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BS - Can't Access Fleet Provisions

delftnldelftnl Member Posts: 113 Arc User
edited February 2014 in Fleet System and Holdings
I spend over 8,000,000 on Dilithium on my fleet. And I can't even buy something from the spire because the provisioning system don't allow me. This things making my blood starts to boil Perefect World. You have made allot of money on me. Its because of players like me you do exist. But if this crappy "economical" system starts to continue like this IM OUT :D

Just 1,5 years ago you could get for 1 zen 280 Dilithium and now its only F*CKING 126 I'm sorry but it won't take long and I leave this game for good. To bad for you guys because I was worth like minimal 900 euro a year!
Post edited by delftnl on


  • ankokunekoankokuneko Member Posts: 318 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    This seems like your fleet leader did not give you permission to buy provisioned items. And for dilithium, its more useful now so the farmers actually use them instead of selling it to other players for zen using the dil exchange.
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    There are only two reasons why the provisioning system won't allow you to purchase something from the Spire. Either your fleet is out of provisions or your rank doesn't allow you to purchase items from the Fleet Stores. Either way it is not Cryptic's fault that you can't purchase items. If there is no Provisions, then inform your Fleet Leaders to run Provision projects and if you can't purchase items from the Fleet Store, then contact your Fleet Leaders to see what happened. If your Fleet Leaders are being jerks about it, then it is time to find a new Fleet. Spending 8 million dilithium on your fleet should allow you to purchase whatever you want when you want except for rare occurrences like no provisions available. Also, if your Fleet is at Tier 0 Research or Operations, then that would prevent getting items from the Spire Store.

    There is the entire debate about getting rid of Fleet Provisions and while it would help lots of Fleets out, some Fleets won't have anything to contribute to.
  • abfabfleetabfabfleet Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    delftnl wrote: »
    I spend over 8,000,000 on Dilithium on my fleet. And I can't even buy something from the spire because the provisioning system don't allow me. This things making my blood starts to boil Perefect World. You have made allot of money on me. Its because of players like me you do exist. But if this crappy "economical" system starts to continue like this IM OUT :D

    Just 1,5 years ago you could get for 1 zen 280 Dilithium and now its only F*CKING 126 I'm sorry but it won't take long and I leave this game for good. To bad for you guys because I was worth like minimal 900 euro a year!

    Respectfully, I'd edit this post and talk to your fleet leader before this post gets eh, well you know... if you are looking for a fleet that has no restrictions like that, feel free to contact me in game, email me @IndyJonesnys :)
  • ankokunekoankokuneko Member Posts: 318 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Another thing you might want to take note is that cryptic actually doesnt like dil values to be too high, if you pay attention to the market trends then you will see that every time dil values go up and stabilises cryptic always puts some sort of promo to get people to trade their dili for zen to try and lower dil value
  • onehappytapewormonehappytapeworm Member Posts: 106 Bug Hunter
    edited February 2014
    delftnl wrote: »
    I spend over 8,000,000 on Dilithium on my fleet. And I can't even buy something from the spire because the provisioning system don't allow me. This things making my blood starts to boil Perefect World. You have made allot of money on me. Its because of players like me you do exist. But if this crappy "economical" system starts to continue like this IM OUT :D

    Just 1,5 years ago you could get for 1 zen 280 Dilithium and now its only F*CKING 126 I'm sorry but it won't take long and I leave this game for good. To bad for you guys because I was worth like minimal 900 euro a year!

    Can I have your stuff?
  • voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    By the way, 1.5 years ago, the dilithium exchange had just converted from Cryptic Points to Zen. The price was artificially high and still adjusting (didn't take long to go down).
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    delftnl wrote: »
    I spend over 8,000,000 on Dilithium on my fleet. And I can't even buy something from the spire because the provisioning system don't allow me. This things making my blood starts to boil Perefect World. You have made allot of money on me. Its because of players like me you do exist. But if this crappy "economical" system starts to continue like this IM OUT :D

    Just 1,5 years ago you could get for 1 zen 280 Dilithium and now its only F*CKING 126 I'm sorry but it won't take long and I leave this game for good. To bad for you guys because I was worth like minimal 900 euro a year!

    Your loss, not theirs. If you are not being able to purchase anything in fleet stores, than it's because of a few reasons.

    1: Fleet has no provisions
    2: Fleet is not sufficient enough level for what you want
    3: You haven't been given permission to purchase from fleet stores
    4: You do not have sufficient FM's and/or Dilithium to make your purchase

    Take your pick, but either way this is the reason for your dis-service.

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • saihung423saihung423 Member Posts: 548 Arc User
    edited February 2014

    The classic /ragequit.

    I've missed you MMO's.
  • sevexparsevexpar Member Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    It seems a lot of these situations could be avoided with a little information. I just recently made a total jerk of myself over a very similar situation. The fault was 51% mine for not knowing about the permissions and flying off the handle, and 49% the fleet's for utterly failing to explain anything about what a fleet does, how it works, and what value it has for a new member.

    To a newby, it seems like a black hole: you give all this stuff to the projects, you 'donate' to the fleet bank and so on but what does a new member get back? Even if you have enough fleet credits and dilithium you can't buy things, if you need a commodity you gave to the fleet bank you can't get it back. And no one explains the reasons for this.

    For example, an earlier post said that maybe the OP couldn't buy something becase the fleet did not have enough provisions. Does that mean the fleet members make things like advanced fleet warp cores using the items we all put into the banks? If that's true (and maybe it seems obvious, but it's not), it would explain the acquisitiveness of your typical fleet.

    Personally, I have no clue what a fleet does. As far as I know I have not been contacted by a higher-up from my fleet, or invited to a fleet function (except for the one time I was acting like a jerk). Is this normal?

    After my experience made it clear I was clueless, I really want to know more about how these things work, but getting info is like pulling teeth.

    In cllosing people get frustrated when things don't happen the way they think they should. That usually means there is a missing piece of knowledge somewhere. Help us out when we're new, and we might be more forthcoming with the donations to the fleet.
  • futurepastnowfuturepastnow Member Posts: 3,660 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    sevexpar wrote: »
    For example, an earlier post said that maybe the OP couldn't buy something becase the fleet did not have enough provisions. Does that mean the fleet members make things like advanced fleet warp cores using the items we all put into the banks? If that's true (and maybe it seems obvious, but it's not), it would explain the acquisitiveness of your typical fleet.

    Most items in fleet stores cost three things: some amount of fleet credits, some amount of dil, and one provision. When you buy a fleet shield, you've spent 65k credits, 30k dil, and used one provisions (science personal requisition). When you buy a fleet weapon, you've spent 20k credits, 10k dil, and used one provision (engineering personal requisition).

    Provisions come from the fleet. No provisions, no shopping. The fleet obtains provisions by running projects to make them, which the fleet's members have to fill. Some fleets don't run provision projects, because they provide very little XP compared to normal projects, and thus hurt the fleet's progress to the next tier.

    Provision access can be restricted by rank, at the discretion of the fleet's leaders. One person equipping one ship could use a dozen provisions of different kinds, after all, so most fleets have at least a probationary period for new members and contribution requirements for promotion.

    You can check the "Settings" tab in the fleet window to see what each rank in your fleet can do. You can also check the provision tabs on each fleet holding to see how many of each type of provision your fleet has.

    As for your fleet's leaders and activity level, there are thousands of fleets and every one is different. You're not stuck with one or the other.
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    You seem to be confused about something. The ridiculous inflation was due to the Fleet system and Reputation system being introduced resulting in dilithium sinks. The ridiculous inflation is based purely on the players with no input from the devs. Players had the option to wait until they refined enough dilithium, but instead the majority decided to buy dilithium instead of work for it. Sure the devs release C-Store items and dilithium sinks which affect the price, but it is the players that set the price. Release a new dilithium sink and more dilithium will be sold and the price will drop because people want to buy dilithium for the dilithium sink. Introduce a popular new C-Store item and the price will increase because people want Zen to purchase the item. It is the whole Supply and Demand system.

    The provisions being acquired by low level fleet members is a pure result of the Fleet not running enough Fleet provisions projects, but I do agree with you that some fleet members don't pull their weight. It seems like 5% to 10% of the Fleet Members actually contribute while the rest donate just enough to get the equipment they want. I have donated millions on Embassy/Mine/Spire Provisions and duty officers and now I barely have anything left due to being a top contributor.
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    delftnl wrote: »
    Its ridiculous what some of you guys post. Especially the free players... WTF!

    Can I have your stuff? Did I read that correctly? HAHA what silly! I rather Delete my account than give it to you!

    Let me tell you why I think the system is unfair: Imagine You got an fleet: You got some players / members dumping all their stuff in your fleet, so you see it grow and grow. First tier one two, then tier three.

    I guess you would be thank full, because alone you would never make it that far. And now you can spend your precious dilithium on zen. Because some of you got 8 toons on 3 accounts? WTF!! I play with just with one toon.

    Then there are some of those players who are on top on the Leader board trough donations. Not several thousand donations but millions! Like me with my one toon...


    BUT some of those top players can't buy anything from the fleet store because the provisions get scraped by the players who has just donated several thousands in the past couple of months... with 1 of their 5? toons...

    So the free players who don't have a Job or an Live. Yes the virtual life of startrek online.. 18/7 hours online (admit it) One of the people ho need to have 5 or more toons to make zen. :confused:

    So I keep wondering what is the point of this system? If it is all by timing who's first to scrape the provisions etc.. Its ridiculous to have a several millions fleet credit and I can't even buy something that I would like to have or want..

    And then the inflation of almost 50% in a year on dilithium? Its crazy! Your talking about real money!! Ofc you of those free players don't complain :rolleyes: Much players like ad least 55% doesn't have a Job any way. (based on my friends list)

    Those forgetting that the people who does pay some money in the game making this game possible for them. I myself have an Job and I did exactly what most players do in opposite: I change Zen into dilithium. Yes you read it correctly. I mean I don't mind paying some money for a hobby. So don't ask me can I have your stuff...

    This ridiculous inflation made me stop buying dilithium. So Perfect World can now hopefully enjoy the hundreds of thousand work-less people with 5 toons or more change their game time in real "money" zen... What was probable the whole point of lowering the Dilithium prices. Wich is strange if they wanted to make money.

    I can life with that by just stop buying Dilithium (their money loss). But making it unable for people who donate to their fleet to purchase fleet gear in this way makes me wonder... WTF perfect World. Just stop asking money for anything then.

    Perhaps some of you understand now what I mean? If not return to game and wait and see what happens in a couple of years with this game.

    First off let me say TY for even spending money to keep this game alive!!! :)

    Now while having issues with such matter can and will seem to want you to pull out your hair (if you still have any left to pull out). :P

    You may or may not want to consider joining another fleet in the hopes to better achieve what you want, but this may not accomplish what you might be expecting.

    The major problem lame as it is, is every fleet has to do projects to fill provisions so member can even begin to consider fleet store purchasing.

    It is a pretty dumb concept as to keep every member from instantly being able to fully gear themselves out with all fleet gear, and becomes a major time and commodity sink.

    Some fleet's would prefer to quickly advance the fleet as fast as possible, than later on fill themselves with provisioning projects so member's can make purchases.

    Other fleet's may better balance this level of progression vs provisioning, so member's can get some goods along the way.

    However just like you mentioned that if some restraint isn't applied, than any member can quickly drain the fleet's provisions while not being the biggest of contributor's considering all they need is enough fleet credits from a prior or current fleet and permission to purchase stuff.

    If you can live without the fleet goodies and continue to advance the fleet, and than wait till it is pretty much maxed out to run provisional projects than do what you can to help.

    If the fleet is more of a balanced act as to work provisioning projects in with each advancement in tiers, than try and get in on when the provisions are available and get permission to buy.

    If the leader or leader's don't want to grant permission to buy when provisions are available, than ask them what they are requiring from you to make it so.

    And if they throw some ludicrous figure your way, or just seem out for themselves than I would suggest another fleet is possibly in store for you.

    Also if you really want those goodies you can consider getting them thru another fleet offering up their stores, however most require you to have your own provisions that are taken from your current fleet's reserves, or you can offer to purchase some of their provisions at an EC cost usually involved your choice.

    Also consider the fact that Cryptic has put in place so many dilithium sinks in the hopes that those who are impatient will spend real money for dilithium so as to make money of it themselves, this is probably the biggest driving force when it comes to the dilithium/zen market, but it is an actual player driven market so we as player's have a big impact as to how each is valued.

    So while there is a lot to ponder on, don't let it discourage you from playing the game or being an active supporter and/or member of a fleet.

    Heck I am a F2P player not by choice, but because I just don't always have the funds to buy stuff with, and I run my own solo fleet as well sinking countless hours to fill its needs.

    If and when I do get members I try and rotate provisioning into advancement, and I also switch out days along with ranks for store purchases as to better allow member's to try and get their fill of the goodies.

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • risingstar2009risingstar2009 Member Posts: 329 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    One question, have you been able to purchase items from the other Fleet stores or are those restricted as well?

    In regards to your other comments;

    1. The exchange is Player controlled. I know this because I regularly Buy and Sell Zen for my own prices. It's not usually far off from going rates, but I set the price.

    2. I do agree that Gold and LTS should have an increased refining cap. But there are 2 ways I know of to get past that limit. Both are DOff missions.

    -One is at the mine itself and has a 20 hour cool down after you start it and takes about 2 or 3 hours to complete. That one refines 500 dilithium.

    -The second, at least for Fed as I am not sure where it is for KDF or RRW, is available to Veteran (1000 day Gold or LTS) players only. It's located near the entrance to the Main Academy building. Last report was that it took nearly 48 hours to complete to refine 1k dilithium. I haven't been able to do that yet since I am sitting at 830 days (would be a Veteran since I joined shortly after Season 2, but took some time off and didn't have a machine that could run STO at the time).
    Star Trek Battles: For those who want to Play Star Trek Online as it WAS MEANT TO BE!!!

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  • sounthernrebelsounthernrebel Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    The zen exchange is like a stock market and is player driven people are selling there dil at lower cost. The game devs have nothing to do with it.

    TO ME it sounds like you need to just uninstall the game. because being able to throw money at this game doesn't get you what you want like in other games you have to work for what you get in this game.
  • ghyudtghyudt Member Posts: 1,112 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    This goes for pretty much anyone. Fleet leaders; if you set parameters about how long new members have to be with the fleet and how much they have to contribute, then its your responsibility to stay on top of that. If you have a standard, then you have to check up on your roster every month. Don't create a fleet and set parameters if you yourself are too lazy to do some of the work. Also, if you don't run your re-provisioning projects fairly often, and expect your members to keep grinding away for you, then don't be surprised when they start leaving.

    Fleet members; if your fleet doesn't have provisions available, and you haven't seen a re-provision cycle run, then stop wasting your time with that fleet and fine one that will treat you right. If you put a lot of time, effort and resources into a fleet, then you expect to get something in return. Get out of TRIBBLE fleets that are only there because so-and-so wanted access to fleet items, and get into one that you can actually enjoy your time with.

    Lastly, if you were a member of one of these crappy fleets, please, don't be afraid to post your experience and the fleets name, so as to help others avoid making the same mistake and get them to the fleets that matter.
  • f9thaceshighf9thaceshigh Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    yeah, I'm with what everyone else is saying here, it's not cryptic's fault, or PWEs fault, it's your fleet leadership's fault. If they are truly your friends, like you think, they'll give you permission if you ask for it, if not, then it's time to start looking for new friends. I certainly wouldn't go on bashing them on the forums, that might just hurt your chances. And the dil price is completely player driven, it has nothing to do with Cryptic either.
  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014

    Is this really an "I quit" thread?

    Because we don't allow those and I would have to close it.

    If you're wanting to discuss this (without the quit part), we can keep it open.

    BTW... I changed the title. The original title was not really forum-appropriate.
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
  • doffingcomradedoffingcomrade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    If your fleet has not even completed its spire, they probably haven't bothered to provision it, because there would be nothing to buy except worthless garbage you will have to then throw out and replace at additional cost later.

    Your fleet may therefore have chosen not to cater to this kind of short-sighted inanity, and you should finish the Spire before expecting provisions.
  • donkeybong420donkeybong420 Member Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    why don't you just buy provision use from that guy always posting on earth space dock , it sure would of been way cheaper than 8 mill dill lolz.
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