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Possible solution to "X ship isn't playable"

theredviola2003theredviola2003 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited March 2014 in Federation Discussion
Firstly, Cryptic, thank-you for at least trying with the Galaxy and Dreadnaught revamp. While it's not exactly what most people seemed to have requested, thank-you for at least trying. It's a step in the correct direction.

Now, onto why we're here today. I'm sure this idea has been iterated on before, however, I think that there is a simple-ish solution to helping solve "X ship isn't viable/playable at end game" problem.

Let me say that I don't belong to a fleet and do organized fleet actions. I'm unsure how effective these changes would be for that caliber of end game content. I'm making these suggestions based on the game play I've experienced and on posts that I've read across multiple forums.

Purchasable Boff slots on ships. For something like 500-1000 zen (making up numbers, from here on I'll just use X), you can reassign any Boff slot to a different station. Don't want the Lt.Comm. spot to be Sci? Cool, spend X zen and get it turned into that Tac slot you want.

Further more, purchasable device slots. Same idea. Don't need that 2nd or 3rd Sci slot? Cool, spend X zen to switch it to that Eng slot you want.

Lastly, and this one is a tad more controversial I think... people are crying for "T5 Connie" and "T5 Miranda." Well, for a significant amount of zen (probably 2k-3k?) You can just strait upgrade its slots and doff stations to the Tier equivalent of a T5 ship. Example, you all want to fly your shiny T5 Connie, so you spend your zen and *poof* it now has the same slots as say the Star Cruiser.

Cryptic, these are win/win solutions I think. You get your money to help monetize this rather generous F2P game, and the player base gets to use which ever ship they so desire at end game.

I'll take any constructive criticism that anyone has to offer. If it looks like that this idea won't pan out at all, I'll put it to bed and have the thread deleted (but I hope it doesn't come to that!). Thanks all for reading.
Post edited by theredviola2003 on


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    mewmaster101mewmaster101 Member Posts: 1,239 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    They did not even try, it was a lazy excuse to try and stop people from complaining and they failed miserably.

    Also, never going to happen, not only would it make the game even MORE unbalanced, but the programming might not even be possible, let alone easy.

    AND FOR ONE LAST TIME, CBS (NOT Cryptic) said NO to endgame connie, that is the final word
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    ijimithyijimithy Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    What Necromancer resurrected the T5 Connie thread again? Man that Zombie looks bad lol

    The game doesn't have the programming to upgrade ships in the way that you suggest and if it did it would add even more powercreep to the game, you'd see Schimis running around with Tac and Eng slots doing over 200K DPS or soemthing lol.

    We don't need any more powercreep we need less of it xD
    No Drama, No Fuss, Just good old fashioned pew pew!
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    stf65stf65 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Cryptic didn't do anything with the galaxy other then change the saucer seperation animation. Of course they didn't say they did anything other then that, but people read into the blog what they wanted to hear rather then what was stated.

    The current galaxy x dreadnought got changed. It had a boff station changed to universal, it got a hanger, it gets saucer seperation if you have the console, like the avenger, and it gets a set bonus if you have both consoles. Combines all those things make the galaxy x dreadnought better then it was before the changes.

    There is also a fleet version of the galaxy x dreadnought coming. I will have all the abilities of the current x plus fleet stats: different boff layout, more hull, and so on. We'll know more about that next week.

    Finally, unless you pvp there isn't any ship in this game you can't fill full of purple rep gear and blow your way through any of the endgame with ease. The purple geared galaxy, or galaxy x dreadnought, can burn its way through an estf just as quickly as an odyssey or avenger. This notion that ships are obsolete is not true. It's vanity; at least in pve.
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    mewmaster101mewmaster101 Member Posts: 1,239 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    stf65 wrote: »
    Cryptic didn't do anything with the galaxy other then change the saucer seperation animation. Of course they didn't say they did anything other then that, but people read into the blog what they wanted to hear rather then what was stated.

    The current galaxy x dreadnought got changed. It had a boff station changed to universal, it got a hanger, it gets saucer seperation if you have the console, like the avenger, and it gets a set bonus if you have both consoles. Combines all those things make the galaxy x dreadnought better then it was before the changes.

    There is also a fleet version of the galaxy x dreadnought coming. I will have all the abilities of the current x plus fleet stats: different boff layout, more hull, and so on. We'll know more about that next week.

    Finally, unless you pvp there isn't any ship in this game you can't fill full of purple rep gear and blow your way through any of the endgame with ease. The purple geared galaxy, or galaxy x dreadnought, can burn its way through an estf just as quickly as an odyssey or avenger. This notion that ships are obsolete is not true. It's vanity; at least in pve.

    1. the universal slot is useless because it replaced a tac slot, and guess what that uni slot is likely going to be used for non most good builds, yeah tac. the separation console is not incredibly good to begin with, and the hangar is proof of their laziness.

    2. and likely the fleet gal-x will not have the boff layout that is actually good, and knowing Cryptic they will put the extra console slot as a engi console.
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    robdmcrobdmc Member Posts: 1,619 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    The Problem with selling boff slots is it cuts into profits. If you got the console layout and the boff layout you want on the ship skin you want there would be no reason to buy a new ship.

    It is the reason why they have these bundle ships. To give the player a sense of choice to match their playstyle.
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    stf65stf65 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    1. the universal slot is useless because it replaced a tac slot, and guess what that uni slot is likely going to be used for non most good builds, yeah tac. the separation console is not incredibly good to begin with, and the hangar is proof of their laziness.
    So you're saying a hanger adds no extra ability? That the set bonuses don't make the ship better? That saucer seperation doesn't make the ship more agile and fierce to get around and target it's foes; especially with the cloak?

    You can't focus all your attention on a single boff slot. That way lies madeness. :)
    2. and likely the fleet gal-x will not have the boff layout that is actually good, and knowing Cryptic they will put the extra console slot as a engi console.
    I prefer to wait and see rather then be intentionall pessimistic. :)
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    mewmaster101mewmaster101 Member Posts: 1,239 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    stf65 wrote: »
    So you're saying a hanger adds no extra ability? That the set bonuses don't make the ship better? That saucer seperation doesn't make the ship more agile and fierce to get around and target it's foes; especially with the cloak?

    You can't focus all your attention on a single boff slot. That way lies madeness. :)

    I prefer to wait and see rather then be intentionall pessimistic. :)

    1. hangar is useful, but when did anything every say the Galaxy-X was in any way a carrier in the show, it was a warship/battlecruiser, it proves Cryptics has the motto of "slap a hangar on it and call it a day".

    2. set bonus is all but garbage and not worth wasting console slots really, same with the saucer seperation. There is a reason you rarely, if ever, see a ship using the saucer separation ability.

    Also, you must be new here, becuase the fact there is a 500+ page thread would make most devs actually think about what they are saying and possibly do something about it. Cryptics answer was to do nothing to the Gal-R (the one most people were complaining about) and slap a hangar on the Gal-X.

    IF it is not obvious, Cryptic seems to tends to ignore the playerbase and do whatever they want. There are still bugs from 1-2 years ago that have neverf been fixed, some of them fairly obvious bugs.
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    theredviola2003theredviola2003 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Wow, thanks for the feed back!

    I was thinking that the software wasn't available to switch out boff slots, otherwise that seems like something they would have done already. I seems to me though that it wouldn't be impossible... just improbable. The flexibility that it would add for people still makes it a viable argument.

    I agree that it would add power creep... I'll think more on how to help that before pushing forward on this though. Thanks for reminding me of that important little fact.

    No, no one resurrected the T5 Connie thread. I just remember it bouncing up every once in a while. I'm aware that CBS, in its infinite wisdom, said no. Just for clarification, I wasn't implying to add a "new" connie to the game, just to have the current ones with T5 stats. But, perhaps, that's exactly what CBS said no to. I'll have to re-read/scan the threat when someone comes along and necros it.

    Lastly, thanks for letting me know about the purp rep gear and how much of an impact ships can still have... but I imagine that's only when they're fully decked out in purps which implies that the "fun" can't begin till you get that gear.
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    stf65stf65 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    1. hangar is useful, but when did anything every say the Galaxy-X was in any way a carrier in the show, it was a warship/battlecruiser, it proves Cryptics has the motto of "slap a hangar on it and call it a day".
    The 50 seconds we actually see the x do anything does not give us any sense of definition of that it's all about. I'd guess since it's an admiral's ship it probably doesn't have a thousand civilians running around its saucer. That leaves plenty of empty space for hangers.
    2. set bonus is all but garbage and not worth wasting console slots really, same with the saucer seperation. There is a reason you rarely, if ever, see a ship using the saucer separation ability.
    I see it used in estfs all the time.
    Also, you must be new here, becuase the fact there is a 500+ page thread would make most devs actually think about what they are saying and possibly do something about it. Cryptics answer was to do nothing to the Gal-R (the one most people were complaining about) and slap a hangar on the Gal-X
    I've been here since head start.

    I don't personally believe the galaxy needs fixing. While fan-boys see it as the holy grail I see it as the ship that lost almost every battle it was in, and was taken out by outdated b'rel twice. :)
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    tom61stotom61sto Member Posts: 3,650 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I was thinking that the software wasn't available to switch out boff slots, otherwise that seems like something they would have done already. I seems to me though that it wouldn't be impossible... just improbable. The flexibility that it would add for people still makes it a viable argument.

    Based on the Dyson ships having mode-based BOff slots, and various bugs like inheriting the universal slot off the shuttle, or having all commander level abilities on all BOffs, it shouldn't need much more than a C-Store front-end and an expansion of what the Loadout system keeps track of.

    However, I think robdmc hit the nail on the head, if everyone could have the shell of the ship they want with the BOffs they want they'd have little reason to change out of their favorite ship. Also, some ships like the Andorian escorts are actually balanced around their BOffs (5 Tac one has to be a glass-cannon unless very well geared with the heavy-handed Tac BOff layout). Though, that still leaves console and base stats to differentiate ships.
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    theredviola2003theredviola2003 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    tom61sto wrote: »
    Based on the Dyson ships having mode-based BOff slots, and various bugs like inheriting the universal slot off the shuttle, or having all commander level abilities on all BOffs, it shouldn't need much more than a C-Store front-end and an expansion of what the Loadout system keeps track of.

    However, I think robdmc hit the nail on the head, if everyone could have the shell of the ship they want with the BOffs they want they'd have little reason to change out of their favorite ship. Also, some ships like the Andorian escorts are actually balanced around their BOffs (5 Tac one has to be a glass-cannon unless very well geared with the heavy-handed Tac BOff layout). Though, that still leaves console and base stats to differentiate ships.

    I agree with that point that it might hurt over ship sales, but that's why I put an X in the cost field. They could inflate it to 1k-2k zen per slot even to help off set that because I'd like to think there are enough STO fans between the Star Trek fans (like myself) and plain ol' aesthetic TRIBBLE who enjoy the look of certain ships to off set the cost.
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    angrytargangrytarg Member Posts: 11,001 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    stf65 wrote: »
    The 50 seconds we actually see the x do anything does not give us any sense of definition of that it's all about. I'd guess since it's an admiral's ship it probably doesn't have a thousand civilians running around its saucer. That leaves plenty of empty space for hangers.

    I know it's probably useless to discuss this matter because people who don't like and don't get what TNG was about will believe what they want, but:

    The Enterprise-D didn't have "thousands of civilians" on a "holiday trip". They were families of those officers who wanted to take them along. The Enterprise-D had one school with very few children in it, like a dozen at best. The assumption that the ship was filled to the max with tourists fuels the "we are at grimdark total WAAAAR and we need kickass total WAAAARships" mindset that is promoted these days but it is actually wrong.
    ^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
    "No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
    "A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
    "That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
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    stf65stf65 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    angrytarg wrote: »
    I know it's probably useless to discuss this matter because people who don't like and don't get what TNG was about will believe what they want, but:

    The Enterprise-D didn't have "thousands of civilians" on a "holiday trip". They were families of those officers who wanted to take them along. The Enterprise-D had one school with very few children in it, like a dozen at best. The assumption that the ship was filled to the max with tourists fuels the "we are at grimdark total WAAAAR and we need kickass total WAAAARships" mindset that is promoted these days but it is actually wrong.
    I didn't say "thousands of civilians." I said A thousand. Based on the stats given at memory alpha the ship could had 1,000 crew and had total space for up to 3,000 people. That's space that was probably empty while she was an admiral's private ship. That means having space for a hangar bay wasn't a big deal.
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