Yup, I was stupid enough to get a [+Can] Vulnerability Locator, thinking it would work on the EPW and/or turrets too (seeing as they both respond to CSV). Alas, I was wrong: it does nothing for either of them.
Kinda annoys me a bit. I mean, what did they intend those [+Can] Vulnerability Locators for then? Did they expect us to fly a rainbow ship!?
N.B. I could have seen *some* potential use for it, with the new, fused-in Proton DHC on the Solanae ship; but if it doesn't boost turrets, forget it.
Ah, that felt better.
The reason people buy them is for the [+EnergyType] Nobody buys cannon or beam ones for a reason, they are less effective. UNLESS you are running a rainbow/skittle boat.
I am Il Shadow and i approve these Shennanigans!
Thank you, Captain Obvious.
Had they worked on turrets, though, and the Proton DHC from the Solanae ships, it might have been worthwhile.
I asked around on my Fleet. Many ppl thought they'd work on EPW and turrets too. In the end, there was no way to be sure, save to buy one such Consoles.
I considered them for a moment, because it wouldn't lock me into 1 specific weapon type - they are somewhat pricey consoles, and getting 1 set of consoles to be used with all energy types could've been interesting. They still provide a larger bonus than the mk xi blues I used so far
Good to know, though, thanks for testing
I believe they are Supposed to work on turrets, so file a bug report. But i do think there was something they put out when they put them out that said it wouldnt work on the EPW, as it isnt a beam or cannon, its a beannon combo weapon.
The new Proton DHC's they proboably just missed that one (assuming they had a few days before people got them) Lol the fools thinking we would take time for things!
I am Il Shadow and i approve these Shennanigans!
Yeah, I probably should really file that bug report.
As for the EPW, it's a confusing wep, for sure. It can do CSV/CRF/BFAW/BO (but no Beam: target X), so it's kind of a cannon, kind of a beam -- but apparently not enough of either of them to be boosted by the specific VL Consoles.
Yeah its only boosted by proton, i thin the proton DHC is the same way.
I am Il Shadow and i approve these Shennanigans!
The Proton DHC is boosted by cannon consoles. I have tested with commons.
Please enable us to buy a token with Zen to faction change a 25th Century FED to a TOS FED.
Yes, it should be. That was my whole line of thinking: to replace 1 VL on my (soon to be) Solanae ship with a [+Can] one. That would slightly dimish overall damage (3x +31% + 1x 27.7%, iirc), but bring the Proton DHC from 0% boost to a whopping 27.7%! Without turrets in the mix, though, the whole exercise becomes pointless.
I'll probably find a way to fit the Particle Stabilizer, and take the +15.2% Proton boost for both the EPW and the Proton DHC, and call it the day.
Tl;dr: the [+Can] VL is a complete and utter waste.
Yeah, LOL. I kinda forgot they even existed. :P
But then we'd never know that the fleet ones didn't work right, also, some people like to take a risk, nothing wrong with that if you have the money :cool:
Which all things considered is kinda harsh since that puts you at 6-7 reserved console slots leaving only 3-4 to mess around with.
People complain about power creep, but readily contribute to it.
So... specific consoles were supposed to get 20% and rainbow gets 25%? Where does this information come from?:rolleyes: