I'm back with an updated build on my Fleet Nova. As I love this ship and previous build so much (I don't like Vestas and the Wells is too expensive), I wanted to improve it after the 4th Anniversary (With the Solanae stuff).
I tried to build a more offensive science vessel, one that focuses on critical chance and severity, as well as turn rate and speed, as the Fleet Nova is currently one of the fastest science vessels in game.
Here is my build:
http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=usspasargadae20_0Note: The deflectors and engines are wrong. They're actually the Solanae Set from the FE.
Much has not changed, except with the Experimental Proton Weapon, to boost crit chance.
Also, Vulnerability Locators [+AP] have been added to boost crit chance even further and to have a massive boost of Antiproton Damage.
Also, I have found that the Energy Conversion Matrix and Energy Wake from the Solanae Engines and Omega Force Shields can stack, giving me more turn rate and flight speed if hit. The 2 piece from the Omni Directional and Obelisk Core gives me more Antiproton Damage.
The Solanae Deflector gives me accuracy and the things I usually want (Particle Gens, Structural Integrity, and Power Insulators). Overall, this is a powerful build that I believe through testing in STFs, PvE, and Ker'rat (Don't like queue PvP) that it is a much more powerful build than it was before. Though, I could be wrong.
Do you have any suggestions on this build?
I just looked up my posts on science and turned up these threads that would be helpful.
Happy reading
Can only be a matter of minutes until he turns up here.
He is Mr Nova!
FED: Matt Torell, Lavinia Molinero, Zindox
KDF: Che'ko Tenda'All
ROM: Ecural Mendak
However, I'd like suggestions for the build I have now, as I think it can be improved, even though it's pretty solid for a science vessel (It can't tank much in PvP, but it's still great).
I'm not sure about the Solanae set deflector, I think it's too specialized, I would rather use a positron one with [PrtG] [ShdS] [Gra] which you can grab at very rare Mark 12 for less than 100k ECs, you can then prop the grav and part gens up with the skill tree and consoles but you also benefit from it's +HP stuff that you don't get with the Solanae one.
I also take issue with the Solanae engines but that's on an effectiveness level, the low power efficiency level just doesn't work on endgame builds, I would rather they were standard impulse, but hey, that with the shields gives you the 2 piece I think you were aiming for on the deflector, the resilient aspect of the shields also protects you from a little damage.
Ultimately while the threads I linked don't deal specifically with your build, there is a lot of info about building principles that you should take notes on that would help you to further improve your build.
Just wanted to clarify, the engines are Hyper-Impulse, not Combat Impulse, so they work best with high Engine power, unless you mean the Efficient side of the engines, in which case yeah, the extra power they provide works best when that subsystem is at low power.
We're both wrong lol, they are standard impulse engines with a power boost.
You're right (and thus concede my defeat), I just checked 'em. Which means, they're not bad engines at all! And the proc bonus procs fairly often and looks pretty cool, too.
It also gives me extra Weapon and Aux power (Really helpful no matter how small).
Although the deflector is extremely specialized, the massive +35 bonuses to Structural Integrity, Particle Generators, and Power Insulators are very nice. The build is also extremely specialized and I like the extra shield power added to it from the 2pc.
This ship is not like the Nebula or other slower vessels, in which I would use beam arrays to compensate for turn rate, but this ship is extremely fast for a Science vessel, almost escort like, so it would make sense to run a beam frontal with added kinetic damage from Gravity Wells, TBRs (With Voth DOff to reel enemies into the Gravity Well), and Torpedo Spread to deal maximum damage.
I would say quite the opposite due to the turn rate, I fly the fleet Nova myself quite frequently, I used to run single cannons and a dual beam bank due to the firing arcs of science skills but when the widened then such that I could use the turn rate to keep all 5 beams (and a cutting beam) on target while I throw science at things, with both emergency to shields and weapons up full time the beams kick out a lot more damage than the cannons ever did, and with Attack pattern Beta 2 mixed with Fire at Will 2 I can make the science damage higher as well as improving the beam output.
With overcapped weapon power and 80+ aux power along with fairly high levels on my over systems, I don't lose anything and perhaps gain a lot.
- Dual Beam Banks (type depends on foe)
- Gravemetric Photon Torpedo
- Fleet MK 12 Photon Torpedo
- Borg Cutting Beam or Turret
- Turret
- Turret
Weapons type, and tactical console all depends on who I am fighting. I have mostly all MK 12 weapons in the above configuration that I can swap in.
It makes enough DPS for my liking, and I like the option of running rear Turrets so I can use Canon Scatter Volley along with FAW, and Torpedo Spread.
One nice thing about Science ships, is the ability to group your enemies together with Gravity wells, and take out multiple targets at a time with the AOE damage.
All of this said, my main is an Engineer, flying a Nova. Makes for a strong combo (IMO), & fits my play style.
The Fleet Nova...the little ship that could :-)
Antiproton and Romulan Plasma seem to be pretty good weapons for this ship, given that both deal high damage with the Plasma Sci Consoles and Focused Antiproton Emitters.
I still prefer Experimental Proton Weapon over a 2nd torpedo launcher to make the Gravimetric Launcher more deadly with more crit chance.
One of the other builds I use replaces all 3 rear weapons with AP Turrets, moves Torpedo spread down a slot, and swaps out beam overload with canon Scatter volley.
Build Link
I have been testing the BA on a Sci ship and I have the perception I am performing better damage-wise as well.