please don't bring it back up If you feel you need to continue the thread by all means make a new one!
/Closed ~Askray
Former Community Moderator, Former SSR DJ, Now Full time father to two kids, Husband, Retail Worker.
Tiktok: @Askray Facebook: Askray113