Okay, so I recently finished the Colonization Assignments in the B'Tran cluster so i could pick up a few Technician Doffs... Earned my One of Ten upon completing the "Renown" title. Then I see an Assignment titled "Assignment: Support Colonization Efforts in the B'Tran Cluster" which offers me the opportunity to earn more Techs... I thought, "great, lets do it!"
I fill up the assignment with blue and purple duty officers, the required 5, and purchased all the necessary items to go along with it. The pie-chart told me I had a 37% chance of a Critical Success and a 63% chance to earn a Success, with NO chance of failing the assignment. I log in last night and see I've FAILED the assignment!
What the heck! How could I have failed an assignment when I had no chance of failing it?

"Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure science." - Edwin Hubble
To my knowledge, the only missions with 100% guarantee success properly is the pick up colonists and the recruitment/doff grinder ones from the guy at the academy.
A Romulan Strike Team, Missing Farmers and an ancient base on a Klingon Border world. But what connects them? Find out in my First Foundary mission: 'The Jeroan Farmer Escapade'
I am utterly surprised at some of the missions I fail. I understand the statistics, but how the heck do I Crit cheap missions with a 10% chance to Crit and a 40% to fail, but I fail assignments with 25% Crit, 63% Success, and a 6% fail and 6% disaster...
EDIT: Also, if anyone knows, my first Doff, the One of Ten Tech, came already locked to my character... Do all of these bind on receive? How then could anyone sell these on the exchange? I don't get that part... Or is it just the one I earn for 'Renown" that is bound?
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Check out https://unitedfederationofpla.net/s/
Also, quickie... I've got me a Marion, which everyone tells me is the Doff of Doffs, but mine only works with Directed Energy... is that the way he's designed? Wouldn't I rather have 5 techs than a Marion?
Second, Marion's job is to reduce the amount of power firing your guns draws from your reserve, which lets you maintain higher damage (it also provides resistance to weapons power drain from enemy attacks). Doing so requires DEM on your ship. If you don't use DEM (it's good, but not required for all builds), Marion's wasting a slot.
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Check out https://unitedfederationofpla.net/s/
Where do people get the Techs that they are selling on the exchange if not from the Renown and Support assignments?
Also, thanks for the response!
DOFF packs purchased with Zen or from Lockboxes
Congratulations, too bad you didn't win the lottery or something
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
- officer exchange/refugee sanctuary/prisoner exchange doff missions (though it's low chance to get purple doff, and then technician, but possible)
- getting 100k doff exp (rank 4) in certain field (diplomacy/marauding, military, colonial etc) awards you free purple doff, and if you are lucky you might get a technician to choose from
I'm not sure if "Instigate defection" missions offer possibility of getting technician doffs. I already get multiple copies of same boffs from this mission, so I guess there are preset types of doffs you can get from it. No technicians so far.
And having given doff advice, I've done my good deed of the day.
P.S. You could buy VR two trait doffs as long as you find them cheap on the exchange, but slowly farming DV, AE, and EB for the doffs is much better. Just throw the refugees off to the correct Asylums.
P.S.S. It used to be easier when the DOFFJOBS channel had people going to all the sectors and sharing the support colonization assignments, but people stopped doing it back in June.
Just wondering, can you provide me with a name of the purple Rigelian you are referring to? I'm not sure if I've made it far enough thru the Eng track to get it. Will look on the exchange for purple engineers with two traits... Are there names of others that are effective? I'm willing to do the work to find them, but if you ahve names it would make the search a bit quicker...
Ok, bonus advice since I'm feeling generous. Always check OPS to see if the assignment is there.
Asylum on Earth is pretty much the most common and easy to find since it can pop up on SOL space, ESD, or randomly in the Sirius sector block.
Asylum on Andoria or Vulcan tend to be just as common, BUT, most people can't be bothered to check the space and ground areas of both of those planets.
Asylum on Tellar Prime is rare because there is no Trill planet (and the devs seem to have no intention of making one any time soon) so it only appears in the Sirius sector block randomly.
For the rest of the Asylums, just throw the Tellarites in and see what you get. Heck, they do well in the Bajor one.
Yes, the devs at some point either when s6 was released or just after seem to have done something to the crit chances for these, because purple doffs used to drop more often. They still crit, but the crit chance seems to have been scaled back to almost never exceed the stated %, so you more often than not get blues.
Sorry. An uncalled for joke. It happens sometimes in the pub.
Also the of the purples from supports are also very good to do more supoorts
Maela from Delta Volanis - http://sto.gamepedia.com/Maela_%28Doctor%29
Demera from the Eridan Belt - http://sto.gamepedia.com/Demera
Yelgrun from the Zenas Expanse - http://sto.gamepedia.com/Yelgrun
Asylums are always good for those white Refugees you get as well. Sometimes get lucky enough to get a purple back.
Also if you have extra Andorian refugees can toss them at the Caitian homeworld Asylum which usually is up in Alpha Centauri sector space.
Tell that to the officers who went to pick up colonists and apparently got sucked into my ship's bussard ramscoop. No survivors.
Was one of the first DOff missions I did on that toon, too. Surprisingly he's my main now.
RIP, nameless DOffs. You would be missed... if I remembered you... maybe...
Another good one would be
from last years CE event. 3 crit traits, no success (important since success will "eat" from crit once failure reaches 0%), she is unbound (!) and widely available on the exchange.