.....I recently went looking for fleets for my alts. I used the "social" button and the fleet list came up, but it only shows me a tiny fraction of the fleets that I know exist. Specifically there were several active fleets in the fleet forums that I could not find.
.....I could not find a search feature that would allow me to search by fleet name. Am I blind? Or am I looking in the wrong place?
There's an issue with the search feature. It doesn't always return all results. I believe it only searches the database for X amount of milliseconds, and when it hits the timer it returns all the results it found so far which of course excludes anything further down in the database.
I've found that repeating a search with the same term a few times will return more results.
Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
It is most likely the case that the fleet in question does not wish to be found. Perhaps they are simply uninterested in having their members bugged by random stalkers, and have thus turned that off. Why are you even looking for them?
In this case I've checked the fleet search as well. It's actually pretty darn hard to find my own fleet for heavens sake. I've unchecked most of the time or language boxes and it still only randomly shows (with 5 tries, no changes in search pattern; 3x not, 2x it does).
That's quite the paradox, how could you nerf nerf when the nerf is nerfed. But how would the nerf be nerfed when the nerf is nerfed? This allows the nerf not to be nerfed since the nerf is nerfed? But if the nerf isn't nerfed, it could still nerf nerfs. But as soon as the nerf is nerfed, the nerf power is lost. So paradoxally it the nerf nerf lost its nerf, while it's still nerfed, which cannot be because the nerf was unable to nerf.
if trying to find a specific fleet to join, it may be easier to check the forums here for their recruitment thread to either their forum or a contact member. other then that, i dont really know of any reason the search fleet function is necessary. if you really want to search for a particular name, these forums have a search engine for you to check the fleet boards. if you're looking for something specific in a fleet, you can always post a topic in the recruitment forum saying what you're looking for.
otherwise i dont know what to tell ya. the ingame fleet search has been broken for as long as i've been playing. and i've always found it too awkward to bother with when i have other options available.
I am still unable to find fleets that i know exist. I can only assume that they are unsearchable.
They may well be. There is an option for fleet admirals to exempt their fleet from searches.
However, that search fleet function is far from...er...fully functional.
One thing I have noticed is that, if nobody from a fleet is online, the fleet doesnt show up at all.
Given that this is for your alts, and you clearly know a little about what fleets are like, i think I would actively search out the fleet you want and get an invite.
I am still unable to find fleets that i know exist. I can only assume that they are unsearchable.
Not necessarily. Our Fleets (Legends of Star Fleet and Legends of Qo'noS) don't show up on the Social list even with a search yet I have everything set so that they SHOULD! I'm told this is a known and old issue that has yet to be addressed... unfortunately. It may have to do with the HUGE number of fleets that exist and limitations in the games search engine.
*STO*Its mission: To destroy strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations... and then kill them, to boldly annihilate what no one has annihilated before!
Keep in mind however not every fleet will be listed, some fleets choose to not be searchable by their own choice.
I've found that repeating a search with the same term a few times will return more results.
Joined January 2009
I'll try ur suggestion also.
In this case I've checked the fleet search as well. It's actually pretty darn hard to find my own fleet for heavens sake. I've unchecked most of the time or language boxes and it still only randomly shows (with 5 tries, no changes in search pattern; 3x not, 2x it does).
It's really quite aggrevating.
I call it, the Stoutes paradox.
otherwise i dont know what to tell ya. the ingame fleet search has been broken for as long as i've been playing. and i've always found it too awkward to bother with when i have other options available.
They may well be. There is an option for fleet admirals to exempt their fleet from searches.
However, that search fleet function is far from...er...fully functional.
One thing I have noticed is that, if nobody from a fleet is online, the fleet doesnt show up at all.
Given that this is for your alts, and you clearly know a little about what fleets are like, i think I would actively search out the fleet you want and get an invite.
Not necessarily. Our Fleets (Legends of Star Fleet and Legends of Qo'noS) don't show up on the Social list even with a search yet I have everything set so that they SHOULD! I'm told this is a known and old issue that has yet to be addressed... unfortunately. It may have to do with the HUGE number of fleets that exist and limitations in the games search engine.