First of all I wanted to commend the Devs on (in my opinion) the very nice design of the Dyson EV suits from the featured episode, as well as the the whole space-walk sequence. I had a ball playing that part, and I think it has to be my favourite part of the episode.
I would love to see more missions with an element of EVA (spacewalking) like that.
One thing I did notice is that the thrusters for the suits could be directed every which way but down. If the game engine allows it, my suggestion is to add downward thrust and map it to the crouch key. That way we can also add downward thrust instead of having to change our pitch attitude to add downward motion or cancel out upward motion.
Again, thanks and well done on the EV suits and the mission.
As always, just my thoughts.
Somewhere on the wrong side of insanity.
"Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately be explained by stupidity" ~ Robert Heinlein.
I really loved the ev suit part of the new mission, it?s what I was hoping for when I first ran the old ds9 ev mission, it would be nice to see it updated.
Like the op it did bug me that the only way I could find to go down was to look down and push forward. My impulse was to fly it the way I fly kebals around on eva (shift is down space is up). I also do hope to see more missions like this in the future. It would be fun to also be able to go eva inside esd. You could look closer at the ships in dock. Maybe have some items to have games like eva jousting or tag, toss in a ball or two people will find ways to play with it.
Like the floaters from risa the sequence was based on, you're infinitely better off using your mouse to move, hold down both buttons and then it works like a joystick.
Like the op it did bug me that the only way I could find to go down was to look down and push forward. My impulse was to fly it the way I fly kebals around on eva (shift is down space is up). I also do hope to see more missions like this in the future. It would be fun to also be able to go eva inside esd. You could look closer at the ships in dock. Maybe have some items to have games like eva jousting or tag, toss in a ball or two people will find ways to play with it.
+1 for more of this in future missions though.
My character Tsin'xing