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Where do we Want to put Our Engineering Resources ? (Hint : NOT FOUNDRY)

hippiejonhippiejon Member Posts: 1,581 Arc User
So, in his interview with Priority One, Captain Geko (Al Rivera) states that "engineering resources" (meaning people I assume) are going to PvP, and specifically NOT to Foundry.

I am happy for the PvP crowd. I really am. The PvP part of this game has been more ignored than the Foundry historically.

Following D'Angelo's statement that it would be months before we saw any real work on the Foundry, we now get Al saying that their resources are being spent elsewhere.

Kudos for the honesty.

Now, it was also mentioned that he has an "exclusive" coming up with Primetime UGC to announce some "features" or something coming to the Foundry.

With what has been discussed, it sounds like more porting of tech from the Neverwinter Foundry. My response is "Oh Joy"

So far from Neverwinter the tech brought to STO has pretty much just broken our foundry in some way, or is terribly executed. TAGGING for example, when there is still no way to find missions past the first 50 in the list. Authors unable to tag their own missions, when no one else will be able to find them to play ?

Basically, we have a broken tool (any word on the fact that almost all details have no texture and appear as white blobs?) Yes, we as a community have figured out workarounds, but we should not have to figure out how to workaround the broken pieces of the tool Cryptic keeps breaking.

I would far rather see some effort put into actually fixing the danged foundry before bringing in new tech to TRIBBLE it up even further.

No longer feeling at all positive and hopeful about the state of the Foundry in STO.
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • ashkrik23ashkrik23 Member Posts: 10,809 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I would be happy if they could just slot new costumes in during bug fixes.
    King of Lions rawr! Protect the wildlife of the world. Check out my foundry series Perfection and Scars of the Pride. arcgames.com/en/forums#/discussion/1138650/ashkrik23s-foundry-missions
  • drogyn1701drogyn1701 Member Posts: 3,606 Media Corps
    edited January 2014

    I'm not basing my happiness or willingness to keep making missions on non-specific Cryptic dev comments. I've really stopped worrying about anything or expecting anything until it shows up in patch notes. I'm having fun making missions.
    The Foundry Roundtable live Saturdays at 7:30PM EST/4:30PM PST on twitch.tv/thefoundryroundtable
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    drogyn1701 wrote: »

    I'm not basing my happiness or willingness to keep making missions on non-specific Cryptic dev comments. I've really stopped worrying about anything or expecting anything until it shows up in patch notes. I'm having fun making missions.
    Ditto, I'm not really that worried. the only thing that would really bug me is if the whiteness bug doesn't get fixed.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • thedukeofrockthedukeofrock Member Posts: 168 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    hippiejon wrote: »
    So, in his interview with Priority One, Captain Geko (Al Rivera) states that "engineering resources" (meaning people I assume) are going to PvP, and specifically NOT to Foundry.

    I am happy for the PvP crowd. I really am. The PvP part of this game has been more ignored than the Foundry historically.

    Following D'Angelo's statement that it would be months before we saw any real work on the Foundry, we now get Al saying that their resources are being spent elsewhere.

    Kudos for the honesty.

    Now, it was also mentioned that he has an "exclusive" coming up with Primetime UGC to announce some "features" or something coming to the Foundry.

    With what has been discussed, it sounds like more porting of tech from the Neverwinter Foundry. My response is "Oh Joy"

    So far from Neverwinter the tech brought to STO has pretty much just broken our foundry in some way, or is terribly executed. TAGGING for example, when there is still no way to find missions past the first 50 in the list. Authors unable to tag their own missions, when no one else will be able to find them to play ?

    Basically, we have a broken tool (any word on the fact that almost all details have no texture and appear as white blobs?) Yes, we as a community have figured out workarounds, but we should not have to figure out how to workaround the broken pieces of the tool Cryptic keeps breaking.

    I would far rather see some effort put into actually fixing the danged foundry before bringing in new tech to TRIBBLE it up even further.

    No longer feeling at all positive and hopeful about the state of the Foundry in STO.

    They can't even fix the problems we already have, not including the "new" lame TRIBBLE
    rating system and "top rated" list.

    Basically, they don't give a rat's TRIBBLE about us nor the work we do, but
    I can tell you this. If they did a bit of research on my account or their business
    manager's paid attention at all, they would see the difference in my spending from before LoR wrecked my series, and if they were "real" business people, they would get
    on the ball and take care of us that spent $ on this game, not expecting the sorry
    excuses we've seen from the management when it comes to the Foundry.

    I am a businessman, and I would not have any business if I treated my best clients
    like this!

    But on your original post, they can't even fix simple maps they broke, much less
    all the other issues they have. I guess they still have the same inept techs that designed
    the Obamacare website on their staff. :rolleyes:
    ABI-Artificial Borg Intelligence by Duke-of-Rock Available on Holodeck
    Also play Spawn of Medusa - The 5 Part series
    by Duke-of-Rock Available on Holodeck
  • erei1erei1 Member Posts: 4,081 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    This is dumb. The PvP of this game was basically forgotten for years, and most of its community simply left. And when the vast majority of active players doesn't really care for PvP, they start to patch it ?
    I don't know, it would be like CoD suddenly make DLC for the solo content.

    I have nothing against the PvP community, I am a PvP player, on other game. But I pretty much understood STO was not about pvp, as early as the beta. I didn't stay for the pvp.

    You can't ignore a part of the community for years, not doing anything for them, and when they are almost all gone, you start to take care of them.

    But hey, let them do that, fail, and then they'll make something useful. No matter how hard they work, this game pvp will never be something to be remembered. Cstore items, ships, and rep/fleet items are too close to p2win for a pvp content. Most of them are truly op for such environment. And I'm not starting with the power creep, or the skill balance (a2b).

    BTW, except in a pay to win, pvp players are not the one that spend the most on a game. Pver are.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I'm shocked that Geko views PvP being more important than the Foundry.

    Granted, PvPers haven't had anything new since Shanty Town, but they only are a few hundred players out hundreds of thousands. While the Foundry is played regularly by thousands of players and often promoted by the Development Team, but it's full of glitches. So you think they would focus on repairing the system with the worst problems before working on a system that doesn't.

    But in this case, seems like all they have to do is have the environment team focus on development new maps for the PvPers and have the programmers work on the Foundry and fixing it.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    tyraidd wrote: »
    I'm shocked that Geko views PvP being more important than the Foundry.

    Granted, PvPers haven't had anything new since Shanty Town, but they only are a few hundred players out hundreds of thousands. While the Foundry is played regularly by thousands of players and often promoted by the Development Team, but it's full of glitches. So you think they would focus on repairing the system with the worst problems before working on a system that doesn't.

    But in this case, seems like all they have to do is have the environment team focus on development new maps for the PvPers and have the programmers work on the Foundry and fixing it.
    Well... which is worse is entirely dependent on who you ask. I can only think of one thing right now that I would really consider to be a severe bug.... the whiteness....

    Time will tell what really happens. It's hard to say what the difference between visible changes and actual dev work will be. Actual new features like the new shuttle PvP take a lot more coding than just dropping in a new map or some new consoles.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • drogyn1701drogyn1701 Member Posts: 3,606 Media Corps
    edited January 2014
    Perhaps their logic is: Few people are playing PvP. If we make it better, maybe more people will play it.

    Rather than.

    Few people are playing PvP, so let's not develop anything for it.
    The Foundry Roundtable live Saturdays at 7:30PM EST/4:30PM PST on twitch.tv/thefoundryroundtable
  • admiralmurphy1admiralmurphy1 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I only had to listen to the first few minutes to get the gist that it was the same garbage the foundry community has been seeing... well since Season 4 really. I wasn't really expecting anything from Cryptic, and I wasn't surprised to hear Geko only mentioning porting coming "in a few months" (something we've heard for awhile now) while the ports they have done have been poorly implemented like the tagging system. I would love to know if anyone has had any luck using this tagging system to find new missions, or even getting a tag put on their mission. At this point I don't need nor desire to listen to what Cryptic has to say on the foundry. The only thing I'll care about is what actually happens in the foundry when I look at it in the game. However, I'm at the point where I'm not expecting anything cool that's new in the foundry anymore, so what we've got is what we've got. Do with it what you will. I for one will not author anymore, but I'll still see what people are doing in it.
  • nagoraknagorak Member Posts: 882 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I frankly feel they're making the wrong call. PvP was left to languish for so long that it's basically dead anyway. I think the Foundry still has some life, and also the Foundry adds more to the game content-wise.

    The unfortunate thing is I don't feel they even need to devote that much to the Foundry to get it fixed up. Just go through and fix all the bugs we've identified, and fix the ratings system/UI. Forget new features, even adding new assets. While those things would be good, just having what we currently have work right would be a big improvement.

    So, I think they could devote a couple months work to the Foundry, get it straightened out, and then turn to PvP, to try to improve it. I think that would be a much better plan.

    I don't know if there's any point expecting anything to be done about the Foundry at this point. DStahl supposedly was a supporter of the Foundry. For a (short) while wasn't he even the Foundry producer or some nonsense title (before they put him back as EP)? Well, despite that the Foundry got nothing, and now he's gone, so why would things be better? I don't know... :confused:
  • lincolninspacelincolninspace Member Posts: 1,843 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    My concern is with each new season update or expansion the Foundry has died a little more. It keeps getting broken and Cryptic just lets it stay broken. Just leaving the tool with no new content would be one thing (Most pc games have a level editor and offline games don't get many update patches), but not even maintaining the nuts and bolts that make the damn thing work is more than disappointing, it's a deal breaker.
    Parallels: my second mission for Fed aligned Romulans.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    nagorak wrote: »
    I frankly feel they're making the wrong call. PvP was left to languish for so long that it's basically dead anyway. I think the Foundry still has some life, and also the Foundry adds more to the game content-wise.

    The unfortunate thing is I don't feel they even need to devote that much to the Foundry to get it fixed up. Just go through and fix all the bugs we've identified, and fix the ratings system/UI. Forget new features, even adding new assets. While those things would be good, just having what we currently have work right would be a big improvement.

    So, I think they could devote a couple months work to the Foundry, get it straightened out, and then turn to PvP, to try to improve it. I think that would be a much better plan.

    I don't know if there's any point expecting anything to be done about the Foundry at this point. DStahl supposedly was a supporter of the Foundry. For a (short) while wasn't he even the Foundry producer or some nonsense title (before they put him back as EP)? Well, despite that the Foundry got nothing, and now he's gone, so why would things be better? I don't know... :confused:
    It's not like this means they're never going to add anything to foundry in the next season... We don't really know what it means for the Foundry. My take on it is that they're trying to make PvP more fun and will spend more time on that than the Foundry.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • nagoraknagorak Member Posts: 882 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    It's not like this means they're never going to add anything to foundry in the next season... We don't really know what it means for the Foundry. My take on it is that they're trying to make PvP more fun and will spend more time on that than the Foundry.

    If they were planning to do anything for the Foundry, then I doubt they would be downplaying it in this way. I feel more like they would be plugging up coming attention, etc. The fact that we're actually being told that resources are going to PvP instead doesn't bode well at all.
  • thedukeofrockthedukeofrock Member Posts: 168 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Hell, if they are looking to upgrade the PVP mapping, why not get the Foundry community to design some maps. They can take them like spotlight missions and implement them for PvP.

    If they were to fix the map they broke on my mission, I'd gladly design a couple
    PvP maps in return. I am sure if they gave the foundry community the love fixing the broken maps and other bugs we have been seeking to be fixed, we'd be happy to design PvP maps.

    There are a lot of talented map designing foundry authors that would not have a problem helping with that, but we'd like to see our efforts rewarded with some love returned to us.
    ABI-Artificial Borg Intelligence by Duke-of-Rock Available on Holodeck
    Also play Spawn of Medusa - The 5 Part series
    by Duke-of-Rock Available on Holodeck
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Well, me and Sutherland already made proof of concept demonstrations of player made PvP maps. :P
    My character Tsin'xing
  • thedukeofrockthedukeofrock Member Posts: 168 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Well, me and Sutherland already made proof of concept demonstrations of player made PvP maps. :P

    Don't catch the meaning of that. Sorry, might be slow on the intake today. :cool:
    ABI-Artificial Borg Intelligence by Duke-of-Rock Available on Holodeck
    Also play Spawn of Medusa - The 5 Part series
    by Duke-of-Rock Available on Holodeck
  • designationxr377designationxr377 Member Posts: 542 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Well, at least PvP crowd is getting attention since they really have been in the doghouse longer than us. And not simply because they have been around longer than us.

    I side with Drogyn on this that they are looking at improving PvP so they get more players and it is fair assessment since doing that would get a player like me to do that. I currently don't PvP because it is broken. If it was fixed.

    As for us... well. What does this change?

    Nothing new is incoming. We had our hopes about the search list and tagging improvements but beyond that, the "Where will foundry be in 1 year" post if anything proves we got by once. I would hate to see continued loss of great authors and the shame that new authors can't get their work out there continue, but, I don't get a choice.

    I just want to say it is honesty I appreciate. At least they know enough to tell us that and aren't stuck in a situation where they want to give us something but it doesn't end up in the card for "the next few months" like they had hoped.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Don't catch the meaning of that. Sorry, might be slow on the intake today. :cool:
    both of us made map designs that were designed to be usable as PvP arenas. Mine is the first map of "Movement Testing"(fed). I forget what Sutherland named his.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • erei1erei1 Member Posts: 4,081 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Well, at least PvP crowd is getting attention since they really have been in the doghouse longer than us. And not simply because they have been around longer than us.

    I side with Drogyn on this that they are looking at improving PvP so they get more players and it is fair assessment since doing that would get a player like me to do that. I currently don't PvP because it is broken. If it was fixed.

    As for us... well. What does this change?

    Nothing new is incoming. We had our hopes about the search list and tagging improvements but beyond that, the "Where will foundry be in 1 year" post if anything proves we got by once. I would hate to see continued loss of great authors and the shame that new authors can't get their work out there continue, but, I don't get a choice.

    I just want to say it is honesty I appreciate. At least they know enough to tell us that and aren't stuck in a situation where they want to give us something but it doesn't end up in the card for "the next few months" like they had hoped.
    Except the pvp crowd is gone. Only a handful of them is still playing. It's been years since the last time cryptic did something for them. Too little too late.
    And they will not bring people. To attract a pvper, you need a real pvp. Something like EvE, or like many fps do. Otherwise, you'll just have pver playing pvp sometimes. So adding more pvp content will not attract players that will stay. It will only be useful for pver that want to play pvp. Most of them already play.

    And finally, the pvp is broken mostly because currently it's a pay2win on a large scale. Many items are utterly broken for a pvp content. And the balance is no better. The only way they have to do something about that is a skill balance and huge nerf. But then, the majority of player (pve) will whine. Alienating the vast majority of long time player to please a small community ? Not going to happen. Except if you are Sony and working on SWG :)
  • thedukeofrockthedukeofrock Member Posts: 168 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    both of us made map designs that were designed to be usable as PvP arenas. Mine is the first map of "Movement Testing"(fed). I forget what Sutherland named his.

    My point exactly. So what is the big problem with PvP anyway? Lack of playable maps if I've heard correctly right?

    So why not give us some love and we can help the PvP cause for them?

    Of course, these are corporate folks and don't seem to know the way to
    keep loyal paying customers happy, so maybe their subordinates will be able
    to make them understand, or maybe the Chinese overlords will see that the
    ones who spent the money to make Cryptic an attractive commodity are
    not spending that money now. Who knows.
    ABI-Artificial Borg Intelligence by Duke-of-Rock Available on Holodeck
    Also play Spawn of Medusa - The 5 Part series
    by Duke-of-Rock Available on Holodeck
  • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,264 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    both of us made map designs that were designed to be usable as PvP arenas. Mine is the first map of "Movement Testing"(fed). I forget what Sutherland named his.

    uhhh mine was called... <come on brain... we can do this...> ... <Brain?>... "Arena" ... I got rid of it after Branflakes said something along the lines of "bla bla bla, no"

    Basically it was just a map with a label for the Red/Blue Spawns etc.
    Thank you for the Typhoon!
  • nagoraknagorak Member Posts: 882 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Well, I wouldn't hold your breath about letting us design PvP maps. In my observation, Cryptic doesn't seem interested in leveraging the Foundry to the extent that they could, whether it's due to lack of vision on their part, or some other reason.

    To be honest, if you consider the Foundry in the context of how the game overall has played out, the situation seems less surprising. I basically came to the conclusion a long time ago that Cryptic is a fairly mediocre developer, and in all fairness that may be an understatement. Some of the problems that have occurred in this game are things that I've never experienced in any other online game. Remember the one year+ content drought (in a game that wasn't exactly brimming with content to begin with)? That was just embarrassing. And delivery of content outside of that was exceptionally slow for a very long time.

    In a way I feel that we're lucky that the game is in as good a condition as it is today, considering what it's gone through. It's not like the Foundry has been the only problem with the game. I guess it's good that PvP will finally be getting some attention.
  • paxfederaticapaxfederatica Member Posts: 1,496 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Well, at least PvP crowd is getting attention since they really have been in the doghouse longer than us. And not simply because they have been around longer than us.

    I side with Drogyn on this that they are looking at improving PvP so they get more players and it is fair assessment since doing that would get a player like me to do that. I currently don't PvP because it is broken. If it was fixed.

    Also, Cryptic probably sees PvP as easier to monetize than the Foundry. More PvPers = more demand for high-end/specialized gear = more need for dilithium = more people spending real money on Zen to convert to dilithium.
  • edited January 2014
    This content has been removed.
  • erei1erei1 Member Posts: 4,081 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Also, Cryptic probably sees PvP as easier to monetize than the Foundry. More PvPers = more demand for high-end/specialized gear = more need for dilithium = more people spending real money on Zen to convert to dilithium.
    Yes... and no. If buying high end item through zen (either acquired with dil or not) is needed to stay competitive in the pvp race, it means the game is p2win. Simple fact. And it is right now. It would need a lot of balance to make it right. It doesn't matter for pve, as you can always have an awesome ship and gear for free (fleet, rep...). But some consoles/ship are crazy for pvp.
    P2win works. It makes money. But it also tag your game as an "evil" f2p, greedy and everything. Which is true. I'm not sure Cryptic would like that.
    In the end, I'm not sure the revenue would make it for the loss, through reputation, and serious pvper that will never comes.
    Also comes the moral stance. Cryptic have done some greedy things. But in the end, they try to stay true to something. No content for sale, no SWTOR BS like paying to sprint, to have more loot or even to have a christmas event. Just like any other business, they have overlords to please, and money to make.

    And as of right now, the active pvper in this game, those that only play pvp, or for the majority of their play time, are incredibly few. Not enough to sustain anything.
    The sad thing is, unless a game is based in PvP (ala EVE), PvP is a 'dead end' in MMOs. There will always be a core of PvP players who go off in their 'corner' and fight it out.

    For an MMO to live, it needs to expand. And PvE content is the only proven way to do this (again, unless it is a DEDICATED game solely to PvP like EVE).
    This. Sto was never built for that.
    On the other hand, once in a while, you have some players asking for more pve in EvE. Saying they shouldn't get ganked and whatever. For the same reasons, it wouldn't work if CCP listened.
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