Our website can be found here.
Although we are a small guild of just a few, we have accomplished much. We are always looking for more members. The guild of ShawElite has been on several games and has been around for at least 3 years. We are, and always have been and will be, a very relaxed guild. I understand and expect real life to always come first. You play when you feel like it, you should never play because you feel like you have to. That is just no fun no matter how good the game is. We are all about helping fellow guild (in this case fleet) members. Thats why we create and join alliances/fleets/guilds, to be around like minded players we can get along with and enjoy helping. Our fleet level is 4 with a starbase level of 1 and everything else started. It takes a lot to build up but we can and will succeed. For we are ShawElite!