Hi everyone was wonder if yous could look at my build and see if i have set this up right. I still feel as though (by looking at a few other builds) iv just hammered on all the elite fleet gear without any thought. Iv noticed quite a few variations on the builds. Is it wise to replace the emmitter array with the zero point energy conduit, as i see a lot of builds have this. Thanks for any help given.
3 damage control doffs, 3 whatever you want
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
Thats great thank you for time and help. By doffs you mean like projectile weapons and one with cannon special attacks....
And 3 of your choice, meaning any 3 that you see fit. Shield distribution ones for brace for impact would be a decent choice
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
My only comment:
Wouldn't it be better to have two copies of TT1? He can't cycle it with how this setup is.
Well he wanted a torpedo, thus he has the double ts.
TT is used mainly for the cycling of shields. He can pop it when hour needs it. Also, he could get some conn officers to reduce the cd.
I would rather for go the torp myself, but I can cater to those that prefer a certain "personality" to their ship
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
Also i'd prefer EPtS1 or 2 instead of engines, but that is because i like parking (or go with 1/4 impulse) my ship in fireing position in STFs and EPtE becomes irrelevant.
using only 1 TT, and supporting it with a rare and very rare conn doff is better than 2 TT, because of the attack pattern buff they have.
The dyson reputation console and torp (3% crit setbonus) would fit this build very well too. Certainly room for it.
I'm looking at it from the view that the majority of his damage will come from his cannons, and the torp is there for RP sake and because he does have that extra ens tac. But your point is valid.
However, in ESTFs, if you're holding aggro, it is kinda necessary to cycle TT, or you'll get boned, even with the boosted defense he'll be getting from constant movement. But also, if he's constantly moving, wouldn't he be losing a lot of damage from his DHCs due to firing arcs?
Sorry, lots of questions lol...
Most of his damage is coming from cannons. I'd rather he ditch it myself...but that's his choice
With the loss of a dhc, his damage output will be lower, therefore his threat level will be lower. If tt is on cd, he can always distribute shields
Turreting or yo-yoing is the only real way for cannons to be viable, so ya his defense will be low. But he still has other heals to stay alive
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
That's the weakness with the older fedscorts and KDF raptors. That 3rd ens tactical. It almost forces you to use a torp. The FTAER, FHEC, FQHR and FAER would be devastating ships with great survivability... except that they are stuck with that 3rd ens tac. A waste if you ask me.
Probably why he slotted a torp in the first place.
Quick FYI, purple Conn Officers only reduce the CD by 8 seconds. You'd need two purples or a purple and a blue in order to cycle just one copy with maximum possible uptime on tac team.
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
Looks slightly better, but you should replace that ET2 with either a RSP1 or Aux2SIF1. Also that THY2 is alright, bit I would recommend you swap out for either a TS2 or CRF1. And you really want another APB.
So it would kinda come down to your BOff layout looking like this:
Cmdr Tactical: TT1, CSV1, APB2, APB3
Lt Tactical: TT1, CRF1
Ens Tactical: TS1
LtCmdr Engineering: EPtS1, RSP1/Aux2SIF1, EPtS3
Lt Science: HE1, TSS2
And in answer to your other question, yes, it would be better to use the Zero Point over a Field Gen.
^ Or you can do this. He's probably right.