I would've asked this a LOT sooner, but I nearly forgot about this, until now....
Just after New Years', I ran across a bizarre-looking Fed ship that I've never seen before or since, including in the Shipyard's 'store' or even the Zen store!
It's the extremely 'tall' Quad-nacelles ship located just above my own in the center of the pic, with an almost whale-like body...I've not seen anything on it anywhere else, including the STO Wiki...anyone have any clue on it's identity?
When in doubt...Gravity Well TO THE FACE!!
edit: too late
*commits hegh'bat*
How is it that the Jupiter uniforms are very cool, yet the ship looks like, as you say, a flying bathtub?
Fast forward 4 years; dps is reaching 50+K for some Scimi builds. Cruiser builds can solo sides in KASE, and the NWS is entirely winnable.
Note: this happened in Champions Online. Power creep made it less enjoyable.
I feel confident in saying that within 12 months we will see something in Scimidar-type design for the Federation and Empire - either in a BOFF layout improvement to existing ships or an entirely new class built for war. The Avenger is NOT even close to the destructive capabilities of the Scimidar. It's all about the boff stations...
Personally I would not want to see a Jupiter-type craft. Go full on TAC Carrier, or perhaps a Tactical Drone Command Ship with four drone hangers. Go big or go home
NEITHER of those statements are excuses. The Bortas ISN'T a klingon ship. Klingon ships tend to be fast and powerful, striking hard and quick. This ship, while not being terrible, isn't klingon. It is neither fast nor hard hitting.
The scimitars design is fragile at best, it's big and monstrous, but it's not bulky, it's slim. Fed cruiser, like the galaxy-X I'm assuming ar much bulkier and in general more massive, and thus slower.
Also the warbirds tend to be the fastest ships for their size. The mogai is actually the size of a soverign class, but it's performanc ewouldn't tell you that, now would it?
Sure make it flyable.....during 'The Doomsday Device" mission and you have to fly that THING down the throat of the planet eater on a suicide mission with a last minute transporter escape, but sadly (crocodile tears), the ship doesn't survive.
The Bortas isn't Klingon because it isn't fast and maneuverable? Klingon battle doctrine started leaning towards having larger, slower, more heavily armed ships a long while ago, when they introduced the Negh'Var-class battlecruiser (which is larger than a Sovereign).
As for Warbirds, the simple answer is that Romulans have better impulse engines than the Federation and KDF. I have no documentation, canon or otherwise, to back that up, but it is the only thing that makes sense.
The Jupiter is a strange ship though, and frankly, I was very surprised it wasn't jazzed up a bit to become the Starfleet carrier vessel as opposed to the Atrox. People wanted a Starfleet carrier, they wanted a Jupiter. They had an existing asset rather than going to the effort of making a new one.