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Looking for a fleet to join?

rbatalla1977rbatalla1977 Member Posts: 132 Arc User
edited March 2015 in Earth Spacedock

If you are looking for a small casual fleet, with no requirements and opportunity to grow, please consider joining our ranks. The 43rd Tactical Wing is a very small but active fleet. Our number one rule is "No Drama". You can be involved in any way you see fit. There is no requirements to join and all stores are open to all ranks. If you are looking for a fleet, but do not want to deal with all the politics and drama of larger fleets, please consider joining us.

Feel free to send a message or PM to @RBatalla. Thanks
Join Date: Apr 18, 2010
Post edited by rbatalla1977 on


  • levistus666levistus666 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Please see the personal message I sent to you.

  • rbatalla1977rbatalla1977 Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Hi; I apologize but it seems that I can't find the message that you sent me. Would you please send it again?


    Join Date: Apr 18, 2010
  • rbatalla1977rbatalla1977 Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Weekly bump.

    Still recruiting.
    Join Date: Apr 18, 2010
  • iulian28iulian28 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I would like to join the fleet ! Can you give me the full in-game mail so I can contact you ?
  • thebuffonethebuffone Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Hi there! Any chance I could join your fleet? I'm from the UK, cannot play hardcore as I have a newborn baby that comes first but I am looking for a mature casual fleet to join that doesn't judge or will remove me if I am not active enough.

    If I fit the bill please send me an invite:


    Many thanks
  • jtneatjtneat Member Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    same as the above

  • shandarilshandaril Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    also would like to join sera@shandaril
  • rbatalla1977rbatalla1977 Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Just wanted to say welcome to the newest members. Also we are always seeking new people to join us.

    Feel free to contact me or any of our members.


    @RBatalla :cool:
    Join Date: Apr 18, 2010
  • shandarilshandaril Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    hi its all good thanks for the invite :) its pretty relaxed so anyone who wants a fleet without preasure should feel wellcome :)
  • rbatalla1977rbatalla1977 Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Weekly Bump.

    But I wan to say thanks for all the contributions of the new members. The Fleet is growing and the progression of holdings is advancing. But we are still accepting new members.

    PM me in game at @RBatalla for more info or invite. Thanks
    Join Date: Apr 18, 2010
  • agentkaylagentkayl Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    PM sent in game to @RBatalla
    I been playing this game solo for a while now and feel like I've been missing out.
    Character in game is Galidah@agentkayl
  • rbatalla1977rbatalla1977 Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Weekly Bump.

    We are growing, but still accepting new members. Feel free to PM me @RBatalla
    Join Date: Apr 18, 2010
  • rbatalla1977rbatalla1977 Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Weekly bump.

    Even if you are a Bajoran, we will take you. We are still looking for members. Everyone is welcome.

    If you need more info, please PM @RBatalla

    Join Date: Apr 18, 2010
  • rbatalla1977rbatalla1977 Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Just wanted to say thanks to all who had join the fleet. We are growing our numbers and our doors are open to everyone.

    Feel free to contact me @RBatalla for more info or invite.

    Join Date: Apr 18, 2010
  • rbatalla1977rbatalla1977 Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Weekly bump.

    Feel free to contact me @RBatalla for more info or invite. :D
    Join Date: Apr 18, 2010
  • realdrazjarrealdrazjar Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2014

    I'm a new player to STO and would like to join.

    Please send me an invite: Drazjar@realdrazjar
  • rbatalla1977rbatalla1977 Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Invite sent.

    Welcome to the Fleet! :D
    Join Date: Apr 18, 2010
  • scrappymcflyscrappymcfly Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Just joined, and there are lots of projects available. The fleet starbase is nearly at T3 so join up and let's rank it up!
  • deceptitom#2518 deceptitom Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    man, I miss the old Cryptic run forums....

    anyway, I would like to join this fleet! Its a Young but growing feet and I would like to dip my toes into it and help it out. I'm currently at work rl but you can mail me in STO at @nexodusrex. Thanks!
  • scrappymcflyscrappymcfly Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    man, I miss the old Cryptic run forums....

    anyway, I would like to join this fleet! Its a Young but growing feet and I would like to dip my toes into it and help it out. I'm currently at work rl but you can mail me in STO at @nexodusrex. Thanks!

    ishikawakurumu - Need you character name in addition to the handle for a fleet invite.
  • newbzonewbzo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Can you send an invite. My in-game character is Siror@New_Breed, this is my alt, I want to check out the fleet than most likely bring over my main
  • rbatalla1977rbatalla1977 Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Weekly bump.

    Feel free to contact me @RBatalla for more info or invite.
    Join Date: Apr 18, 2010
  • rbatalla1977rbatalla1977 Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Just wanted to say thanks to all who had join the fleet. We are growing our numbers and our doors are open to everyone.

    Feel free to contact me @RBatalla for more info or invite.

    Join Date: Apr 18, 2010
  • rbatalla1977rbatalla1977 Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Forum bump.

    Feel free to contact me @RBatalla for more info or invite.
    Join Date: Apr 18, 2010
  • rbatalla1977rbatalla1977 Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Forum Bump

    Contact me @RBatalla for more info or invite.
    Join Date: Apr 18, 2010
  • rbatalla1977rbatalla1977 Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    Forum Bump

    Still recruiting. Contact me @RBatalla for more info or invite.
    Join Date: Apr 18, 2010
  • chaosnexus#5539 chaosnexus Member Posts: 92 Arc User
    The MACO Elite Force is a level 36 Fed fleet and is seeking active members to rebuild a support staff. We have our own website, TS3 server and hold weekly events.

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