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Here's how you get the old STO website back (at least for now)



  • thecosmic1thecosmic1 Member Posts: 9,365 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    mimey2 wrote: »
    Show me a tablet that can handle Star Citizen by the time it comes out, or even a console that could possibly do the same thing, and I'll believe it is equal to a PC.
    There are a lot of existing PCs that cannot handle STO, or the upcoming Star Citizen, so I am not really seeing your point there. :)
    But laptops didn't obsolete PCs when they got popular, nor have tablets so far. Time will obsolete normal PCs, or they will change considerably as they evolve. Heck, even in Star Trek itself, PADDs didn't obsolete their kinds of computers. Sure PADDs are used for a lot, but the main bulk of the work as it were is still done by the main computer itself.
    In case you do not follow IDC, or other tech analysts, all PC sales have been in decline since 2010 and the launch of the Ipad, not just towers. Last year tablet sales exceeded PC sales and analysts only expect that to be a continuing trend.

    And yes, this new website could be better. :)
    STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
  • uryenserellonturyenserellont Member Posts: 858 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    thecosmic1 wrote: »
    In case you do not follow IDC, or other tech analysts, all PC sales have been in decline since 2010 and the launch of the Ipad, not just towers. Last year tablet sales exceeded PC sales and analysts only expect that to be a continuing trend.

    And yes, this new website could be better. :)

    What sales did they track exactly? Prefab PC sales? PC component sales? A mix of the two?

    I built my PC. Would my purchases of motherboard, CPU, RAM, case, cooling, GPU etc. count as a PC sale?

    That might be a deceptive statistic. Some PC users build their own PCs. Gamers in particular tend to mostly build their own rather than buy prefab, and gamers are the driving force behind PC technology. They often "future proof" their rigs by buying high-end CPUS and GPUs so that they can wait a few years before making an upgrade.

    Most of the casual crowd are happy with tablets that they can carry around to browse facebook and play angry birds. Plus there's the fact that PC gamers may be buying tablets as well which further makes the gap between PC sales and tablet sales seem larger - they built their PCs so the prefab PC companies didn't make a trackable sale, and when they buy a tablet it skews the statistic further.

    At this point they're better off tracking PC component sales, GPUs in particular as that's the most upgraded component.
  • alienfrombeyondalienfrombeyond Member Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    stf65 wrote: »
    Computers are going the way of the dodo bird.
    I'd respond but I'm too busy laughing to death right now.
  • aloishammeraloishammer Member Posts: 3,294 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    aethon3050 wrote: »
    Why would you want to play STO on a console?

    Fewer buttons to tax one's limited memory. Once they dumb the controls down enough to work, anyway. ;)
  • eazzieeazzie Member Posts: 4,395 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Just to make everyone aware, although the instructions described by the OP do work, the old websites do not have any current information on them. The old websites have ceased to be updated. You will only get new current information on the new look websites.
  • logandarklighterlogandarklighter Member Posts: 96 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    eazzie wrote: »
    Just to make everyone aware, although the instructions described by the OP do work, the old websites do not have any current information on them. The old websites have ceased to be updated. You will only get new current information on the new look websites.

    Yes, this is true. It's a transitional thing. Until they get the back-end up and the new website fixed enough that it has functionality for things like account management, character transfers, and other functions that still work on the old site, this should hopefully lessen the pain some. You won't get the latest Devblog stuff etc. Just make a separate bookmark for the new site for that stuff (you'll have to anyway, eventually).

    It's just sad that PWE is forcing a redirect to a website that is clearly still in Beta and "not ready for prime time". Marketing Uber Alles I guess. And sad that we as CUSTOMERS have to fix their stuff FOR them in order to even give them money!
  • flotsam7jetsamflotsam7jetsam Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    It's a TRIBBLE-up because they forced the change before they were ready on the back-end. They don't have hardly any of the functions that we NEED from the old site on the Arc Site.

    It's like the gaming equivalent of the Obamacare website. They shouldn't have pushed the change until they had ALL the back-end stuff ready to go.

    So yes - we're having to resort to "hacks" to do such simple things as manage our accounts, get characters on the test servers, look up needed info etc.

    BETA truly!

    ...they're redirecting you to a website the says BETA and certainly acts like BETAware...

    Top left corner of the screen says:


    Yes fellow STO gamers, together with the ending of season 8 1/2, we're releasing to you ARC 1/2, for 1/2 of the experience of sto.perfectworld.com. Which is truly half-a#$...
  • daragozdaragoz Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    can someone tell me what the hell the old site was for sto? this arc TRIBBLE is making me want to grab an m16 and go tribble hunting at perfect world....

    I need the old site or atleast where the hell to effing find account details from the old site. The details i need are from an old non perfect world account to recover it. Also, I need the old site info so I can view my old subscriptions info. I was listed as a beta tester and other things. where the hell is this damn information??? I want to choke someone for maladministration!!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad:
  • dracounguisdracounguis Member Posts: 5,358 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    First, don't add to year old thread! :mad:
    Second, old site was awesome. It's gone now and we all miss it every time we see the cookie cutter 'phone app' style TRIBBLE all PWE games use.
  • schloopdooschloopdoo Member Posts: 373 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Since the thread is already being necro'd, I'll chime in. The new site is an abomination for the same reasons that Windows 8 is. The old dev blogs should have been ported to the new site in any event, not buried under a doodad that automatically diverts the viewer's web browser as if the devs were ashamed of them. It looks iffy when a company views its property's history as disposable.
  • mackbolan01mackbolan01 Member Posts: 580 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    i'm just glat i can still use the old page to buy my zen.....

    in before the lock.....hehehe................
  • thetaninethetanine Member Posts: 1,367 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Wow. Great job OP!

    As a side note, unrelated, but kind of: when I went looking into firefox addons, I saw this:


    It plots out the websites you visit in a three-d visual like a star map in a scifi show or video game. Then is shows how they all relate to one another. It's a tracking tool for sure, but dAmmit!! Freaking awesome. Check it out.
  • thetaninethetanine Member Posts: 1,367 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    schloopdoo wrote: »
    ...The new site is an abomination...

    Yeah? Having the Star Trek Online game-website look a lot like the primary faction's computer system known as LCARS is the stupidest idea in the world, right? I mean, wtf yo? Who's the idiot that came up with THAT idea? :eek::eek::eek::eek:

    Make Phasers and Photon Torpedoes Ready, Mister Worf! FIRE!!!
  • benben500benben500 Member Posts: 112 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    thetanine wrote: »
    Yeah? Having the Star Trek Online game-website look a lot like the primary faction's computer system known as LCARS is the stupidest idea in the world, right? I mean, wtf yo? Who's the idiot that came up with THAT idea? :eek::eek::eek::eek:

    Make Phasers and Photon Torpedoes Ready, Mister Worf! FIRE!!!

    I'll just get in here before the lock and say that this is not LCARS.
    "Bloody explorers, ponce off to Mumbo Jumbo land, come home with a tropical disease, a suntan and a bag of brown lumpy things, and Bob's your uncle, everyone's got a picture of them in the lavatory."
    -Edmund Blackadder-
  • protogothprotogoth Member Posts: 2,369 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    stf65 wrote: »
    What TRIBBLE up? They changed the forums. They did the same thing back in 2012. The fact that some hate change, no matter how insignificant it is, doesn't mean the change was a TRIBBLE up.

    And now all of our old bookmarks are TRIBBLE. That is a TRIBBLE up. If they wanted to change things, they should have made it so that the old links redirect to their new location, not to the generic arcgames.com page. That would have given us time to update our bookmarks and allowed PWE to make the change they wanted at the same time! I know, what a novel idea. :rolleyes:

    Maybe, just maybe, they'll do it right with the fora ... Maybe.
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