normally i'm not really interested by ships, but i found this :
a little cruiser with a good turn rate, and SMALL.
if cryptic could create a little cruiser for the romulans, that would be perfect and with a realistic shape and scheme; the dyson destroyer is just meh and ugly.
in fact a ship like the fed mirror heavy cruiser would be a dream
I know it su*ks but that's how it is.:(
I actually like Delta Rising.
Oh yes, something inspired should work pretty well assuming it's not too close.
For example take a look at the advanced cruiser from Interplay's "Orion Pirates"
the R'derex from Micropose's "Birth of the Federation":
and Cryptic's own Arkif:
and I'd imaginge they could be from the same family tree.
But please keep in mind that coming closer than the similarities between these ships from different companies is very unlikely.
if they did the dyson destroyer, they can make a regular cruiser.
i bought the d'deridex, but i don't use it, this ship is a cow (5 turn rate) . I have 3 fleet console which increase the turn rate, and this ship stays a big asss.
we need a funny cruiser for the romulan side. The arkif is great, but this is a warbird-escort.
Oh, BTW the Raptor in "Armada" wasn't a cruiser either, it was an artillery platform.
Mem Beta just lumped three different Romulan ships called "Raptor" from three different games into a single article and then called them all "cruiser".
And while I personally like flying my D'D very much I can certainly understand that a ship over 1 kilometer long is not everyones' cup of tea.
The Romulans could use their own counterpart to the Ambassador/Kamarag duo most certainly. We'll just have to wait and see what such a ship could look like.
I agree, this is one of the nicest rom ships so far, nothingwrong with the aves, as for the Ops topic, yes in an ideal world we would love lost of ships from other games, but can people please stop posting rewuersts, Its not and never gona happen, the only new ships we will get are ones designed by cryptic, unless they are hidden in the archives of those sources they have the license for.
why romulans must have big ships (excepted the dhelan and the t'varo)? And the roms have only 1 cruiser. a new cruiser would be a great thing; with a turn rate of 8-9.
a new rom cruiser = more money for the creation of new crappy dyshyt ships :P
Everyone has their personal preferences. Just because they don't like a ship aesthetically does not invalidate their opinion if you do like it.
I agree that if they can make funky ships like the Dyson Sci(psi)-Destroyer, then they can make a reasonable cruiser.
The Big D'D is suppose to be a cow. It is a freaking big ship!!! Newton's second law of physics regarding an object in motion stays in motion, and an object at rest stays at rest requires this. Unless you want to completely throw that out the window.
My final thought is that an cruiser-warbird is going to have one of the worst turn rates for a Romulan ship. I think the BEST you can hope for is an 11(K't'inga) or 12. If you are expecting it to turn on a dime, you are flying the wrong kind of ship.
The Shadow was one of my Favorites, and it would be prefect for a STO Romulan Science Ship.
IMHO given the title you chose you gave a slightly (is there a word less strong than "wrong" that doesn't sound harsh or patronizing?)...erraneous impression.:)
It would've probably sounded a tiny bit better if you'd kept the whole reference to ships from other games stuff out of it and said "Yo Cryptic, how about a medium cruiser?"
Statwise...HMMM...maybe something like the Mirror Cheyenne would work...?
i don't want a huge turn rate, just 8-9 like the excelsior or the heavy cruiser (stargazer); A small, funny cruiser
this ship, Aftermath's Raptor Class is really awesome http://7space.weebly.com/texture-spec-2-ship-downloads.html
if cryptic could make ships like this one, the romulan side would have at least decent ships (ha'apaax, ha'nom, ha'feh, dyson are just meh)
I'm still hoping we'll get something along the lines of a Shadow class. It screams 'Science Ship' and I think it would compliment the Romulan navy quite nicely.
A2D is your answer. At 125 auxiliary my d'deridex turns at 18 minus consoles and ep2e. I also rotate it with ApO if I need to fill the gap or come in for an attack run. On some days I'll rotate a2b with it also giving 100% uptime.
Cryptic can't "steal" from soft canon very easily, but they have shown they are more than capable of creating their own designs. You can offer it up to them.
Depends on how you do it.
A few years back we had someone on the forums ask how to submit ship models to them.
Our Community Manager at the time said "don't, our lawyers say we can't use them".:(
But she hinted that if we posted ideas on the forums it's a different story and they can take some aspects of that.;)
i don't use auxiliary on my d'd 125 to weapons, shield and engine. because i don't use aux, i have grav well, but i use it instead of the need to turn around targets
the d'd is iconic, but not funny in game.