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My Fleet Advanced Heavy Cruiser Build

richr1986richr1986 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
edited March 2014 in Federation Discussion
Hello all,


Here is my current build, i'd really like some suggestions on how to improve the build, it's mainly for PVE and the occasional PVP. I would get some AP Vulnerability Locator tactical consoles to replace the Mag Regulators but my Fleet Spire isn't a high enough level yet.

It's not too bad at what I want it to do but i'm pretty sure it's not the strongest build I could do.

Kind Regards.
Post edited by richr1986 on


  • cmdrscarletcmdrscarlet Member Posts: 5,137 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Honestly, if it is working for you, then it is "good enough". Frankly, I like what I see!

    If anything caught my attention it was 2x BFAW, but I can see it working. I'm not a fan of 2x EPtS either but some swear by it.
  • mandoknight89mandoknight89 Member Posts: 1,687 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    You're using Aux2Batt all wrong, if you're trying to figure out why it's a core part of the current high-DPS meta. You run two copies at level 1 so you can get the benefit of Technicians, so you don't need to use two copies of your other powers, including EPtX and FAW.

    With only one copy of FAW, you can run Tactical Team in the Ensign slot. Tactical Team rapidly rebalances your shields so you never have a bare facing against your opponent except when your shields are completely dry, and also clears Borg assimilation and debuffs from enemy Attack Pattern Beta or Delta.

    You can also drop Torpedo Spread for Attack Pattern Beta, which when combined with Fire At Will provides a fairly sizable drop in the enemies' damage resistance.

    If you're an Engineer using both EPtS and EPtW, you should have EPS Manifold Efficiency. If you have EPS Manifold Efficiency, you should have at least 3 points in Batteries so that it has a 15s or longer duration, affording you excess power at almost all times.

    9 points in Hull Plating and Armor Reinforcement aren't recommended: skills give diminishing returns from points invested, and damage resistance gives further diminishing returns, meaning that the last 3 points in those two skills are largely (though not necessarily completely) wasted. Similarly, investing more evenly in the subsystem power skills will afford you more overall power than specializing in just one or two, and you can then re-allocate your power to optimize your power levels.
  • richr1986richr1986 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Thanks Mandoknight89 that is really useful!
    I will have to respec for your suggestions and change my Boff skills to match. I am assuming that the aux2bat cruiser build is one of the best builds at the moment?

    Cheers again.
  • dahminusdahminus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Comes down to if your budget and I'd you want to roll as an aux2bat cruiser.

    If not there is still some tweaks you can make for a good deal more damage output
    Chive on and prosper, eh?

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  • richr1986richr1986 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited March 2014
  • baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    richr1986 wrote: »

    much better, still i'd recommand to remove the torp launcher...omega torp got a huge nerf anyway.

    i can't seem to find a usefull use of feedback pulse in this build either.
    2 options: PH1 and HE2 or HE1 and TBR1 (with the doff that pulls the targets to you rather than away)
    both would be much better suited and for PH, there even is (or should be) a doff that adds a feedback pulse effect whenever PH1 is activated.
    Go pro or go home
  • richr1986richr1986 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    much better, still i'd recommand to remove the torp launcher...omega torp got a huge nerf anyway.

    i can't seem to find a usefull use of feedback pulse in this build either.
    2 options: PH1 and HE2 or HE1 and TBR1 (with the doff that pulls the targets to you rather than away)
    both would be much better suited and for PH, there even is (or should be) a doff that adds a feedback pulse effect whenever PH1 is activated

    Thanks, that really helps!
    I just did a run in TCF elite and my DPS is now in the 10K, it was in the 7-8k range before. Hopefully once my fleet get's it's Spire to tier 3 I can get some Vun Locator consoles and i'll go higher, maybe 12-15k DPS if i'm lucky!

    Thanks again guys :)
  • cmdrscarletcmdrscarlet Member Posts: 5,137 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    baudl wrote:
    and for PH, there even is (or should be) a doff that adds a feedback pulse effect whenever PH1 is activated.

    Find that DOff!!
  • samt296samt296 Member Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    richr1986 wrote: »

    What's up with all of the universal consoles? Dump 4 of them and replace them with FOUR Fleet Neutroniums + Turn... You will DPS and Tank very well... The extend shields and feedback pulse are odd choices but if you must.. I would replace extend shields with DEM or something else. And dump feedback pulse for transfer shield strength... it sucks.
    "When people ask stupid questions I feel obligated to give sarcastic answers."

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  • redz4twredz4tw Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2014
    samt296 wrote: »
    What's up with all of the universal consoles? Dump 4 of them and replace them with FOUR Fleet Neutroniums + Turn... You will DPS and Tank very well... The extend shields and feedback pulse are odd choices but if you must.. I would replace extend shields with DEM or something else. And dump feedback pulse for transfer shield strength... it sucks.
    No no no no. The neutroniums decrease in effectiveness the more you stack. On a FAW boat. the proton particle stabilizer thing is useless, put a fleet neutronium there.
    And your science abilities, use Polarize Hull 1, it increases your damage resistance rating and removes tractor beams. then use Hazard Emitters 2.
  • samt296samt296 Member Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    redz4tw wrote: »
    No no no no. The neutroniums decrease in effectiveness the more you stack. On a FAW boat. the proton particle stabilizer thing is useless, put a fleet neutronium there.
    And your science abilities, use Polarize Hull 1, it increases your damage resistance rating and removes tractor beams. then use Hazard Emitters 2.

    The difference between 2 fleet neutroniums and 4 fleet neutroniums is 32% to 48%

    Not exatly small... more than 4 would be overkill BUT 4 Is a must for nearly any cruiser.
    "When people ask stupid questions I feel obligated to give sarcastic answers."

    Keltoi Class... fan design. You KNOW you want one In-game!

  • redz4twredz4tw Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2014
    samt296 wrote: »
    The difference between 2 fleet neutroniums and 4 fleet neutroniums is 32% to 48%

    Not exatly small... more than 4 would be overkill BUT 4 Is a must for nearly any cruiser.
    Vs the stats of his universal consoles.....universal consoles beat the neutroniums. I run with 2 neutroniums, plasmonic leach and bioneural infusion circuits. It's not worth it to run all neutroniums especially on an aux2bat cruiser, your shield power is around 125 almost all the time, so you shield tank really well as well as hull tank.
  • richr1986richr1986 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    No no no no. The neutroniums decrease in effectiveness the more you stack. On a FAW boat. the proton particle stabilizer thing is useless, put a fleet neutronium there.
    And your science abilities, use Polarize Hull 1, it increases your damage resistance rating and removes tractor beams. then use Hazard Emitters 2.

    I would love to do this, however my fleet hasn't got to the tier required for me to get decent fleet neutronium consoles, along with 4 Vun Loc AP tac consoles. It is something I am aiming for however.
    Ideally I am aiming for something like this:


    What do you think?
  • samt296samt296 Member Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    richr1986 wrote: »
    I would love to do this, however my fleet hasn't got to the tier required for me to get decent fleet neutronium consoles, along with 4 Vun Loc AP tac consoles. It is something I am aiming for however.
    Ideally I am aiming for something like this:


    What do you think?

    Personally I would dump the romulan, borg and elachi consoles and get 3 more fleet neutroniums... Far more useful.
    "When people ask stupid questions I feel obligated to give sarcastic answers."

    Keltoi Class... fan design. You KNOW you want one In-game!

  • corbinwolf#9797 corbinwolf Member Posts: 565 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Someone mentioned it earlier but DEM 2 or 3 is great to use, especially if you can get an engineering captain to train it on your boff as a commander skill.

    As for the fancy consoles, I have a similar set up but have one fleet neut and the tach console from part of the temporal warfare set that you can get from the lobi store. Survivability has dropped slightly from replacing my second neut console with the nukara console. Thus, I do agree that two neut consoles lend itself nicely to survivability against klinks in PVP in particular. Nevertheless, the special consoles have their roles (especially from a PVP perspective) and increase several attributes of your ship.

    I hope your having fun with it. It's the ship I always return too and since doing an A2B build with fleet spire tactical consoles I wipe up everything in PVE and am actually getting some crazy damage numbers via PVP. :)
    "The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward." - Rocky Balboa (2006)
  • baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    samt296 wrote: »
    Personally I would dump the romulan, borg and elachi consoles and get 3 more fleet neutroniums... Far more useful.

    usefull? in what regard...to add survivability to a build that has no issue surviveing any PVE content?

    armor consoles are dead waight in today's STO PVE, and here is why:

    a) only effective once shields are gone.
    b) add 0 to firepower while you are NOT targeted...again dead waight.
    c) in essence armor consoles increase the number of times you are able to be hit before exploding. Under that premisse, what use does it have to further increase "hullpoints" on a ship that has already plenty
    d) there are certain boff and captain powers, that can be used while under fire and in danger of exploding to increase ALL your armor beyond reasonable due to diminishing returns.

    learn to keep shields up, and use your abilities and you'll find out that stacking armor consoles is more a fashion statement than actually effective part of a console setup.

    AND, death in STO, even in elite stfs is no real penalty. You can repair the damage instantly, the respawntimer is short (atleast for the first time)
    death has no real consequences in PVE, which makes survivability beyond a certain point, questionable.
    Go pro or go home
  • richr1986richr1986 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    armor consoles are dead waight in today's STO PVE, and here is why:

    a) only effective once shields are gone.
    b) add 0 to firepower while you are NOT targeted...again dead waight.
    c) in essence armor consoles increase the number of times you are able to be hit before exploding. Under that premisse, what use does it have to further increase "hullpoints" on a ship that has already plenty
    d) there are certain boff and captain powers, that can be used while under fire and in danger of exploding to increase ALL your armor beyond reasonable due to diminishing returns.

    learn to keep shields up, and use your abilities and you'll find out that stacking armor consoles is more a fashion statement than actually effective part of a console setup.

    This is rather interesting, when I first started playing this game (before it became F2P) I would always have 4 armor consoles on my ship, but it usually just stopped me from dying for a few moments longer in PvP. Now I don't do PvP that much, not really my thing as I often don't have the time to really learn to do it right (My ship dies in a variety of pretty explosions all the time) but I love the PVE stuff because i can jump on for an hour or so and do a mission and its alot of fun. When I had the 4 armor consoles it made my ship slow and didn't improve my ability to kill, so I thought that my new build would be far more entertaining to play.

    It is nice to be able to hit the 10-12K DPS now, ok I STILL die in spectacular fashion in PvP, but would an extra armor make any difference? I'd still die and am even more unlikely to kill anyone else whilst doing so.
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