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Suggestions for 2014, Season 10 and Beyond

evankrossevankross Member Posts: 5 Arc User
Having played the game since before launch, I have been here for the highs, and the lows. Now, I'm not much on spouting my opinion when it comes to this game, but I figure in the spirit of the fourth anniversary, and as a long time Star Trek fan, I would take the time to present a list of suggestions for how to improve the game and why. Again, this is only my opinion, and I make no claims to the feasibility of any of these as I am not a programmer, but here goes, my list of suggestions for 2014, Seasons 10 and beyond.

  1. End the war between the Klingons and the Federation. Now, I know there will be some backlash from this idea, but hear me out. As it stands, there are a handful of missions early on that involve the war and outside of that the only real opportunity to partake in it is through PvP.

    If we look back at the Original Series, and the first six movies, we see that the Federation was not actively in a war with the Klingons and instead functioned more as rivals. This could make for great story telling while still preserving the notion that while the days of the Khitomer Accords are gone, there is still the opportunity for cooperation on several fronts while at the same time a bevy of conflicts that could arise.

  2. Our crew should become a part of our character's identity. When I go onto my bridge, I have random officers wandering around. I want to see my First Officer in the right place, my helmsman at the helm, and my doctor down in sickbay, rather than standing and looking like she's confused or constipated. Give us generic voice acting that we can turn on and off, a selection of voices based on gender/race. This does not mean full voice acting for every line of dialog in the game. I am thinking more along the lines of "Captain! We are under attack!" or when we're actually in combat, have our operations officer or whomever call out that there is a hull breach on deck five. This wouldn't necessarily have an actual impact on combat, but it would certainly add to the drama and the sense of struggling for one's very life. Things of that nature would increase immersion drastically.

    On the same note, give us the option to set uniforms for the random crew members on our ship. A set of sliders to allocate the percentage of each race aboard or the actual number of crew we see on board. As it stands, if I go down to one of the lower decks of my ship, there are twenty or more officers just wandering the halls. Its a starship people, not a museum, get to work!

  3. Allow us to customize the interiors of our ships and starbases. Every sickbay and main engineering looks identical, the same is true of the interior of our fleet holdings. Whether this is done through the foundry, or a pick and choose set of options much as the ship editor is currently, either would be awesome to have.
  4. Make use of the community! Some of the foundry missions are FANTASTIC, but unless you're weeding through the forums, and the hundreds of missions available, you might never find gems such as the Allegiance series, or the Worst of Both Worlds, etc. I know that there are currently foundry challenges that are designed to inspire missions, but why not take it a step further and present a challenge to create a mission revolving around a specific story, with stated goals for each mission. For example: "The story should revolve around time travel and the first encounter with the Dominion. It should be combat heavy with the option for stealth." Etc. Have the winner's mission become hard code in the game and give them...oh, I don't know...two free months of gold membership, or 2500 Z coins, something along those lines.

    While we're on the subject, the design the next Enterprise contest is something I thoroughly enjoyed, and is something I hope will be repeated in the future. Maybe have an open submission for ship designs and those that are selected go on to become ships in the game, or inspire future vessels. Give the creators a copy of the ship when it releases, or perhaps make a hero unit of their choosing. I love how the Enterprise shows up randomly in Tau Dewa, but where's the Saratoga, or the Crazy Horse? Why not have the winner designate a captain and name for the vessel so that instead of it always being the Enterprise to appear, maybe its Captain Bob McBobbington of the USS Ticonderoga. Of course, having the final say on the names is a given, as we don't want anything offensive or just outright idiotic running around...like Captain Bob McBobbington.

  5. Where the hell is Betazed? Or Trill? Cait? Tellar? I know there isn't any content on these planets, but could we at least visit them? I'm sure that if these areas were made accessible, even as nothing more than gateways for foundry missions, the community of authors would take care of the rest. This somewhat goes along with number four.

  6. The Borg and by extension the Undine. When the first batch of STFs came out, I was among those who first cleared them, and let me tell you, they were not easy. If you did not have coordination and a strategy, you were screwed. Now, I can take a group in that never speaks to one another and manage to clear everything and the optionals. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but at some point I would love to feel threatened by the Borg. Give us that giant command cube that launches a sphere, has an insane amount of hit points and that if you don't go in with a plan will just absolutely eat you. The same is true for the Undine. Not every encounter needs to be a dramatic, climactic battle, but there needs to be at least a few of them. Make me feel like when that cube finally explodes, the Federation and the Alpha Quadrant are safer because of it.

  7. This is less a suggestion and more of an observation and encouragement. I think anyone from the early days of the game will tell you that some of the original missions were horrid. If I ever have to scan five objects or eliminate five groups of enemies again, it'll be too soon. Having said that, the quality of the content in the last two years has been AMAZING. Whatever it is that you're doing in this regard, KEEP DOING IT.

With all that said, thank you for four awesome years, and here is hoping for many, many more.
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • teknesiateknesia Member Posts: 860 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I like everything except where you talk about ending the war. Not because I'm opposed to it so much as that it already happened. Sure, you can enter into PvP at any moment with the Klingons, but by and large, the KDF and Starfleet are not currently interested in fighting one another. The first Federation run is actually the explaining of that and how all of the bad actors get removed.

    Honestly, once Starfleet started taking the Undine seriously and B'Vat was out of the way, I doubt the KDF really cared too much for the war except to use as a bargaining chip to increase their sovereignty.

    Oh, and as for evidence: Borg missions where KDF and Fed were able to have their fleets stay side by side without incident. Not at war, not an uneasy alliance either.
  • deathsremnantdeathsremnant Member Posts: 265
    edited February 2014
    War is basically over, it was more like "I hate you, no I hate you...wtf is that a borg? ok hold that thought i'll shoot you later..."

    Dont need to customize my interior because that would never happen in a military type institution...Just because you get to captain a vessel wouldnt give you the right to change the kitchen cabinets or floor tiling lol...What I would like is the ability to pick a uniform set for my entire crew, seeing people wearing different uniforms all over the ship makes no sense.
  • jellico1jellico1 Member Posts: 2,719
    edited February 2014
    I would like the Bridges resemble your ships shape with decks

    and you pick the uniforms they wear and select and buy there gear

    to have boarding actions in the content when your sihelds go down

    when your hull points are gone your ship is disabled and has 4x as many hul points left that have to be destroyed before your ship is actually destroyed

    end cross healing magic and replace it with real engineering teams that have to be beamed over to the damaged ship with repair parts

    kinda like the star trek we al have watcvhed on tv you know
    Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
    Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
    Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng

    JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
  • zathri83zathri83 Member Posts: 514 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    End pvp.

  • twg042370twg042370 Member Posts: 2,312 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    evankross wrote: »
    End the war between the Klingons and the Federation.

    They did it sort of already. They're just bad at putting the overall world-building context of the missions front and center so it's easy to miss. By the time you're hanging out with Worf, things are at pretty much a Cold War status.

    Our crew should become a part of our character's identity.

    I'd like to see more personalities in our BOffs, but you saw how far into foot-stomping, pouting crankiness players got over Tovan Khev sharing your journey. I doubt that'll you ever get more than something like Kolez showing up as an NPC and then joining your crew.

    Basically, it'd be great, but they'd have to choose your bridge crew for you and that would keep people from making their crew of space hookers.

    On the same note, give us the option to set uniforms for the random crew members on
    Make us of the community! Some of the foundry missions are FANTASTIC, but unless you're weeding through the forums, and the hundreds of missions available, you might never find gems such as the Allegiance series, or the Worst of Both Worlds, etc.

    The Foundry mission selection screen needs a massive overhaul. Even Neverwinter's more recent one isn't great at helping you find what you want.

    Where the hell is Betazed? Or Trill? Cait? Tellar?

    A fairly big oversight IMO. But since we're due to retrace Janeway's footsteps I doubt that is even on the menu.

    The Borg and by extension the Undine.

    I'd prefer them to not be locked behind some PuG/ STF. But I hate PuGs and I don't the game should be focused on pleasing me.

    This is less a suggestion and more of an observation and encouragement. I think anyone from the early days of the game will tell you that some of the original missions were horrid. If I ever have to scan five objects or eliminate five groups of enemies again, it'll be too soon.

    Exploration and Patrols need revamping and expansion. Also not going to happen.
    With all that said, thank you for four awesome years, and here is hoping for many, many more.

    The game is good. As a Star Trek version of Second Life, not so much. As a fun space game, it's great. I'll come back to it whenever new material is there for me to play.
  • evankrossevankross Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    War is basically over, it was more like "I hate you, no I hate you...wtf is that a borg? ok hold that thought i'll shoot you later..."

    Dont need to customize my interior because that would never happen in a military type institution...Just because you get to captain a vessel wouldnt give you the right to change the kitchen cabinets or floor tiling lol...What I would like is the ability to pick a uniform set for my entire crew, seeing people wearing different uniforms all over the ship makes no sense.

    I get that the war is now more or less a cold war, but we have nothing that actually says that. There's been a cessation of hostilities, but no formal agreement between the two.

    As for the customizing the interior, I'm thinking more along the lines of options. A pick and choose sort of thing. The Defiant, Intrepid and Galaxy classes all have drastically different interiors, so why is it that every single Federation (and Klingon and Romulan) starship, regardless of size, have the exact same sickbay, main engineering, ready room... I'd love to have, oh I don't know, three options or something for each of the main rooms, not necessarily a full customization, but close enough!
    I'd like to see more personalities in our BOffs, but you saw how far into foot-stomping, pouting crankiness players got over Tovan Khev sharing your journey. I doubt that'll you ever get more than something like Kolez showing up as an NPC and then joining your crew.

    Basically, it'd be great, but they'd have to choose your bridge crew for you and that would keep people from making their crew of space hookers.

    On the same note, give us the option to set uniforms for the random crew members on

    Ah, I'm not meaning named and fully voiced BOffs. I mean more of a certain number of options for their voices so that during a battle, or a fight, they can shout something. How cool would it be to have your tactical officer going "Shields are failing!" instead of the same computer voice that everyone else has?
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