since the torpedo was "fixed" now it takes 5 seconds for one charge so in total 25 seconds for all the charges and in combat what happens is this: fire torp wait 5 sec, fire torp wait 5 sec etc etc, i hope they don't expect me to stop firing and wait for it to reload, so with this "fix" it seems that it is useless, what should i do ? should i continue using it for the 3 pc set put another torp or put a beam, and one thing more i am using it without torp abilities on my boffs, so what's your opinion ?
Mine works as advertised now, fires as fast as it can(about 2 seconds between shots) until the charges empty and it recovers a charge every 6 seconds, and recovery starts as soon as charges fall below 5.
It sounds like yours is bugged in a different way.
i don't really know if i observed it right, but it seems after i fire torp spread the torp goes on cooldown for 8 seconds, but when ready again it suddenly has 4 charges. May be imagining it, or may be a new "beneficial" bug.
idk, before the patch the torp did around 15% to 16% of my overall dmg (all related abilities included)...after the patch it still did 13%, so at least for me not a huge drop.
in comparison, a single DHC in my setup buffed by 4 fleet locator consoles does 16% (all related abilities included)
well i haven't done extensive testing or staring at the weapon for hours or have anyone to test it with but after some point it runs out of charges and then since i have it on autofire it shoots one charge, 5-6 sec reload, shoots another, reload etc etc. i am not saying that it's a bug or not but my damage has been reduced much and i was asking if there is any other torpedo worth putting in a ship without torp abilities or put a beam instead
I think this is one torp that you don't want on Auto Fire maybe? ... Seems like if you manually fire it, you can "fenagle" the Cool Downs and Recharge Timers so that it actually works as intended and is very fast and powerful? Maybe? ...
It sounds like yours is bugged in a different way.
idk, before the patch the torp did around 15% to 16% of my overall dmg (all related abilities included)...after the patch it still did 13%, so at least for me not a huge drop.
in comparison, a single DHC in my setup buffed by 4 fleet locator consoles does 16% (all related abilities included)