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Sci Cap in Scimitar for Rep Grinding :)

synfoolasynfoola Member Posts: 156 Arc User
edited March 2014 in Romulan Discussion
Hey, all. :)

So, I've been going back and forth between my Fed Tac, KDF Eng, and Rom Sci who are all lev capped. All of them are fun despite me having NO idea what to do for endgame but I keep going back to my Rom Sci because I just love Gravity Wells now that they're worth a damn. lol

Since getting the Dyson ship and then feeling a little disappointed in how the C-Store versions are being packaged, I've decided to put some effort into building a good mostly solo-dailies-grinding Scimitar that I could maybe try doing some group stuff with now and then...it's not that I don't want to do group stuff but I have no experience in it whatsoever and don't want to hold any experienced PUGs back, ya know? :)

I'm not in a fleet but already have the Plas Leech and Valdore consoles plus access to the Scim 3 pack consoles as well as a handful of credits due to selling a Bastion on the exchange. Which Scimitar should I choose as my main ship? I have DHC's/turrets & a torps but should I go beams instead or one of those crazily fun (so I've heard) torp builds? Is there a must-have BOFF & DOFF setup for that Scimmy? Are there better hangar pets I should be aiming to get? And what about rep? Should I go for Rom or Borg rep first or maybe even Dyson?

Thanks, all. I know you're probably tired of coming across posts like this but, between my business & toddler, I want to bash my head against the keyboard sometimes sifting through all the info that could be outdated for all I know. I also don't want to waste the creds I do have on gear that will end up taking space in my bank later. lol
Post edited by synfoola on


  • m0ralesm0rales Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    First of all, which side is your Romulan on, Fed or KDF? Dailies differ a lot between the two factions.

    Some general recommendations (I fly the Scimi with Eng, Tac and Sci chars, only a Fed Sci is missing): Advanced Romulan drones are great and the Romulan dreadnoughts all qualify for Aux2Bat builds. I'm using cannons (mostly Polaron) and DBBs (AP) atm as I'm not looking for maximum but effective DPS in STFs. For a cannon build you need a RCS console, because otherwise your targets will only slowly come in range, too slowly sometimes.

    Are all your reputation tiers maxed out and what other console do you already have (Assimilated etc.)?
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 2,624 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    while the dyson bundle packages are kind of poor, the ship itself is a fine sci ship. With 3 DHC and a GW3 cmdr sci officer, it has very good firepower for a sci ship and I can think of no better ship with a cmdr sci slot. The real question there is whether you like the close range, fast ship style of a cannon build. If not for having a very good ship already, the one with 3 eng consoles would be my choice.

    The scimitar is a fine dps ship. You get a ltcmdr sci with GW 1 --- same as any of a dozen other ships. It usually functions best as a dual beam bank ship but you can make a fine torp build as well, and a few people manage cannons on them but its a little slow for that. IMHO if you want cannons, use the tvaro.

    For any torp ship, you really should have 3 purple quality projectile officers. One is free: LAW, do you have him? That and 2 copies of torp spread, one of high yield, and then your choice of weaponry (many focus on plasma, but as a GW user, the dyson GW torp seems like a must have, and others like some of the exotics like the breen cluster..). I think you can carry multiple dyson torps....

    A torp build might like to have more shield drains, maybe tykens instead of GW... just saying. Ive thought about doing one with tet turrets as well, but they do not proc much.

    for beams or cannons, the scimitar wins hands down. For the torp boat, you *might* prefer the higher sci console version, but it really depends. Also, a torp captain "needs" 6 points in the related projectile weapon skills, did you spec for it? Or at least 3 point in them? It sounds like you own all 3, so try both models or look at your consoles to see what is the best fit.
  • synfoolasynfoola Member Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Thank you for the info, gang.

    I should've posted that my Rom is Fed-aligned. Sorry about that. She also doesn't have any Rep stuff and is currently working on Dyson rep with a little dabbling into Rommie rep when I get bored. I'm focusing more on Dyson since I want to at least attempt to stick to a class theme for a toon for once. lol

    You guys are right and I'm going to switch to a beam build. I've avoided the Aux2Bat stuff simply because it gets my nerf-bait senses tingling but hey...I bought the cheetz ship so I might as well floor the gas pedal so to speak. Still, I AM a sucker for the cannons. How do you deal with all the annoying Powerslide. Are there some up-to-date go to Scimitar Builds for Beams/Cannons?

    I just bought the Lobi Advanced Rommie drones and love them...though the fact that they like to turn into Klingon BoP's sometimes is unsettling. :O

    Thanks again for the help, guys. :)
  • bendalekbendalek Member Posts: 1,781 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    synfoola wrote: »
    I just bought the Lobi Advanced Rommie drones and love them...though the fact that they like to turn into Klingon BoP's sometimes is unsettling. :O

    Thanks again for the help, guys. :)

    It's freakin' annoying as Khan is what it is ... Having someones flippin' Advanced Drones turn into Spheres in the middle of an STF is downright ... unnerving ... :eek:

    I went for cannons with my Sci Capt on her Scimi. but then I also had enough .. .resources ... to afford Fleet Consoles, so the turn rate is quite acceptable for DHC's ... Having said that, I'm thinking of trying a Beam Build and seeing how I do.
    Oh, hoho hohhhhh, Oh,, hoho, hohhhhh
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 2,624 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    the scim is a little sluggish for cannon, you can do it, but the double effect of needing to be close for cannon dps and a low turn rate make it harder to maintain dps. I advise dual banks instead, fire at will and overload 3 will cut thru solo content fast.

    It sounds like you lack gear, so I would say start in the eng console scim version if you want to just rush in, blow stuff up, and walk out. I think 3 neutroniums and alternating EP2S will keep you up thru anything the solo content has to offer: this is the brute force approach to "get it done".

    If you did the torp boat, either the tac or the sci version depending. The sci version, you could stack consoles to up drain, strip shields so your GW and bombs get to the hull faster.

    For a mix of sci and guns, say a ltcmdr sci with a 4(?), 1 torp, 360s in back build shooting GW and all, either the sci or the tac version.

    The good news is you own them all, so you can see which fits you best. Start with the tac one and if you die to easy or need more sci consoles, swap...?

    - the cloaked barrage is powerful but more than 85% of the time, it is eating a console slot and doing nothing for you. Not sure what the others do, but are they always useful or long cooldown gimmicks? For sustained lawnmowering of NPC trash, gimmicks are not as effective as just straight up bonuses that are always active.

    - the big aoe bomb from all the consoles is strong but here again, it has a cooldown and wind up, its not worth it for npc solo trash (fun though), saw a guy clear a huge wave with it making it slightly more effective than FAW for a lot of trouble.

    Even the Q dyson ship is pretty good. Its fragile, but unique. Basically, you use this because you want cannons in a decent turn rate ship with the rather hard to find cmdr sci ltmcdr tac seating.

    If you wanted the brute force approach, a strange option is the DD. It can have tons of firepower, durability, and has a ltcmdr sci as well.
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