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Suggestion: Fleet project that requires ONLY fleet mark

firekeeperhufirekeeperhu Member Posts: 416 Arc User
edited February 2014 in Fleet System and Holdings
We already have projects what requires only dilithium, I don't really see a reason why couldn't we have one that requires only marks. As a member of a quite large fleet with nearly everything maxed up, I see it would be a great way for not frequent members to earn FC (and frequent members also), as with normal projects, the fleet mark is usually the first thing what's fulfilled, and the project gets stucked until all the other garbage has been put into it.
It would be quite similar to some of the reputation projects, only there you can get dilithium directly for your marks, instead of FC.
<3 Defiant <3

RnD and upgrade needs less RNG. Less lottery. Something has to change.
Post edited by firekeeperhu on


  • shortcultshortcult Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I agree it should be more like the rep system, on a much larger scale.

    Myself, I'm burnt out on filling up Doff's. They should count for more or FC's and expertise should count for less.
  • kantazo1kantazo1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Indeed, My fleet have several projects where the amount of DOFFs needed is ridiculous, we even have 1 project or 2 where 2 of the requirements are DOFFs (around 77 in one and 100 something in the other) and we are a small fleet
    Seek and ye shall find. Yeshua
  • dongemaharudongemaharu Member Posts: 544 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    That would be great. Everyone always wants to unload their fleet marks and in a large fleet. It's tough, sometimes impossible to do so.

    I always though a FM exchange for T5 bases would have been perfect, but this would do too.
  • jellico1jellico1 Member Posts: 2,719
    edited January 2014
    I agree special projects should be made for FC/Exp/and marks like omega marks voth marks rommie marke and spider marks :))

    give us a place to spend these marks on a larger scale while helping the fleets out

    Doffs are just grind and no fun for most players just grind and not profitable

    Grind isnt fun to the masses cryptic
    Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
    Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
    Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng

    JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
  • john98837john98837 Member Posts: 761 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Been asking for special projects that just took marks, or marks, expertise, and EC, for months now with no response. They don't seem to care about the issue at all.
  • stark2kstark2k Member Posts: 1,467 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I disagree, while for some of you earning Fleet Marks is a cinch - for others it is a grueling task. The way it is, is perfectly fine - If anything, have Fleet projects that use Fleet Credits.

    I have many toons with over 2million Fleet Credits, more than I need, since Fleet Credits are NOT transferable between toons.

    Fleet Marks are always in high demand, especially for smaller fleets that do not have a leverage on membership. If anything, they should make a system where players can actually sell fleet marks on the exchange or something (I know, I know, it will never happen).

    Truth be told, I am seeing this with smaller fleets in mind - Imagine a fleet project that demands over a million fleet marks, that's insanity - especially for the smaller fleets that have few members and are casual players.

    Larger fleets with 100+ or more players are fine, since it is easier for everyone to pool in their fleet marks resources. Smaller fleets who are NOT 24hrs gamers, that do not farm 24hrs a day, tend to get slammed with these types of suggestions and recommendations.

    If you more than enough fleet marks to spare, I recommend offering to sell those extra FMs to those fleets that are struggling in that department.
  • newromulan1newromulan1 Member Posts: 2,229
    edited January 2014
    Why would they do this, it does not make them money like dilithium. I just can't get over how some people don't realise that starbase are nothing but giant dilithium sinks to make money. That's why you have low fc return on dilithium and high dilithium inputs. I know of so many people in the game that have spend hundreds or thousands of dollars buying dilithium to donate to fleet projects. All the dilithium market trading is people buying dilithium with real cash or stipend to dump into fleet projects and equipment, plus some on rep gear.

    Some people have the strange idea that this is a free to play game - but in essence for it to survive there needs to be lots of people dumping money continuously into fleets and lock boxes. Adding more fleet mark sinks would take away from the need to spend dilithium. Of course this is more a large fleet issue, but even there if those people really want fc there are lots of dilithium sinks to fill - something that cryptic would thank you for.
  • captainpirkocaptainpirko Member Posts: 270 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    stark2k wrote: »
    I disagree, while for some of you earning Fleet Marks is a cinch - for others it is a grueling task. The way it is, is perfectly fine - If anything, have Fleet projects that use Fleet Credits.

    I have many toons with over 2million Fleet Credits, more than I need, since Fleet Credits are NOT transferable between toons.

    Fleet Marks are always in high demand, especially for smaller fleets that do not have a leverage on membership. If anything, they should make a system where players can actually sell fleet marks on the exchange or something (I know, I know, it will never happen).

    Truth be told, I am seeing this with smaller fleets in mind - Imagine a fleet project that demands over a million fleet marks, that's insanity - especially for the smaller fleets that have few members and are casual players.

    Larger fleets with 100+ or more players are fine, since it is easier for everyone to pool in their fleet marks resources. Smaller fleets who are NOT 24hrs gamers, that do not farm 24hrs a day, tend to get slammed with these types of suggestions and recommendations.

    If you more than enough fleet marks to spare, I recommend offering to sell those extra FMs to those fleets that are struggling in that department.

    As someone in a small fleet, i kinda disagree with the whole "smaller fleets will have more trouble with this". honestly my fleet is tiny. on a good day, with a fleet meeting, and good timing we can have 15 people online at once. most of those dont help much with the fleet holdings. yet our fleet gets more then enough fleet marks. infact, we look for missions that require them as when we make new characters, fleet marks are the easiest way to get fleet credits and you need alot of that to get fleet gear.

    the largest issue for us is dill. most of the fleet doesnt want to donate all their dill, so thats maybe 4k per member, and not every day at that. having both T3 dill mine, T4 starbase, and T1 spire projects running at the same time, dill does not look like its gonna be full for a loooong time. i'd love to see a teir project that required only fleet marks, and no dill. but i think that's rather unlikely all things considered. from a realistic standpoint that'd be silly. you're building a colony with only marks? not very helpful. what would make more sense honestly is if teir projects required alot of specific provisions, and nothing else.

    it always confused me why building a extra wing onto the starbase requires dilithium. surely the walls arent being lined with the stuff, and since we're the ones bringing all the commodities to the station like shield generators, power cells, self sealing stem bolts etc. it's unlikely the dilithium is being used as payment to the freighters, and i honestly dont see any purpose the dilithium could be needed for during construction. the warp core isnt being modified, why does it need several million purple gems?
    [SIGPIC]Timelords Fleet [/SIGPIC]
  • stark2kstark2k Member Posts: 1,467 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    ... the largest issue for us is dill. most of the fleet doesnt want to donate all their dill, so thats maybe 4k per member, and not every day at that. having both T3 dill mine, T4 starbase, and T1 spire projects running at the same time, dill does not look like its gonna be full for a loooong time. i'd love to see a teir project that required only fleet marks, and no dill. but i think that's rather unlikely all things considered. from a realistic standpoint that'd be silly. you're building a colony with only marks? not very helpful. what would make more sense honestly is if teir projects required alot of specific provisions, and nothing else.

    Actually Dilithium is far more easy to obtain than the Fleet Marks. Your issue is with members not wanting to let go of their prized Dilithium, this is because Dilithium has far greater value and usage than Fleet Marks.

    At any given day, I cap Dilithium at 8K within an hour and a 1/2, max at 2hrs - It is far easier to earn Dilithium than it is Fleet Marks (Unless you are a hardcore Doff player that knows the trick, but even that earns you 5k a week) compared to Dilithium earnings a day.

    One STF run - At least 940 D tops
    Explore the systems (Delta) 1k + per toon
    Defari space - more Dilithium

    those are small examples - so D is far easier to obtain than FM to some extent - though there are events that grants a good amount of Fleet Marks such as the Defari ground event and CE Elite.

    On a good day starbase fleet defense can net you 100+ FM per toon per 1/2hr cool down - but you have to be seriously dedicated to do so.

    So if we compare to which is easier to obtain, hands down I put my money on Dilithium - but its just like you stated, players do not want to give up that precious virtual element.

    Voth Ground event has no cool down and you can net over 1million Dilithium within a month with non-stop dedication.
  • firekeeperhufirekeeperhu Member Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I understand it's a problem what mainly affects large fleets, and I also understand it's against Cryptic's intentions in terms of money making (dilithium), but given the fact of how much other dili sinks exist in the game, it would be a simple kind gesture towards fleets whose grinded their ways through the fleet system (I mean it's insane, how much stuff you need to max out the base and all these holdings). And I don't suggest it should replace the existing special projects, what I thought is a new project in addition.

    As for fleet marks, yeah, it's hard to get at first sight, but if you start hitting wave 7-8-9 in no win, FM will flow like it's f*ckin' raining.
    <3 Defiant <3

    RnD and upgrade needs less RNG. Less lottery. Something has to change.
  • stark2kstark2k Member Posts: 1,467 Arc User
    edited January 2014

    As for fleet marks, yeah, it's hard to get at first sight, but if you start hitting wave 7-8-9 in no win, FM will flow like it's f*ckin' raining.

    "IF" you can get to wave 7-8-9, definitely not on a que with a random PUG. I am sure you are referring to your organized runs via you large fleet, unfortunately; not many fleets have that type of comradery among its ranks. At least not for that one particular event.
  • icebluzicebluz Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I suggest that when a fleet completes their base, embassy , or any other ones that the provision task be simple but larger donations. For example just have it cost Fleet Marks, Dil , and ANY common doffs.

    And the tasks have different grades of provisions. A 10, 20 , 50 option.
  • bendalekbendalek Member Posts: 1,781 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I think the whole system needs a revamp! ... Speaking from the perspective of someone who is (1) A relatively new player. (2) someone who does have some money to spend on Z<->Dil (3) Joined a larger, well established Fleet ...

    My biggest problem, for instance is Fleet Credits ... I can get DoFF's, by doing recruit missions, buying packs from the C-Store and/or exchange with EC ... I can get provisions/stem bolts, etc. with EC, and I can get Fleet Marks from STF's ...

    But I can't get Fleet Credits! ... It takes several hundred thousand to firstly buy, then properly equip a ship and a toon with Fleet gear and as a casual player the "grind" for "marks" will not only take forever, but I then have to deal with long time players who "snipe" projects as soon as they are started and "fill" the Mark requirement instantly ...

    If Cryptic want to continue to have there 753 different currencies in the game (that number may be exaggerated slightly, for effect) then what they need is a "Bank" or "Pool" of these resources, that anyone can put any type of currency into and get an exchange ...

    I haven't been playing long enough to know what a "fair" exchange would be, but I know that it "could" be worked out and it would benefit all INCLUDING Cryptic/PWE as people could conceivably by Z and covert it to whatever currency they needed.

    I think it would vastly benefit small fleets, as they would be able to convert an excess of one type of currency into a more needed one for projects.
    Oh, hoho hohhhhh, Oh,, hoho, hohhhhh
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    bendalek wrote: »
    If Cryptic want to continue to have there 753 different currencies in the game (that number may be exaggerated slightly, for effect) then what they need is a "Bank" or "Pool" of these resources, that anyone can put any type of currency into and get an exchange ...

    That number is greatly exaggerated considering that we only have 4 currencies, Energy Credits, Dilithium, Zen, and Gold Pressed Latinum (currency from TV series), and a bunch of tokens. For something to be a currency, it needs to have some sort of economy. Since I can't trade Reputation Marks, Fleet Marks, Lobi, or Fleet Credits to someone else, then they are not currencies.
  • doffingcomradedoffingcomrade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    bendalek wrote: »
    But I can't get Fleet Credits! ... It takes several hundred thousand to firstly buy, then properly equip a ship and a toon with Fleet gear and as a casual player the "grind" for "marks" will not only take forever, but I then have to deal with long time players who "snipe" projects as soon as they are started and "fill" the Mark requirement instantly ...
    Sounds to me like you're in the wrong fleet. This is the price you pay for joining a mega-fleet with indifferent leadership where nobody knows anybody else. Frankly, if I were you, I'd leave. What use are fancy fleet holdings if you can never actually buy anything from them?
    starkaos wrote: »
    That number is greatly exaggerated considering that we only have 4 currencies, Energy Credits, Dilithium, Zen, and Gold Pressed Latinum (currency from TV series), and a bunch of tokens. For something to be a currency, it needs to have some sort of economy. Since I can't trade Reputation Marks, Fleet Marks, Lobi, or Fleet Credits to someone else, then they are not currencies.
    Technically, you can't trade GPL with anyone either. While a small selection of purchaseable items for GPL can be traded, if you accept this standard, then Lobi and Fleet Credits are both tradeable currencies.

    And Fleet Marks are already traded, and are thus a currency with an economy and established rates of exchange. And then you have to add in Lockbox Keys, which are also a currency. If you doubt the status of lockbox keys as a currency, try to pay someone in them. Pretty much all serious traders will take keys as currency.
  • desante3desante3 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Just adding my 2ec for visibility, etc.

    This has become and issue for my fleet as well. We have projects constantly running, even run provisioning projects (though we're not in need), just so others have the ability to get fleet credits.

    How hard would it be to simply implement a starbase special project that takes only fleet creds (say 1000), just so people can earn fleet credits?
  • dareaudareau Member Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    desante3 wrote: »
    Just adding my 2ec for visibility, etc.

    This has become and issue for my fleet as well. We have projects constantly running, even run provisioning projects (though we're not in need), just so others have the ability to get fleet credits.

    How hard would it be to simply implement a starbase special project that takes only fleet creds (say 1000), just so people can earn fleet credits?

    But there exists "special projects" that cost other things besides fleet marks - I've seen one that wants 35 white, a handful of green, and a blue refugee in addition to fleet marks and a pile of commodities.

    Biggest problem of them all, overall, in the starbase system is that Fleet Marks are, arguably, the easiest of the inputs to collect, and, because they are the only "single use" input (can't use a fleet mark anywhere but a fleet project), everyone's rushing to offload their stocks faster than the missions will accept them.

    Commodities? From drops alone? (laughter). Everyone's supplementing their commodity needs with trips to the store.

    DOffs? I'm glad they put in those Fleet Credit DOff shops. Have yet to find the "civilian" one, though... :)

    Dilithium? Between fleets, rep projects, fleet stores, etc., this is the "most used" currency of the batch, however, it's also the most frequent bottleneck, since everyone else is always planning on using theirs for personal matters instead of the fleet. And it's not like anything really useful is priced in the "one day's refining range"...
    Detecting big-time "anti-old-school" bias here. NX? Lobi. TOS/TMP Connie? Super-promotion-box. (aka the two hardest ways to get ships) Excelsior & all 3 TNG "big hero" ships? C-Store. Please Equalize...

    To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
  • aarek1987aarek1987 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    starkaos wrote: »
    That number is greatly exaggerated considering that we only have 4 currencies, Energy Credits, Dilithium, Zen, and Gold Pressed Latinum (currency from TV series), and a bunch of tokens. For something to be a currency, it needs to have some sort of economy. Since I can't trade Reputation Marks, Fleet Marks, Lobi, or Fleet Credits to someone else, then they are not currencies.
    [kur-uhn-see, kuhr-] Show IPA
    noun, plural cur-ren-cies.
    something that is used as a medium of exchange; money.

    If you use it to buy something, anything, it is a form of currency.
  • cgreerbccgreerbc Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    desante3 wrote: »
    Just adding my 2ec for visibility, etc.

    This has become and issue for my fleet as well. We have projects constantly running, even run provisioning projects (though we're not in need), just so others have the ability to get fleet credits.

    How hard would it be to simply implement a starbase special project that takes only fleet marks (say 1000), just so people can earn fleet credits?

    I'm with you all the way. I'm a member of the Reddit fed fleet and when special projects are put up (which is very frequently), fleet mark contributions tend to fill up in a minute or two of the announcement, likewise for commodity contributions.

    I would love to see a special project that rewards something totally useless, say a single tribble or arts and crafts supplies for "We love the Captain day", in exchange for 500,000 fleet marks and little else. The only purpose of this is to allow fleet members to acquire the fleet credits they want based on their ability to get marks in the first place (CCE, SBD, etc).

    Either that or allow fleet equipment to be purchased directly for marks at the same exchange rate as the mark > credit conversion from fleet project contributions. This idea combines the store aspect of fleet items with the requisitions for rep gear.
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