I finally saved enough lobi (after 1 year of playing - to give a sense of how rare it is to me) to get my first lobi ship. Now looking for guidance what should it be.
I'm thinking of Recluse. My main is Vulcan Sci, sometimes he flies Atrox, sometimes Fleet Armitage (:eek:), currently Tac Odyssey (I like variety). But as you know Atrox does not have frigates. I like the idea of getting Elite Mesh Weavers for Recluse - does the APB spamming still works?
Now one thing that pushes me a bit away from Recluse are the visuals. I have a feeling this ship just look too much alienish to my tastes and not sure if I'd be able to fly it around...
Another guy who could use some ship is my KDF-Romulan Tac officer. Any worthy lobi ship for him to consider? I have a feeling that going with Romulan without singularity ship would be kinda waste, so really not sure here. I kinda like the hulking Tal-Shiar cruiser though. Is it any good?
JHDC - yeah, but frigates only with JHAC and JHAC is completely unreachable for me (remember - 1 year for 800 lobi), so I'm not really interested in JHDC at this moment.
Can't really help you with this one. Its gonna be your choice and your choice only.
If you prefer carrier gameplay with frigates, go for the Recluse.
If you don't care about the frigates, get the JHDC.
Want a very powerful escort? Get the Mirror Temporal Escort.
Interested in cruisers? Get the Elachi Mombash, the Tal Shiar Adapted Battle Cruiser, the Voth thing
Its gonna be your choice. If I were you, I'd look into their stats, see what you think you'll like most, and get it. Also look up some screen shots, and check its visuals. Since you care about the visuals, don't pick something that isn't your taste. You can always ask some ingame friends what they would recommend for you, since they know your playing style as well.
Can't really say anything more to help you. Good luck making your choice!
Well being the proud owner of a Jem'Hadar Dreadnought Carrier, I would reccomend it to you only if you want a overweight Tactical ship.
It has 4 Tac Consoles + 4 Engineering consoles. It tanks well and it you can put Antiprotons on it, it'll blow things up just as fast as a Scimitar. BUT,...like most JHDC owners whom do not have the JHAS, I am forced to use Advanced jem Hadar fighters and Scorpions as my carrier pet.
The way I have my JHDC, set up I rarely have to call out my carrier pets (I use them for crow control).
But the final decision is yours,...have fun with whatever you choose.
One day Cryptic will be free from their Perfect World overlord. Until that day comes, they will continue to pamper the whales of this game, and ignore everyone that isn't a whale.
A romulan kdf has literally 6 or 8 strong ships to choose from, including the very nice t'varo or the scimitar. Using a lobi ship is a waste: usually lobi ships would be used when there are limited good faction choices (like rom sci). Giving up singularity is minor, you get good power levels in return which help keep weapons up.
I have the recluse on my rom sci, and really like it. I don't yet have the top frigates but even the blue ones are sturdy and useful. Its shape is a little odd, but it handles better than most carriers (inertia rating is better) and has great hull/shield modifiers. It also has subsystem targeting. Uni cmdr is a nice feature for a variety of builds. The biggest negative (apart from personal opinion of the cosmetic) is the single ensign tac seat & 6 weapon layout. IMHO if you seat the cmdr as tac, you could find a better ship that already had a cmdr tac /ltcmdr sci, unless you just want a sci ltcmdr+ carrier with frigate pets no matter what (in which case, recluse is IT).
Remember to price box ships too. You may find one that suits, and if your lobi ship choice can be sold for enough to buy the box ship....
I would recommend either the Jem'hadar dreadnought. It's a great looking ship, it's canon, and it's great for tacs. Very damage heavy.
Or I run the tal shiar battle cruiser on my KDF science. Because of the universal consoles you can have a cmd sci, and lt.cmd sci boff seating so it's like a science ship, but it allows you to have 8 weapons and cruiser commands. It work beautifully.
recluse - solid choice, great ship, strong frigates. i know no one who would ever complain about it. probably best overall carrier.
romulan with lobi ship is indeed not _that_ brilliant idea. most romulan ships already by far outperform all other factions or lockbox ships.
tal shiar bc - no singularity powers, kinda gimmick consoles. never the less a good tank, good healing, cruiser commands. as for me i don't like unique sets involving warp core, they no where near to [AMP] fleet cores.
buy your self tal shia BC, best sci ship you will ever have , dont waste loby on romulans ever, just go scimitar. and as you are tac. on klingons i see no real reason to buy anything for him from the crystal store, more then enough of choices in shipyard.
Spend 600 lobi, sell 3 Korath or Voth Soldier packs, buy your desired Lobi ship instead, and have 200 lobi left for a console or something. That might work...
Only Lobi ship I own or care for is the Temporal Destroyer, I use the Klingon one on my Science Captain. I love the ship both in terms of performance and aesthetics. I have the Temporal Science Vessel too, so have both consoles.
I find it to be a great ship for a Gorn Science Captain. Went and picked up the whole Temporal Warfare Set too, as well as the Temporal Shuttle just for completeness. Still need the Korath Uniform, but that can wait,
Thanks for the Advanced Light Cruiser, Allied Escort Bundles, Jem-Hadar Light Battlecruiser, and Mek'leth
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T6 updates for the Kamarag & Vor'Cha
Heavy Cruiser & a Movie Era Style AoY Utility Cruiser
My two cents: I was really tempted to by the JHDC on my main,but I went with the tal shiar BC for my liberated borg romulan eng (my only romulan character) in part because it fit the story I had for the character (assimilated by the borg pre-Hobus supernova, gets liberated and finds his home gone, gathers a crew of other liberated borg folks to fight back) and I have been really pleased with its performance. It's not even close to being fully equipped like my main Fed character's vessels but it more than holds its own. Got first place in a lot of CE events without even being torp focused because I can stay in the fight so long. I know you're sci, but the univeral boffs and balanced consoles make it a nice versatile ship. Looks awesome too, IMO.
Spend 600 lobi, sell 3 Korath or Voth Soldier packs, buy your desired Lobi ship instead, and have 200 lobi left for a console or something. That might work...
Man, I like that! It might take some time, but I'm not in rush, will check the market... thx for tip!
My two cents: I was really tempted to by the JHDC on my main,but I went with the tal shiar BC for my liberated borg romulan eng .
More I think about it, more I like the idea of going with Tal-Shiar BC for my KDf-aligned Romulan Tac (liberated borg as well ).
Yes, there's fairly broad selection of good Rom ships (stat-wise). I have Fleet Daeinos on my Fed-Reman Eng and I like it a lot. But somehow most of the Rom ship designs do not appeal to me that much. Too-wide wings...
Regarding Tal-Shiar BC - would Tac captain work well with it or should I rather give it to my Reman Eng and give Daeinos to this Tac? Tac is KDF-aligned so I'd have free leech console from Vandal + BC has Weapon System Efficiency, so I guess energy levels should not be a big problem for Tac captain.
if you really want a carrier, pick up the advanced obelisk, it's got the final peice of the Sphere of Influence set, and lets you use all your EPtX abilities on your pets.
You're a sci captain, buy a sci ship like the Voth Palisade or Tholian Recluse Carrier. A sci like ship would be the Temporal Destroyer since it has 4 sci console slots. The JHDC is not sci focused at all, more of a DPS machine, but since DPS is king, everyone and their mothers recommend it.
FYI, if possible, I would test in tribble before committing lobi to any ship.
Or I run the tal shiar battle cruiser on my KDF science. Because of the universal consoles you can have a cmd sci, and lt.cmd sci boff seating so it's like a science ship, but it allows you to have 8 weapons and cruiser commands. It work beautifully.
I'd second this.
The Tal Shiar BC is fantastically versatile, as well as having a neat console that is a nice fit with crowd control abilities.
She's a tough old beast too.
I have mine set up similar to Captain Revo, quite frankly its one of the best science ships out there, if you skew her that way.
I would advise the Recluse. It got great Mesh Weaver pets, and with the universal commander station it is a very versatile ship. You can turn it into a tank or have some major offensive capabilities. It also has a lt. comm sci and engi station. A great ship for engineers and science captains. The only drawback is the turn rate and 6 weapon slots, but the rest makes up for it.
Tyr shall give me strength! For the glory of Tempus! I am the hands of Shar! Flames of Kossuth, protect me! Oghma, grant me knowledge! Lolth commands, and I obey!
Science captain in a Recluse is a great mix for being the mensch of your team. As others have said, the ship is incredibly tough and the Mesh Weaver pets are near the top of the list if they aren't the best in the game. I don't know if APB stacks in the way you think it stacks, but stuff definitely dies faster when there's Mesh Weavers flying around. They also have good damage output and a fast cooldown time.
Advanced Obelisk does not compare well to Recluse. Has weaker shields, no frigates, and lacks the high ranking universal officer. Getting the warp core to complete the Obelisk set would be a nice perk, but... not worth the sacrifices.
Jem Dreadnaught is not a support ship. It's a killing machine. Even without the frigates (I run elite scorpions on mine) this thing is capable of absolutely horrific firepower. Buy this if all you're interested in is making everything explode as fast as possible. But I think as a science captain you'd be better served by the other ships.
Just thought I'd add i'm in a very similar position to the OP.
My current lobi total is 789.
My adapted BC I bought with EC from the exchange.
Currently I'm torn between getting the JHDC for my KDF engineer, or the Recluse for my Fed Lib borg sci, or the Elachi battleship for my Fed engineer.
However, this is the kind of dilemma i like
I have the JHDC on my only toon (a Vulcan Engineer). Though the JHDC is a tactical ship, it's engineering abilities are also very good. Hence why I'm able to heal myself, my pets and my STF teammates. I've gone from 5% hull to 69% hull in only 3 mouse clicks
My only complaint about the ship is that the shield modifier makes your shield paper thin (I guess Cryptic did it for "balance"). I've tested multiple shields,...I've had every shield capacity from 9,000-14,000 and they all drain quickly. But at the same time, I can heal myself quickly. So be cautious of that.
The recluse is a special type of carrier. Because of it's Universal commander BOFF layout it can be just about anything you want it to be. The JHDC and the Fleet Kar'Fi are both tactical carriers. The only difference is the JHDC is Tactical+Engineering and the Kar'Fi is Tactical+Science.
One day Cryptic will be free from their Perfect World overlord. Until that day comes, they will continue to pamper the whales of this game, and ignore everyone that isn't a whale.
I have the JHDC on my only toon (a Vulcan Engineer). Though the JHDC is a tactical ship, it's engineering abilities are also very good. Hence why I'm able to heal myself, my pets and my STF teammates. I've gone from 5% hull to 69% hull in only 3 mouse clicks
My only complaint about the ship is that the shield modifier makes your shield paper thin (I guess Cryptic did it for "balance"). I've tested multiple shields,...I've had every shield capacity from 9,000-14,000 and they all drain quickly. But at the same time, I can heal myself quickly. So be cautious of that.
The recluse is a special type of carrier. Because of it's Universal commander BOFF layout it can be just about anything you want it to be. The JHDC and the Fleet Kar'Fi are both tactical carriers. The only difference is the JHDC is Tactical+Engineering and the Kar'Fi is Tactical+Science.
And, as someone pointed out, there's the advanced obelisk. Engineer-y carrier, and you get the four piece set from the console. Decent carrier console too.
Think it'll come down to outfitting.
The JHDC will need me to update a mk XI jemmie space set, so its effectively 200 lobi more expensive.
The recluse, well, we do have this shiny new science based space set, so potentially easy to outfit.
The advanced obelisk? Well, i like my carriers science-y if they're not ging to be DPS-y, so probably not in the mix, nice console notwithstanding.
But then there's that elachi Monbosh. Hardly ever see anyone fly one of these, but on paper they do look interesting.
Eventually I got the Tal Shiar Adapted Battle Cruiser for my Romulan Tac and I love it! Awesome model, gorgeous bridge.
My current build is basic AoE killer. I use Tac Commander and I slot APB3, CSV2, GW1, four green XI plasma DHC in front, three green XI plasma Turrets back + KCB (and console for weapon amplifier). With superior infiltrator BOFF, when I decloak+APA+APB3+GW1+CSV2+TT+EPW1, then the mobs just die. Especially funny in Azure Nebula where everything except Tarantula dies after two to three volleys. And it's just with XI green gear, without specific speccing into GW, without DOFFs...
The universal console coming with the ship (Indoctrination Nanites) plays well with AoE style.
I also very much like the fact that the ship has universal commander, which would enable completely different setups and play styles in future and hence extends longevity of the ship.
If you prefer carrier gameplay with frigates, go for the Recluse.
If you don't care about the frigates, get the JHDC.
Want a very powerful escort? Get the Mirror Temporal Escort.
Interested in cruisers? Get the Elachi Mombash, the Tal Shiar Adapted Battle Cruiser, the Voth thing
Its gonna be your choice. If I were you, I'd look into their stats, see what you think you'll like most, and get it. Also look up some screen shots, and check its visuals. Since you care about the visuals, don't pick something that isn't your taste. You can always ask some ingame friends what they would recommend for you, since they know your playing style as well.
Can't really say anything more to help you. Good luck making your choice!
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It has 4 Tac Consoles + 4 Engineering consoles. It tanks well and it you can put Antiprotons on it, it'll blow things up just as fast as a Scimitar. BUT,...like most JHDC owners whom do not have the JHAS, I am forced to use Advanced jem Hadar fighters and Scorpions as my carrier pet.
The way I have my JHDC, set up I rarely have to call out my carrier pets (I use them for crow control).
But the final decision is yours,...have fun with whatever you choose.
I have the recluse on my rom sci, and really like it. I don't yet have the top frigates but even the blue ones are sturdy and useful. Its shape is a little odd, but it handles better than most carriers (inertia rating is better) and has great hull/shield modifiers. It also has subsystem targeting. Uni cmdr is a nice feature for a variety of builds. The biggest negative (apart from personal opinion of the cosmetic) is the single ensign tac seat & 6 weapon layout. IMHO if you seat the cmdr as tac, you could find a better ship that already had a cmdr tac /ltcmdr sci, unless you just want a sci ltcmdr+ carrier with frigate pets no matter what (in which case, recluse is IT).
Remember to price box ships too. You may find one that suits, and if your lobi ship choice can be sold for enough to buy the box ship....
Or I run the tal shiar battle cruiser on my KDF science. Because of the universal consoles you can have a cmd sci, and lt.cmd sci boff seating so it's like a science ship, but it allows you to have 8 weapons and cruiser commands. It work beautifully.
romulan with lobi ship is indeed not _that_ brilliant idea. most romulan ships already by far outperform all other factions or lockbox ships.
tal shiar bc - no singularity powers, kinda gimmick consoles. never the less a good tank, good healing, cruiser commands. as for me i don't like unique sets involving warp core, they no where near to [AMP] fleet cores.
I don't have a Recluse, but it's always been a solid ship. Haven't had a group with a bad one yet.
Mine Trap Supporter
I find it to be a great ship for a Gorn Science Captain. Went and picked up the whole Temporal Warfare Set too, as well as the Temporal Shuttle just for completeness. Still need the Korath Uniform, but that can wait,
Galor is also a powerful battlecruiser that can match the Avenger in a fair fight.
Not in lobi store.
Yeah, as smokey said, it's Lockbox ship and last time I looked at Exchange, it sold at ~130M, which is a bit too much.
Man, I like that! It might take some time, but I'm not in rush, will check the market... thx for tip!
More I think about it, more I like the idea of going with Tal-Shiar BC for my KDf-aligned Romulan Tac (liberated borg as well
Yes, there's fairly broad selection of good Rom ships (stat-wise). I have Fleet Daeinos on my Fed-Reman Eng and I like it a lot. But somehow most of the Rom ship designs do not appeal to me that much. Too-wide wings...
Regarding Tal-Shiar BC - would Tac captain work well with it or should I rather give it to my Reman Eng and give Daeinos to this Tac? Tac is KDF-aligned so I'd have free leech console from Vandal + BC has Weapon System Efficiency, so I guess energy levels should not be a big problem for Tac captain.
Duh. Now I feel stupid, lol.
Buy a time destroyer or a JHDC.
FYI, if possible, I would test in tribble before committing lobi to any ship.
I'd second this.
The Tal Shiar BC is fantastically versatile, as well as having a neat console that is a nice fit with crowd control abilities.
She's a tough old beast too.
I have mine set up similar to Captain Revo, quite frankly its one of the best science ships out there, if you skew her that way.
My current lobi total is 789.
My adapted BC I bought with EC from the exchange.
Currently I'm torn between getting the JHDC for my KDF engineer, or the Recluse for my Fed Lib borg sci, or the Elachi battleship for my Fed engineer.
However, this is the kind of dilemma i like
For the glory of Tempus!
I am the hands of Shar!
Flames of Kossuth, protect me!
Oghma, grant me knowledge!
Lolth commands, and I obey!
Advanced Obelisk does not compare well to Recluse. Has weaker shields, no frigates, and lacks the high ranking universal officer. Getting the warp core to complete the Obelisk set would be a nice perk, but... not worth the sacrifices.
Jem Dreadnaught is not a support ship. It's a killing machine. Even without the frigates (I run elite scorpions on mine) this thing is capable of absolutely horrific firepower. Buy this if all you're interested in is making everything explode as fast as possible. But I think as a science captain you'd be better served by the other ships.
I have the JHDC on my only toon (a Vulcan Engineer). Though the JHDC is a tactical ship, it's engineering abilities are also very good. Hence why I'm able to heal myself, my pets and my STF teammates. I've gone from 5% hull to 69% hull in only 3 mouse clicks
My only complaint about the ship is that the shield modifier makes your shield paper thin (I guess Cryptic did it for "balance"). I've tested multiple shields,...I've had every shield capacity from 9,000-14,000 and they all drain quickly. But at the same time, I can heal myself quickly. So be cautious of that.
The recluse is a special type of carrier. Because of it's Universal commander BOFF layout it can be just about anything you want it to be. The JHDC and the Fleet Kar'Fi are both tactical carriers. The only difference is the JHDC is Tactical+Engineering and the Kar'Fi is Tactical+Science.
And, as someone pointed out, there's the advanced obelisk. Engineer-y carrier, and you get the four piece set from the console. Decent carrier console too.
Think it'll come down to outfitting.
The JHDC will need me to update a mk XI jemmie space set, so its effectively 200 lobi more expensive.
The recluse, well, we do have this shiny new science based space set, so potentially easy to outfit.
The advanced obelisk? Well, i like my carriers science-y if they're not ging to be DPS-y, so probably not in the mix, nice console notwithstanding.
But then there's that elachi Monbosh. Hardly ever see anyone fly one of these, but on paper they do look interesting.
Eventually I got the Tal Shiar Adapted Battle Cruiser for my Romulan Tac and I love it! Awesome model, gorgeous bridge.
My current build is basic AoE killer. I use Tac Commander and I slot APB3, CSV2, GW1, four green XI plasma DHC in front, three green XI plasma Turrets back + KCB (and console for weapon amplifier). With superior infiltrator BOFF, when I decloak+APA+APB3+GW1+CSV2+TT+EPW1, then the mobs just die. Especially funny in Azure Nebula where everything except Tarantula dies after two to three volleys. And it's just with XI green gear, without specific speccing into GW, without DOFFs...
The universal console coming with the ship (Indoctrination Nanites) plays well with AoE style.
I also very much like the fact that the ship has universal commander, which would enable completely different setups and play styles in future and hence extends longevity of the ship.