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New Account Linking Process In FAQ

ctdamiontectdamionte Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited October 2014 in The Academy
I noticed today that the legacy cryptic linking FAQ has changed. All the links are now down for auto linking and we have to go through perfect world support to have accounts linked.

At this time you will need to submit a ticket to Customer Service who can assist you with linking your Cryptic account to a PWE account. To submit a ticket, please register a new PWE account by going to www.arcgames.com, click on Sign In followed by Register Now. NOTE: once the account is registered, please do not log into Champions Online/Star Trek Online/Neverwinter as this will complicate the linking process later on.

After you have registered the PWE account, click on Support followed by Contact Us. In the Question portion of the ticket, please include as many of the following details about your legacy Cryptic account as you can so Customer Service can confirm ownership of the account and streamline the linking process:

As some of this was not apart of the previous instructions. Are you saying it is not possible to recover/link an account once we've logged into a new unlinked PW account? Or that it is simply harder for you to pull off.

Also for those of us with existing tickets on this who have been waiting for a while, do we need to re-submit new tickets for this?

If we have already logged into the game on our new PW accounts, do we have to delete them and start a new, new PW account? And if so do we have to start over in the support process to get linked up with our old cryptic accounts?
Post edited by ctdamionte on


  • ctdamiontectdamionte Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Hmm guessing no one knows anything about this yet...
  • wilbor2wilbor2 Member Posts: 1,687 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Ive just clicked on my account it took me to a page asking me to install ark wtf im on my phone why the hell would i wont it on my phone?
  • aloishammeraloishammer Member Posts: 3,294 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    ctdamionte wrote: »
    Hmm guessing no one knows anything about this yet...

    Or alternately, since the "link or leave" deadline was over a year ago, most people linked prior to 2013 or in early 2013 and there aren't that many stragglers left. Linking did become mandatory in December of 2012, after all.
  • ctdamiontectdamionte Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Or alternately, since the "link or leave" deadline was over a year ago, most people linked prior to 2013 or in early 2013 and there aren't that many stragglers left. Linking did become mandatory in December of 2012, after all.

    Good then they should be well practiced at this and it shouldn't have to take a week.

    And yet ....
  • tenkaritenkari Member Posts: 2,906 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    ctdamionte wrote: »
    Good then they should be well practiced at this and it shouldn't have to take a week.

    And yet ....

    back then..... linking was automatic on a website, it didnt require them to manually merge the two.

    so yes, you'r making them drudge up a database that likely has been practically forgotten for almost 2 years now.
  • ctdamiontectdamionte Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Got a reply today.

    I only THINK I am reading it correctly, but it does not seem that it was necessary for me to make a new ticket to send in all the new information they asked for on the new FAQ.

    I still don't know if making a new PW or not was necessary. They're really good at not really answering any questions in these CS replies.

    Soooooooo that may .. or may not help anyone else going through this.
  • ctdamiontectdamionte Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    It is rumored that gold members get expedited support on things.

    I already plan on re-upping my subscriptions to STO and CO, but I don't want to re-up now as I've been told not to log in and play, for this account I am on now is going to be wiped when they finally get around to linking me.

    I don't want to lose anything I spend money on, with this account if it is just going to be wiped.

    Or is the whole gold member support thing just a rumor?
  • wraithshadow13wraithshadow13 Member Posts: 1,728 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    ctdamionte wrote: »
    It is rumored that gold members get expedited support on things.

    I already plan on re-upping my subscriptions to STO and CO, but I don't want to re-up now as I've been told not to log in and play, for this account I am on now is going to be wiped when they finally get around to linking me.

    I don't want to lose anything I spend money on, with this account if it is just going to be wiped.

    Or is the whole gold member support thing just a rumor?

    Why would they wipe you're account for linking? That wouldn't make sense. I accidentally linked a friends account to the wrong email, rather than mine (he doesn't like or trust PWE), so trying to get them to fix it has been a pain for the last month or so, but they ARE responding to me. Both he and i are Gold members though, so i can't really say if they're giving priority for that.
  • ctdamiontectdamionte Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I don't know, I'm just trying to follow the directions I've been given.
    NOTE: once the account is registered, please do not log into Champions Online/Star Trek Online/Neverwinter as this will complicate the linking process later on.

    They said not to log in and play as it would complicate things. Last thing I want is to have to take even longer than I've been waiting so far to get in so I haven't been playing. I've just been sitting here on the forums for two weeks wishing I could log in and play.
  • ctdamiontectdamionte Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Trying something new.

    Oh IT gods ... I Damionte your humble servant do beseech you on behalf of whoever over in the tech support escalations group is working on my case.

    Please smile over on this person this glorious Friday. Remind them that it is indeed casual Friday and they don't have to wear their church shoes today.

    Please don't let anyone eat their lunch they left in the break room overnight, which they can now eat for breakfast since they got a late start due to having stayed up all night powning some noobs.

    Protect them, and their stapler, which someone keeps taking off their desk. Never mind that it is 2014 and seriously why do you need a stapler anymore, WTH are you printing out send a dang email......

    .....Where was I....?

    Oh yes. Please IT gods, after they return from their lunch which they took late, but which was provided by the company for free as it's a special friday, may a fire drill drive them from the buidling and excuse just them from any further work for the day...... RIGHT AFTER THEY LINK MY ACCOUNT. ! :)
  • ctdamiontectdamionte Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    So praying to the IT gods hasn't helped. Maybe if I cursed them instead

    WHY HAVE YOU BESEACHED ME OH GODS OF I.T.! I just want to play this one little game. Hopefully sometime before a month passes .. or the Galaxy Upgrade has been released. Is that too much to ask lords of tech-mo !!
  • ambientlanceambientlance Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    My girlfriend is in a similar situation. She has a lifetime subscription and can't get into her account. We stopped playing right before the account switch to PWE accounts. I did my linking after they announced it, but she never got around to it.

    We wanted to come back and play now, but she missed the window on the account linking. So she's had a ticket in the queue for over a week now. Their automated responses still send you back to the old websites, which have the "You must now use Arc" overlays. I was able to remove the overlays with Chrome and tried using the old websites for her, but they must have deactivated things. They all dead-end with an error saying they can't link to the PWE account.

    So now she's in the "when will the queue gods smile upon me" boat. She's gotten the "you've been escalated" response but nothing in a week. Per reddit, they're saying anywhere from 3 days to 3 weeks for a response. It doesn't appear that being a lifetime member speeds things up at all.
  • ambientlanceambientlance Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Well, miracles do occur I guess. Later this afternoon they updated her ticket, and her account is now linked. She can log in. So for her, it was a 9 day response on her ticket.
  • ctdamiontectdamionte Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Oh that's neat, good for you guys. Glad someone is getting a happy ending.

    Things are moving along, they could always move faster but meh you hope for the best. As someone who works in tech support myself I understand the situation, even as I suffer through it.

    I put my ticket in on the 15th, they escalated on the 25th. Been another 6 days since then. Haven't heard anything yet but there's some hope there.
  • ambientlanceambientlance Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    ctdamionte wrote: »
    Oh that's neat, good for you guys. Glad someone is getting a happy ending.

    Things are moving along, they could always move faster but meh you hope for the best. As someone who works in tech support myself I understand the situation, even as I suffer through it.

    I put my ticket in on the 15th, they escalated on the 25th. Been another 6 days since then. Haven't heard anything yet but there's some hope there.

    It was about a week after they said it was escalated that it finally got resolved. So maybe you're due by the end of the week. Good luck!
  • ctdamiontectdamionte Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    You guys need a system in place which holds someone accountable for letting us know every few days that a case is being worked on. So we're not just twisting in the wind out here. :(
  • ctdamiontectdamionte Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Got fixed a couple days ago. Thank you very much. :)
  • exec2009exec2009 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Good for you all who got it done.

    Here is another one hoping for account to be linked...

    Did you guys have any issues after linked accounts?
  • mrlailmrlail Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    it seems I have to post here as this acct is just new I hope it gets a cs attention

    I played this game at launch and have just decided to come back and give it another go see what the changes are etc etc

    I cant log in on my acct, so ive dug around using google and it seems I need to link my old cryptic acct to the arc one,

    so I do what it says , (sign into arc then click support ) but it just takes me back to the same support page telling me to do what ive just done.

    I need to get this sorted out pls anyone got a link that will put me in the right direction on where to link my acct, hell ill be happy just create a new arc acct so long as I can play my Launch day acct
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