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Good Accuracy/CritH/CritD Values

wolverine595959wolverine595959 Member Posts: 726
Maybe I am caught up in the numbers too much but are the following values good numbers for a non rom tac in an escort. I am banging my head against the wall trying to improve them but I feel that besides a few ticks here or there I can't get better. I am flying a fleet craptor as my main escort and it is a cloaked alpha striker. I know I should use another ship yada, yada, yada. It is the one ship I am proficient at flying for now.

These are values from the ship screen in instance space

CritD= 94.7%

Any feed back is welcomed
Hey I Used to be Captain Data, well I guess I still am in game but the account link really screwed everything up :rolleyes:
Post edited by wolverine595959 on


  • rylanadionysisrylanadionysis Member Posts: 3,359 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Pretty much bang on, leave them alone. You could use MAYBE another 5% critD but youre solid.

    an AP accx2dmgx2 weapons layout for that spread would be gorgeous btw
    Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
    Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
    Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
  • wolverine595959wolverine595959 Member Posts: 726
    edited March 2014
    Pretty much bang on, leave them alone. You could use MAYBE another 5% critD but youre solid.

    an AP accx2dmgx2 weapons layout for that spread would be gorgeous btw

    Yeah running Fleet APs. :D I will probably add a Fleet CritD to replace my one Dyson tac console. so my acc will drop by 2.5%
    Hey I Used to be Captain Data, well I guess I still am in game but the account link really screwed everything up :rolleyes:
  • wolverine595959wolverine595959 Member Posts: 726
    edited March 2014
    Hey I Used to be Captain Data, well I guess I still am in game but the account link really screwed everything up :rolleyes:
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Does get into that discussion on the ratios, eh? But those discussions tend to avoid the purpose...hrmm. While the 1:10 might be the sweet spot for extended engagements when one is looking at averaging their DPS...is it a case that folks feel a 1:5 works better for a vaper/alpha/burst style sort of play?
  • wolverine595959wolverine595959 Member Posts: 726
    edited March 2014
    Does get into that discussion on the ratios, eh? But those discussions tend to avoid the purpose...hrmm. While the 1:10 might be the sweet spot for extended engagements when one is looking at averaging their DPS...is it a case that folks feel a 1:5 works better for a vaper/alpha/burst style sort of play?

    Right now I can get my BOL3 to crit in the 12-15KK range pretty consistently though I think those are low I could be wrong. My highest crit to date is 36K on BOL3. What is a solid DPS avg for PvP?
    Hey I Used to be Captain Data, well I guess I still am in game but the account link really screwed everything up :rolleyes:
  • flynn444flynn444 Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    These are values from the ship screen in instance space

    CritD= 94.7%

    Any feed back is welcomed

    Dumb question: where are you getting these values? Whenever I look at my ship screen in sector space, I only see the base values, which don't change as I add equipment. Do I need to be in a mission instance instead?
  • wolverine595959wolverine595959 Member Posts: 726
    edited March 2014
    flynn444 wrote: »
    Dumb question: where are you getting these values? Whenever I look at my ship screen in sector space, I only see the base values, which don't change as I add equipment. Do I need to be in a mission instance instead?

    If you go into an instanced area like Drozana, ESD, New Romulus, mission map.

    Basically anywhere where your power tray is not greyed out.
    Hey I Used to be Captain Data, well I guess I still am in game but the account link really screwed everything up :rolleyes:
  • wolverine595959wolverine595959 Member Posts: 726
    edited March 2014
    Ryan thanks for the input I took your advice and add one Spire CritD console and going for 20-25K crits average I am now hitting in the 50K on average with a top out at 75K on fully buffed decloak alpha.
    Hey I Used to be Captain Data, well I guess I still am in game but the account link really screwed everything up :rolleyes:
  • nobletnoblet Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Ryan thanks for the input I took your advice and add one Spire CritD console and going for 20-25K crits average I am now hitting in the 50K on average with a top out at 75K on fully buffed decloak alpha.

    With stats posted, you're nerfing yourself by using exploiter instead of locator. The norm for crit chance to crit severity ratio available in equipment (not ratio to add, that changes) is 1 : 10. [CrtH] weapon modifier adds 2% chance, [CrtD] modifier adds 20% severity, assimilated module adds 0.92% chance and 9.2% severity, etc. Locator adds 1.6% chance, but Exploiter adds only 8% severity, half of what it needs to be. What this means is it's a source of severity of last resort, to be used only when you already have impossibly high crit chance, at the same time having low severity, and ran out of all other more efficient sources of severity.

    If you haven't swapped out all your [CrtH] modifier weapons with [CrtD] modifier yet, don't get exploiter. For you, with only 20% crit chance (less now that you've removed a locator), don't bother at all. It needs to be much higher while severity stays low.
  • thisslerthissler Member Posts: 2,055 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Does get into that discussion on the ratios, eh? But those discussions tend to avoid the purpose...hrmm. While the 1:10 might be the sweet spot for extended engagements when one is looking at averaging their DPS...is it a case that folks feel a 1:5 works better for a vaper/alpha/burst style sort of play?

    There really is a ratio. It would be IMPOSSIBLE for there NOT to be one.

    Anyway,for spike damage, it comes down to what you are willing to accept. Are you willing to accept that once every ten BO's that land will be a mind blowing critical? If so, then ten percent Crit H is for you.

    Keep in mind that in the land of Beam Overloads, once you're over ten percent Crit H you're really not going to notice much difference as a player unless you're able to do something like double your values. You're just NOT going to notice 2%. So if it is a weapon mod, you don't take Crit H. It makes a difference one time every fifty overloads.

    Bottom line, where you can get Crit H but NOT Crit D, get it. Where you can get ACC or Crit D, get ACC if you need it. If you feel you really really DO NOT need ACC, get the Crit D. If you have any doubt if you need it or not, just take it. In almost all instances the ACC will be superior. In cases where they are NOT the difference is once again, so small that as a player you will not notice it unless you gather HUGE amounts of data. Or do you think you can be absolutely sure you're correctly measuring a .0075 difference in say, Crit H?

    And I'm REALLY sorry that Acc overflow isn't working for FAW. So sure this won't hold true for you FAWboats. Even without the overflow, if you NEED the ACC you'll do better with that.
  • ilhanskilhansk Member Posts: 620 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Well well... it seems that every 2 or 3 days another "Crit" thread keeps popping up. And they all end with people disagreeing with each other, unable to reach a satisfying consensus...

    Why is that?

    Because most of the time people are neglecting important factors. People are asking questions like, whats the perfect ACC/CRTH/D ratio. However for PVP, thats the wrong question to ask to begin with.

    In PVP, there is no such thing. In PVP, we aren't shooting at motionless gates with pre-defined hitpoints and resistances.

    I've been playing PVP for a while now, collecting data and trying to understand, with calculators and all. If you are trying to math your way to victory with excel sheets, well sorry then you're doing it wrong. Been there, done that, failed.

    The only conclusive thing I can get out of my data is, that in the current PVP meta CtrH will edge out the other modifiers. Slighty. In the long run, after a hundred+ matches. You probably won't notice. And even that doesn't mean jack. If you stubbornly rely on CtrH now, you will fail. A lot.

    And it also depends what kind of PVP you prefer. It depends on what kind of PVP opponents you usually play against.

    Are you a lone wolf, not embedded in a team, forced to kill zombies on your own? Then CrtD is your friend. That is probably why Thissler, Mini and so on do like CtrD so much. Because it works for them.

    Are you a team player, embedded in premade, fighting against other premades? Well, about 2 years ago, all you wanted then was ACC. Because your opponents stacked on defense. And premade did not use defense debuffs that much back then.

    All that I can say is this:

    1. Make sure you hit your target first. There are different ways to accomplish this. One possibitly: ACC stacking.

    2. Make sure you kill them when you hit them. A high CtrH number won't help you if you crit only with insufficient values. Factor in resistances. Deal with them or don't. Choose your CtrD accordingly.

    3. Everything else, put into CtrH

    Choose your ratio according the current metagame you're seeing, or better, tailor it towards the opponents you intend to face.

    If you don't PVP, grab your calculator or look up some tables on the internet.
    Visit the Inner Circle YouTube Channel to watch some STO pew pew PVP action!

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